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Клубове / Фен клубове / Филмови / Star Wars - George Lucas Пълен преглед*
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Тема За малко разнообразие и fun ;)))
Автор J_Council (The Ancient)
Публикувано07.06.01 00:50  

Някой от тях са доста аполучливи :)))

You know your a Star Wars Fanatic ...

When you constantly tell your kids that you are their father while doing your best James Earl Jones impression.

When you can't find the remote control to the TV and you try and change the channel by using the Force

When you do a background check on a perspective date just to make sure she isn't your long lost twin sister.

When you name your dog Chewbacca

When you try and use the Jedi mind trick to get out of a traffic ticket. (You don't need to see my drivers license)

When you talk backwards like Yoda just to annoy your friends.

When on your birthday you tell people "When 30 years old you get, look this good you won't."

When you make your friends walk single file behind you just to hide your numbers.

When you actually know what a nerf herder is.

When you say Poodoo instead of $h!t

When you tell people if they rat on your car that she can make .5 past light speed.

When you don't understand someone you say secret mission? What plans? What are you talking about?

If you participate in at least 3 different Star Wars forums!

When you advise people to "Use the Force!"

When your wife says "I love you' you tell her "I know!"

When at the end of mass instead of saying "Peace be with you, and also with you,..." you say "May the force be with you, and also with you,...".

When in the middle of a test you look up at the ceiling and say, "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi your my only hope!"

When you can't pick up a flashlight, or plastic bat, without humming lightsaber noises.

When you tell your wife that you were put on this planet to bring Balance to the Force.

When you go by a SW characters names even when writing notes.

When you use SW phraseology whenever the situation applies, IE I have a bad feeling about this.

When you use the Force (or at least think you can) when bowling

When you have an entire day off, and you spend the whole ENTIRE day working on your SW page.

When you breathe deeply and loudly whenever the room is quiet

When you're one of the nutballs that camps outside the theater 2 weeks prior to tickets on sale for ep II... IN COSTUME!

You know your a fanatic when you where full Jedi Robes w/ LightSaber to your high school graduation.

When you act like your flying an X wing and shooting at other cars driving down the interstate.

When you put a motor cycle helmet you act like Boba Fett.

When your at a bar and tell the person beside you...
"I don't like you! My friend doesn't like you either. You just watch yourself. We're wanted men. I have the death sentence in twelve systems!" All while keeping a straight face.

When you call someone laser brain and think its funny

When you plot how you're going to break into the supermarket after hours and steal all of the stand ups and R2 coolers.

When you drive into a brick wall hoping your shields will hold.

When you buy a lightsaber for 270 bucks.!

When you are ridding the double loop roller coaster and before you go down the hill, you yell "This is red five, I'm going in" then make laser sounds as you go through the loops.

When you walk down the halls of your school searching for stormtroopers

When your real name is Luke and you base your morals from the Jedi teachings

When your wife tells you we are lost and you tell her, "the force will guide us"

When you keep begging your wife to dress up as Princess Leia in Jabbas slave outfit, to fullfill an ongoing fantasy of some kind.

When you actually try and use the force in order to calm yourself.

When your wife tells you..... Mind tricks don't work on me......only money!

When you ask your mother-in-law to make a Yoda halloween costume for your 1 yr old son, and she looks at you like you're nuts

When you start to think your grandmother is kinda starting to look like Yoda.

When you're told that your Yoda impression sounds like the perfect female equivellant of the Jedi Master.

When you go looking everywhere for a complete Jedi outfit for Halloween and you find yourself wishing you had the 300 dollars just to buy the robe you found on this website.

When you have the three hundred dollars but you know your wife will kill you for spending that much on a bathrobe and you do it anyway.

When you fight with your son over who gets to be Luke Skywalker today with the action figures, then pout all day when you can't have your way


Цялата тема
* За малко разнообразие и fun ;))) J_Council   07.06.01 00:50
. * Re: За малко разнообразие и fun ;))) bergson   07.06.01 08:25
. * Re: За малко разнообразие и fun ;))) V-Пpинцeca нa Mpaka   07.06.01 14:53
. * Re: За малко разнообразие и fun ;))) hendy_gretel   09.06.01 23:06
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