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Тема Law and Culture Fellowshipнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано04.12.04 17:20

Law and Culture Fellowship. Center for the Study of Law and Culture, Columbia University 2005-2006

Тема Дебат по книгата на Андрей Райчев и Кънчо Стойчевнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано04.12.04 17:22

Центърът за култура и дебат “Червената къща” Ви предлага информация за тази част от програмата си, в периода 6-12 декември 2004 г., за която сте абонирани да получавате съобщения.
8 декември 2004 г.
8 декември (сряда) 2004 г., 18.00 ч.
Център за к ултура и д ебат “ Червената къща ”, ул. "Любен Каравелов" 15, Червена зала
“Какво се случи?”
Дебат по повод книгата на Андрей Райчев и Кънчо Стойчев, осмисляща прехода в България от 1989 до днес
С участието на: Андрей Райчев, Кънчо Стойчев, Огнян Минчев и Искра Баева
Модератор: Ивайло Дичев
Вход: 2/1 лв.

прочети повече -

Тема call for papers - journal of women's/gender historнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано06.12.04 10:09

Aspasia: new journal of women's/gender history

> Dear colleagues, I am very excited to send you the following announcement,
> which I hope you will circulate widely to all who might be interested:
> Aspasia.
> International Yearbook for Women's and Gender History of Central, Eastern
> and South Eastern Europe
> We are pleased to introduce Aspasia, a refereed international yearbook for
> Women's and Gender History of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe.
> Aspasia will be published by Berghahn Books, New York and Oxford, starting
> in 2006.
> Its editors are Francisca de Haan (Central European University, Budapest),
> Maria Bucur (Indiana University) and Krassimira Daskalova (St. Kliment
> Ohridski University of Sofia). The editorial board consists of Gisela
> Bock, Elena Gapova, Jasmina Lukic, Natalia Pushkareva, Bonnie Smith,
> Natalie Zemon Davis and Anna Zarnowska.
> Call for papers:
> The first issue of Aspasia will be devoted to the theme of Women's
> Movements and Feminisms in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe.
> While there is an increasing interest in this important topic, with some
> exceptions (e.g. Russia) relatively little has been published in English
> about the history of women's movements or feminisms in the region on the
> basis of primary research. Moreover, there is hardly any international
> comparative research on this topic, either within the region or between
> countries of our region and other places. Among the questions that we hope
> the authors will pursue are the following:
> - Did feminism have a history of its own in Central, Eastern, and South
> Eastern Europe?
> - What was the role of nationalism and of religion in inducing or
> hindering the development of women's movements?
> - What was the relationship between feminism and socialism; feminism and
> anarchism; feminism and right-wing nationalism in the interwar period; and
> between feminism and liberalism in the context of the region?
> - Within which political cultures did women's movements and /or feminisms
> develop? - What aspirations did feminists in the region have? What did
> their feminist utopias look like?
> - What role did ethnic, class, and other differences among women play in
> women's activism?
> - How important were international connections and forms of cooperation,
> either within the region (the Little Entente of Women) or broader (the
> ICW, IWSA/IAW, WILPF, international socialist women's networks, other
> international feminist networks)? Which factors made these forms of
> international cooperation possible or problematic?
> - Were there significant similarities and or differences with women's
> movements and feminisms in other parts of the world?
> - For the more recent periods we are also interested in historical
> analyses based on oral history material.
> Articles using multi- and interdisciplinary approaches are most welcome,
> but they should have a historical dimension or use historical modes of
> analysis. We also look for articles dealing with contemporary/recent
> history. While submissions with a strong empirical focus would be welcome,
> we would look for articles written within an explicit theoretical
> framework and/or engaging with theoretical problems.
> Length of manuscripts: 8000 words maximally, not including the endnotes.
> For the Berghahn House Style Sheet American English please visit their
> website at www.berghahnbooks.com <http://www.berghahnbooks.com/> and then
> click on "info for authors". This is the direct link:
> www.berghahnbooks.com/index.php?pg=author_info
> <http://www.berghahnbooks.com/index.php?pg=author_info>
> The deadline for submitting the articles is: April 15, 2005.
> Please send your manuscript as a Word attachment to Francisca de Haan at
> dehaanf@ceu.hu.or Maria Bucur at mbucur@indiana.edu.

