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Тема Re: fystyci~maznini [re: whatever]
АвторHristo (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано31.07.03 01:48  

Vij kvo whatever,
vzemi naistina spri da pishesh prostotii. Kolkoto za ketonite, ne samo che mozuka si gi gori sus kef, ami sa i po-dobroto gorivo. Ne sluchaino NVD se izpolzva za lekuvane na epilepsia + kakto izglezhda i drugi bolesti. Eto ti dva abstracta ot pubmed, da ne kazhesh che pisha gluposti:

Ketoacids? Good medicine?

Cahill GF Jr, Veech RL.

D-beta-hydroxybutyrate, the principal "ketone" body in starving man, displaces glucose as the predominating fuel for brain, decreasing the need for glucose synthesis in liver (and kidney) and accordingly spares its precursor, muscle-derived amino acids. Thus normal 70 kg. man survives 2-3 months of starvation instead of several weeks, and obese man many months to over a year. Without this metabolic adaptation, H. sapiens could not have evolved such a large brain. Recent studies have shown that D-beta-hydroxybutyrate, the principal "ketone", is not just a fuel, but a "superfuel" more efficiently producing ATP energy than glucose or fatty acid. In a perfused rat heart preparation, it increased contractility and decreased oxygen consumption. It has also protected neuronal cells in tissue culture against exposure to toxins associated with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. In a rodent model it decreased the death of lung cells induced by hemorrhagic shock. Also, mice exposed to hypoxia survived longer. These and other data suggest a potential use of beta-hydroxybutyrate in a number of medical and non-medical conditions where oxygen supply or substrate utilization may be limited. Efforts are underway to prepare esters of beta-hydroxybutyrate which can be taken orally or parenterally to study its potential therapeutic applications.

-------------- #2

D-beta-hydroxybutyrate protects neurons in models of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Kashiwaya Y, Takeshima T, Mori N, Nakashima K, Clarke K, Veech RL.

Division of Neurology, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine, Yonago, 683-8503 Tottori, Japan.

The heroin analogue 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, MPP(+), both in vitro and in vivo, produces death of dopaminergic substantia nigral cells by inhibiting the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase multienzyme complex, producing a syndrome indistinguishable from Parkinson's disease. Similarly, a fragment of amyloid protein, Abeta(1-42), is lethal to hippocampal cells, producing recent memory deficits characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. Here we show that addition of 4 mM d-beta-hydroxybutyrate protected cultured mesencephalic neurons from MPP(+) toxicity and hippocampal neurons from Abeta(1-42) toxicity. Our previous work in heart showed that ketone bodies, normal metabolites, can correct defects in mitochondrial energy generation. The ability of ketone bodies to protect neurons in culture suggests that defects in mitochondrial energy generation contribute to the pathophysiology of both brain diseases. These findings further suggest that ketone bodies may play a therapeutic role in these most common forms of human neurodegeneration.


Kolkoto za mozuka mi, izobshto ne se pritesniavai. Misli si za Parkinson i Alzheimer. Koe predpochitash? Misli si i rupai seno kakto kazva edin forumen kapacitet
Po-zdravi i spri s tia maloumni izkazvania

Цялата тема
* insulin index gal   25.07.03 11:41
. * Re: insulin index 44   25.07.03 14:05
. * fystyci~maznini nevermind   25.07.03 23:17
. * Re: fystyci~maznini gal   25.07.03 23:51
. * Re: fystyci~maznini 44   26.07.03 07:55
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Hristo   26.07.03 11:55
. * Re: fystyci~maznini whatever   28.07.03 01:05
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Cherniq   28.07.03 01:52
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Spidercho   28.07.03 11:23
. * :) Hristo   28.07.03 17:09
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Spidercho   28.07.03 11:18
. * Re: fystyci~maznini whatever   28.07.03 23:58
. * Re: fystyci~maznini П K   29.07.03 04:24
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Tz   29.07.03 09:03
. * Re: fystyci~maznini nevermind   30.07.03 12:15
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Spidercho   29.07.03 17:57
. * Re: fystyci~maznini whatever   30.07.03 11:59
. * Re: fystyci~maznini nevermind   30.07.03 12:20
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Spidercho   30.07.03 12:33
. * Re: fystyci~maznini whatever   30.07.03 23:49
. * Re: fystyci~maznini 9-rлaвaтa лaмя   31.07.03 01:23
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Hristo   31.07.03 01:48
. * Re: fystyci~maznini 9-rлaвaтa лaмя   31.07.03 13:17
. * Re: fystyci~maznini whatever   31.07.03 14:12
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Cherniq   31.07.03 14:15
. * Re: fystyci~maznini whatever   31.07.03 14:23
. * Re: fystyci~maznini whatever   31.07.03 14:26
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Hristo   31.07.03 14:35
. * Re: fystyci~maznini whatever   31.07.03 18:15
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Spidercho   02.08.03 21:07
. * Re: fystyci~maznini whatever   03.08.03 00:04
. * LOL Hristo   03.08.03 13:20
. * Re: fystyci~maznini Spidercho   04.08.03 16:54
. * Re: fystyci~maznini whatvever   05.08.03 23:52
. * Re: fystyci~maznini nevermind   30.07.03 12:17
. * Re: insulin index Hristo   25.07.03 14:43
. * Re: insulin index 9-rлaвaтa лaмя   25.07.03 15:25
. * Re: insulin index Hristo   25.07.03 16:48
. * Re: insulin index gal   25.07.03 21:43
. * Re: insulin index 9-rлaвaтa лaмя   26.07.03 00:44
. * Re: insulin index nevermind   25.07.03 23:23
. * Re: insulin index Hristo   26.07.03 00:27
. * Re: insulin index Spidercho   28.07.03 10:57
. * Re: insulin index haho   25.07.03 23:31
. * Re: insulin index Hristo   26.07.03 00:35
. * nqma qdene bez vyglehidrat :) ngn   30.07.03 21:21
. * Re: nqma qdene bez vyglehidrat :) 9-rлaвaтa лaмя   31.07.03 01:25
. * Re: nqma qdene bez vyglehidrat :) whatever   31.07.03 13:41
. * Re: nqma qdene bez vyglehidrat :) Spidercho   31.07.03 13:58
. * Re: nqma qdene bez vyglehidrat :) 9-rлaвaтa лaмя   31.07.03 14:03
. * Re: nqma qdene bez vyglehidrat :) whatever   31.07.03 14:08
. * Re: nqma qdene bez vyglehidrat :) Spidercho   31.07.03 15:10
. * Re: nqma qdene bez vyglehidrat :) whatever   31.07.03 17:57
. * Re: nqma qdene bez vyglehidrat :) whatever   31.07.03 18:04
. * Усмивки за феновете на въглехидратите Mилko Гeoprиeв   10.10.09 10:44
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