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Тема ...and this one :))) [re: Meдapko]
Автор J_Council (The Ancient)
Публикувано17.07.01 16:23  

TITLE CARD : A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

A vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the main title, followed by a roll up, which crawls up into infinity.


Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlaying star systems is in dispute.

Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo.

While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict.....

PAN DOWN to reveal a small space cruiser heading TOWARD CAMERA at great speed. PAN with the cruiser as it heads towardthe beautiful green planet of Naboo, which is surrounded by hundreds of Trade Federation battleships.


In the cockpit of the cruise, the CAPTAIN and PILOT maneuver closer to one of the battleships.

QUI-GON : (off screen voice) Captain.

The Captain turns to an unseen figure sitting behind her.

CAPTAIN : Yes, sir?

QUI-GON : (V.O) Tell them we wish to board at once.

CAPTAIN : Yes, sir.

The CAPTAIN looks to her view screen, where NUTE GUNRAY, a Neimoidian trade viceroy, waits for a reply.

CAPTAIN : (cont'd) With all due respect for the Trade Federation, the Ambassodors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately.

NUTE : Yes, yes, of coarse...ahhh...as you know, our blockade is perfectly legal, and we'd be happy to recieve the Ambassador...Happy to.

The screen goes black. Out the cockpit window, the sinister battleship looms ever closer.


The small space cruiser docks in the enormous main bay of the Federation battleship.


A PROTOCOL DROID, TC-14, waits at the door to the docking bay. Two WORKER DROIDS, PK-4 and EG-9 watch.

PK-4 : They must be important if the Viceroy sent one of those useless protocol gearheads to greet them.

The door opens, and the Republic cruiser can be seen in the docking bay. Two darkly robed figures are greeted by TC-14.

TC-14 : I'm TC-14 at your service. This way, please.

They move off down the hallway.

EG-9 : A Republic cruiser! That's trouble...don't you think?

PR-4 : I'm not made to think.


A door slides open, and the two cloaked shapes are led PAST CAMERA into the formal conference room by TC-14.

TC-14 : I hope you honoured sirs with the most comfortable here. My master will be with you shortly.

The droid bows before OBI-WAN KENOBI and QUI- GON JINN. He backs out the door and it closes. The JEDI lower their hoods and look out a large window at the lush green planet of Naboo. QUI-GON sixty years old, has long white hair in a ponytail. He is tall and striking, with blue eyes. OBI-WAN is twenty five, with very short brown hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. Several exotic, bird-like creatures SING in a cage near the door.

OBI-WAN : I have a bad feeling about this.

QUI-GON : I don't sense anything.

OBI-WAN : It's not about the mission, Master, it's somethging...elsewhere...elusive.

QUI-GON : Don't center on your anxiety, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs.

OBI-WAN : Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future...

QUI-GON : .....but not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the living Force, my young Padawan.

OBI-WAN : Yes, Master...how do you think the trade viceroy will deal with the chancellor's demands?

QUI-GON : These Federation types are cowards. The negotiations will be short.


NUTE GUNRAY and DAULTRAY DOFINE stand, stunned, before TC-14.

NUTE : (shaken) What?!? What did you say?

TC-14 : The Ambassadors are Jedi Knights, I believe.

DOFINE : I knew it! They were sent to force a settlement, eh. Blind me, we're done for!


A hologram of NUTE , surrounded by BATTLE DROIDS, appears in the conference room hallway.

NUTE : They must be dead by now. Blast, what's left of them.

The hologram fades off, as a BATTLE DROID, OWO-1, cautiously opens the door. A deadly green cloud billows from the room. BATTLE DROIDS cock their weapons as a figure stumbles out of the smoke. It is TC-14 , carrying the tray of drinks.

TC14 : Oh, excuse me, so sorry.

The PROTOCOL DROID passes the armed camp just as two flashing laser swords fly out of the deadly fog, cutting down several BATTLE DROIDS before they can fire.


The bridge is a cocophony of alarms. NUTE and RUNE watch OWO-1 on the viewscreen.

OWO-1 : Not sure exactly what...

OWO-1 is suddenly cut in half in mid-sentence. RUNE gives NUTE a worried look.

NUTE : What in blazes is going on down there?

RUNE : Have you ever encountered a Jedi Knight before, sir?

NUTE : Well, not exactly, but I don't...(panicked) Seal off the bridge.

RUNE : That won't be enough, sir.

The doors to the bridge SLAM shut.

NUTE : I want destroyer droids up here at once!!!

RUNE : We will not survive this.


QUI-GON cuts several BATTLE DROIDS in half, creating a shower of sparks and metal parts. OBI-WAN raises his hand, sending several BATTLE DROIDS crashing into the wall.

QUI-GON makes his way to the bridge door and begins to cut through it.


The CREW is very nervous as sparks start flying around the bridge door. QUI-GON and OBI-WAN are on the view screen.

NUTE : Close the blast doors!!!

The huge, very thick blast door slams shut, followed by a second door, then a third. There is a hissing sound as the huge doors seal shut. QUI-GON tabs the door with his sword. The screen goes black as a red spot appears in the center of the blast door.

RUNE : ...They're still coming through!

On the door, chunks of molten metal begin to drop away.

NUTE : Impossible!! This is impossible!!

RUNE : Where are those destroyer droids?!


Ten ugly destroyer WHEEL DROIDS roll down the hallway at full speed. Just before they get to the bridge area, they stop and transform into their battle configuration. QUI-GON can't see them but senses their presence.

QUI-GON : Destroyer droids!

OBI-WAN : Offhand, I'd say this mission is past the negotiaion stage.

The WHEEL DROIDS, led by P-59, rush the entry area from three hallways, blasting away with their laser guns. They stop firing and stand in a semi-circle as the smoke clears. OBI-WAN and QUI-GON are nowhere to be seen.

P-59 : Switch to bio...There they are!

The Jedi materialize at the far end of the hallway and dash through the doorway that slams shut. The WHEEL DROIDS blast away at the two JEDI with their laser swords.

OBI-WAN : They have shield generators!

QUI-GON : It's a standoff! Let's go!


NUTE and RUNE stand on the bridge, watching the view screen as the WHEEL DROIDS' POV speeds to the doorway.

RUNE : We have them on the run, sir...they're no match for destroyer droids.

TEY HOW : Sir, they've gone up the ventilation shaft.


QUI-GON and OBI-WAN appear at a large vent in a giant hanger bay. They are careful not to be seen. Thousands of BATTLE DROIDS are loading onto landing craft.

QUI-GON : Battle droids.

OBI-WAN : It's an invisible army.

QUI-GON : It's an odd play for the Trade Federation. We've got to warn the Naboo and contact Chancellor Valorum. Let's split up. Stow aboard separate ships and meet down on the planet.

OBI-WAN : You were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short.


TEY HOW recieves a transmission.

TEY HOW : Sir, a transmission from the planet.

RUNE : It's Queen Amidala herself.

NUTE : At last we're getting results.

On the view screen, QUEEN AMIDALA appears in her throne room. Wearing her elaborate headdress and robes, she sits, surrounded by the GOVERNING COUNCIL and FOUR HANDMAIDENS, EIRTAE, YANE, RABE, and SACHE.

NUTE : (cont'd) Again you come before me, Your highness. The Federation is pleased.

AMIDALA : You will not be pleased when you hear what I have to say, Viceroy...Your trade boycott of our planet has ended.

NUTE smirks at RUNE.

