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Тема Чети книжки [re: 24O5]
АвторMaлaxия (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано25.12.04 19:09  

Според списание Крисчианити тудей от юни 2003 г. ранната църква е давала десятък.

The early church's views on tithing foreshadowed many of today's stewardship debates. The Eastern Church began tithing out of obligation because they believed Jesus' conversation with the rich young man demanded sacrificial generosity. Clement of Alexandria and Irenaeus pleaded with the church to surpass even the Old Testament tithe since Christ had freed them from the Law.
Later church fathers—John Chrysostom, Cyprian, Origen, and Augustine among them—complained from time to time that their followers lacked Christian charity. Chrysostom even shamed his stingy church for marveling at those who tithed. He contrasted their amazement with the dutiful giving of Old Testament Jews.
The early church's expectation that every Christian would tithe found formal expression at the Synod of M??on in 585, which embedded the practice in canon law. A millennium later, the Council of Trent sharpened this law's teeth: it provided for excommunication if any Catholic declined to contribute his tithe
Still, Barna's new research reveals that the vast majority of Christians apparently remain unmoved by the message of John Bunyan's couplet: "There was a man, some called him mad; The more he gave, the more he had."

Според една известна история на християнската църква ранните християни са давали десятък, а промяната е настъпила в по-нови времена

A Look In Church History
The early church prescribed a tithe for all of its members who were able to pay. They saw ten percent owed to God as the absolute minimum from a person's total income, the least anyone should be able to do. Even Monks had to pay.
Later on in Church history, it was believed and practiced that one was to live the most modest life possible, sell his possessions, and give to the poor based on the passage in Matthew (Matt. 19:21; Gal. 5:1). They saw tithing as law, but we were not under law. In addition, they believed that since everything belonged to God, we should just give Him everything. By the time of legal Christianity, the ideas of tithing had changed so much that the application of giving ten percent was accepted and practiced in all the provinces and nations that were Christian.

Арменската църква, която е една от най-древните, е поддържала учението за десятъка.

The tithe as a means of supporting the Church and the clergy was well known to the Armenians and is attested in the earliest writings of the Armenian Church fathers. One finds an attestation to this in a canonical writing, "Gir awandutean [Book of Tradition]," attributed to St. Sahak the Parthian, catholicos of Armenia from 387 to 438). The work was later incorporated into the Armenian Book of Canons, Kanonagirk Hayots.

Църковните отци за десятъка
Church Fathers on tithing

"The Jews were constrained to a regular payment of tithes; Christians, who have liberty, assign all their possessions to the Lord, bestowing freely not the lessor portions of their property, since they have the hope of greater things."
"not the lessor portions" is a direct indication that the tithe was considered a minimal standard in the early Christian community.
A few hundred years later the tithe was still a basic standard. Augustine:
"Tithes are required as a matter of debt, and he who has been unwilling to give them has been guilty of robbery. Whosoever, therefore, desires to secure a reward for himself . . . let him render tithes, and out of the nine parts let him seek to give alms."
Note the clear distinction between the mandatory tithe and the voluntary offering of giving alms. Alms were to be given-but above and beyond the basic tithe.

"If anyone shall not do this [pay tithes] he is convicted of defrauding and supplanting God."
Jerome, like Augustine, believed and taught that it's possible for New Testament Christians to "rob God" by withholding the tithe, just as it was for Old Testament believers.
For its first four hundred years the church considered the practice of tithing a vital minimum standard for giving.
If we cannot rob God, then Malachi 3 has no relevance to us. But I'm convinced we can rob God today, and the truth is many Christians in America are doing exactly that.

Ето ти и за десерт един чудесен коментар за десятъка

Надявам се, че представената по-горе информация показва съвсем ясно, че ранните християни са давали десятък, а промяната е настъпила значително по-късно.

