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Тема Грешки в STAR WARS
Автор Mlka (jedi-master)
Публикувано20.07.01 13:18  

така и така ги изрових за една тема във фантастика реших да ги пусна и тук

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford)

When the stormtroopers break into the control room, watch very carefully and you will be able to see a storm trooper nearly render himself unconscious by smacking his head off a door frame.

After Darth Vader kills Ben, there's a shot from the docking bay towards him. They forgot to colour in his lightsabre.

After Luke destroys the Death Star and is getting out of his fighter, Leia runs over and he shouts "Carrie!" instead of Leia. [This has been confirmed by George Lucas as what Mark Hamill actually shouted. However, he said that because the scene involved so many extras, he went with it because it's not that obvious and would have taken too long to reorganise.]

When everyone is getting in fighters for the final battle, they all have white helmets with blue insignias. However, they aren't wearing them when they're flying.

When Obi-wan and Luke are watching the hologram of Princess Leia projected onto a small table, the objects on the table change position and number in each shot.

When Luke and his uncle buy C3-P0 and a white-and-red R5-D4 robot from the Jawas, the R5 unit blows up after travelling a few feet. There's a quick shot of R2-D2 back at the Jawa's transporter, and behind it you can see the same white-and-red R5-D4 unit being set up by the Jawas.

Just after the scene where R2-D2 is riding shotgun on Luke's X-Wing fighter and is hit by a shot from Darth Vader, there's a shot of C3-PO standing beside Leia in the rebel HQ, and the dent on C3-PO's head is on the right side (it's on the left side throughout the rest of the movie).

If you watch in slow-mo right before Han Solo shoots the bounty hunter named Greedo, you can see that Greedo has been replaced with a faker looking goofy dummy just before he explodes.

Not a mistakes, just something to look for: the first time Chewie gets into the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon, he hits his head on a small set of dice.
[Special Edition] In the scene where Luke and Leia swings across the missing bridge, a number of the shots fired by Leia are "bangs" instead of the laser "zap" sound. The bang is probably from the prop gun used (it shot blanks) and was never dubbed over.

When Luke is eating with his uncle and aunt, the cup he's drinking from keeps switching hands. (Due to the negative being reversed in post production.)
When Luke and R2 are doing the trench run, a tie shots at Luke and blows the top of R2's head off. But in the next scene R2's top is on again.

If you watch Leia while they're in the garbage compactor, her belt, at various points, has fallen down around her thigh. It moves from her thigh to her waist (depending on the camera angle) during the whole scene.
You can see the arm of the crane used to lower the torture device through the door when it is going into Leia's room.

On the Jawa's transporter, when R2 looks around in one of the shots, you can very clearly see the person who is inside R2 through his little eye hole.

In the cantina, when Han Solo is talking to Luke and Obi-wan, he says he "made the 'Kessel' run in less than xxxx parsecs." He is referring to parsecs as a measurement of time. A parsec is a measure of distance, just like a light-year. (A parsec is approx. 2.6 light-years across). [One of the books (which are always accurate) says that the space around Kessel is made up of black holes. The safest thing is to go around, but Han is referring to his skill as a pilot and speed of the Falcon, because he was able to go through the middle with as little distance out of the way as possible. Alternatively, it's because Han is just blagging it].
During the scene when Obi Wan is sneaking around the imperial ship, a group of stormtroopers march by in a close group. One of the troopers is losing his armour and is attempting to hold it on.

When the four heroes are in the garbage compactor and Luke gets sucked under by the water creature there is only a foot to a foot and a half of water in there. Luke should have at least been able to stick his arm up for Han to grab. Even if he didn't Han should have been able to find Luke a lot quicker than he did.
When Luke and Han and Chewie and Ben and the droids are in the control room Luke says "but she's going to execute her," watch closely: his mouth doesn't move for half the sentence.

When Darth Vader and Ben are fighting, Darth's chestplate is on backwards.
Luke is on the Millennium Falcon practising with the floating orb. When he is done, he goes to shut off his light sabre and he moves to the right when it cuts out.
When Vader and Tarkin learn that Leia has lied about the location of the Rebel base, we hear Darth say "I told you she would never consciously betray the rebellion." There is a pause and Vader continues to move. An obvious dubbing error.

All the dialogue when Han is on the console talking to some of the commanders was all ad lib, Harrison thought it would sound more natural.
In the cantina with Luke getting hassled by thugs, Obi Wan swipes his lightsabre horizontally but the bad guy's arm is cut off at an angle that could only have happened with a vertical chop.

In the original widescreen version, during a long shot of a loading bay in the Death Star, you can see a crew member walk just into shot on one side of the screen, stop, look up, and back out again.