NUTE : I was not aware of such a failure.

AMIDALA : I have word that the Senate is finally voting on this blockade of yours.

NUTE : I take it you know the outcome. I wonder why they bother to vote.

AMIDALA : Enough of this pretense, Viceroy! I'm aware the Chancellor's Ambassadors are with you now, and that you have beencommanded to reach a settlement.

NUTE : I know nothing about any Ambassadors...you must be mistaken.

AMIDALA, surprised at his reaction, studies him carefully.

AMIDALA : Beware, Viceroy....the Federation is going too far this time.

NUTE : Your Highness, we would never do anything without the approval of the Senate. You assume too much.

AMIDALA : We will see.

The QUEEN fades off, and the view screen goes black.

RUNE : She's right, the Senate will never....

NUTE : It's too late now.

RUNE : Do you think she suspects an attack?

NUTE : I don't know, but we must move quickly to disrupt all communications down there.


The QUEEN, EIRTAE, SACHE and her Governor, SIO BIBBLE, stand before a hologram of SENATOR PALPATINE, a thin, kindly man.

PALPATINE : ...How could that be true? I have assurances from the Chancellor...his Ambassaodrs did arrive. It must be the...get...negotiate...

The hologram of PALPATIONE sputters and fades away.

AMIDALA : Senator Palpatine?!? (turns to Panaka) What's happening?


CAPT. PANAKA : Check the transmission generators...

BIBBLE : A malfunction?

CAPT. PANAKA : It could be the Federation jamming us. Your Highness.

BIBBLE : A communications disruption can only mean one thing. Invasion.

AMIDALA : Don't jump to conclusions, Governor. The Federation would not dare go that far.

CAPT. PANAKA : The Senate would revoke their trade franchise, and they'd be finished.

AMIDALA : We must continue to rely on negotiation.

BIBBLE : Negotiation? We've lost all communications!...and where atre the Chancellors Ambassadors? How can we negotiate? We must prepare to defend ourselves.

CAPT. PANAKA : This is a dangerous situation, Your Highness. Our security volunteers will be no match against a battle-hardened Federation army.

AMIDALA : I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.


Six landing craft fly in formation toward the surface of the planet Naboo.


Three landing craft slowly descend through the cloud cover of the perpetually gray twilight side of the planet. One by one, the Federation warships land in the eerie swamp.

OBI-WAN's head emerges from the mud of a shallow lake. For in the background, the activities of the invasion force can be seen in the mist. OBI-WAN takes several deep breaths, then dissapears again under the muddy swamp. Troop Transports (MTT's) emerge from the landing craft.


The droid invasion force moves out of the swamp and onto a grassy plain. OOM-9, in his tank, looks out over the vast ARMY marching across the rolling hills. A small hologram of RUNE and NUTE stands on the tank.

RUNE : ...and there is no trace of the Jedi. They may have gotton onto one of your landing craft.

OOM-9 : If they are down here, sir, we'll find them. We are moving out of the swamp and are marching on the cities. We are meeting no resistance.

NUTE : Excellent.


QUI-GON runs through the strange landscape, glancing back to see the monstrous troop transports, emerging from the mist. Animals begin to run past him in a panic.

An odd, frog-like Gungan, JAR JAR INKS, squats holding a clam he has retrieved from the murky swamp. The shell pops open. JAR JAR's greta tongue snaps out and grabs the clam, swallowing it in one gulp.

JAR JAR looks up and sees QUI-GON and the other creatures running like the wind toward him. One of the huge MTT's bears down on the JEDI like a charging locomotive. JAR JAR stands transfixed, still holding the clam shell in one hand.

JAR JAR : Oh, noooooooooo!

JAR JAR drops the shell and grabs onto QUI-GON as he passes. The JEDI is caught by surprise.

JAR JAR : (Cont'd) Hey, help me! Help me!!

QUI-GON : Let go!

The machine is about tp crush them as QUI-GON drags JAR JAR behind him. Just as the transport is about to hit them, QUI-GON drops, and JAR JAR goes splat into the mud with him. The transport races overhead.

QUI-GON and JAR JAR pull themselves out of the mud. They stand watching the war machine dissapear into the mist. JAR JAR grabs QUI-GON and hugs him.

JAR JAR : Oyi, mooie-mooie! I luv yous!

The frog-like creature kisses the JEDI.

QUI-GON : Are you brainless? You almost got us killed!

JAR JAR : I spake.

QUI-GON : The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now get outta here!

QUI-GON starts to move off, and JAR JAR follows.

JAR JAR : No...no! Mesa stay...Mesa yous humble servaunt.

QUI-GON : That wont be necessary.

JAR JAR : Oh boot tis! Tis demunded byda guds. Tis a live debett, tis. Mesa culled Jaja Binkss.

In the distance, two STAPS burst out of the mist at high speed, chasing OBI-WAN.

QUI-GON : I have no time for this now...

JAR JAR : Say what?

The two STAPS barrell down on OBI-WAN.

JAR JAR : (cont'd) Oh, nooooo! Weesa ganna....

QUI-GON throws JAR JAR into the mud.

QUI-GON : Stay down!

His head pops up.

JAR JAR : ...dieeee!

The two troops fire laser bolts at OBI-WAN. QUI-GON deflects the bolts back, and the STAPS blow up. One-two. OBI-WAN is exhausted and tries to catch his breath.

OBI-WAN : Sorry, Master, the water fried my weapon.

OBI-WAN pulls out his burnt laser sword handle. QUI-GON inspects it, as JAR JAR pulls himself out of the mud.

QUI-GON : You forgot to turn your power off again, didn't you?

OBI-WAN nods sheeplishly.

QUI-GON : (cont'd) It won't take long to recharge, but this is a lesson I hope you've learned, my young Padawan.

OBI-WAN : Yes, Master.

JAR JAR : Yousa
sav-ed my again, hey?

OBI-WAN : What's this?

QUI-GON : A local. Let's go, before more of those droids show up.

JAR JAR : Mure? Mure did you spake??!?

OBI-WAN and QUI-GON start to run. JAR JAR tries to keep up.

JAR JAR : (cont'd) Ex-squeeze me, but da moto grande safe place would be Otoh Gunga. Tis where I grew up...Tis safe city.

They all stop.

QUI-GON : A city! (JAR JAR nods his head) Can you take us there?

JAR JAR : Ahhh, will...on second taut...no, not willy.

QUI-GON : No??!

JAR JAR : Iss embarrissing, boot... My afrai my've bean banished. My forgoten der Bosses would do terrible tings to my. Terrible tings if my goen back dare.

A PULSATING SOUND is heard in the distance.

QUI-GON : You hear that?

JAR JAR shakes his head yes.

QUI-GON : (cont'd) That's the sound of a thousand terrible things heading this way...

OBI-WAN : When they find us, they will crush us, grind us into little pieces, then blast us into oblivion!

JAR JAR : Oh! Yousa point is well seen. Dis way! Hurry!

JAR JAR turns and runs into the swamp.


QUI-GON, OBI-WAN and JAR JAR run into a murky lake and stop as JAR JAR tries to catch his breath. The TRANSPORTS ARE HEARD in the distance.

QUI-GON : Much farther?

JAR JAR : Wesa goen underwater, okeyday?

QUI-GON and OBI-WAN pull out small capsule from their utility belts that turn into breathing masks.

JAR JAR : (cont'd) My warning yous. Gungans no liken outlaunders. Don't expict a wern welcome.