Цялата тема
* Ще си плащате ли десятъка? Black Wolf   21.12.04 11:59
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? Prokimen   21.12.04 12:41
. * За пореден път... Bloodsigned   21.12.04 12:48
. * Re: За пореден път... Maлaxия   21.12.04 22:12
. * Re: За пореден път... Bloodsigned   22.12.04 00:00
. * А, ясно... Black Wolf   22.12.04 08:04
. * Re: За пореден път... дядoблaro   22.12.04 11:55
. * Re: За пореден път... lgnatius   22.12.04 19:13
. * Re: За пореден път... cuddly   22.12.04 12:35
. * Re: За пореден път... Bloodsigned   22.12.04 13:34
. * Re: За пореден път... cuddly   22.12.04 14:28
. * Чети Библията Maлaxия   22.12.04 16:05
. * Re: Чети Библията lgnatius   22.12.04 19:31
. * Re: Чети Библията Дeдo Йoцo   22.12.04 22:38
. * Re: Чети Библията lgnatius   23.12.04 19:35
. * Re: Чети Библията Дeдo Йoцo   23.12.04 22:13
. * Re: Чети Библията lgnatius   25.12.04 17:53
. * Re: Чети Библията cuddly   23.12.04 17:26
. * Re: Чети Библията Maлaxия   23.12.04 22:05
. * Re: Чети Библията (това е дългичко, съжалявам...) Bloodsigned   23.12.04 23:58
. * Re: Чети Библията (това е дългичко, съжалявам...) Maлaxия   24.12.04 14:42
. * Re: Чети Библията (това е дългичко, съжалявам...) Bloodsigned   24.12.04 15:35
. * Re: Чети Библията (това е дългичко, съжалявам...) Maлaxия   25.12.04 19:00
. * Re: Чети Библията (това е дългичко, съжалявам...) 24O5   24.12.04 15:59
. * Чети книжки Maлaxия   25.12.04 19:09
. * Re: Чети книжки lgnatius   27.12.04 17:55
. * Въпрос Дeдo Йoцo   27.12.04 22:52
. * Re: Въпрос lgnatius   28.12.04 17:33
. * Re: Чети книжки Дeдo Йoцo   27.12.04 23:01
. * Re: Чети книжки Bloodsigned   30.12.04 01:43
. * Re: Чети книжки Дeдo Йoцo   30.12.04 10:34
. * Re: Чети книжки lgnatius   30.12.04 20:02
. * Re: Чети книжки Дeдo Йoцo   10.01.05 21:45
. * Re: Чети книжки lgnatius   10.01.05 21:57
. * Re: Чети Библията (това е дългичко, съжалявам...) lgnatius   25.12.04 17:49
. * Re: Чети Библията Lyubomir   30.12.04 20:43
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? NVN   21.12.04 16:33
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? Бaбa Гицka   21.12.04 22:02
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? Prokimen   21.12.04 22:23
. * Десятъка... Black Wolf   22.12.04 08:08
. * Re: Десятъка... Bloodsigned   22.12.04 13:41
. * Re: Десятъка... Black Wolf   22.12.04 15:09
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? пpивидeниe   27.12.04 23:36
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? DESQTUCHKO   09.01.05 22:50
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? Пpивидeниe   09.01.05 23:25
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? anekdotov   23.01.05 00:37
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? ПЪTниk   23.01.05 17:25
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? yзилeл kидoн   23.01.05 18:05
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? ПЪTниk   23.01.05 18:14
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? =*=   23.01.05 18:51
. * Re: Ще си плащате ли десятъка? ПЪTниk   23.01.05 20:02
. * Re: Въпрос! Какво трябва да направиш, за да и как HeCъмAтeиcтka   23.01.05 18:56
. * Re: Въпрос! Какво трябва да направиш, за да и как ПЪTниk   23.01.05 20:04
. * Re: Въпрос! Какво трябва да направиш, за да и как yзилeл kидoн   23.01.05 20:11
. * Re: Въпрос! Какво трябва да направиш, за да и как ПЪTниk   23.01.05 20:24
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