Luke says "Prisoner transfer from block 1138" on the Death Star.
Special Edition: When Luke and Obi-Wan are arriving in Mos Eisley to find a pilot, the Ronto in the background throws the Jawa riding him to the floor. When the Jawa falls to the ground a puff of dust is seen and a thud is heard, but look closely - he never actually hits the ground.

A lot of the techno-goodies were borrowed from "Dune" (the book, not the movie). The flying needle device, the fight training ball used by the Jedi are examples, and there is even a reference early on about a "spice freighter". These are all direct lifts from the first "Dune" novel.

In the garbage crushing facility, when the walls are coming in, you see them with about 15 feet space, then it zooms to the actors, they talk for about 5 seconds, and then it zooms out again with still 15 feet of space. The walls are coming in for about a minute. At the rate they were moving, they should have been crushed in around 20 seconds.

The Stormtrooper guns are actually British Sterling submachine guns.
Han Solo's gun is a Mauser pistol (Schnellfeuer model), a copy of which was used in the Chinese Army.

Lightsabres are made out of a selection of camera parts - apparently you can get the schematics for them somewhere on the internet, and make your own. NO, I haven't got the faintest idea where to look. However, I have heard that the right camera parts are very hard to get hold of, because firstly they were around in the 70's/80's, and also because Star Wars fans keep buying them.

If you compare the battle between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan in this one to the battle in Episode 1, this fight seems very slow and careful. There's a couple of reasons for this - partly, while David Prowse got replaced by an expert sword fighter (Darth Vader was played by, in total, about 5 or 6 people for different things like stunts, voice, etc.), Alec Guinness had to stay himself, and he probably wasn't capable of leaping all over the place. However, more important is the fact that the lit up blades of the lightsabres in Episode 4 were made of wooden doweling (not unlike a broom handle) and if they hit them together, they snapped. These were replaced in the subsequent films with much stronger carbon fibre rods (similar to fishing rods) which explains the ferocity of the lightsabre duels in the later films. The motor within the handle spun the blade which was wrapped in reflective tape, creating the flickering effect. This only showed up when the lighting used was at the right angle. Thus during the Ben / Vader duel it explains why their lightsabres disappear at various points when they point the blade almost directly at the camera.

The first time that Luke plays Leia's message from R2-D2, he jumps back (which looks fine), but C3PO flinches and slips off the little 4" or 5" ledge between him and R2.

In the wide screen version, after Luke, Han, Chewy, Obi-Wan and the droids come out of the hidden cargo bins in the Falcon, Obi-Wan says "Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows him." Then he tries to lift himself out of the bin...it looks as if he doesn't quite have the strength to do it - he puts his arms on the side, exerts a bit of pressure, and waits for the cut.

Obi-Wan goes out of his way to make disparaging comments about the marksmanship of Tatooine's Sand People, saying, "These blast marks are far too accurate for Sand People. Only imperial Stormtroopers are so precise." Apparently Sand People's shooting skills have deteriorated since the days of Episode I, when they would line the cliffs around the Boonta Classic Pod Race and pick off speeding pod racers on the valley floor below with single shots from their primitive projectile rifles....

When Luke and Obi Wan are going to the Falcon after selling Luke's speeder, they walk past a few aliens and robots. If you look at the head of a white robot at the right of the screen you can see wires which are controlling it.

When Obi Wan de-activates the Death Star's force field, there's a electronic gauge going down and a sign in clear English with the word POWER - as we've seen in shuttles and other places, they don't use English...

Towards the end of the film, the death stars rounds the planet towards the moon in order to destroy it. The movie continually reverts back to the death star where a commander informs us of the time until the death star is in range of the rebel base. It will then show the panel with the death star's co-ordinates and how long until contact. However, it does not count down in minutes, it counts down in seconds. E.g the commander will say "40 minutes till contact" yet the screen will start at 40 seconds and count down, 39, 38, 37. Regardless of whether or not they use the same time system as us, the time would have run out far too quickly.
Right at the end of the film after Leia has given Luke and Han their metals they all turn to face the audience. A man appears behind Leia for one shot then disappears.

When Luke and Obi-Wan are talking to Chewbacca in the cantina and Obi-Wan has to "protect" Luke, shouldn't the arm that is shown on the ground after Obi-Wan chops it off have no blood on it? If indeed light-sabres are some sort of laser, then it would cauterise as it cuts, thus leaving no trace of blood.

When they power-up the Death Star, the control panel is a Grass Valley switcher, production equipment which is still prevalent in television stations everywhere.
When Luke sees the holograph of Princess Leia for the first time, and says, "Who is she, she's beautiful," Mark Hamill's hair is rather tousled. In the next shot of him, it's neatly combed. Then, when he gets up and says, "Well I don't know anyone named Obi-Wan...," his hair is tousled again!

When you first see the Millennium Falcon, it is in the hangar. If you look close enough, you can see that only half of the ship is there. This is because it was too expensive to build a full scaled model.

