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Тема обяви, новини & useful infoнови  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано19.08.04 13:03

Hi everyone,

реших да последвам съвета на Ани (благодаря й за удачното предложение) и да създам една тема, в която да събера всички бъдещи обяви.
Надявам се тук да намерите полезни нещица, но също така и да помагате при "update" на информацията.

Тема [published on 29.06.04] PhD Studentshipнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано19.08.04 13:06

Institute for Social, Cultural and Policy Research
University of Salford

Applications are invited for a three-year full-time PhD Studentship,
fully funded (fees and maintenance grant) by EPSRC, to commence
September 2004.

This studentship is directly linked with a current research project
investigating the social and economic aspects of sustainable energy, and
particularly the emergence of a 'Hydrogen economy'. It is desirable that
the student has already successfully completed social sciences training
to Master's level, but the successful candidate will be able to access
additional ESRC-accredited doctoral training at Salford as part of their
research leading to a PhD Thesis. The student will be required to carry
out studies of technological innovation and its social context: the
exact topic will be agreed. Applications from graduates in the social
sciences and environmental sciences with an interest in science and
technology policy are especially welcome.
For further information about the programme in which the project is
located, please see http://www.uk-shec.org
Further information about the Research Institute is also available at

Inquiries can be made to Professor Rob Flynn ( Tel 0161 295 0446;email
r.flynn@salford.ac.uk) or Professor Paul Bellaby (Tel 0161 295 2819;
email p.bellaby@salford.ac.uk). Application forms can be downloaded from
www.pg.salford.ac.uk. Completed applications, plus a CV and a brief (2
page) statement of your proposed topic should be returned to Sara
Lockett, Research Support Unit, 4th Floor, Humphrey Booth House,
University of Salford M5 4QA by 30 July 2004.

Тема [01.07.04] European Master on STSнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано19.08.04 13:10

Universiteit Maastricht European Studies on Society, Science & Technology

Extension of the deadline
To the 1st of August ,2004

European Master of Arts Programme on
Society, Science and Technology
At Maastricht University, The Netherlands

ESST is a one-year International Master Programme taught in collaboration
with an Association of 17 European Universities. The ESST programme
explores the foundations and impact of science and technology by examining
the values, language, history, politics, and economics of modern
technological and scientific society. Work in this field prepares students
to integrate the scientific and technical disciplines with the humanities
and social sciences. Through its multidisciplinary approach, ESST explores
the interrelated worlds of the scientist, engineer, politician, and
citizen. Furthermore, the global, multicultural, and environmentally
conscious perspectives of ESST develops ethical awareness and public
responsibility. ESST is designed to provide training for students of
different backgrounds: social scientists, engineers and human scholars.

In a period, that is heading towards an ever more complex knowledge society
there will be an increasing need for experts who are able to deal with the
science-technology-society relation in a reflexive and politically
conscious way. Graduates of the ESST program are thus well prepared for a
wide spectrum professional and academic activities. This includes all kinds
governmental institutions, NGOв?Ts, or private institutes and academic
institutes that deal with issues such as research funding, technological
development, public health and medicine, environmental policy,
technological risk management or organizational development.

Some of the issues discussed within the ESST programme are:

п,§ Do science and technology develop according their own logic, or are do
they reflect the interests and values of their social context? How and to
which extend, can policy then deliberately control the course of scientific
and technical innovations?

п,§ In what way is the policy-making process changing in a knowledge
society? Are we moving towards a technocratic society in which only
scientific experts have a say or is there a future for democracy in the
knowledge society?

п,§ How can policy-institutions deal both effectively and democratically
with the risks and moral dilemmas of new technological developments such as
genetic food, biomedicine, and information or communication technology? Who
is to be considered an expert in these matters? How and where can we draw
the line between experts and lay people?

п,§ Can technology help to overcome the global North-South divide? Does the
transfer of new technologies to developing countries increase their
dependency of the North? Are their other forms of technology that are more
adapted and that that fit easier with the local needs of people in the

In the ESST programme students reflect on the arenas in which
controversial issues are discussed, like, biotechnology, genetics,
sustainable technology, climate change, biodiversity and the globalisation
of economics, and technology transfer.

