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Тема Re: грешка в Матрицата [re: Ивo]
АвторИвo (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано11.09.04 12:22  

и от първата серия:

Matrix, The

When Neo and Agent Smith are fighting in the subway Neo's mouth bleeds when he is hit. In the next scene his mouth is completely blood free and then, in the next scene, his mouth is full of blood again.

In the scene with Morphius and the Agent fighting after they are set up Morphius headbutts the agent and his glasses fall off. About 1 or 2 seconds after that it shows the agent (from behind) headbutting Morphius back, but he has his glasses on.

when Mr. ratface makes the deal with the agents, they're talking over dinner in the matrix, now the question has been raised who plugged him in and un plugged him. but what about this. he's in the matrix making this deal. then in a scene soon after morpheus instructs the crew to move the ship within range to enter the matrix. if they were out of range how did ratface get inside to make the deal?

After the fight in the subway, and as Neo is running through the Market on the phone, he says..."It's the Wizard, get me the hell outa here"...Who is The Wizard?

R.E:When Laurence Fishburne pushed through the wall to fight Agent Smith after they all see the Oracle. Laurence Fishburne comments on how all the agents look the same. Notice how the Agent has his glasses on but after he punches Laurence Fishburne (and then hits the ground to right himself) his glasses have been removed. This is due to an 'head-but' being cut from the final print.

When Neo's falling in the jump program, his shirt flaps up and you can see his harness -- his belly should be white, not black!

When Trinity runs sideways up the wall in the lobby under massive gun fire, the marble tiles on the wall move.

When Neo's signing for his package (phone), there's a close up of him, and in the backround, if you look carefully, there's a hand there. Then, you go bakc to full screen with Neo AND the postboy, and the hand has dissapeared!

How is Neo able to speak immeadiately after he gets out of his sleazy 'power cell' - they even tell him his eyes hurt because he has never used them before, yet he speaks fluently when apparently his vocal chords haven't been used either.

When Keanu Reeves kills all the three agents that are interrogating Laurence Fishburne, Laurence gets up and starts to run to the chopper. When he is running Agent Smith shoots him in the leg but later after the chopper has crashed into the building, all three of them meet up on the roof top. Notice how he is walking fine and is only holding his wrist. When they go into the subway he is still walking ok and is still only holding his wrist.

When Laurence Fishburne pushed through the wall to fight Agent Smith after they all see the Oracle. Laurence Fishburne comments on how all the agents look the same. Notice how the Agent has his glasses on but after he punches Laurence Fishburne (and then hits the ground to right himself) his glasses have been removed.

When Neo is waiting for Trinity, Switch and Apoc at the bridge it is raining heavily and yet his hair and clothes are dry. It is possible that he was there a long time and had time to dry off, but then would his hair be so perfectly gelled?

In the Agent training program, the numerous sets of twins, triplets, etc. are intentional. In Sydney, they hired sets of twins, etc. rather than having to waste time duplicating them digitally.

When Cypher is having dinner with Agent Smith, near the end of the scene he lights an already lit cigar.

The movie "The Matrix" was misrated. What should have been rated PG-13 was mistakenly rated R. Please forgive the MPAA for this misration.

When in the "woman in red" scene if you look at the bottom right of the screen during the pause sequence, (long shot) there is a chap at the bottom with a bald head and there is a duplicate of the same bloke just to the right of himself. [There are many duplicates of people in the Lady in Red scene. This is on purpose! It is to show that the programmer was cutting corners when he wrote that scene. The director points this out on the DVD comentary.]

When Neo is trying to bend the spoon, you can see a reflection of one of the crew.

When Neo, is having fun, shooting the bad guys near the end of the film, the most dramatic part of the film, when Neo crosses his arms with the automatics, one bloke gets shot bad, then he turns to where he just shot him, and a bloke just stands there, waiting to get shot. He had plenty of time to get out of the clear. A definite mistake!!

Neo is told by Morpheus to leave through the window. Neo ends up outside. How can that be if windows on a skyscraper don't open due to the dangers of falling out?

In the office where Neo works, he is told by Morpheus to exit the building by going through the window. When Neo looks outside the window you can see a parade going on, but then when he looks back again the parade has gone and nobody is there at all.

In the scene where he is taking a call at work in his cubicle ... off to the left of the screen is a hand of one of the crew sitting on the desk :o) I guess editing missed that one!!!! :o))

Not a mistake, just a response. Of coarse everything destroyed is magically fixed, it's all in the Matrix. That's also why they can run on walls and jump from building to building. It's all computer generated. It fixes itself.

Once again using the Zoom function of your DVD player: In the scene where Neo and Morpheus go to see the Oracle, you can see the Camera and operator reflected in the Door Handle before the door is opened.

Using the Zoom function (if you have one) of your DVD player examine the shell casings that are ejected from the Agents gun at the end of the film (where Neo is shot). You can see the ammunition are blanks.

When Trinity goes to shoot Agent Smith she is side-on to the Agent. When we see her shoot from the next camera angle they are facing each other.

Neo is "the one", notice how Neo is an anagram for one.

During the fight scene between Neo and the agent in the subway station, after Neo incapacitates the agent and flips out of the way of the oncoming train, you can see where the wire harness connected to his back

When Tank asks Neo what he needs, Neo is talking to him in a mobile phone. But in the beginning of the movie they don't need phones to talk through the construct.