Тема The European Cultural Foundations grantsнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано06.12.04 10:10

The European Cultural Foundations launches the new grants scheme for 2005
> Application deadline: January 31, 2005
> The European Cultural Foundation has recently launched the new grants
> scheme for 2005. The main development as compared with last year's
> application process is a shift to a more flexible scheme, which asks
> applicants to respond, in a creative way, to the six ECF current areas of
> interest:
> intercultural competences and collaboration across borders;
> increased participation in the arts and media;
> the cultural dimension of EU enlargement;
> strategies for change within cultural infrastructures;
> creative responses to current political issues;
> development of a common public and cultural European space.
> For more information and the application forms visit the grants section at
> http://www.eurocult.org
> Deadline: Jan 31, 2005

Тема ISA Competition for Junior Sociologistsнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано25.01.05 09:42

Could we draw your attention to the upcoming deadline of 1st April 2005, as the closing date for entries to the Fourth Worldwide Competition. for Junior Sociologists organised every four years by the International Sociological Association. We are very keen to encourage more entries to this competition and we would welcome your assistance in this matter. Would you please communicate information about the competition to your members.

The details on the Competition are available on the ISA website

Тема БСА конкурс най-добра публикация на млад социологнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано25.01.05 09:48

Условия за участие:

В конкурса могат да участват социолози, не по-възрастни от 35 години.

Представят се две копия от една до две публикации в български и чужди академични издания за периода 2003-2004 г.

Тематиката на разработките трябва да бъде социологическа.
Реферативни текстове няма да се разглеждат; както и представяне на научни форуми - конференции, семинари.
Ако представените публикации на чужд език не са на руски, немски, английски или френски, да бъдат придружени от превод на български език.
Ще се оценява социологическа култура, аргументираност на методологическия подход, дълбочина на анализа, актуалност на изследвания проблем, оригиналност на гледната точка.

Организация на конкурса
Материалите за участие в конкурса се представят:
- от самия автор;
- от социологическо звено със съгласието на автора.

Копия или оригинали от текстовете се предават на г-жа Диана Ненкова, Институт по социология към БАН, София, ул. “Московска” № 13 А.

Краен срок за предаването им: 28 февруари 2005 г.

Представените разработки ще бъдат дадени за рецензиране на 2 рецензенти, членове на БСА и специалисти в съответната област; след това ще бъдат оценявани от комисия в състав: проф. Галин Горнев (председател), доц. Мария Серафимова, доц. Петя Кабакчиева, гл.ас. Деян Деянов. Членовете на комисията са длъжни да познават всички разработки.

Обявяването на наградата ще стане на Бала на социолога (м. април/май 2005 г.) или на официален форум на БСА, проведен по същото време.

Първа награда: 300 лева
Втора награда: 100 лева

допълнително условие

Уважаеми колеги,

На заседанието си от 20 януари 2005 г. УС на БСА реши с оглед осигуряване на максимална обективност при КОНКУРСА ЗА НАЙ-ДОБРА ПУБЛИКАЦИЯ НА МЛАД СОЦИОЛОГ работите да бъдат оценявани анонимно. С цел да се гарантира тази анонимност кандидатите трябва:
1. Да представят компютърна разпечатка на публикацията си (публикациите си), като името на автора, заглавието и изданието, където е публикацията, се дадат на отделен лист.
2. Да отстранят от текста всички форми на самоидентификация [самоцитиране като: “Както посочвам в предишна своя публикация (цитиране на публикацията с име на автора)…” и други подобни], по които може да се установи авторството на текста.

Кандидатите носят пълна отговорност за анонимното представяне на своя текст.


