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Тема Love is the Only Religion, All Else is Just Rubbis [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 15:59


Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 16:00.

Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 16:09


First of all, come to know the non-self.

Know what is not the self and understand it completely.

Finally, nothing will remain; eventually, everything

that is not the self will disappear.

That is the self.

That emptiness is the self.

Only emptiness is really full.

Тема Thoughts emerge out of impulses in the belly... [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано12.07.11 08:25

"Anything that passes from the screen of my awareness,

is an object... It's not what I'm searching for, it's NOT ME...

I'm NOT interested in that..."

So, you just go on discarding whatever object appears,

until a moment comes were nothing moves anymore inside you...

Suddenly from the sea of the inner silence, an impulse may arise in your belly...

In the beggining you may not be able to realise it as another type of objectand it may unfold as a thought,

-- that's why the Zen people say that we are thinking with our belly!

It's true, from there the thought arises, the ignition of the thought is an impulse, ...a desire!

Then as your awarenes grows, by and by you'll be able to see it as it arises,

and you will not become identified, seeing it as what it is...

Then a deeeep silence prevails and You are totally aware...


The moment you realise that YOU are still there, watching,

...that "you" is realised also as an object... turn away..

and ...The Revelation, the Apocalypse!

It is called Enlightenment... But it really is what you've always been, but you didn't knew.

It's the ultimate freedom from the dreams and nightmares that we were creating,

it is the ultimate reality, where harmony is the fruit of understanding beyond reason...

And that is the eternal and not changeable! The Center of the Wheel!

Тема Your mind is like a TV screen... [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано12.07.11 23:40

Meditation is a simple method. Your mind is like a TV screen. Memories are passing, images are passing, thoughts, desires, a thousand and one things are passing; it is always rush hour. And the road is almost like an Indian road -- no traffic rules, everybody, is going in every direction. One has to watch it without any evaluation, without any judgement without any choice, simply watching unconcerned as if it has nothing to do with you, you are just a witness. That is choiceless awareness.

If you choose, if you say 'This thought is good -- let me have it', or 'It is a beautiful desire, a beautiful dream, I should enjoy it a little more, I can go into it a little deeper'... if you choose you lose your witnessing. If you say 'This is bad, this is immoral, this is a sin, I should throw it out,' you start struggling, again you lose your witnessing.

You can lose your witnessing in two ways; either being for or against. And the whole secret of meditation is to be neither for nor to be against, but unconcerned, cool, without any preference, likes, dislikes, without any choice. If you can manage even a few moments of that witnessing one will be surprised how much bliss happens, how ecstatic one becomes.

In the beginning there are only a few moments, then those moments become bigger. And as you become a true witness, without any choice, in that moment the whole traffic disappears. Suddenly the TV screen just a white screen, there are no pictures at all. And to see your mind as utterly empty is the greatest experience in life because it turns your consciousness inwards. There is nothing to see there, so the consciousness takes a turn, a one-hundred-and-eighty degree turn, an about-turn. And in that turning you encounter yourself. That is selfknowledge, and to know oneself is to know all. You have found the door to the divine.


Редактирано от vidiya на 13.07.11 00:10.

Тема Aura story – science unlocking secrets of your ene [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано12.07.11 23:50

Aura story – science unlocking secrets of your energy field
“With our intentions, with our emotions, we can directly influence our environment.
It has a very important message for all of us because we have demonstrated that positive emotions have a very strong influence for us and the same with negative emotions. In one case energy goes up, in another case it goes down, so it means if we are developing in ourself the ability to create love, to create positive emotion – we chart.com

A Russian scientist is trying to convince people they can change the world simply by using their own energy. He claims that thinking in a certain way can have a positive or negative effect on the surrounding environment.

Редактирано от vidiya на 12.07.11 23:52.

Тема I Wonder If This Could Be Love [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.07.11 00:40

Тема Love! Is it real? [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.07.11 01:23

Beloved Master

How can I know that a woman has fallen in love in reality, not playing games?

THIS IS DIFFICULT! Nobody has ever been able to know it -- because, in fact, love is a game. That is its reality! So if you are waiting and watching and thinking and analyzing whether this woman who is in love with you is just playing a game or is in reality in love, you will never be able to love any woman -- because love is a game, the suprememost game.

There is no need to ask for it to be real -- play the game! that's its reality. And if you are too much of a seeker for reality, then love is not for you. It is a dream! It is a fantasy -- it is a fiction, it is a romance, it is a poetry. If you are too much of a seeker for reality, obsessed with reality, then love is not for you -- then meditate.