OBI-WAN : Don't worry, this has not been our day for warm welcomes.

JAR JAR jumps, does a double somersault with a twist, and dives into the water.

Breath masks on, QUI-GON and OBI-WAN wade in after him.


QUI-GON and OBI-WAN swim behind JAR JAR, who is very much at home in the water. Down they swim into murky depths. In the distance the glow of Otoh Gunga, an underwater city made up of large bubbles, becomes more distinct.

They approach the strange, art nouveau habitat. JAR JAR swims magically through one of the bubble membranes, which seals behind him. OBI-WAN and QUI-GON follow.


GUNGANS in the square scatter when they see the strange JEDI. Four GUARDS armed with long electro-poles ride two-legged KAADUS into the square. The GUARDS, led by CAPTAIN TARPALS, point their lethal poles at the dripping trio.

JAR JAR : Heyo-dalee, Cap'n Tarpals, Mesa back!

CAPT. TARPALS : Noah gain, Jar Jar. Yousa goen tada Bosses. Yousa in big dudu this time.

CAPT. TARPALS gives JAR JAR a slight zap with his power pole. JAR JAR jumps and moves off, followed by the two JEDI.

JAR JAR : How wude.


The Bosses' Board Room has bubble walls, with small lighted fish swimming around outside like moving stars. A long circular judge's bench filled with GUNGAN OFFICIALS dominates the room. OBI-WAN and QUI-GON stand facing BOSS NASS, who sits on a bench higher than the others.

BOSS NASS : Yousa cannot bees hair. Dis army of mackineeks up dare tis new weesong!

QUI-GON : That droid army is about to attack the Naboo. We must warn them.

BOSS NASS : Wesa no like da Naboo! Un dey no like uss-ens. Da Naboo tink day so smarty den us-ens. Day tink day brains so big.

OBI-WAN : After those droids take control of the surface, they will come here and take control of you.

BOSS NASS : No, mesa no tink so. Mesa scant talkie witda Naboo, and no nutten talkie it outlaunders. Dos mackineeks no comen here! Dey not know of uss-en.

OBI-WAN : You and the Naboo form a symbiont circle. What happens to noe of you will affect the other. You must understand this.

BOSS NASS : Wesa wish no nutten in yousa tings, outlaunder, and wesa no care-n about da Naboo.

QUI-GON : (waves his hand) Then speed us on our way.

BOSS NASS : Wesa gonna speed yousaway.

QUI-GON : We need a transport.

BOSS NASS : Wesa give yousa una bongo. Da speedest way tooda Naboo tis goen through da core. Now go.

QUI-GON : Thank you for your help. We go in peace.

QUI-GON and OBI-WAN turn to leave.

OBI-WAN : Master, whats a bongo?

QUI-GON : A transport, I hope.

The JEDI notice JAR JAR in chains to one side, waiting to hear his verdict. QUI-GON stops. JAR JAR gives him a forlorn look.

JAR JAR : Daza setten yous up. Goen through da planet core is bad bombin!!

QUI-GON : Thank you, my friend.

JAR JAR : Ahhh...any hep hair would be hot.

JAR JAR's soulful look is counterpointed by a sheepish grin.

OBI-WAN : We are short of time, Master.

QUI-GON : We'll need a navigator to get us through the planet's core. This Gungan my be of help.

QUI-GON walks bact to BOSS NASS.

QUI-GON : (cont'd) What is to become of Jar Jar Binks here?

BOSS NASS : Binkss brokeen the nocombackie law. Hisen to be pune-ished.

QUI-GON : He has been a great help to us. I hope the punishment will not be too severe.

BOSS NASS : Pounded unto death.

JAR JAR : (grimacing) Oooooh...Ouch!

OBI-WAN looks concerned. QUI-GON is thinking.

QUI-GON : We need a navigator to get us through the planet's core. I have saved Jar Jar Binks' life. He owes me what you call a "life.debt."

BOSS NASS : Binks. Yousa havena liveplay with thisen hisen?

JAR JAR nods and joins the JEDI. QUI-GON waves his hand.

QUI-GON : Your gods demand that his life belongs to me now.

BOSS NASS : Hisen live tis yos, outlauder. Begone wit him.

JAR JAR : Count mesa outta dis! Better dead here, den deader in da core...Yee guds, whata mesa sayin?!


A strange little submarine propels itself away from the Otoh Gunga, leaving the glow of the settlement in the distance.


OBI-WAN in the co-pilots seat, JAR JAR guides the craft.

JAR JAR : Dis is nusen.

OBI-WAN : Master, why do you keep dragging these pathetic life forms along with us?...Here, take over.

JAR JAR : Hey, ho? Where wesa goen??

QUI-GON : You're the navigator.

JAR JAR : Yo dreamen mesa hopen...,br QUI-GON : Just relax, the Force will guide us...

JAR JAR : Ooooh, maxibig..."da Force"...Wellen, dat smells stinkowiff.

JAR JAR veers the craft to the left and turns the lights on. The coral vistas are grand, fantastic, and wonderous.

OBI-WAN : Why were you banished, Jar Jar?

JAR JAR : Tis a long tale, buta small part wawdabe mesa...ooooh...aaaa.....clumsy.

OBI-WAN : They banished you because you're clumsy?

As the little sub glides into the planet core, a large dark shape begins to follow.

JAR JAR : Mesa cause-ed mabee one or duey lettal bitty axadentes...yud-say boom da gasser, un crash Der Bosses heyblibber...den banished.

Suddenly there is a loud CRASH, and the little craft lurches to one side. QUI-GON looks around and sees a huge, lumimnous OPEE SEA KILLER has hooked them with its long gooey tongue.

QUI-GON : Full speed ahead.

Instead of full ahead, JAR JAR jams the controls into reverse. The sub flies into the mouth of the creature.

JAR JAR : Oooops.

OBI-WAN : Give me the controls.

OBI-WAN takes over the controls and the OPEE SEA KILLER instantly releases the sub from its mouth.

JAR JAR : Wesa free!

As the sub zooms away they see a larger set of jaws, munching on the hapless KILLER. The jaws belong to the incredible SANDO AQUA MONSTER. The lights on the tiny sub begin to flicker as they cruise deeper into the gloom.

QUI-GON : There's always a bigger fish.


NUTE and RUNE stand before a hologram of DARTH SIDIOUS.

NUTE : The invasion is on schedule, My Lord.

DARTH SIDIOUS : Good. I have the Senate bogged down in procedures. By the time this incident comes up for a vote, they will have no choice but to accept your control of the system.

NUTE : The Queen has great faith the Senate will side with her.

DARTH SIDIOUS : Queen Amidala is yound and naive. You will find controlling her will not be difficult. You have done well, Viceroy.

NUTE : Thank you, My Lord.

DARTH SIDIOUS fades away.

RUNE : You didn't tell him about the missing Jedi?

NUTE : No need to report that to him, until we have something to report.


Sparks are flying, and water is leaking into the cabin. The sound of the power drive drops.

OBI-WAN : .....we're losing power.

OBI-WAN is working with the sparking wires. JAR JAR panics.

QUI-GON : Stay calm. We're not in trouble yet.

JAR JAR : What yet? Monstairs out dare! Leak'n in here, all'n sink'n, and nooooo power! You nutsen! WHEN YOUSA TINK WESA IN TROUBLE?!!!?

OBI-WAN : Power's back.