Тема Balkan Summer School for Ph.D. Students in Socioloнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано25.01.05 10:03


Balkan Summer School for Ph.D. Students in Sociology
“Social Inclusion and Economic Strategies in the Balkans”

Date: July 5-10, 2005
Site: Bulgaria, complex “Lyulyatsi”, Gabrovo Region

Organiser: The Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; With the support of Open Society Institute - Sofia

Topic: The Balkan Summer School is a scientific forum aiming to combine lecture sessions, discussion groups and practical workshops on the problem of social inclusion and the economic strategies during socio-economical transformations.
The objective of the forum is to stimulate the regional and thematic collaboration among Ph.D. students from the Balkan countries and, thereby, to foster the development of sustainable networks of exchange of information and best scientific practices in the research on social inclusion and economic practices. The expansion of the thematic fields of students’ research is considered to be an important precondition for the implementation of their practical and theoretical knowledge in a national and a broader regional context.
Lectures and workshops will be tutored by prominent researchers from Western and Eastern Europe, and will be focused on the following themes: “Social stratification, social inclusion and exclusion”; “Economic strategies, market policies and informal economy”; “Multi-culturalism, ethnicity and nationalism”; “Educational structure, scientific and technological development”; “Euro-integration process on the Balkans”.

Eligibility: Only Ph.D. students in sociology from the Balkan region – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, and Serbia and Montenegro. Attendance for students from these countries is limited to 10 persons. The same is the number for Ph.D. students in sociology from Bulgaria. The applicants will be expected to speak fluent English, to be able to work in thematic groups and to participate actively in the practical workshops. All of the travel (by bus or train – second class tickets) and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Host organization.

Language: English

Application: To be considered for participation, students are required to submit an application in English, containing:
1. Curriculum Vitae; List of publications;
2. Up to 3 pages description of the Ph.D. research thesis with the following formatting requirements: 36 characters with space, including reference list; Font - Times New Roman, 12 p.; Paragraph – Before 0, After 0, first line 0.7; Page setup – Top 2.3, Bottom 2.3, Left 2.5, Right 1.5;
3. Motivation for participation in the summer school (one page);
4. Two letters (or email) of recommendation: one from the Ph.D. supervisor and another from prominent scientists in the researched area.

Deadline for applications: The 15th of April.

Contacts: All of the applications must be sent both by e-mail and by the regular post (the postmark date should not be later than the deadline) to the following addresses:

By E-mail:

By post:
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Moskovska Str. 13A
Institute of sociology
Diana Nenkova

Тема Blackwell Publishing offers free online accessнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано10.06.05 18:59

Blackwell Publishing offers free online access to sample issues and articles in all our leading political science journals, many of which are listed below.

To access the sample issues, simply visit the following links:

American Journal of Political Science


European Journal of Political Research


Journal of Politics


International Affairs


JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies


Political Studies


Australian Journal of Politics & History


Australian Journal of Public Administration


British Journal of Politics & International Relations


Bulletin of Latin American Research




Foreign Policy Analysis




Government and Opposition


International Migration


International Social Science Journal


International Studies Perspectives


International Studies Quarterly


International Studies Review


Journal of Political Philosophy


Middle East Policy


Milbank Quarterly


Nations and Nationalism


New Perspectives Quarterly


Peace & Change


Philosophy & Public Affairs


Policy Studies Journal


Political Psychology


Political Quarterly


Political Studies Review




Politics & Policy


Presidential Studies Quarterly


Public Administration


Public Administration Review


Public Money & Management


Public Policy Research


Review of Policy Research


Scandinavian Political Studies


Social Science Quarterly





Table of Contents Alert service:

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Join our free e-mail alerting service, and we'll send you tables of contents (with links to abstracts) each time a new issue of your chosen journal is published.

