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Тема (Научни и обществени) новини 2нови  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (пристрастен)
Публикувано12.12.13 11:07


Тема Отвориха първия БГ маркетнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (пристрастен)
Публикувано12.12.13 11:09

Тази новина има връзка с екологията а и с патриотизма, поне от първото би следвало да се интересуват вегетарианците.

"Първият в страната хипермаркет само за български стоки бе открит вчера от земеделския производител Цанко Цанев в купената и реставрирана от него в оригиналния вид сграда на халите в Горна Оряховица. Голяма част от продукцията идва от собствените му стопанства, информира "24 часа"

От министерството на икономиката съобщиха наскоро, че ще покрепят идеята на малкия и средния бизнес за изграждането на БГ маркети.

"Не знаех за начинанието, но одобрявам тази стъпка", каза Цанев. Угоените пилета, прасета и телета ще се колят в лицензирани кланици, в магазина ще се транжират пред очите на клиентите.

Млякото ще идва директно от фермата, а живата риба - от водоемите и всеки ще може да улови желания шаран от аквариума. Виното се съхранява в бъчви, от които всеки ще може да си налее", разказва Цанко Цанев, който е сбъднал мечтата си да затвори цикъла на производството от нивата до трапезата."

Тема Re: Отвориха първия БГ маркетнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор | (>[2] /dev/null)
Публикувано15.12.13 00:19

Да не пропуснеш да ни информираш когато направят хипермаркет в Горно Нанадолнище, където продават само стоки от селото.

Както общо има патриотизма с продаването само на български храни.

The last good thing written in C was Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 9.

Тема Re: Отвориха първия БГ маркетнови [re: |]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (пристрастен)
Публикувано15.12.13 01:24

Може да е и в Сунгурларе, ама все пак е някакъв напредък.

Тема Re: Отвориха първия БГ маркетнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор | (>[2] /dev/null)
Публикувано15.12.13 05:40

Продаването на стоки само от определен район е пълно малоумие.

The last good thing written in C was Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 9.

Тема When Buying Organic Does (and Doesn't) Make Senseнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (пристрастен)
Публикувано23.12.13 01:13

"Worried about pesticides and produce? Wondering if it's ? The Environmental Working Group has released its 2012 guide to the most- and least-contaminated crops out there -- its "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15" lists -- and this year there are a few new items to watch out for, including certain types of baby food.


Apples, celery, and sweet bell peppers top this year's "Dirty Dozen," which has been expanded to the "Dirty Dozen Plus" in order to include green beans and leafy greens like collards and kale. (You can read the entire report here.) Though they don't meet traditional criteria for the Dirty Dozen, green beans and leafy greens are often contaminated with organophosphate insecticides. "These insecticides are toxic to the nervous system and have been largely removed from agriculture over the past decade," the EWG said in its report. "But they are not banned and still show up on some food crops."


Pesticides aren't necessarily just on the surface of the food, Chensheng (Alex) Lu, Associate Professor of Environmental Exposure Biology at the Harvard School of Public Health told Yahoo! Shine in an interview. "If you look at apples, for example, they often spray from March to late June. After that they don't spray anything," he said, explaining that in many cases the fruit grows with pesticides already in it, thanks to pesticide seed treatment programs where seeds are soaked in pesticides before they're even planted. "It started with corn, but now is used with a lot of different kinds of produce," he said.

According to the EWG, 96 percent of celery samples, 96 percent of peach samples, and 88 percent of spinach samples contained residue from one or more pesticides. Up to 15 different pesticides were detected on a single sample of grapes, 93 percent of apple samples had traces of two or more pesticides on them, and samples of lettuce sported 78 different pesticides. Cucumbers, a newcomer to the Dirty Dozen Plus, turned up 10 different pesticides on a single sample.

The group also took a look at commercial baby food for the first time. "Department scientists analyzed about 190 samples each of prepared baby food consisting of green beans, pears, and sweet potatoes," the report said (it did not name specific brands). Green beans prepared as baby food tested positive for five pesticides, while 92 percent of pear samples had at least one type of pesticide and three samples tested positive for Iprodione, a probable carcinogen which is not registered with the EPA for use on pears. Sweet potatoes, which are long-time members of the "Clean 15" group, had nearly no pesticide residue at all.

"Federal testing of pesticide residue in baby food was long overdue, as infants are especially vulnerable to toxic compounds," said Andrew Weil, MD, Founder and Director, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. "Now that it has begun, the results are highly disturbing. It is bad enough that baby food contains pesticides at all; the fact that pears contain a likely human carcinogen is an outrage."

Weil recommends that parents purchase organic baby food if they're not able to prepare their own. "It is vital that an infant's developing brain and nervous system receive only uncontaminated, nutrient-dense foods," he said.

"For baby food, I would probably recommend that parents take the time to prepare their own baby food using either organic produce or produce they buy from a reliable source," Harvard's Dr. Lu agreed.

While buying organic produce is often the best way to avoid pesticide contamination, it's not an option for everyone, especially people who are already struggling to make ends meet. The EWG notes that "the health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure," and the Federal Food and Drug Administration says that consumers can remove pesticide residue on the surface of produce by removing outer leaves and washing the food in cold running water (no soap or bleach necessary). Still, the EWG suggests that you buy organic versions of the following (or from local farmers markets, or grow in your own garden) whenever possible:

The Dirty Dozen Plus:
sweet bell peppers
imported nectarines
domestic blueberries
green beans
kale, collards, and leafy greens

Conventionally grown items on the "Clean 15" list are generally low in pesticides. "More than 90 percent of cabbage, asparagus, sweet peas, eggplant and sweet potato samples had one or fewer pesticides detected," the report says. "Of the 'Clean Fifteen' vegetables, no single sample had more than 5 different chemicals, and no single fruit sample from the 'Clean Fifteen' had more than 5 types of pesticides detected."