When Neo has discovered his power at the end, he does a standing kick that sends the agent flying. Then it shows a shot of Neo standing there with his leg in the air, but it's not his leg! The angle that the leg is lowered down to makes it impossible for it to be his own leg. It's very funny to think that there's a guy crouched down next to Keanu Reeves holding a fake leg!

Neo and Trinity kill all those soldiers on the roof before the agent comes to fight them. The agent shoots at Neo and during the whole dodging bullets scene every single corpse is gone!

How is the rat faced traitor able to get in and out of the Matrix to meet Agent Hugo Weaving without anybody on the ship being there to do the telephone business to insert and extract him?

When Trinity asks for the helicopter pilot program to be loaded she rightly wants one for the model on the roof, a late version of the Bell Huey family. But back on the ship, going by the graphic display as the guy loads it, is the program for the Bell Jetranger - a somewhat different aircraft.

When on the roof, Neo fires at the enemy agent, who dodges all his bullets, but the windows of the building behind him are undamaged.

When Neo and Trinity are in the helicopter, there is a shot of Keanu spraying bullets ALL OVER the room with the minigun, Morpheus would've been killed for sure.

If you die in the matrix cause your brain thinks its real, why didn't Neo die in the jump program - surely it was just as real to his brain? [Because the ground wasn't solid - it stretched like a trampoline]

Why could Morpheus break the chain so easily after he saw Keanu, but not before? Either way he knows its not real.

Why do the enemy agents communicate verbally? if they are AI within a computer it would be far more efficient to communicate electronically. What was the bug they put in Keanu's stomach for? And why do they have trouble finding the good guys? Surely they can track someone inside their computer program? The good guy at the console could do it easily enough.

Look at the ladder they use in their "ship". It's just a standard home depot type extention ladder. Notice the slanted rungs?

In the scene with Morphius and the Agent fighting after they are set up (exits get blocked off by bricks and they are fighting in a bathroom) Morphius headbutts the agent and his glasses fall off. About 1 or 2 seconds after that it shows the agent (from behind) headbutting Morphius back but he has his glasses on.

When Agent Smith is integgorating Morpheus you can see the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Tower. All the accents are Americian but they walk past an aboriginal elder on their way to the Oracle. Notice all the Aussie companies; MMI, National Bank, Suncorp.... [One or two people have mentioned that given that it was filmed in Australia, there's really not that much that could be done. Alternatively, someone suggested that the machines don't know human history very well, so they mixed up some Australian things in with American things].

When Morpheus and Neo are walking down the street in the lady in the red dress similation, Neo (Keanu) walks past the Commonwealth Bank Logo, with the yellow square on the side. The very next sceen, there is an Americian police officer issuing a ticket. Now how this be when the Commonwealth Bank is an Australian Bank?

Those pillars that got shot up when Neo and Trinity get into a shootout in the government building where Morpheus is held sure heal fast - they're fine when they show the elevator crashing to the ground later and flames pour out around pillars that are brand new.

When Keanu first meets Fishburne, Fishburne extends his right hand with his other hand behind his back, next shot shows him with his left hand at his side, and when he withdraws his hand, it is back behind his back...talk about fast hands!

In the scene with Laurence Fishburne fighting the agent in the bathroom of the building they were trapped in, the agent punches through a brick wall, yet next time we see the wall, there is no damage.

In the scene where Neo and Morpheus spar in the Dojo, Morpheus misses a strike and comes down hard on the floor leaving a dent in the wood. When the scene cuts back a minute or so later there is a hole there, and not a dent.

In the movie, several people die in the 'virtual world' because they can not get to a hard-wired phone (eg., not cellular). However, if the world is virtual, wouldn't all of the phones and phone lines be virtual too? My point is this: if the entire world that they go into is virtual, there is no such thing as a hard wired phone. They could just pull people in and out of the world as they wish. [One contributor said: Actually, I would argue that they couldn't just pull anybody out of the Matrix anytime they wanted to. I mean, it's designed to keep people trapped in it forever. The "hardwired phones" are most likely backdoors the people in the real world snuck into the Matrix. It would make sense for them to be few and far between, to keep the Matrix and the Agents from finding them and eliminating them.]

When Trinity runs sideways up the wall in the lobby under massive gun fire, the marble tiles on the wall move.

Цялата тема
* грешка в Матрицата Ивo   11.09.04 12:17
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата Ивo   11.09.04 12:22
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата Smith (original)   11.09.04 17:13
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата Mopфиyc   11.09.04 19:23
. * Re: некой Chestor   11.09.04 23:37
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата DlAVOLO   12.09.04 19:21
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата Naia   14.09.04 10:31
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата [Matrix]Ghost   14.09.04 20:15
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата Naia   15.09.04 09:08
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата DlAVOLO   15.09.04 17:58
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата Naia   16.09.04 09:16
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата DlAVOLO   05.10.04 11:15
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата Cмoтaн   27.09.04 23:47
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата Naia   28.09.04 09:10
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата Cмoтaн   28.09.04 18:20
. * Re: грешка в Матрицата Naia   04.10.04 19:08
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