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Тема предстояща западна книга за траките
Автор Kroraina (непознат)
Публикувано03.04.07 17:42  

Chris Webber, авторът на една скорошна западна от поредицата Men-et-arms (издателство Osprey), ми писа наскоро, че е получил предложение от друго издателство, да напише за тях по-подробно и представително изложение за военната история, битките и т.п. на траките. Chris e бил в България май два пъти досега и е ходел по музеи да търси информации за тракийски оръжейни находки, но главно като обикновен турист. Още при подготовката на книжката за Osprey ми се оплакваше, че не е срещнал особено съдействие от българска страна. В смисъл на снимки на експонати, достъп до колекции.

Сега той иска да посети пак в България и ме пита какво да направел за да намерел по-голямо съдействие. Аз можах да му дам само имейл адрес на Коста Димов, с когото се свързахме преди време (Коста, появяваш ли се още в този форум?). По-долу прилагам писмата му до мен с повече подробности. Пиша тука тъй като виждам, че пишат понякога и професионални археолози. Ако някой от вас може да му окаже съдействие или просто да го посъветва към кого да се обърне, къде да отиде, или дори по кое време на годината би било най-добре да дойде в Бг, моля нека пише. Давам и имейла му, с негово съгласие, в случай че някой иска да се свърже направо с него (той не знае български). От последното му писмо научавам, че май нямало да му бъде възложена цяла книга, ами само глава за военната страна на трак. живот, но все пак мисля че би било добре да му помогне от българска страна, защото това е и един вид реклама за страната.


From: Christopher Webber [mailto:thracian@exemail.com.au]
Sent: 15 January 2007 14:04
To: Karloukovski, Vassil
Subject: FW: Book writing

Hi, Vassil, how exciting this is, it is totally unexpected but it looks like I might get to write a more comprehensive and academic Thracian book this time. I had to cut the other book back from 40,000 words, but this time I would have to fill in extra – it’s like a dream come true! http://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/home.php. Maybe I could get a Bulgarian version done, too.


-----Original Message-----
From: PhilSidnell@aol.com [mailto:PhilSidnell@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, 15 January 2007 09:55 PM
To: thracian@exemail.com.au
Subject: Re: Book writing

Dear Chris,
thanks for contacting me. I certainly owe Duncan one for that as I have been trying to track down an address for you for a while.

I recently had the great good fortune to be employed by Pen and Sword Books, here in the UK, to expand their coverage of the ancient period. I really enjoyed your book on the Thracians in Osprey's Men-at-Arms series (I've always had a soft spot for the Thracians, they were my first wargaming army) and so thought I'd see if you were interested in writing something with us.

Do you think you would have enough material to come up with 70,000 words on the Thracians? It would focus first and foremost on their military history and would ideally have more narrative accounts of some of the battles and campaigns they were involved in. It would be less profusely illustrated than the Men at Arms books, but we'd probably be looking for at least 8, maybe 16pp of plate section, with some maps and, ideally, tactical diagrams or battle maps too. Still interested?


From: Christopher Webber [mailto:thracian@exemail.com.au]
Sent: 02 April 2007 14:06
To: Karloukovski, Vassil
Subject: RE: Book writing

Hi, Vassil, sorry I didn’t reply earlier, I finally got my modem repaired (they replaced it actually), and I have definitely been offered a contract on the book – although only a year to write it. I only have to write one chapter about wargaming. Yes, I should like to contact the museums (again) to see if I can get a better response. Do you know how I can contact Dr Kitov? I thought of contacting the The Institute of Thracology but their web site http://thracol.webbg.com/ doesn’t work. I will ask Lyudmil Vagalinski for help once I have renewed my subscription to the rather expensive Archaeologia Bulgarica (!). The Bulgarian Embassy in Australia says they would help me, would it be better to go through a more formal process of asking them to contact the museums? I will get paid an advance for the book that would pay my air fare to Bulgaria, and would like to do a tour of the latest discoveries and perhaps visit parts of Greek Thrace and Rumania. (the 1 week 300 euro “Thracian tombs tour” sounds good). When do you think would be a good time to go? I’ve only been to Bulgaria in August before. From what I can see, there is no conference I can go to within the next year, but I have to go before next April.




From: Christopher Webber [mailto:thracian@exemail.com.au]
Sent: 03 April 2007 11:29
To: Karloukovski, Vassil
Subject: RE: Book writing

Hi, Vassil, thanks for Dimov’s email. Yes, great idea, by all means put it on the archaeology forum, I would be interested to hear what they say! I wonder if they have anything to say what happened to the arms and armour that is often mentioned as found with other more exciting, golden etc things – there is comparatively very little to see in museums, and usually only the same pieces get photographed, where does it all go? OK maybe it’s not so interesting to record 20 rusty swords that all look the same but if they came from all over the country, or only from one part of the country, then maybe it means something.



Цялата тема
* предстояща западна книга за траките Kroraina   03.04.07 17:42
. * Re: предстояща западна книга за траките Ziezi   03.04.07 21:35
. * Другарю Живков Koпpивeнa_мeтлa   03.04.07 22:21
. * Re: предстояща западна книга за траките kovshegub   04.04.07 11:33
. * Re: предстояща западна книга за траките TlNlT   08.04.07 12:20
. * Re: предстояща западна книга за траките caracalla   04.04.07 18:45
. * Re: предстояща западна книга за траките _magotin_   04.04.07 18:55
. * Re: предстояща западна книга за траките .Karata.   09.04.07 12:30
. * Re: предстояща западна книга за траките deLake   06.04.07 18:33
. * Re: предстояща западна книга за траките Kroraina   16.04.07 15:07
. * Re: предстояща западна книга за траките _magotin_   19.04.07 15:50
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