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Тема Re: razni etruski krasoti [re: etruski-prodyljenie2]
Авторetruski (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано28.03.05 21:40  


Fiche: Disk with a lion's head
Material: bronze
Dimensions: diameter=0.362m (diameter of head=0.125m); maximum depth=0.065m
Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, Inv. no. 12623
Provenience: Tarquinia (necropolis of Monte Quaglieri)
Date: Late 6th century B.C.

This bronze disk was found, together with ten other pieces, in a funeral chamber in 1829.
The central cavity of the shaped disk, distinguished by a smooth part made to hold the mask, and by two concentric, circular zones of tongues, also includes a central lion's head.
The head, (205K) raised from a single sheet of bronze, was attached with two pairs of rivets, placed opposite each other. The eyes are filled with paste:white for the cornea, black for the iris.The lion is represented with its jaws wide open and its tongue hanging down.
Stylistically, the head fits into the Etruscan canon typical of the second half of the sixth century B.C.

Material: bronze
Dimensions: diameter=0.405m; maximum depth=0.065m; height of mask=0.275m
Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, Inv. no. 12461
Provenience: Tarquinia (necropolis of Monte Quaglieri)
Date: Early 5th century B.C.

Revetment in the form of a winged horse
Material: polychromed terracotta
Dimensions: height=0.46m; depth=0.405m
Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, Inv. no. 14130
Provenience: Cerveteri
Date: Early 5th century B.C.
This horse's forepart crowned the lower-left corner of a temple in Cerveteri from about the first quarter of teh fifth century B.C.. the piece still has traces of its original polychromy; red, black and yellow. Perhaps the horse's mouth (323k) once held a bit. The front hooves, (318K) the top of the mane and the flat tile to which the plastic element was attached have broken off.
This Pegasus is one of the finest products of the art of Etruscan temple decoration.

Fiche: Votive head of a man
Material: terracotta
Dimensions: height overall=0.26m; height of head=0.19m
Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, Inv. no. 13854
Provenience: Cerveteri
Date: 4th century B.C.
It is a product of a flourishing Etruscan craftmanship of average quality.


Fiche: Two heads of horses
Material: nenfro
Dimensions: height=0.56m
Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, Inv. no. 14953, 14954
Provenience: Vulci
Date: Late 4th century B.C.

Each of the two heads is bridled, with a decorative collar around the neck. Nenfro is a volcanic stone, native to Etruria and some of the finest Etruscan sculptures are of this material.
In antiquity, horses had a sepulchral meaning, but it is not clear whether this pair, found at the entrance to a tomb, was part of a chariot group or should be considered architectural adjuncts.

Цялата тема
* razni etruski krasoti super etruskvane   22.03.05 22:32
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti e   22.03.05 22:47
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti etruski ogledala   22.03.05 22:59
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti ETRUSKl   22.03.05 23:33
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti etruski   23.03.05 00:10
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti e   23.03.05 00:31
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti e   23.03.05 01:09
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti mellisa   23.03.05 14:05
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti Koi to4no   23.03.05 20:11
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti etruski-prodyljenie   25.03.05 17:04
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti etruski-prodyljenie2   26.03.05 00:17
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti ETRUSKl   26.03.05 00:23
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti etruski   26.03.05 00:57
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti etruski   28.03.05 21:40
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti etruski   28.03.05 22:17
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti etruski   26.03.05 10:57
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti o6te   30.03.05 22:51
. * Re: razni etruski krasoti last roman   17.04.05 13:25
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