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Тема Nadine, I'm shocked... I can't believe my eyes...
Автор bikerider (aware)
Публикувано26.06.03 10:51  

I've always accepted new people with open mind and trying to have fun with them. Maybe MAN6 has gone a bit too far but that's his right - to speak whatever he wants and feels good. I simply don't get it - how do you allow yourself to come here in Bulgaria, speak with people, have fun, and in the next moment to blame them, to tell them to be ashamed of what they are...
You know, I'm sick and tired of you western-europeans, you "civilized" and "honest" people that sacrifice yourselves to help the mindless savages from the East. Enough double standarts!!!... Yes, enough already!!!

Your last few remarks about us Bulgarians completely shocked me.
Do you really think in a way that you are some kind of saviour, or some kind of messiah? Do you really know WHY bulgarian children are starving? Do you really know WHO made this country into a piece of shit???? It was YOU - the western europians, along with the american bankers who invented communism, financed it and planted it everywhere...

...and to blame us for our attitude and telling us to be ashamed that we have hungry chidlren - I can only tell you - GO TO AFRICA!!!! - there you will find the "appreciation" that you lack here...

AgentOrange is right - SHAME ON YOU for turning this into a political debate...
I'm slowly beginning to understand MAN6 was COMPLETELY right about you...
go where you are from - we don't need you pity here
I give away myself at least 500 levas a year for homeless and hungry orphans... so to tell me to be ashamed for not helping starving children... I don't know what to tell you except - BEGONE OF MY COUNTRY !!!!!

Do, or do not - there's no "try"...

Редактирано от bikerider на 26.06.03 11:10.

Цялата тема
* Nadine, I'm shocked... I can't believe my eyes... bikerider   26.06.03 10:51
. * Re: Nadine, I'm shocked... I can't believe my eyes... Nose Plant   26.06.03 11:13
. * Re: Nadine, I'm shocked... I can't believe my eyes... bikerider   26.06.03 11:21
. * Изобщо не искам да взимам страна... Nose Plant   26.06.03 12:05
. * Re: Изобщо не искам да взимам страна... bikerider   26.06.03 12:20
. * Re: Изобщо не искам да взимам страна... Nose Plant   26.06.03 12:50
. * Re: Изобщо не искам да взимам страна... bikerider   26.06.03 15:11
. * Re: bikerider... pun   26.06.03 21:01
. * Re: bikerider... MAN6   26.06.03 23:27
. * ... Nose Plant   27.06.03 01:15
. * Re: Изобщо не искам да взимам страна... MAN6   26.06.03 23:23
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