1. Visit: www.blackwell-synergy.com and register

2. Go to My Synergy and click the Email Alerts tab

3. Select the appropriate title and submit


For a full list of Blackwell Publishing journals and books, visit www.blackwellpublishing.com

Тема PhD Students workshop on public policiesнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано10.06.05 19:02

Je vous contacte de la part de Fran&#231;ois Bafoil.
Nous organisons en effet une rencontre doctorale &#224; Paris, dans le cadre du r&#233;seau d'excellence europ&#233;en CONNEX, sur le th&#232;me de l'europ&#233;anisation des politiques publiques dans les pays de l'Europe de l'est, et nous vous serions tr&#232;s reconnaissants si vous pouviez diffuser le message ci-dessous aupr&#232;s des doctorants de votre connaissance.
Merci par avance.
Bien &#224; vous,
Laurie Boussaguet

Laurie Boussaguet
CONNEX / Research Manager (RG6)
Centre d'Etudes Europ&#233;ennes de Sciences-Po
Bureau 104
117 Bd St Germain
75006 Paris
00 33 (0)1 45 49 83 36


PhD Students workshop on "The Europeanization of public policies in Eastern European Countries".

Organised within the framework of the network of excellence CONNEX, the meeting will take place on Wednesday the 23rd of November 2005 in Paris.

The deadline to submit a paper is 21 June 2005.

The Connex funds will partly cover the costs for Network members. PhD participants from non-member universities are welcome but are not eligible for financial assistance.

Further information concerning this workshop (programme, focus, call for participation, deadline, contacts, etc.) can be found on the following link:



Fran&#231;ois BAFOIL: bafoil@ceri-sciences-po.org

Laurie BOUSSAGUET : laurie.boussaguet@sciences-po.fr

PhD students from universities within the CONNEX program should submit the
material (CV, presentation paper, reference letter, etc.) first to Fabrice
LARAT at the University of Mannheim:

Fabrice LARAT: fabrice.larat@mzes.uni-mannheim.de

Тема молба от английски изследователи за online studyнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано10.06.05 19:12

Research Project MOBEX2: Polish and Bulgarian Scientists Working in the UK or Germany Needed for Online Survey

Abstract:Building on a pilot project on Italian scientific migration ('MOBEX'), the project 'Mobility and Excellence in the European Research Area' (MOBEX2) - based at the University of Leeds, UK - aims to study the issues surrounding scientific careers, mobility and 'brain drain' in the context of enlargement of the European Union.

The study focuses on the flows of scientists between 2 'donor' regions (Poland and Bulgaria) and the UK and Germany (as key recipient countries).

The study will consider the implications of these forms of highly skilled mobility for sending and receiving countries and also for individual scientists and their families. Building on previous and current work, it will consider issues of gender equality and life-course in terms of the differential opportunity mobility presents and its impact on recruitment, retention and progression in science careers.
The research aims to generate policy-relevant outputs capable of informing future policy both in terms of enhancing the benefits of mobility to receiving countries (through a focus on measures to facilitate mobility of both men and women and also retain mobile scientists) and also to mitigate the effects of this on sending regions within the European Research Area.
Research Aims-To understand the importance of human mobility to scientific excellence and competitiveness and to identify the key drivers shaping scientific mobility;-To examine the benefits of science mobility to receiving countries and the potential impact of enlargement on the skills base and relative attractiveness of different locations; -To consider the relationship between life-course and mobility and its impact on the recruitment, retention and promotion of women and men in science careers; -To evaluate the impact of scientific mobility on scientific and economic development in sending regions; -To identify measures designed to mitigate the effects of 'brain drain' and support 'brain circulation' and systems of mutual benefit.

This 2-year project commenced in September 2004.
The project team needs scientists from Poland and Bulgaria who are working in the UK or Germany or have done so in the past to fill in a short online survey. The questionnaire will take 5-10 minutes to complete and asks about work history, experiences of working abroad, and for some biographical details
To see the survey, please visit:

If you would like more information please go to the website ( ) or email :
Contact and further information:
Professor Louise Ackers; Ms. Bryony Gill and Ms Jessica Guth Centre for the Study of Law and Policy in Europe School of Law University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT

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Всички темиСледваща тема*Кратък преглед
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