When Luke has been knocked unconscious by the Sand People and Obi-Wan appears and scares them off, there's a shot of Luke lying there and one of his sleeves is in disarray, halfway up his arm. But when Obi-Wan checks his pulse, he does it right through a fully-covered-by-the-sleeve wrist.

In one closeup external shot of the Death Star, where groups of Tie fighters are flying around the Death Star from right to left, one group of four joins the fleet then disappears midshot.

The microphone on Red Leader's helmet switches from one side of his face to the other, then back again as he pulls out of the Death Star trench (just before he crashes).

During the final battle at the Death Star, nearly every time Darth Vader is shown in his ship's cockpit, the actor's (presumably David Prowse's) eyes are visible through his helmet's lenses. It seems that in this movie, but not the two following it, red lenses were used on the helmet, and the red light of his cockpit causes a transparent effect, showing an unscarred actor instead of the deformed Anakin.
After the droids land in the desert C3-PO has a streak of oil running down his left shoulder. A couple of scenes later when he is walking after he splits up from R2-D2 there is a long shot of him and he still has the streak on his left shoulder. There is an immediate close up and the streak switches to the right shoulder.

After our heroes escape from the Death Star and defeat the TIE fighters sent to pursue them, Leia tells Han, "They're tracking us. It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape." If she knows the empire is tracking the Falcon, why then does she fly straight to the secret rebel base, thereby leading the Death Star right to it? Why not go to some other location, transfer to a different ship (with no homing beacon), and then go to Yavin undetected?

Just after the creature lets Luke go, Leia says, "It could be worse." In the next shot (after the compactor makes its first sound), Luke can clearly be seen saying, "What's that?", but his question has been edited out.

When Han, Luke, Chewy and Leia are in the garbage compactor, Leia reaches and grabs a metal pole to brace the walls before she or anyone else knows that the walls will begin to close in on them.

Since Star Wars has nothing to do with Earth, and no earth animals are ever seen or mentioned, where does the name Millennium Falcon come from?
In the final battle, the leader of the fighters (not the group that was to blow up the Death Star, but the leader of Luke's group), got killed. Then it goes back to the home base where Leia, CP30, etc are watching the action and you hear a transmission from that leader.

If you look carefully during the prison escape you can see a few pieces of brass shell casings falling from the "blaster" rifles. Depending on how well your tape heads work in your VCR, you may be able to hit the pause/slow button and see the breach open on Han's gun as well, but if it hasn't been cleaned the sides of the guns are too blurred to see the bolt coming back.

In the scene where the "torture" robot goes to get information from the princess, if you look carefully on the side of the syringe you will read monoject, which is an American hypodermic syringe manufacturer.

When Luke and Obi-wan walk into the bar in Mos Eisley, there is an alien without a brain. As the scenes jump around showing different creatures you see a small creature squealing to the bartender for a drink. For a few seconds, you can look into his left eye and see out of his right eye.

Luke dives into the hole and then Han dives in right after him. Later, after Han fires his laser and it ricochets all over the place, Luke says "I already tried it it's magnetically sealed." There wasn't nearly enough time for Luke to have landed and made the decision to fire his laser. Even if he did, Han would have no doubt been hit by the laser when he came down.

In the scene where Luke and Leia are about to swing across the canyon inside the Death Star, Leia shots one last time. She hits the stormtrooper on the left square in the chest. But it's the stormtrooper on the right that drops.

When Leia shoots a hole in the detention area wall for their escape, the hole is not big enough to jump through, but when they all jump in, the hole is much bigger.

When C3-P0 is getting into the oil bath inside the garage and is talking to Luke, as Anthony Daniels had restricted vision from wearing C3-P0's helmet, you can see Luke walk across the room, and C3-P0 doesn't see this and continues talking in the opposite direction to where Luke is.

The reason why C3-P0 lets R2-D2 go in front of him as they enter the Skywalker's residence right after being purchased from the Jawas, is because the set guy operating R2-D2 by radio control kept on hitting C3-P0 from behind and pushing him down the stairs, so in the final shot, C3-P0 suddenly steps to the side, waves R2-D2 past, and the shot cuts out right before R2-D2 goes flying down the stairs.
When C-3PO is on the Conveyor belt in the Jawas transport vehicle, if you look in the reflection in his head you can see the camera crew.

For this one, you will need a LETTERBOX copy that is NOT the special edition. In the final award scene, there is a long shot of Luke, Han, and Chewie walking through rows and rows of Rebel Troopers. If you look quickly, the troopers on both ends of the screen are cardboard cutouts. They are cropped off in the Pan and Scan version, and digitised in the special edition, so its got to be the right copy to see this mistake.


нема мое нема твое...

Цялата тема
* Грешки в STAR WARS Mlka   20.07.01 13:18
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. * Re: Грешки в STAR WARS пopaзявaщaтa pъka   24.07.01 12:40
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