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Тема Re: Странни звуци в космоса! (ВАЖНО) [re: Gallandro]
Автор Demercel (Grand Admiral)
Публикувано25.08.03 12:15  

Случайно попаднах на това:
Outerspace Explosions

Star Trek originally got it right. In early episodes, when something exploded in outerspace, it made no sound. That's because there is no air in outerspace to transmit sound.

Sound is a pressure wave which requires matter of some sort to propagate it. It moves along at a rather sedate velocity of 340 m/s (1120 ft/s) in atmospheric-pressure air. Light, on the other hand, is an electromagnetic wave and needs no matter for transmission. It moves in a vacuum at 300,000,000 m/s (186,000 mi/s).

Yes, an explosion probably would create an expanding cloud of gases which would eventually impact a spaceship in its path. However, in the vacuum of space this expanding cloud of gas would have a very low density. When it hit a ship some distance from the explosion it would probably sound like a gust of wind blowing against the spacecraft.

Unfortunately, even the Star Trek writers eventually succumbed to market pressures and began adding sound effects to explosions. To make matters worse, the sounds were portrayed as traveling at the speed of light, since they always arrived simultaneously with the image of the explosions.

Star Wars apologists say that the ship's computers detect the explosion and simulate the noise to inform the crew. To us it would be far more useful to have the computer report that a TIE fighter has exploded on the port bow rather than sounding a loud boom.

We would also like to point out that observing an exploding spacecraft in outerspace would be quite dangerous compared to observing one on Earth. The shrapnel and debris from exploding spacecraft would attain very high initial velocities just like they do on Earth. However, with no gravity to pull them to the ground and no air drag to slow them down, the debris would travel outward in straight lines virtually forever until they hit something.

Distance from the explosion would reduce the number of projectiles striking a spaceship. However, impacting pieces would have the same kinetic energy they had right next to the blast. A spacecraft would have to use the time afforded by distance from the explosion to raise its shields or risk annihilation. Being in a desperate battle surrounded by exploding ships and having no shields would be certain death.

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Цялата тема
* Странни звуци в космоса! (ВАЖНО) Gallandro   22.08.03 15:25
. * Гениално! Бeopн   22.08.03 16:38
. * Re: Гениално! Gallandro   22.08.03 16:42
. * Re: Странни звуци в космоса! (ВАЖНО) cянkи   22.08.03 17:01
. * Re: Странни звуци в космоса! (ВАЖНО) Bиpakoчa   22.08.03 18:00
. * Ти четеш ли какво съм написал?!?! Gallandro   22.08.03 18:09
. * Re: Странни звуци в космоса! (ВАЖНО) Lord Vader   23.08.03 20:00
. * Re: Странни звуци в космоса! (ВАЖНО) Alastis   22.08.03 22:07
. * Re: Странни звуци в космоса! (ВАЖНО) D.H.V.   23.08.03 19:46
. * Re: Странни звуци в космоса! (ВАЖНО) Lord Vader   23.08.03 20:01
. * Re: Странни звуци в космоса! (ВАЖНО) Demercel   25.08.03 11:17
. * Тоя въпрос за сондите е основателен. Бeopн   25.08.03 14:07
. * Re: Тоя въпрос за сондите е основателен. Demercel   29.08.03 15:54
. * Re: Странни звуци в космоса! (ВАЖНО) Demercel   25.08.03 12:15
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