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Публикувано09.06.02 16:42  

един интересен линк:

Е и тва е готино:
The inherent evil of the Rebel Alliance become all to clear to me when I realized that they were trying to destroy the Galaxy's greatest chance for peace and order... the Imperial Death Star.

By destroying this technological miracle, the rebels forced the continuation of a very blood civil war. I look at the Death Star in the same way I look at the nuclear arsenals of the US and the former Soviet Union.

The nuclear warheads themselves may have been designed for death and destruction, but they had the practical effect of insuring that there would be no World War II type of conflicts between the two Super Powers. Without nuclear arsenals, both powers would have felt that they could challenge the other without having to fear Armageddon. Taking into account the military strengths of the US, USSR and their respective alliances, open war would have led to the near destruction of both civilizations.

If the Empire had been allowed to keep their Death Star, I can practically gurantee you the Galaxy would have witnessed an unprecedented era of peace, order, and prosperity. No one should forget Peter Cushing's quote from A New Hope
"Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station." From this statement we can infer that the Empire had no intention of jumping around and vaporizing any planet it came across. No- the Death Star was constructed with the intention of convincing local rabble rousers to stop utilizing violent methods to gain what they wanted. Once they realized the hopelessness of going up against the Imperial military, they would be forced to go through legal channels to institute change instead of spilling the blood of any innocent person who stood in their way.

I know that there will be some people who would still refuse to recognize the legitimacy of my claims. They would probably argue that the "evil" tendencies of the Empire were demonstrated when they blew Alderaan, a planet with a seemingly peaceful populace who possess "no weapons". I have to strongly disagree with this theory; only by destroying a planet could the Empire demonstrate it's ultimate dedication to the rule of law and the ideals of peace.

First, remember that the Death Star was to supposed to intimidate enemies. The Empire had to demonstrate that the battle station was operational or many people would probably dismiss the Death Star as some huge hoax designed to trick them into setting aside their unlawful activities. The target planet obvioulsy had to boast a significant population or these same disbelieving troublemakers would assume that the Empire didn't have the guts to use it on inhabited systems. These troublemakers would then try and use native populations to act as living shileds in the mistaken assumption that the Empire would not attack them.* This would have obviously have led to even more bloodshed when the Empire would have been forced to turn the devistating power of the Death Star against densely populated worlds. The ruthlessness of it's opponents, not the Empire's "evil", dicated that it had to destroy an inhabited planet. Only by doing this, could the Emperor and his military hope to end the bloodshed which was tearing apart civilized worlds. It could be argued that Peter Cushing's decision to destroy Alderaan was the single most humanitarian decision made in the history of the galaxy. Of course, no matter how noble this decision was, it was rendered meaningless when Luke Skywalker destoryed the ultimate tool of peace. Not only did this allow the war to continue, it likely enouraged even more people to use violence, by making the Empire appear to be vulnerable. Great job Luke.

*Anyone who doubts that the Rebel Scum would stoop so low really needs to rewatchReturn of the Jed. In that movie the Rebel Alliance's willingness to exploit native peoples for their own ends is well documented. Almost as soon as the Rebel scum showed up on Endor they began inciting the native teddy bear population. Consider the actions of the two opposing political factions on Endor:

The Rebel Alliance actively (and successfully) sought to engage a gullible native population into participating in a conflict which did not even involve them. Think about it: what could the natives possibly gain by attacking the Empire? Nothing. In fact, if the natives had not attacked, in all likelyhood the Empire would have vacated Endor soon after the second Death Star was completed. There were basically two outcomes which could have resulted from attacking the Empire:

1) The natives and the Rebels win and drive the Empire off the planet. This seems fairly pointless since the Empire, as I have already pointed out, would be gone within several months after their work was finished. The only thing gained from this first option would be to speed up the already inevitable Imperial departure but at the cost of sacrificing many members of their own community.

2) The natives and the Rebels lose. If this had occured then you can bet the Empire would not be feeling charitable towards the natives who had seemingly attacked them for no reason at all. Considering the Empire's extreme dedication to law and order, the best the natives could possibly hope for would be being shipped off planet and used for forced labor. Not an attractive option.

The teddy bears were tricked into sacrificing many of their own lives so that the Rebels could carry out thier irrational jihad against the Empire. Not only were these actions despicable, the methods they used to coerce the teddy bears were monstrous. Showing total disrespect towards the beliefs of the native population, the Rebels allowed the teddy bears to believe that a simple droid was one of their gods. This hauntingly parallels the actions of David Koresh who lead his flock to believe he was the second coming of Christ, only to lead them to their fiery and agonizing deaths.

Now let us consider the actions of the Empire. Every action the Empire took on Endor seems to reflect their nobility. At no time during the movie was the audience given any reason to believe that the Empire had any intetion of exploiting Endor and it's native population. Did the audience ever see tons of mining, or logging equipment near the Imperial base which would indicate the Empire was planning to strip mine, or deforest the entire planet? I sure as heck didn't: the empire was there for one reason only- to build the Death Star. After it was completed, they would have departed quietely and respectfully. Was the Imperial base decorated with teddy bear hides, which would indicate that the Imperials were engaging in barbaric hunting activities against sentient beings? Nope. The Imperial base was drab and low profile. The envirnoment around the base certainly didn't look the worse for wear either, which goes to show that the Empire was just as concerned for the native ecosystem as it was for senteint natives. Now me (unlike Emperor Palpatine), before I even began building a base, I would have brough in a small fleet and would have ordered it to rain down destruction on a 100 mile area around the building site. This would have leveled the ground and removed any vegitation which could have covered up the presence up Rebel terrorists. The Empire did not do this (much to it's detriment) because they respected all life, no matter how primitive and sickeningly cute it was. I wish I could say the same for the Rebels.

Това е от тук: http://www.europa-universalis.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38269&

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