ESST also offers several specialisations in the second semester. Like,
Technoscience and Values; Building and maintaining life in the development
process; Social perspectives on Technological Risks: discourses, risk
analysis, risk management and politics of risk; Living in a Technological
Culture; Computers and the Law; Science and Technology Teaching and
Society ; Technology Assessment Methodologies and Applications to Cases in
ICT; Nature, Culture, Science and Technology
Some are more policy-oriented. For example, Bridging the technological
Divide; Globalisation; E-government and E-democracy; The Politics of
Knowledge: Assessing and Communicating Risk; From Theories of Innovation
to Technological Policies.
Others are more oriented at theories and processes of innovation, like
Innovation Systems, Social and Ecological Change; Systems of Innovation,
Public Innovation Policy and Innovation Strategy; Globalisation,
Innovation Processes and Innovation Policies; The Economic and
Technological dimensions of Globalisation; From Theories of Innovation to
Technological Policies; Knowledge production and organisational innovation.

You can find more detailed information on our web page:
If you would like to have more information please do not hesitate to
contact us.

Universiteit Maastricht
Faculty of Arts and Culture
P.O. Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31.43.388 33 84
E-mailaddress: ESST@fdcw.unimaas.nl
Website address:http://www.esst.unimaas.nl

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Jessica Mesman
Director of studies

Mrs. Ingrid Regout

Тема кандидат асистентски конкурснови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано19.08.04 13:16

Катедра Хуманитарни науки и дизайн на ТУ-София обяви конкурс за редовен асистент в областта на "Философия на културата, политиката, правото и икономиката".

Изискването за участие в конкурса е магистърска степен по философия, социология, политилогия или културология.

Краен срок за подаване на документи - 27 август 2004.

Ректорат - ТУ - София
бл. 1, кабинет 1344 (отдел Персонал)

тел: 965 32 05

Тема Асоциация на докторантите в Българиянови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано19.08.04 13:26


може да откриете информация за докторанти и техните дисертации във всички области на науката.
Има възможност да се регистрирате сами, като добавите информация за вас и вашата дисертация в базата данни за български докторанти.

Извън безспорната полезност на подобна информация, съставителите на сайта поддържат и рубрика "новини", в която се публикуват доста обяви - за конференции, възможности за кандидатствания, за публикации и т.н.

Има възможност и да се абонирате за newsletter-а на Асоциацията, т.е. да получавате тези новини на вашия e-mail.

Тема Three research fellowships in Viennaнови [re: harka]  
Авторobiava (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано24.08.04 21:16

applications for 3 positions of research fellows. The candidates should
hold a recognized postgraduate qualification (PhD) in social sciences:
history, sociology, psychology, anthropology, literature, philosophy or
political studies. Consideration will be given to candidates with other
qualifications who demonstrate an active research agenda in science
communication or scientific management. The successful candidates should
possess a proven interest in studies of science and technology.
Knowledge in museology and visual arts, as well as previous experience
in events organization in an academic or museum setting will be well
Working in a dynamic and innovative environment, the successful
candidates should demonstrate the ability to conduct research and to
translate this knowledge and understanding into various novel visual
forms. Therefore, imagination, daring creativity and innovative stance
on scientific issues and research will be essential. Perfect working
knowledge in English is required; skills in other European languages
will be valuable assets.

social policy institution recently established by the Austrian Academy
of Sciences in Vienna. Its purpose is to make public on-going scientific
research and current debates at European and international level. It
will also foster original research on Austrian scientific life past and
is to develop a novel intellectual design and forms of display for
communicating scientific research dissimilar with those of science
museums and science centres (for more information see

Appointments will be for one or two years in the first instance, with
the possibility of renewal. Salary will be dependent on qualifications
and relevant experience, as well as on the specific duties of the fellows.

Candidates interested in applying are invited to send a CV and discuss
the positions in confidence with the designated Programme Director of
will be happy to provide further information on the positions and the
duties of the post holders. Dr. Yaneva can be contacted by email: Albena.Yaneva@oeaw.ac.at
The positions are open until filled.

Тема Int. Conference Politics AND/IN Aestheticsнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано26.08.04 10:57

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Politics [AND/IN] Aesthetics" 4-9 June 2005 - Thessaloniki, Greece & Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria

Новина от www.phfgate.net -

Тема Andrew Mellon East-Central European Researchнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано26.08.04 10:59

Andrew W. Mellon East-Central European Research Visiting Fellowships 2005/2006 in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Новина от www.phdgate.net -

Тема Re: обяви, новини & useful infoнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано31.08.04 11:28

Погледнете страницата с "календар на събитията" на Internationa Institute for Democracy

- зарежда се доста бавно, но пък съдържа списък с над 200 обяви за конференции, семинари, курсове и т.н. за половин година напред

Редактирано от harka на 31.08.04 11:31.

Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано31.08.04 11:55

From 1995 to 2003, Manchester Metropolitan University hosted a series of
very successful annual international conferences on 'ALTERNATIVE FUTURES
and POPULAR PROTEST'. The Tenth conference, planned for April 2004, had to
be cancelled.
We're very happy to announce that the Tenth conference will now be held,
between Wednesday 30th March and Friday 1st April 2005.
The Conference rubric remains as in previous years. The aim is to explore
the dynamics of popular movements, along with the ideas which animate
their activists and supporters and which contribute to shaping their fate.
Reflecting the inherent cross-disciplinary nature of the issues, previous
participants (from over 40 countries) have come from such specialisms as
sociology, politics, cultural studies, social psychology, economics,
history and geography. The Manchester conferences have also been notable
for discovering a fruitful and friendly meeting ground between activism
and academia.
We invite offers of papers relevant to the conference themes. Papers
should address such matters as: * contemporary and historical social
movements and popular protests* social movement theory * utopias and
* ideologies of collective action* etc.To offer a paper, please contact
either of the conference convenors with a brief abstract:
EITHER Colin Barker, Dept. of Sociology OR Mike Tyldesley, Dept. of
Politics and Philosophy Manchester Metropolitan University Geoffrey
Manton Building, Rosamond Street West Manchester M15 6LL, England
email: c.barker@mmu.ac.uk Tel: M. Tyldesley 0161 247 3438 email:
m.tyldesley@mmu.ac.uk Fax: 0161 247 6312 (+44 161 247 6312) (Wherever
possible, please use email, especially as Colin Barker is now a retired
gent, only occasionally collecting physical mail from the Department.)
CONFERENCE PAPERSThose giving papers are asked to supply them in advance,
for inclusion in the bound volumes of papers which will be available from
the conference opening.
* Preferred method: send the paper to Colin Barker as an email attachment
in Word.
* if this is impossible, post two single-spaced copies, on A4 or US Letter
paper, with one inch margins, and with a copy of the text on a DOS disk in
MS Word format
* Word limit 7,000 words (including notes etc.)
* Final date for receipt of abstracts: Monday 31st January 2005
* Final date for receipt of actual papers: Monday 7th March 2005*
Participants who do not supply their papers by the final date are asked to
bring 50 copies to the Conference for distribution. Advance submission is
much preferred, since the bound volumes of papers are sent to the British
Library but loose papers are excluded.FURTHER INFORMATION
A selection of papers from the 1995 conference appeared in early 1996 as:
Colin Barker & Paul Kennedy (eds.), To Make Another World: Studies in
Protest & Collective Action, Avebury, 1996
Manchester University Press published a volume of papers inspired by
previous conferences: Colin Barker, Alan Johnson & Michael Lavalette,
eds., Leadership in Social Movements (MUP, 2001).
A few recent sets of conference papers (two vols. in each year, 25.00
each set, post free) may still be obtained from Colin Barker. Email in
advance to check availability. Cheques with orders, please, to Manchester
Metropolitan University. Please order direct rather than through
CONFERENCE ARRANGEMENTS AND COSTSThe conference will run from lunch-time
Wednesday 30th March to lunch-time Friday 1st April 2005.
Cost, inclusive of three lunches, teas/coffees and copies of the bound
Proceedings, will be 110 (students 72).
Bed and Breakfast accommodation in student bedrooms can be booked through
the conference organizers at nearby UMIST, at 30 per night. Delegates
preferring ensuite hotel accommodation should make their own bookings. The
most convenient hotel is IBIS, Charles Street, Manchester M1 7DG (tel 0161
272 5000).
Conference participants will be invited to dine together at two local (and
not too expensive) restaurants on the two conference evenings. Payment for
dinners should not be made in advance, but directly to the restaurants on
the night.
Name __________________________________
Address _________________________________
__________________ postcode_________
Tel No. _____________________________
Email _____________________________
Conference fee 110.00 ............. Student
fee (post- & under-grad) 72.00 ............. Bed
and Breakfast Wednesday night 30.00
............. Thursday night 30.00
............. TOTAL
stlg .............
Cheques should be made payable to "Manchester Metropolitan University"
Credit Card payment (Visa and Mastercard only)
Card Number ......... ......... ......... .........
Expiry Date ...... / ......
Please let us know of any dietary or other requirements.
Please return the Booking Form to Colin Barker (address above)

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