And I know the questioner is not that type. No meditation is possible, at least in this life! He has many karmas to fulfill with women. So he continuously thinks about meditation and continuously goes on moving with this woman or that. Now the women he moves with, they also come to me and they say, "Is he really in love with us?" What to do? And here comes he with a question!

But this problem comes to everybody sometime or other -- because there is no way to judge. We are such strangers -- we are strangers, and our meeting is just accidental. Just on the road suddenly we have come across each other, not knowing who we are, not knowing who the other is. Two strangers meeting on a road, feeling alone, hold each other's hands -- and think they are in love. They are in need of the other, certainly, but how to be certain that there is love?

I was reading a beautiful joke; listen to it carefully:

A woman arrived at a small midwestern town late at night, only to find there wasn't a single hotel room available. "I'm sorry," said the desk clerk, "but the last room we had was just taken by an Italian."

"What number is it?" said the woman in desperation. "Maybe I can work something out with him."

The clerk told her the room and the woman went up and knocked on the door. The Italian let her in.

"Look, mister," she said, "I don't know you and you don't know me, but I need some place to sleep desperately. I won't be any bother, I promise, if you just let me use that little couch over there."

The Italian thought for a minute and then said, "Okay." The woman curled up on the couch and the Italian went back to bed. But the couch was very uncomfortable and after a few minutes the woman tiptoed over to the bed and tapped the Italian's arm. "Look mister," she said, "I don't know you and you don't know me, but that couch is impossible to sleep on. Could I just sleep here, at the edge of the bed?"

"Okay," said the Italian, "use the edge of the bed."

The woman lay down on the bed, but after a few minutes she felt very cold. Again she tapped the Italian.

"Look mister," she said, "I don't know you and you don't know me, but it's very cold out here. Could I just get under the cover with you."

"Okay," said the Italian, "get under the cover."

The woman snuggled under, but the closeness of a male body stirred her and she started to feel a little horny. Again she tapped the Italian.

"Look mister," she said, "I don't know you and you don't know me, but how about having a little party?"

Exasperated, the Italian bolted up in the bed. "Look lady," he hollered, "I don't know you and you don't know me. In the middle of the night, who we gonna invite to a party?"

But this is how it goes: You don't know me, I don't know you -- it is just accidental. Needs are there. People feel lonely; they need somebody to fill their loneliness. They call it love. They show love because that is the only way to hook the other. The other also calls it love because that is the only way to hook you. But who knows whether there is love or not? In fact, love is just a game. Yes, there is a possibility of a real love, but that happens only when you don't need anybody -- that's the difficulty.

It is on the same lines as banks function. If you go to a bank and you need money, they will not give you any. If you don't need money, you have enough, they will come to you and they will always be ready to give you. When you don't need, they are ready to give you; when you need, they are not ready to give you.

When you don't need a person at all, when you are totally sufficient unto yourself, when you can be alone and tremendously happy and ecstatic, then love is possible. But then too you cannot be certain whether the OTHER'S love is real or not -- you can be certain about only one thing: whether your love is real. How can you be certain about the other? But then there is no need.

This continuous anxiety -- whether the other's love is real or not -- simply shows one thing: that your love is not real. Otherwise, who bothers? Why be worried about it? Enjoy it while it lasts! Be together while you can be together! It is a fiction, but you need fiction.

Nietzsche used to say that man is such that he cannot live without lies, he cannot live with truth. Truth will be too much to tolerate, to bear. You need lies. Lies, in a subtle way, lubricate your system; they are lubricants. Mm? You see a woman, you say, "How beautiful! I have never come across such a beautiful person." These are just lubricating lies -- you know it!

You have said the same thing to other women before, and you know you will say the same thing again to other women in the future. And the woman also says that you are the only person that has ever attracted her. These are lies. Behind these lies there is nothing but need. You want the woman to be with you to fill your inner hole; you want to stuff that inner emptiness with her presence. She also wants. You both are trying to use each other as a means.

That's why lovers, so-called lovers, are always in conflict -- because nobody wants to be used, because when you use a person the person becomes a thing, you have reduced him to a commodity. And every woman feels, after making love to a man, a little sad, deceived, cheated, because the man turns over and goes to sleep -- finished is finished!