The lights flicker on, revealing an ugly COLO CLAW FISH right in front of them.

JAR JAR : Monstairs back!

The large COLO CLAW FISH is surprised and rears back. The sub turns around and speeds away.

JAR JAR : (cont'd) Wesa in trouble now??

QUI-GON : Relax.

QUI-GON puts his hand on JAR JAR's shoulder. JAR JAR relaxes into a coma.

OBI-WAN : You overdid it.

The COLO CLAW FISH leaps after the fleeing sub as it shoots out of the tunnel and into the waiting jaws of the SANDO AQUA MONSTER.

OBI-WAN (cont'd) This is not good!

JAR JAR regains consciousness.

JAR JAR : Wesa dead yet?? Oie Boie!

JAR JAR's eyes bulge, and he faints again. The sub narrowly avoids the deadly teeth of the AQUA MONSTER. The COLO CLAW FISH chasing them isn't so lucky. It is munched in half by the larger predator. The little sub slips away.

QUI-GON : Head for that outcropping.


The long columns of the DROID ARMY move down the main road leading to Theed, the Naboo capital.


As the QUEEN watches helplessly from a window in the palace, a transport carrying NUTE and RUNE lands in Theed Plaza. They exit the transport.

NUTE : Ah, victory!


The little sub continue to propel itself toward the surface, which is brightly lit.

JAR JAR : Wesa dude it!


Paradise. Billowing clouds frame a romantic body of water. There is a LOUD RUSH OF BUBBLES, and a small sub bobs to the surface.

The current in the estuary begins to pull the sub backward into a fast moving river. OBI-WAN switches off the two remaining bubble canopies. QUI-GON stands up to look around. JAR JAR lets out a sigh of relief.

JAR JAR : Wesa safe now.

QUI-GON : Get this thing started.

JAR JAR : Dissen berry good. Hey?

OBI-WAN : What is it?

JAR JAR looks back to where they're drifting. He sees they are headed for a huge waterfall.

JAR JAR : What!!?? Oie boie!

OBI-WAN tries to start the engine. The long props behind the sub slowly begin to rotate. OBI-WAN struggles until finally, a few feet short of the waterfall, the sub starts and is able to generate enough power to stop drifting backward in the powerful current. The sub slowly moves forward. In the background, QUI-GON takes a cable out of his belt. The engine coughs and dies. They start drifting backward again. JAR JAR panics.

JAR JAR : (cont'd) Iyiiyi, wesa die'n here, hey!

QUI-GON shoots the thin cable, and it wraps itself around a railing on the shore. The sub pulls the cable taut, and the little craft hangs precariously over the edge of the waterfall.

QUI-GON : Come on...

OBI-WAN climbs out of the sub and pulls himself along the cable. QUI-GON starts in after him.

QUI-GON : (cont'd) Come on, Jar Jar.

JAR JAR : No! Too scary!

OBI-WAN : Get up here!

JAR JAR : No a mighty no!

JAR JAR looks back and sees he is hanging over the waterfall.

JAR JAR : (cont'd) Oie boie...mesa comen. Mesa comen!

JAR JAR starts to climb out of the sub. OBI-WAN is on shore and helps to pull QUI-GON out of the water.

OBI-WAN : That was close.

BATTLE DROID 3B3 : (O.S) Drop your weapons!

The TWO JEDI turn around to see a BATTLE DROID standing in front of them. JAR JAR climbs up on shore between the JEDI.

BATTLE DROID 3B3 : I said drop your weapons

QUI-GON ignites his laser sword, and in a brief flash, the DROID is cut down by the JEDI. A stray laser bolt hits the cable and the sub breaks lose, crashing down the waterfall.

The JEDI move on. JAR JAR reluctantly follows and looks back at the mess.

JAR JAR : Whoa!!!


The waterfalls of Theed sparkle in the noonday sun.


QUEEN AMIDALA, SIO BIBBLE, and FIVE OF HER HANDMAIDENS (EIRTAE, YANE, PADME, RABE, SACHE) are surrounded by TWENTY DROIDS. CAPTAIN PANAKA and FOUR NABOO GUARDS are also held at gunpoint. NUTE and RUNE stand in the middle of the room.

BIBBLE : ...how will you explain this invasion to the Senate?

NUTE : The Naboo and the Federation will forge a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. I've been assured it will be ratified by the Senate.

AMIDALA : I will not co-operate.

NUTE : Now, now, your Highness. You are not going to like what we have in store for your people. In time, their suffering will persuade you to see our point of view. Commander. (OOM-9 steps forward) Process them.

OOM-9 : Yes, sir! (turns to his sergeant) Take them to Camp Four.

The SERGEANT marches the GROUP out of the throne room.


QUEEN AMIDALA, PADME, EIRTA, YANE, RABE, SACHE, CAPTAIN PANAKA, SIO BIBBLE, and FOUR GUARDS are led out of the palace by ten BATTLE DROIDS. The plaza is filled with tanks and BATTLE DROIDS, which they pass on their way to the detention camp. Unbeknownst to them, QUI-GON, OBI-WAN, and JAR JAR sneak across on a walkway above the plaza and jump from a balcony to begin an attack to rescue the QUEEN.

FOUR BATTLE DROIDS are instantly cut down. MORE DROIDS move forward and are also cut down by the JEDIS' flashing lightsabres until there is only the DROID SERGEANT left. The SERGEANT starts to run but is pulled back to QUI-GON by the Force, until finally he is dispatched by the JEDI.

JAR JAR : Yousa guys bombad!

QUEEN AMIDALA and the OTHERS are amazed. JAR JAR is getting used to this. They move between two buildings.

QUI-GON : Your Highness, we are the Ambassadors, for the Supreme Chancellor.

BIBBLE : Your negotiations seem to have failed, Ambassador.

QUI-GON : The negotiations never took place. Your Highness, we must make contact with the republic.

CAPTAIN PANAKA steps forward.

CAPT. PANAKA : They've knocked out all our communications.

QUI-GON : Do you have transports?

CAPT. PANAKA : In the main hanger. This way.

THEY disappear down an alleyway as the ALARMS are sounded


CAPTAIN PANAKA cracks open a side door to the central hanger. QUI-GON looks in over his shoulder. OBI-WAN, JAR JAR, and the rest of the group are behind him. They see several Naboo spacecraft guarded by about
FIFTY BATTLE DROIDS. ALARMS can be heard in the distance.

CAPT. PANAKA : There are too many of them.

QUI-GON : That won't be a problem. (to Amidala) Your Highness, under the circumstances, Isuggest you come to Coruscant with us.

AMIDALA : Thank you, Ambassador, but my place is here with my people.

QUI-GON : They will kill you if you stay.

BIBBLE : They wouldn't dare.

CAPT. PANAKA : They need her to sign a treaty to make this invasion of theirs legal. They can't afford to kill her.

QUI-GON : The situation here is not what it seems. There is something else behind all this, Your Highness. There is no logic in the Federation's move here. My feelings tell me they will destroy you.

BIBBLE : Please, Your Highness, reconsider. Our only hope is for the Senate to side with us... Senator Palpatine will need your help.

CAPT. PANAKA : Getting past their blockade is impossible, Your Highness. Any attempt to escape will be dangerous.

BIBBLE : Your Highness, I will stay here and do what I can...They will have to retain the Council of Governors in order to maintain control. But you must leave...

The QUEEN turns to PADME and EIRTAE.

AMIDALA : Either choice presents a great risk...to all of us...

