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Тема CALL: Family and Household in Urban CEE countrнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано20.06.05 15:05

Новина от www.phdgate.net

Workshop: Family and Household in Urban East and Southeast Europe (20th century)
Graz, May 18-20, 2006

The workshop will be organised by the Department of South East European History (University of Graz, Austria) and the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), in cooperation with the Center for the Study of Balkan Societies and Cultures (CSBSC).

Participants: 15-20

The family and household in East and Southeast Europe has increasingly been an object of anthropological and historical research in the last decades. John Hajnal's conclusion that marriage behaviour in Western Europe was principally different from that in the east has had tremendous impact in the historical studies of European marriage. In recent years, criticism of Hajnal's model has intensified, as the model is unable to account for the variations in nuptiality in all parts of Europe. While the research done on family and household west of Hajnal's line has been extensive, less attention has been paid to Eastern Europe. Most of the research here has been concentrated on rural areas.

Therefore, the aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars studying family and household in urban East and Southeast Europe during the 20th century. One concluding session will be dedicated to the discussion on Hajnal's line.

The workshop will focus on the following topics:
1. Marriage patterns
2. Residence patterns
3. Household size and structure
4. Divorce and remarriage
5. Religious, ethnic, economic and social factors influencing patterns of urban household formation
6. The impact of rural-urban migration on the family

Papers addressing the regional differences within a country or between different countries are especially welcome. The organisers are interested in both qualitative and quantitative analyses of family and household. Young scholars from East and Southeast Europe are strongly encouraged to apply.

The paper proposal should be sent to the workshop organisers by September 1, 2005. The proposal should include the paper title, a 200-250 word abstract as well as the author's name, institution, address, e-mail, and a brief academic C.V. The proposal should specify the technical equipment needed for an eventual presentation. The language of workshop will be English.

Organising committee:
- Siegfried Gruber (University of Graz)
- Gentiana Kera (CSBSC)
- Gijs Kessler (International Institute of Social History)
- Enriketa Papa (CSBSC)

Travel and Accommodation
There will be no registration fee for the participants. The organisers of
the workshop will cover the accommodation costs of the participants.
Efforts are being made to secure the funding of travel costs.

The paper proposals are to be sent to: gentiana.kera@uni-graz.at and gke@iisg.nl

Тема Post-Doctoral Fellowship Position (in STS field)нови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано20.06.05 15:13

Малко допълнителна информация: Елен Балка (виж по-долу) е адски свежа дама. Работи в областта на изследвания на науката и технологиите. Последният голям проект беше подкрепен от канадското правителство и имаше приложни аспекти - отново беше свързан с изледване на ИТ в медицината.
Ето и обявата:

Applications are invited for a one or two year full-time Post-Doctoral Fellowship position with the ACTION for Health project: an international and multi-disciplinary study based in Vancouver, Canada, which explores the social aspects of information technology in the health sector within Canada and abroad, with goals of encouraging positive change in policy and practices. Fellows will work at the interface of social, health and information sciences.

Project Overview:
ACTION for Health has the following objectives:
1. To study access to and use of computer-mediated health information in different settings;
2. To examine whether the revealed practices support the goals and values of the New Economy in health services, and particularly those related to what Canadians value in our health system;
3. To explore barriers and facilitators to the integration of information technology in health contexts.

The research is organized along 3 themes:
• Theme 1 – The role of information technology in the public consumption of health information
• Theme 2 – The effects and challenges of increasing computerization in health sector work environments
• Theme 3 – The legal and ethical issues associated with information technology in the health sector
We currently have a position open for a Post-Doctoral Fellow to initiate research within the study topics of Theme 2, which will include health sector work practices, issues arising in relation to standardization and local practices. Visit our website (www.sfu.ca/act4hlth) for more information regarding specific sub-projects.

Benefits to Fellows:
• Excellent opportunities for field research in numerous areas of health care
• Acquire skills essential for communicating with multiple stakeholders, including decision-makers in government and health care
• Work with a group of bright and outgoing students from the SFU Assessment of Technology In Context (ATIC) Lab
• Competitive salary and benefits
• Develop project management skills
• Live, work and play in Vancouver, British Columbia — a beautiful, culturally-diverse city that affords numerous year-round recreational activities; and host of the 2010 Olympics

• Ph.D. in Social Sciences (e.g. Sociology, Anthropology, Communication, Science, Technology & Society), Information or Computer Science, or other related disciplines
• Publications in relevant fields
• Knowledge of information science as it relates to health care systems
• Experience conducting field research

We currently have a position open for a Post-Doctoral Fellow to initiate research within the study topics of Theme 2, which will include health sector work practices, issues arising in relation to standardization and local practices. Visit our website (www.sfu.ca/act4hlth) for more information.