The Clean 15:
sweet corn
sweet Peas
domestic cantaloupe
sweet potatoes

Copyright © 2012 Yahoo Inc.

Also on Shine:


Редактирано от Mod vege на 23.12.13 01:18.

Тема Re: When Buying Organic Does (and Doesn't) Make Senseнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор | (>[2] /dev/null)
Публикувано24.12.13 01:23

Organic картофи ще си купя точно никога. От останалите неща купувам каквото ми харесва, независимо дали е органик или не. Ябълките обикновено са органик защото обикновено няма неорганик от сорта който харесвам.

The last good thing written in C was Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 9.

Тема Reasons Meat and Dairy Industry is Unsustainableнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (пристрастен)
Публикувано01.01.14 22:10

"Like it or not, you can’t hide from the facts that eating animal products is becoming a massive problem for everyone on the planet.

Here are 10 reasons why the meat and dairy industry is unsustainable:

1. Deforestation – Farm animals require considerably more land than crops to produce a given amount of food energy. In Central America alone, 40 percent of all rainforests have been cleared in the last 40 years for cattle pasture to feed the export market, often for U.S. beef burgers. The World Hunger Program calculated that recent world harvests, if distributed equitably and fed directly to humans as opposed to livestock, could provide a vegan diet to 6 billion people.

2. Fresh Water – Without a doubt livestock has one of the largest water footprints on the planet. It may be hard to believe, but the standard American diet requires a whopping 4,200 gallons of water per day (including animals’ drinking water, irrigation of crops, processing, washing, etc.), whereas a vegan diet only requires 300. The easiest way to reduce demand for water is to eliminate the consumption of animal products.

3. Waste Disposal – Today’s factory farms house hundreds of thousands of cows, pigs and chickens and in turn produce astronomical amounts of waste. In the U.S. these giant livestock farms generate more than 130 times the amount of waste that humans do. This waste has polluted thousand of miles of rivers and contaminated groundwater, killing marine life and creating huge dead zones.

4. Energy Consumption – For that steak to end up on your plate it has to consume massive amounts of energy along the way. Growing the grain with a heavy use of agricultural chemicals to feed the cattle, transporting the cattle thousands of miles to slaughter and market, and then refrigerating and cooking the meat all amounts to an absurd use of resources. On average, it takes 28 calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of protein from meat, whereas it takes only 3.3 calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of protein from grain.

5. Food Productivity – The food productivity of farmland is quickly falling behind population growth, and the only option available to us short of stabilizing population is to cut back on meat consumption and convert grazing land to food crops. In the U.S. an estimated 56 million acres of land are producing hay for livestock, and only 4 million acres are used to grow vegetables for human consumption.

6. Global Warming – Global warming is driven by energy consumption, and as noted above livestock are energy guzzling, but that’s not all. Livestock also emit potent global warming gases into the environment. Cattle, in particular, produce a significant amount of methane. For example, a single dairy cow produces an average of 75 kilos of methane annually.

7. Loss of Biodiversity – Poaching and the black-marketeering of bushmeat is becoming a growing problem as our planet becomes more and more overcrowded and poorer populations venture into wildlife reserves to kill everything from elephants and chimpanzees to bonobos and birds. Hunters are using logging roads, which facilitate a more rapid invasion, that have been opened up by big multinational companies to poach every animal in sight to sell to people in the cities.

8. Grassland Destruction – As the herds of domesticated animals expanded, the environments on which wild animals such as bison and antelope used to thrive were replaced by monoculture grasslands to cater for large scale cattle grazing. Grassland has suffered a massive loss of life. What was once a rich and diverse ecosystem is now is a single species monoculture.

9. Soil Erosion – With 60 percent of the United States’ pastureland being overgrazed, the acceleration of soil erosion and degradation of land is an increasing concern. It takes approximately 500 years to replace just one inch of precious topsoil. While fertilizers may be able to replace a small amount of nutrient loss, the large inputs of fossil energy to do so is completely unrealistic and unsustainable.

10. Lifestyle Disease – The excessive consumption of meat and dairy in developed countries combined with environmental pollution and lack of exercise is causing a wealth of preventable health problems such as heart disease. While western civilizations are dying from strokes, cancer, diabetes and heart attacks after gorging on meat, poor people in Third World countries are dying from disease brought on by being denied access to land to grow grain to feed their families.

When taking into consideration all of the points made above, it’s clear to see that a meat and dairy dependent diet is unsustainable in the long term. Couple that with the threat of rapid population growth — the current U.S. population is an estimated 285 million and is projected to double in the next 70 years — and even greater stress will be placed an our already limited resources, all of which will have to be divided among even larger numbers of people.

Regardless of the role of meat and dairy in nutrition or the ethics of animal rights, on the grounds of economic and ecological sustainability alone, the consumption of animal products is a looming problem for humankind.

If you want to live a low impact lifestyle and reduce your use of the world’s precious resources, then try opting for animal free food choices instead."

Тема Re: Reasons Meat and Dairy Industry is Unsustainableнови [re: Mod vege]  
Автор | (>[2] /dev/null)
Публикувано01.01.14 22:50

Looks good to me. I'm OK with these drawbacks.

The last good thing written in C was Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 9.

Тема Re: Reasons Meat and Dairy Industry is Unsustainable [re: Mod vege]  
Автор ~@!$^%*amp;()_+ (целия горен ред)
Публикувано02.01.14 20:46

всички тия "проблеми" са решими и ще бъдат решени когато решаването им стане икономически изгодно
прогреса се прави чрез угаждането на мераците, не с ограничаването им

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