PADME : We are brave, Your Highness.

QUI-GON : If you are to leave, Your Highness, it must be now.

AMIDALA : Then, I will plead our case before the Senate. (to Bibble) Be careful, Governor.


The door opens to the main hanger. QUI-GON, OBI-WAN, JAR JAR, CAPTAIN PANAKA, TWO GUARDS, and THREE HANDMAIDENS (PADME, EIRTAE, RABE), followed by QUEEN AMIDALA, head for a sleek chrome spacecraft. SIO BIBBLE, YANE and SACHE stay behind. The HANDMAIDENS begin to cry.

CAPT. PANAKA : We need to free those pilots.


OBI-WAN : I'll take care of that. OBI-WAN heads toward the group of captured pilots.

QUI-GON and the QUEEN, CAPTAIN PANAKA, JAR JAR, and the rest Of the GROUP approach the GUARDS at the ramp of the Naboo craft.

GUARD DROID : Where are you going?

QUI-GON : I'm Ambassador for the Supreme Chancellor, and I'm taking those people to Coruscant.

DROID GUARD : You're under arrest!

The DROID GUARD draws his weapon, but before any of the DROIDS can fire, they are cut down. OTHER GUARDS run to their aid. OBI-WAN attacks the GUARDS around the PILOTS. QUI-GON stands, fighting off DROIDS as the OTHERS rush on board the spacecraft. OBI-WAN, the FREED PILOTS (including RIC OLIE), GUARDS and GROUND CREW MEMBERS rush on board the ship. The OTHER PILOTS and GUARDS race to SIO BIBBLR. After everyone has made it onto the ship, QUI-GONjumps on board. ALARMS sound. MORE DROIDS rush into the hanger and fire as the ship takes off.


The ship exits the hanger. BATTLE DROIDS standing in the hanger shoot at them.


The sleek spacecraft speeds away from the planet of Naboo and heads for the deadly Federation blockade.


The PILOT, RIC OLIE, navigates toward the massive battleship, QUI-GON and CAPTAIN PANAKA watch.

RIC OLIE : ....our communications are still jammed.


JAR JAR is led into a low, cramped doorway by OBI-WAN.

OBI-WAN : Now stay here, and keep out of trouble.

OBI-WAN closes the door. JAR JAR looks around and sees a long row of five short, dome-topped ASTRO DROIDS (R-2 units). The all look alike, except for thier paint color, and they all seem to be shut down.

JAR JAR : Ello, boyos. (no response) Disa wanna longo trip...hey?

JAR JAR taps a bright red R-2 UNIT on the head, and its head pops up a bit. He lets out a gasp as he lifts the head.

JAR JAR : (Cont'd) Tis opens?...Oooops! Many springs and things come flying out.

JAR JAR quickly closes it again, very embarrassed.

JAR JAR : (Cont'd) Yoi! Just yoken!

RIC OLIE : Powers back! That little droid did it. He bypassed the main power drive. Deflector shield up, at maximum.

The lone BLUE DROID finishes his repairs and goes back into the ship. The Naboo spacecraft races away from the Federation battleship.

RIC OLIE : There's not enough power to get us to Coruscant...the hyperdrive is leaking.

QUI-GON : We'll have to land somewhere to refuel and repair the ship.

QUI-GON studies a star chart on a monitor.

OBI-WAN : Here, Master. Tatooine... It's small, out of the way, poor... The Trade Federation has no presence there.

CAPT. PANAKA : How can you be sure?

QUI-GON : It's controlled by the Hutts...

CAPT. PANAKA : The Hutts??

OBI-WAN : It's risky...but there's no alternative.

CAPT. PANAKA : You can't take Her Royal Highness there! The Hutts are gangsters... If they discovered her...

QUI-GON : ...It would be no different than if we landed on a system controlled by the Federation...except the Hutts aren't looking for her, which gives us an advantage.

CPATAIN PANAKA takes a deep breath in frustration.


The Naboo spacecraft races away.


NUTE and RUNE sit around a conference table with a hologram of DARTH SIDIOUS.

NUTE : We control all the cities in the North and are searching for any other settlements...

DARTH SIDIOUS : Destroy all high-ranking officials, Viceroy...slowly...quietly. And Queen Amidala, has she signed the treaty?

NUTE : She has disappeared, My Lord. One Naboo cruiser got pat the blockade.

DARTH SIDIOUS : Viceroy, find her! I want that treaty signed.

NUTE : My Lord, it's impossible to locate the ship. It's out of our range.

DARTH SIDIOUS : ...not for a Sith...

A second SITH LORD appears behind DARTH SIDIOUS.

DARTH SIDIOUS : (Cont'd) ...Viceroy, this is my apprentice. Lord Maul. He will find your lost ship.

NUTE : Yes, My Lord. The hologram fades off.

NUTE : (Cont'd) This is getting out of hand...now there are two of them.

RUNE : We should not have made this bargain. What will happen when the Jedi become aware of these Sith Lords?



CAPT. PANAKA : ...An extremely well put together little droid. Without a doubt, it saved the ship, as well as our lives.

AMIDALA : It is to be commended...what is its number?

The LITTLE BLUE DROID lets out a series of bleeps.CAPTAIN PANAKA leans over and scrapes some dirt off of the side of the DROID and read the number:

CAPT. PANAKA : R2-D2, Your Highness.

AMIDALA : Thank you, Artoo Detoo. You have proven to be very loyal...Padme!

PADME bows before the QUEEN.

AMIDALA : (Cont'd) Clean this droid up the best you can. It deserves our gratitude...(to Panaka) Continue, Captain.

CAPTAIN PANAKA looks nervously to OBI-WAN and QUI-GON.

QUI-GON : Yor Highness, we are heading for a remote planet called Tatooine. It is a system far beyond the reach of the Trade Federation. There we will be able to make needed repairs, then travel on to Coruscant.

CAPTAIN PANAKA : Your Highness, Tatooine is very dangerous. It's controlled by an alliance of gangs called the Hutts. I do not agree with the Jedi on this.

QUI-GON : You must trust my judgement, Your Highness.

AMIDALA and PADME exchange looks. PADME moves next to the DROID.


PADME sits in the Main Area, cleaning R2-D2, the brave little Astra Droid. JAR JAR pops out of an open door.

JAR JAR : Hidoe!

Both PADME and ARTOO jump and let out a little SCREAM. The Gungan is embarrassed that he frightened them.

JAR JAR : (Cont'd) Sorry, nomeanen to scare yousa.

PADME : That's all right.

JAR JAR : I scovered oily back dare. Needen it?

PADME : Thank you. This little guy is quite a mess.

JAR JAR hands PADME the oil can.

JAR JAR : Mesa Ja Ja Binksss... PADME : I'm Padme, I attend Her Highness, You're a Gungan, aren't you? (Jar Jar nods) How did you end up here with us?

JAR JAR : Me no know...mesa day starten pitty okeyday witda brisky morning munchen. Den boom....getten berry skeered, un grabbed dat Jedi, and before mesa knowen it...pow! Mesa here. (he shrugs)...getten berry berry skeered.

ARTOO BEEPS a sympathetic beep.


OBI-WAN, QUI-GON, and CAPTAIN PANAKA watch over RIC OLIE'S shoulder. A large yellow planet appears directly ahead. RIC OLIE searches his scopes.

OBI-WAN : Tahyt's it. Tatooine.

RIC OLIE : There's a settlement...a spaceport, looks like.

