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Тема Oshte malko ot www.starwars.com [re: armydreamer]
Автор lron_Man (минаващ)
Публикувано17.07.02 03:21  

Tova obache ne e ot filma a ot t.nar. Expanded Universe (knigi, komiksi, spisaniya i t.n. svyrzani sys Star Wars)

When Yoda was 700 years old, he served on a council of Jedi Masters instructing new students aboard the massive Jedi training vessel Chu'unthor. The starship crashed onto the planet of Dathomir. The Jedi Masters attempted to free the vessel from its swampy confines but they were repulsed by the Dathomirian Nightsisters.

Much of Yoda's history is unknown. Just prior to the dark times that accompanied the fall of the Republic, Yoda trained the Gannathan royal King Empatojayos Brand in the ways of the Force. Another student of his was the powerful and stern Qu Rahn.

During those times Yoda figured in stopping a swath of destruction cut by Dark Jedi from Bpfassh. One of these dark siders had gotten as far as Dagobah, were Yoda bested him in direct confrontation. The Bpfasshi Jedi died, his dark Force absorbing into and twisting a nearby tree -- forming a dark side nexus. It is believed that Yoda chose Dagobah as his hiding place due to the dark side energies emanating from the tree. From a distance, Force-users like the Emperor would not detect Yoda since the master's bright light side presence would be canceled by the Bpfasshi dark side presence.

Early in the Galactic Civil War, Alliance historian Major Arhul Hextrophon was researching stories about the Jedi Master when he came across evidence of Yoda's existence at the University of Charmath. Hextrophon voyaged to Dagobah, where he met Yoda. Yoda was about to erase Arhul's mind of any knowledge of the Jedi Master when he had a change of heart. Instead, he swore Arhul to secrecy, and let him depart. Aside from logging it in his personal journals, it is believed Hextrophon has not told a soul.

Цялата тема
* Йода armydreamer   16.07.02 18:11
. * Oshte malko ot www.starwars.com lron_Man   17.07.02 03:21
. * Re: Oshte malko ot www.starwars.com armydreamer   17.07.02 18:28
. * Re: Oshte malko ot www.starwars.com lron_Man   18.07.02 02:30
. * Аз пък винаги Goa Gil   19.07.02 12:51
. * Re: Аз пък винаги Naia   19.07.02 18:19
. * Re: Аз пък винаги armydreamer   25.07.02 22:40
. * Re: Аз пък винаги Goa Gil   29.07.02 18:37
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