For more information and application requirements please

Contact Ellen Balka: +1.604.725.2756

Email Larry Jung, the ACTION for Health Project Coordinator: actadmin@sfu.ca or

Visit the ACTION for Health Website: www.sfu.ca/act4hlth


Alison Robb

:. ACTION for Health

:. Simon Fraser University

:. Great Northern Way Campus

:. 555 Great Northern Way

:. Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 1E2

:. [phone] 604.268.7308

:. [fax] 604.268.7309

:. [email] actcmns1@sfu.ca

:. [web] www.sfu.ca/act4hlth

Тема IAS-STS Fellowship Programme 2006-2007нови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано26.08.05 14:44


The IAS-STS in Graz, Austria, promotes the interdisciplinary investigation of the links and interactions between science, technology and society, technology assessment, as well as research on the development and implementation of socially and environmentally sound technologies.
For this the IAS-STS invites researchers to apply for a stay between 1 October 2006 and 30 June 2007 as

- Research Fellows (up to nine months) or as
- Visiting Scholars (up to one month)

We also encourage senior scientists - working within the framework of the issues listed below - to apply as

- Guest Lecturers.

The IAS-STS offers excellent research infrastructure. Close co-operation with researchers at the IFZ (Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture; see: www.ifz.tugraz.at), guest lectures, workshops and conferences provide an atmosphere of creativity and scholarly discussion.

Furthermore we can offer five grants (EUR 1,000 per month) for long term Fellows (nine months) at the IAS-STS:

The fellowship programme 2006-2007 is dedicated to projects investigating the following issues:

1. Gender – Technology – Environment
Women with their various interests, competencies and potentials play an important part in the process of shaping socially sound and environmentally friendly sustainable technologies – be it as users and consumers, or as experts. Applications should focus on research in the field of women in traditionally male fields of engineering, on ways of creating cultures of success for women engineers (students, graduates), and on masculinity and the culture of engineering.

2. Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of Human Genetics and Biotechnology
A main focus of the fellowship programme lies on research projects providing a better understanding of human genetics or biotechnology in the context of fabrication, application and regulation. Researchers investigating socio-cultural aspects of genetic testing or risk issues in biotechnology are especially encouraged to apply.

3. Technology Studies and Sustainability
Fellowships will be awarded for research projects contributing to the issue of sustainable development from the perspective of social studies or the history and philosophy of science and technology. Projects should aim at socio-economic aspects of environmental technologies or at strategies of environmental technology policy, such as user participation, strategic niche management or ecological product policy. We encourage both theoretical analysis as well as empirical case studies and implementation research.

4. Information and Communication Technologies
A focus of the fellowship programme will be put on novel developments based on information and communication technologies (ICT) from an STS point-of-view. Topics like embedded systems, ubiquitous computing or ICT applications in traffic systems shall be analysed with respect to their wider social and political implications. Further issues of interest are the social shaping of new ICT developments and participative approaches to the design of ICT systems and applications.

Applications must be submitted to the IAS-STS by 31 December 2005.

For application forms and further information:
Please visit our website: www.sts.tugraz.at

Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS)
Attn. Guenter Getzinger
Kopernikusgasse 9
8010 Graz – Austria
E-mail: info@sts.tugraz.at

Тема Магистратура Управление на изследователска дейностнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано22.09.05 15:45

магистърска програма "Управление на изследователската дейност и иновациите (в малката фирма, корпорацията и обществените институции)"

Съвместна програма между ПУ “Паисий Хилендарски” и
Икономически институт към Скопски университет, Македония

Катедрата по социология на Философско-исторически факултет към Пловдивския университет предлага магистърска програма Управление на изследователската дейност и иновациите , даваща квалификация за работа в различни области на икономиката и публичната сфера.

В програмата могат да кандидатстват студенти, с образователно-квалификационна степен „бакалавър” и „магистър” от широк спектър дисциплини – социология, икономика и други социални науки; естествени науки; инженерни дисциплини.

Програмата е разработена с подкрепата на програма Стратегическо партньорство в областта на висшето образование , Институт “Отворено общество” – София.

Магистърската програма Управление на изследователската дейност и иновациите дава знания за същността на изследователския процес в съвременните естествени и технически науки като основа на модерната икономика. Разработена е в съответствие с най-новите постижения на социалните изследвания на науката и технологиите (STS) като една утвърдена академична дисциплина, която се преподава в десетки западни университети. Акцентира на органичната връзка между предприемаческата активност и иновациите, която се проявява в специфични за всяка институционална среда форми.