QUI-GON : Land near the outskirts. We don't want to attract any attention.


The ship heads toward the planet of Tatooine.


The Naboo spacecraft lands in the desert in a swirl of dust. The spaceport of Mos Espa is seen in the distance.


OBI-WAN is hoisting the hyperdrive out of a floor panel. JAR JAR rushes up to him and falls to his knees.

JAR JAR : Obi-Wan, sire, pleeese, no mesa go!

OBI-WAN : Sorry, Qui-Gon's right. You'll make things less obvious.

JAR JAR walks back to ARTOO in the hallway as QUI-GON (dressed as a farmer) enters the main area.

OBI-WAN : (Cant'd) The Hyperdrive generator is gone. We will need a new one.

QUI-GON moves closer to OBI-WAN and speaks quietly to him.

QUI-GON : Don't let them send ant transmissions. Be wary...I sense a disturbance in the Force.

OBI-WAN : I fell it also, Master.

QUI-GON goes into the hallway to meet up with ARTOO and JAR JAR. They head to the exit ramp.


They start their trek across the desert toward the city of Mos Espa. In the distance, a strange looking caravan makes its way toward the spaceport.

JAR JAR : Dis sun doen murder tada skin.

From the spaceship, CAPTAIN PANAKA and PADME run toward them.


QUI-GON stops as they catch up. PADME is dresses in rough peasant's garb.

CAPT. PANAKA : (Cont'd) Her Highness commands you to take her handmaiden with you. She wishes for her to observe the local...

QUI-GON : No more commands from Her Highness today, Captain. This spaceport is not going to be pleasant...

CAPT. PANAKA : The Queen wishes it. She is curious about this planet.

PADME : I've been trained in defense... I can take care of myself.

CAPT. PANAKA : Don't make me go back and tell her you refuse.

QUI-GON : I don't have time to argue. But this is not a good idea. Stay close to me.

He gives PADME a stern look.


The little GROUP walks down the main street of Mos Espa. They pass dangerous looking citizens of all types. PADME looks around in awe at this exotic enviroment.

QUI-GON : ...moisture farms for the most part, but also a few indigenous tribes and scavengers. The few spaceports like this one are havens for those who do not wish to be found...

PADME : ....like us. JAR JAR is in a constant state of panic.

ARTOO whistles along, with perfect confidence.

JAR JAR : Dissen berry berry bad. (steps in ooze) Ooooh...icky...icky...goo.


The GROUP comes to a little plaza surrounded by several junk spaceship dealers.

QUI-GON : We'll try one of the smaller dealers.

They head for a little junk shop that has a huge pile of broken spaceships stacked up behind it.


QUI-GON, JAR JAR, PADME, and ARTOO enter the dingy junk shop and are greeted by WATTO, a pudgy blue alien who flies on short little wings like a hummingbird.

WATTO : (subtitled) Hi chuba da naga? (What do you want?)

QUI-GON : I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian.

WATTO : Ah yes, ah yes. Nubian. We have lots of that. What kinda junk? (subtitled) Peedenkel! Naba dee unko (Boy, get in here! Now!)

QUI-GON : My droid here has a readout of what I need.

A disheveled boy, ANAKIN SKYWALKER, runs in from the junk yard. He is about nine years old, very dirty, and dressed in rags. WATTO raises a hand, and ANAKIN flinches.

WATTO : (subtitled) Coona tee-tocky malia? (What took you so long?)

ANAKIN : (subtitled) Mel tassa cho-passa... (I was cleaning the bin like you...)

WATTO : (subtitled) Chut-Chut! Ganda doe wallya. (Never mind! Watch the store) Me dwana no bata. (I've got some selling to do here.) (to Gui-Gon) Soooo, let me take- a thee out back. Ni you'll find what you need.

ARTOO and QUI-GON follow WATTO toward the junk yard, leaving JAR JAR with PADME and the young boy ANAKIN. JAR JAR picks up a gizmo, trying to figure out its purpose. QUI-GON takes the part out of his hand and puts it back.

QUI-GON : Don't touch anything.

JAR JAR makes a rude face to QUI-GON's back and sticks out his long tongue. ANAKIN sits on the counter, pretending to clean a part, staring at PADME. She is the most beautiful creaure he has ever seen in his life. PADME is a little embarrassed by his stare, but she musters up an amused smile. Finally, he gets the courage to speak.

ANAKIN : Are you an angel?

PADME : What?

ANAKIN : An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the Moons of Iego I thimk. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They are good and kind, and so pretty they make even the most hardened spice pirate cry.

PADME looks at him, not knowing what to say. PADME : I've never heard of angels.

ANAKIN : You must be one...maybe you just don't know it.

PADME : You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?

ANAKIN : Since I was very little, three, I think. My Mom and I were sold to Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us, betting on the Podraces, to Watto, who's a lot better master than Gardulla, I think.

PADME : You're...a slave?

ANAKIN looks at PADME defiantly.

ANAKIN : I am a person! My name is Anakin.

PADME : I'm sorry. I don't fully understand. (looking around)This is a strange world to me.

ANAKIN studies her intently.

ANAKIN : You are a strange girl to me.

JAR JAR pushes the nose on what appears to be a LITTLE DROID, and it instantly comes to life, grows legs and arms, and starts marching around, knocking over everything. JAR JAR hold on but can't stop it.

ANAKIN : (Cont'd) Hit the nose!

JAR JAR hits the nose, and the DROID collapses back into its original state. ANAKIN and PADME laugh. ANAKIN watches PADME straighten her hair.


WATTO reads a small portable monitor he is holding. He stands before a hyperdrive.

WATTO : ...Here it is...a T-14 hyperdrive generator!! Thee in luck, I'm the only one hereabouts who has one...but thee might as well buy a new ship. It would be cheaper, I think...Sying of which, how's thee going to pay for all t

QUI-GON : I have 20,000 Republic dataries.

WATTO : Republic credits?!? Republic credits are no good out here. I need something more real...

QUI-GON : I don't have anything else. (raising his hand) But credits will do fine.

WATTO : No they won'ta. QUI-GON, using his mind power, waves his hand again.

QUI-GON : Credits will do fine.

WATTO : No, they won'ta. What you think you're some kinda Jedi, waving your hand around like that? I'm a Toydarian. Mind tricks don'ta work on me-only money. No money, no parts! No deal! And no one else has a T-14 hyperdrive, I promise you that.


JAR JAR pulls a part out of a stack of parts to inspect it, and they all come tumblimg down. He struggles to catch them, only to knock more down. ANAKIN and PADME are oblivious.

ANAKIN : ...wouldn't have lasted long if I weren't so good at fixing things. I'm making my own droid...

QUI-GON hurries into the shop, followed by ARTOO. QUI-GON : We're leaving. JAR JAR follows QUI-GON. PADME gives ANAKIN a loving look.

PADME : I'm glad I met you,....ah...

ANAKIN : ...Anakin.

PADME : Anakin.

ANAKIN : Anakin Skywalker.

PADME : Padme Naberrie.

PADME turns, and ANAKIN looks sad as he watches her leave.

ANAKIN : I'm glad I met you too.

WATTO enters the junk yard, shaking his head.

WATTO : (subtitled) Ootmians! Tinka me chasa hopoe ma booty na nolia. (Outlanders! They think because we live so far from the center, we don't know nothing.)

