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Тема Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? [re: lvoBG]
Автор Heпoзнaт® (Архонтствуващ)
Публикувано25.06.07 18:31  

Разбира се, че не става въпрос за алкохолно вино на сватбата в Кана Галилейска. Вече почти не се среща сериозен теолог, който да твърди, че Исус и апостолите са били наркомани, т.е. използвали са социално приемливи наркотици:

Now, "Did Jesus make alcohol for the wedding in Cana?" The term used in, John 2:1-11, is "oinos" the generic Greek word for both fermented or unfermented juice. We must determine from the context whether it is a fermented or unfermented drink here.

The person in charge of the wedding party remarked, after he had tasted the wine, "…you have kept the good wine until now." Good wine was fresh grape juice, the fermented grape juice was considered inferior. Also Jesus would know about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (being God as well as man), and would not give alcohol to a wedding party, which probably included several pregnant women. No, Jesus did NOT make a fermented wine at this wedding. What He did do was to give a wedding gift of at least 120 gallons of fresh grape juice.

The Hebrew word (chemah) is translated as "poison" when speaking of fermented wine in Deuteronomy 32:33. Alcohol is a toxic mind-altering drug. Alcohol causes ill effects on the digestive, muscular, skeletal, nervous and circulatory systems. It causes cirrhosis of the liver, jaundice, pancreatitis, and blackouts as well as many other sicknesses.

About sixty percent of all traffic accidents and seventy percent of all murders are alcohol related. Then there is the untold domestic violence it has caused. Proverbs 20:1, warns, "Wine is a mocker, intoxicating drink (beer) arouses fighting, whoever is led astray by it is not wise!

God’s Word is consistent, it does not tell us not to drink fermented wine in one part of the Bible and in another only drink a little. Here are three types of New Testament references that people think are saying it is all right to drink a little fermented wine or beer, etc. First, Ephesians 5:18, in some versions the word "excess" is used. The New King James Version more accurately uses the word "dissipation" (meaning intemperance or the opposite of temperance-which is total abstinence from alcoholic liquors).

Second, in other references such as 1 Timothy 3:2,3 and Titus 1:7, we have the phrase, "not given to wine"1 this is taken by some to mean, "not to be addicted" to alcohol. But in reality the Greek word used here is, "mee-paroinon", literally, not at, by near, or with wine (alcohol). According to Paul, total abstinence is an indispensable qualification for a pastor.

The third type of reference that has caused confusion to some, are the ones like 1 Timothy 3:8 and Titus 2:3…"not given to much wine"2. In order to understand this verse we will need to understand a popular vice of that time. That was to drink a lot of unfermented wine. They used various methods to promote thirst. These drinkers might continue drinking all night at their feasts. Excessive drinking, even of non-alcoholic drinks corresponded to gluttony-the excessive use of food. Paul is simply guarding the deacons against a vice of the day. It would be similar in our day to "bulimia" (eating or drinking to the point of being gorged and then vomiting). This is unbecoming behavior for a Christian in any age! (1 The New International Version says here, "not given to drunkenness" 2 "not given to much wine" these translations do not make sense in light of Proverbs 23:31 and 32 and the rest of the injunctions against any drinking of alcohol).

In Revelation 1:6, we are called kings and priests, according to Scripture kings or princes were not to drink fermented wine or intoxicating drink. In Proverbs 31:4,5 we are also told that priests were not to drink any wine or intoxicating drink when they went into the tabernacle (or temple), Leviticus 10:9 and 10. Then 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"

For more study on this subject read also: 1 Samuel 1:13-16, Proverbs 4:14-17, 23:29-35, Isaiah 5:22, 28:7,8 Jeremiah 35:1-6,18,19; Daniel 1:8-16, Amos 2:12 Habakkuk 2:5,15-16; 1 Peter 1:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:6-8.

Цялата тема
* Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Vencci*   24.06.07 13:24
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? dqdogodo   24.06.07 13:41
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Vencci*   24.06.07 13:46
. * съмнителна работа... dqdogodo   24.06.07 13:47
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? cuddly   24.06.07 13:45
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Vencci*   24.06.07 13:52
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? dqdogodo   24.06.07 13:57
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? dqdogodo   24.06.07 13:52
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Vencci*   24.06.07 14:04
. * спри!или баба ми ще стреля! dqdogodo   24.06.07 14:25
. * Re: спри!или баба ми ще стреля! Vencci*   24.06.07 15:02
. * далавера манге керия... dqdogodo   24.06.07 15:13
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? dqdogodo   24.06.07 13:59
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Heпoзнaт®   24.06.07 15:13
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? dqdogodo   24.06.07 15:19
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Heпoзнaт®   24.06.07 15:37
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? cuddly   24.06.07 16:28
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Heпoзнaт®   24.06.07 18:48
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? cuddly   24.06.07 23:31
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? lvoBG   24.06.07 19:29
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Heпoзнaт®   24.06.07 19:36
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? dqdogodo   24.06.07 19:49
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Heпoзнaт®   25.06.07 18:44
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Vencci*   25.06.07 23:38
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? lvoBG   25.06.07 02:07
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Last Roman   25.06.07 06:34
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Vencci*   25.06.07 23:41
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Last Roman   25.06.07 23:45
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Mordecai   26.06.07 16:37
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? Heпoзнaт®   25.06.07 18:31
. * Не, християните не би трябвало да са пияндета Heпoзнaт®   25.06.07 18:35
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? kakata   25.06.07 07:33
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? zlati777   25.06.07 09:17
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? kakata   25.06.07 18:53
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? пчeличkaтa   26.06.07 01:41
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? zlati777   26.06.07 11:04
. * Re: Християните пият ли БИРА ??? пчeличkaтa   26.06.07 16:11
. * Въпрос на личен избор и преценка! Идeaлиcтa   30.06.07 07:25
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