В контекста на присъединяването на страната към Европейския съюз, познанията за изискванията и нормативните разпоредби в областта на изследователската дейност и иновациите са особено важни. Програмата изгражда умения да анализират изследователската дейност и иновационния процес като единство от научни и инженерни практики и процедури, икономически норми и организационни правила. Заедно с това студентите получават практически знания за основните инструменти за управление на иновативното предприятие (предприемачески мениджмънт, корпоративен мениджмънт, управление на проекти).

Форма на обучение: редовно обучение в гъвкави форми, позволяващи реализацията и на работещи студенти.

Срок на обучение: Три семестъра. Програмата стартира от октомври 2005 г. и завършва със защита на магистърска теза през септември 2006 г.

Трансфер на кредити: Програмата е изготвена по изискванията на ECTS, като признава и позволява трансфер на кредити от други специалности и ВУЗ.

• Широко застъпени интерактивни форми на обучение - семинарни занятия, практически стажове, както и специален модул, в който практикуващи специалисти по иновации и предприемачи преподават своя опит.

• Преподаватели и гост-лектори от чужбина в областта на иновациите, предприемачеството и социалните изследвания на науката и технологиите.

• Участие в изследователски проекти по време на обучението.

• Достъп до специализирани научни фондове и бази данни към катедра „Социология” в ПУ, Икономически институт - Скопски университет и Институт по социология към БАН.

Магистърската програма подготвя специалисти със следната квалификация:

• управление на изследванията и иновациите в малките фирми, корпорациите и обществено финансираните организации – университети, изследователски центрове и др.

• изготвяне и управление на изследователски проекти

• оценка на изследователски проекти в органите на държавната и местна власт

• консултации и оценка на иновационни проекти във финансово-кредитни институции

• оценка и мониторинг на проекти, финансирани от европейски и национални фондове в тази област

• специалисти за отдели по: развитие на фирмата (бизнес-планиране); развойна дейност и иновации; маркетинг на иновациите

• изследователи в областта на социални изследвания на науката и технологиите

• предоставя възможност за подготовка и продължаване на образованието в научно-образователна степен докторант

Основни лекционни курсове:
I семестър
1. Съвременните науки и технологии: социо-техничеки и техно-икономически анализ
2. Предприемачески мениджмънт и иновации. Бизнес план и стратегическо планиране
3. Организация на иновационната и изследователска дейност в корпорациите.
4. Правна уредба на научно-изслeдователскатаи иновационната дейност. Защита наинтелектуална собственост

Избираеми курсове

ІІ семестър

1. Финансиране на изследователската и развойна дейност. Фондове за рисков капитал.
2. Национални и регионални иновационни системи. Научна и технологична политика
3. Методи за изследване и анализ на данни в научната и иновационна дейност
4. Маркетинг

Избираеми курсове

ІІІ семестър

1.Изготвяне на експертизи, научни доклади и презентации

Учебна практика (изследвания и иновации в организация по избор: МСП, корпорация, академични институции, технологичен парк).

Разработка на магистърска теза

Нашият партньор: Асоциацията на индустриалния капитал в България (АИКБ).

Семестриална такса: 450 лв.

За информация:

(ако връзката не работи може да изтеглите официалната брошура в PDF формат.)

За контакти:

Доц. Иван Чалъков - ръководител на програмата
тел. 0899 41 75 30

Хон. асистент Мими Василева - координатор

За документи и записване:
Владислава Шопова, инспектор ПУ
тел. 032/ 624846

Пловдивски университет „Паисий Хилендарски”
Катедра “Социология”
ул. “Костаки Пеев” No 21

Всеки работен ден
От 8.30-12.30 и от 13.00-17.00 ч.
Тел.: 032 63 26 21

Редактирано от harka на 06.10.05 10:13.

Тема Summer School in Berlin, July 24-30, 2006нови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано22.12.05 09:36

The Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, together with the German Association for East European Studies in Berlin requests applications to an international Summer School on Justice as a societal and political matter. Equality, social and legal security as conditions for democracy and the market funded by the Volkswagen-Stiftung, Hannover

Berlin, 24.-30. July 2006

Contents: Societal and political justice has recently gained increasing significance in scientific debates. The coherence of social systems as well as the legitimacy of political regimes depend to a high degree on the perception of basic rules as fair" or just". This is also a core question when it comes to privatisation, processes of redistribution of societal property, reform of old and design and implementation of new legal and tax systems or differing ideas about state and society. (Not only) Eastern European societies in transition, therefore, have been and are particularly sensitive concerning these issues. During the Summer School we want to approach the question of societal and political justice from varying perspectives. We therefore invite young scholars from different disciplines (sociology, political sciences, economics, law, history, geography etc.) to submit paper proposals on related topics.