ANAKIN : (subtitled) La lova num botaffa. (They seemed nice to me.) WATTO : (subtitled) Fweepa niaga. Tolpa da bunky dunko. (Clean the racks, then you can go home.)

ANAKIN lets out a "yipee" and runs out the back.


QUI-GON, ARTOO, JAR JAR, and PADME have found a quiet spot between two buildings. The busy street beyond is filled with dangerous looking creatures. QUI-GON is talking on his com-link, while JAR JAR nervously watches the street. OBI-WAN is in the main hold of the Naboo craft.

QUI-GON : ...Obi-Wan, you're sure there isn't anything of value left on board?

OBI-WAN : (V.O) A few containers of supplies, the Queen's wardrobe, maybe. Not enough for you to barter with. Not in the ammounts you're talking about.

QUI-GON : All right. Another solution will present itself. I'll check back.

QUI-GON puts his comlink away and starts out into the main street. JAR JAR grabs his arm.

JAR JAR : Noah gain...da beings hereabouts cawazy. Wesa be robbed un crunched.

QUI-GON : Not likely. We have nothing of value, that's our problem.


QUI-GON, PADME, JAR JAR, and ARTOO move out into the street. JAR JAR is walking behind the others. They walk by an outdoor cafe filled with a rough gang of aliens, one of which is especially ugly, SEBULBA, a spider-like creature. JAR JAR stops for a moment in front of a stall selling dead frogs hanging on a wire. He looks around to see if anyone is looknig, then sticks out his tongue, and gets hold of one, pulling it into his mouth. Unfortunately, the frog is tied tightly to the wire. The vendor suddenly appears.

VENDOR : Hey, that will be seven truguts!!

JAR JAR opens his mouth in surprise, and the frog snaps away, ricochets around the market, and lands in Sebulba's soup, splashing him. As JAR JAR moves away from the VENDOR, SEBULBA jumps up on the table and grabs the hapless Gungan.

SEBULBA : (subtitled) Chuba!! (You!!) JAR JAR : Who, mesa?? SEBULBA : (subtitled) Ni chuba na?? (Is this yours??)

SEBULBA holds the frog up to the Gungan threateningly. SEVERAL OTHER CREATURES start to gather. SEBULBA shoves JAR JAR to the ground. The Gungan desperately tries to scramble to safety.

JAR JAR : (to himself) Why mesa always da one??

ANAKIN : (V.O) Because you're afraid.

JAR JAR turns to see ANAKNI pushing his way next to him. The boy stands up to SEBULBA in a very self-assured way.

ANAKIN : (subtitled) Chess ko, Sebulba...Coo wolpa tooney rana. (Careful, Sebulba...This one's very connected.)

SEBULBA stops his assault on JAR JAR and turns to ANAKIN.

SEBULBA : (subtitled) Tooney rana nu pratta dunko, shag. (Connected?? Whada you mean, slave?)

ANAKIN : (subtitled) Oh da Hutt...cha porko ootman geesa...me teesa rodda co pana pee choppa chawa. (As in Hutt...big time outlander, this one... I'd hate to see you diced before we race again.)

SEBULBA : (subtitled) Neek me chowa, wermo, mo killee ma klounkee(Next time we race, wermo, it will be the end of you!) Una noto wo shag, me wompity du pom pom. (If you weren't a slave, I'd squash you right now.)

SEBULBA turns away.

ANAKIN : (subtitled) Eh, chee bana do mullee ra. (Yeah, it'd be a pity if you had to pay for me.)

QUI-GON, PADME and ARTOO arrive.

ANAKIN : (Cont'd) Hi! Your buddy here was about to be turned into orange goo. He picked a fight with a Dug. An especially dangerous Dug called Sebulba.

JAR JAR : Nosir, nosir. Mesa hate crunchen. Dat's da last ting mesa wanten. QUI-GON : Nevertheless, the boy is right...you were heading for trouble. Thank you, my young friend.

PADME looks at ANAKINB and smiles; he smiles back. They start walking down the crowded street.

JAR JAR : Mesa doen nutten!

ANAKIN : Fear attracts the fearful. He was trying to overcome his fear by squashing you...be less afraid.

PADME : And that works for you.

ANAKIN : To a point. (he smiles)


OBI-WAN stands in front of the Naboo spacecraft as the wind picks up and begins to whip at his robe. CAPTAIN PANAKA exits the ship and joins him.

OBI-WAN : This storm's going to slow them down.

CAPT. PANAKA : It looks pretty bad. We'd better seal the ship.

CAPTAIN PANAKA'S comlink sounds off.

CAPT. PANAKA : (Cont'd) Yes? CAPT. PANAKA : We'll be right there.


ANAKIN and the GROUP stop at a fruit stand run by a jolly, but very poor, old lady named JIRA.

ANAKIN : How are you feeling today, Jira?

JIRA : The heat's never been kind to me, you know, Annie!

ANAKIN : Guess what? I've found that cooling unit I've been searching for. It's pretty beat up, but I'll have it fixed up for you in no time, I promise.

JIRA : You're a fine boy, Annie.

ANAKIN : I'll take four pallies today. (to Padme) You'll like these...

ANAKIN reaches in his pocket and comes up with three coins. He drops one. QUI-GON picks it up, revealing for a moment, his lightsabre.

ANAKIN : (Cont'd) Whoops, I thought I had more...Make thgat three, I'm not hungry.

The wind picks up. SHOP OWNERS are starting to close up their shops as JIRA gives them their pallies.

JIRA : Gracious, my bones are aching...storm's coming on, Annie. You'd better get home quick.

ANAKIN : (to QUI-GON) Do you have shelter?

QUI-GON : We'll hed back to our ship.

ANAKIN : Is it far?

PADME : On the outskirts.

ANAKIN : You'll never reach the outskirts in time...sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!

The GROUP follows ANAKIN as he rushes down the windy street.


The wind is blowing hard as QUI-GON, JAR JAR, and PADME follow ANAKIN down the street and into a slave hovel.


QUI-GON, JAR JAR, ARTOO, and PADME enter a small living space.

ANAKIN : Mom! Mom! I'm home.

JAR JAR : Dissen cozy.

Anakin's mother, SHMI SKYWALKER, a warm, friendly woman of forty, enters from her work area and is startled to see the room full of people.

SHMI : Oh, my!! Annie, what's this?

ANAKIN : These are my friends, Mom. This is Padme, and...gee, I don't know any of your names.

QUI-GON : I'm Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is Jar Jar Binks. ARTOO lets out a little beep.

PADME : ...and our droid, Artoo-Detoo.

ANAKIN : I'm building a droid. You wanna see?

SHMI : Anakin! Why are they here?

ANAKIN : A sandstorm, Mom. Listen.

The wind HOWLS outside.

QUI-GON : Your son was kind enough to offer us shelter.

ANAKIN : Come on! Let me show you Threepio!

ANAKIN leads PADME into the other room. ARTOO follows, beeping all the way. QUI-GON takes five small capsules from his utility belt and hands them to SHMI.

QUI-GON : I have enough food for a meal.

SHMI : Oh, tank you. Thank you so much. I'm sorry if I was abrupt. I'll never get used to Anakin's surprises.

QUI-GON : He's a very special boy. SHMI looks at him as if he's discovered a secret.

SHMI : Yes, I know.


ANAKIN shows off his ANDROID, which is lying on his workbench. There is one eye in the head; the body, arms, and legs have no outer coverings.

ANAKIN : Isn't he great?! He's not finished yet.