The Summer School: This conference is the first of three Summer Schools for young academics doing research on Eastern Europe. The Summer School A Changing Europe" is a follow-up project of the Conferences of Young Experts on Eastern Europe (1995-2005) which provided the foundation for a tight network of young researchers and other experts concerned with Eastern Europe and the social sciences.

The Summer Schools aim at extending this concept to researchers in Central and Eastern Europe. The core of the conference will consist of the presentation of scientific papers and their discussion by senior researchers with an international reputation in the respective fields. The sessions will be framed by lectures and excursions, as well as other activities giving participants the opportunity to socialise and establish contacts. The results of the Summer School will be published in a volume. Together with six regional coordinators the organisers will support the participants in establishing an alumni network.

Paper proposals: Paper proposals must be based on original research and should not exceed 200 words. They have to be drafted in English and outline the most important theoretical and empirical aspects of the planned contribution. Please include a short CV, information about institutional affiliation, status, address etc. In order to be selected it is of central importance to connect an empirical question with a theoretical approach and concept. Comparative approaches (inter- as well as intra-regionally) are encouraged. An international review panel will assess the papers for the conference in an anonymous review process.

[r]The deadline for receipt of paper proposals is 1 January 2006.[/r] Please submit your proposal to Dr. Sabine Fischer.

Costs: Funding by the Volkswagen-Stiftung covers travel costs as well as accommodation and conference fees.

Location: The Summer School will take place at the Club House of the Freie Universitaet Berlin, Berlin-Dahlem, Goethestr. 49, near U-train station Krumme Lanke.

Information: Further information about the Summer School as well as the conference project A changing Europe" in general will be available from 1. December 2005 at

Тема Call for applications (MA, PhD, DSP) - Nationalismнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано22.12.05 10:00

Call for applications (MA, PhD, DSP) - Nationalism Studies Program at Central European University


at Central European University announces a Call for applications for MA, PhD and DSP studies at the Central European University in Budapest.

The Nationalism Studies Program was established at Central European University by the late Ernst Gellner with the goal of promoting the study of nationalism in the post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The aim of the program is to engage students in an empirical and theoretical study of issues of nationalism, self-determination, problems of state-formation, ethnic conflict, minority protection and the related theme of globalization. Drawing upon the uniquely supranational milieu of Central European University, it encourages a critical and non-sectarian study of nationalism.

More info:

Редактирано от harka на 22.12.05 10:01.

Тема Нов сайт на БСА с много обяви, новини и др.нови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано04.01.06 15:07

От няколко месеца новият сайт на

е вече онлайн.

В него може да намерите:
- информация за дейността и структурата на асоциацията
- всекидневно обновявани новини, включващи обяви за конференции, нови книги, семинари, информационни бюлетини и въобще за всякакви събития, свързани със социологическия живот у нас и в чужбина.
- малка (засега) библиотека, съдържаща статии, посветени на дейността на БСА и някои други интересни текстове
- "връзки" към сайтовете на свързани със социологията институции

Ако желаете на този сайт да се публикува някаква новина, текст или връзки към други интернет-ресурси, е необходимо да изпратите e-mail на адреса на Асоциацията, съдържащ съответната информация. (Позволено е използването на всички видове файлови формати – текстови, графични и т.н.)

Тема Southeast European Student Initiativesнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано16.01.06 09:51

OSI's International Higher Education Support Program (HESP) invites concept papers for cross-border student initiatives from the following Southeast European university student communities: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia.

The aim of the Southeast European Student Initiatives (SESI) is to empower students to address issues related to systemic change in higher education. SESI supports student involvement in the democratization of the educational process and in building issue-based transnational student alliances in Southeast Europe.

The deadline for submission is March 10, 2006.

Тема Покана за статия в сп. La nouvelle alternativeнови [re: harka]  
Автор harkaМодератор ()
Публикувано14.09.06 10:44

Покана за публикуване на статия, посветена на социалната мобилност в сп.

, France (на английски или френски език)

Тематиката на този брой се отнася до трансформациите на социалните групи в Централна и Източна Европа в три основни направления:
- Социална мобилност, социално-групови трансформации;
- Демографски практики, анализирани от социологическа гледна точка;
- Пространствена мобилност и миграции

Крайният срок за изпращане на статиите е краят на септември – началото на октомври.

Пълен текст на обявата - (секция 'Новини')

Тема Re: обяви, новини & useful infoнови [re: harka]  
Автор smisul4e (plam)
Публикувано08.02.08 07:10


Страници по тази тема: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | >> (покажи всички)
Всички темиСледваща тема*Кратък преглед
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