PADME : He's wonderful!

ANAKIN : You reall like him? He's a protocol droid...to help Mom. Watch!

ANAKIN pushes a switch, and the DROID sits up. Anakin rushes around, grabs an eye and puts it in one of the sockets.

THREEPIO : How do you do, I am See-Threepio, Human Cyborg Relations. How might I serve you?

PADME : He's perfect.

ANAKIN : When the storm is over, you can see my racer. I'm building a Podracer!

PADME smiles at his enthusiasm. ARTOO lets out a flurry of beeps and whistles.

THREEPIO : I beg your pardon....what do you mean I'm naked?


THREEPIO : (Cont'd) My parts are showing? Oh, my goodness. How embarrassing!


AMIDALA, EIRTAE, RABE, and OBI-WAN watch a very bad transmission of a SIO BIBBLE hologram.

BIBBLE : ...cut off all food supplies until you return...the death toll is catastrophic...we must bow to their wishes, Your Highness...Please tell us what to do! If you can hear us, Your Highness, you must contact me...

AMIDALA looks upset...almost nervous.

OBI-WAN : It's a trick. Send no reply... Send no transmission of any kind.


QUI-GON listens to his comlink. OBI-WAN is in the cockpit.

OBI-WAN : ...the Queen is upset...but absolutly no reply was sent.

QUI-GON : It sounds like bait to establish a connection trace.

OBI-WAN : What if it is true and the people are dying?

QUI-GON : Either way, we're running out of time.


DARTH SIDIOUS and DARTH MAUL look out over the vast city.

DARTH MAUL : Tatooine is sparsely populated. If the trace was correct, I will find them quickly, Master.

DARTH SIDIOUS : Move against the Jedi first...you will then have no difficulty taking the Queen back to Naboo, where she will sign the treaty.

DARTH MAUL : At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge.

DARTH SIDIOUS : You have been well trained, my young apprentice, they will be no match for you. It is too late for them to stop us now. Everything is going as planned. The Republic will soon be in my command.

The hologram of DARTH MAUL fades off as DARTH SIDIOUS looks out over the city. EXT. MOS ESPA - SANDSTORM - DAY

The giant sandstorm engulfs the town, including the Naboo spaceship on the outskirts of the city center, where Watto's ship is; and the slave quarters, where drifts of sand begin building up against Anakin's house.


QUI-GON, ANAKIN, SHMI, JAR JAR, and PADME are seated around a makeshift table, having dinner as the wind howls outside.

JAR JAR slurps his soup rather loudly. Everyone looks at him. He turns a little brighter red.

SHMI : All slaves have transmitters placed inside their bodies somewhere. ANAKIN : I've been working on a scanner to try and locate them, but no luck.

SHMI : Any attempt to escape...

ANAKIN : ...and they blow you up...poof!

PADME and JAR JAR are horrified.

JAR JAR : How wude.

PADME : I can't believe there is still slavery in the galaxy. The Republic's anti-slavery laws...

SHMI : The Republic doesn't exist out here...we must survive on our own.

An awkward silence. ANAKIN attempts to end the embarrassment.

ANAKIN : Have you ever seen a Podrace?

PADME shakes her head no. She notices the concern of SHMI. JAR JAR snatches some food from a bowl at the other end of the table with his tongue. QUI-GON gives him a dirty look.

QUI-GON : They have Podracing on Malastare. Very fast, very dangerous.

ANAKIN : I'm the only human who can do it.

SHMI looks askance at her son.

ANAKIN : (Cont'd) Mom, what? I'm not bragging. It's true. Watto says he's never heard of a human doing it.

QUI-GON : You must have Jedi reflexes if you race Pods.

ANAKIN smiles. JAR JAR attempts to snare another bit of food from the bowl with his tongue, but QUI-GON, in a flash, grabs it between his thumb and forefinger. JAR JAR is startled.

QUI-GON : (Cont'd) Don't do that again.

JAR JAR tries to acknowledge with some silly mumbling. QUI-GON lets go of the tongue, and it snaps back into JAR JAR's mouth.

ANAKIN : I...I was wondering...something...

QUI-GON : What?

ANAKIN : Well, ahhh...you're a Jedi Knight, aren't you?

QUI-GON : What makes you think that?

ANAKIN : I saw your laser sword. Only Jedi carry that kind of weapon.

QUI-GON leans back and slowly smiles.

QUI-GON : Perhaps I killed a Jedi and stole it from him.

ANAKIN : I don't think so... No one can kill a Jedi Knight.

QUI-GON : I wish that were so...

ANAKIN. I had a dream I was a Jedi. I came back here and freed all the slaves...have you come to free us?

QUI-GON : No, I'm afraid not...

ANAKIN : I think you have...why else would you be here?

QUI-GON thinks for a moment.

QUI-GON : I can see there's no fooling you...(leans forward) You mustn't let anyone know about us...we're on our way to Coruscant, the central system in the Republic, on a very important mission, and it must be kept secret.

ANAKIN : Coruscant...wow...how did you end up here in the outer rim?

PADME : Our ship was damaged, and we're stranded here until we can repair it.

ANAKIN : I can help! I can fix anything!

QUI-GON : I believe you can, but our first job is to aquire the parts we need...

JAR JAR : Wit no-nutten mula to trade.

PADME : These junk dealers must have a weakness of some kind.

SHMI : Gambling. Everything here revolves around betting on those awful races.

QUI-GON : Podracing... Greed can be a powerful ally.. if it's used properly.

ANAKIN : I've built a racer! It's the fastest ever...There's a big race tomorrow, on Boonta Eve. You could enter my pod. It's all but finished...

SHMI : Anakin, settle down. Watto won't let you...

ANAKIN : Watto doesn't know I've built it. (to Qui-Gon) You could make him think it's your's, and you could get him to let me pilot it for you.

QUI-GON looks to SHMI. She is upset.

SHMI : I don't want you to race, Annie...It's awful. I die every time Watto makes you do it.

ANAKIN : But Mom, I love it...and they need help...they're in trouble. The prize money would more than pay for the parts they need.
JAR JAR : Wesa ina pitty bad goo.

GUI-GON : Your mother's right. Is there anyone friendly to the Republic who might be able to help us?

SHMI shakes her head no.

ANAKIN : We have to help them, Mom...you said that the biggest problem in the universe is no one helps each other...

SHMI : Anakin, don't...

JAR JAR belches. There is silence for a moment as they eat.

PADME : I'm sure Qui-Gon doesn't want to put your son in danger. We will find another way...

SHMI : No, Annie's right, there is no other way... I may not like it, but he can help you...he was meant to help you.

ANAKIN : Is that a yes? That is a yes!

The storm continues to rage outside the slave hovel.


The storm has passed. VENDORS and STREET PEOPLE clean up the mess and rebuild their food stalls. JAR JAR sits on a box in front of Watto's parts shop, watching all the activity with growing nervousness. ARTOO is standing next to him. PADME stops QUI-GON as he is about to enter the shop.

PADME : Are you sure about this? Trusting our fate to a boy we hardly know. The Queen will not approve.

QUI-GON : The Queen

Цялата тема
* Целите сценарии на класическата трилогия MeдapkoМодератор   17.07.01 15:43
. * I'm giving you a hand with these two more :))) J_Council   17.07.01 16:20
. * ...and this one :))) J_Council   17.07.01 16:23
. * Их, их... Qui-Gon Jinn   18.07.01 01:26
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