Many women have told me that they cry and weep after the man, their man, has made love to them -- because after love he is no longer interested. His interest was only for a particular need; then he turns over and goes to sleep. And he is not even bothered about what has happened to the woman. And men also feel cheated. They, by and by, start suspecting that the woman loves them for something else -- for money, power, security. The interest may be economical -- but it is not love.

But it is true. This is how it can be; only this is how it can be! The way you are, living almost asleep, moving in a stupor, somnambulistic, this is the only way it is possible. But don't be worried about it, whether the woman loves you really or not. While you are asleep you will need somebody's love -- even if it is false, you will need it. Enjoy it! Don't create anxiety. And try to become more and more awake.

One day when you are really awake you will be able to love -- but then you will be certain about your love only. But that's enough! Who bothers? Because right now you want to use others. When you are really blissful on your own, you don't want to use anybody. You simply want to share. You have so much, so much is overflowing, you would like somebody to share it. And you will feel thankful that somebody was ready to receive. Finished! That is the full point.

Right now, you are worried too much whether the other loves you really -- because you are not certain about your own love. One thing. You are not certain about your worth. You cannot believe that somebody can really love you. You don't see anything in yourself. You cannot love yourself -- how can somebody else love you? It seems unreal, it seems impossible.

Do you love yourself? You have not even asked the question. People hate themselves. People condemn themselves -- they go on condemning; they go on thinking that they are rotten. How can the other love you? such a rotten person. No, nobody can love you really. The other must be befooling, cheating; there must be some other reason. She must be after something else; he must be after something else.

I have heard:

A dirty, smelly, filthy-looking old bum, sat down on a park bench next to a sweet young girl. The girl took one look at the bum and looked away in revulsion. Pretty soon she heard a noise and turned her head to see what was happening. She watched in horror as the bum took a sandwich from a brown bag and took a big bite of it. The meat was rancid, the lettuce was brown, and the bread mouldy.

Sensing the girl's eyes on him, the bum turned towards her and said, "Pardon me, miss, would you like a bite of my sandwich? I suppose to make love would be out of the question."

This is what goes on happening. You know about yourself -- love seems to be out of the question. You know your rottenness, worthlessness -- love seems to be out of the question. And when some woman comes and says she adores you, you cannot trust. When you go to a woman and you say you adore her, and she hates herself, how can she believe you? It is self-hatred that is creating the anxiety.

There is no way to be certain about the other -- first be certain about yourself. And a person who is certain about himself is certain about the whole world. A certainty achieved at your innermost core becomes a certainty about everything that you do and everything that happens to you. Settled, centered, grounded, in yourself, you never worry about such things. You accept.

If somebody loves you, you accept it because you love yourself. You are happy with yourself; somebody else is happy -- good! It does not get in your head; it does not make you madly egoistic. You simply enjoy yourself; somebody else also finds you enjoyable -- good! While it lasts, live the fiction as beautifully as possible -- it will not last forever. That too creates a problem.

When a love is finished, you start thinking it was false -- that's why it has come to an end. No, not necessarily -- not necessarily. It may have had some glimmer of truth in it, but you were both unable to keep and hold that truth. You killed it It was there -- you murdered it. You were not capable of love. You needed love, but you were not capable of it. So you meet a woman or a man; things go very well, very smoothly, fantastically beautifully -- in the beginning. The moment you have settled, things start getting sour, bitter. The more you have settled, the more conflict arises. That kills love.

As I see it, every love has in the beginning a ray of light in it, but the lovers destroy that. They jump on that ray of light with all their darknesses within -- dark continents, great Africas within. They jump on it and they destroy it. When it is destroyed they think it was false. They have killed it! It was not false -- they are false. The ray was real, true.

So don't be worried about the other; don't be worried whether the love is real or not. While it is there, enjoy it. Even if it is a dream, good to dream about it. And become more and more alert and aware so sleep is dropped.

When you are aware, a totally different kind of love will arise in your heart -- which is absolutely true, which is part of eternity. But that is not a need -- it is a luxury. And you have so much of it that you hanker for somebody to share it with.

Just like clouds when they are so full of rainwater: they would like to shower anywhere, upon anybody. And they don't bother whether it is a hilly track they are showering on, whether it is rocky ground they are showering on, or whether it is fertile soil thirsty for them -- they don't bother. They go on raining on rocks, on fertile soil, on everybody -- good and bad, thirsty, non-thirsty; needed, not needed. Because it is not a question now of whether you need; it is a question now that they are so full they have to share.

I love you -- not because I need. I love you simply because what else can I do now? It is there and I would like to shower it on you, and I go on showering -- unconditionally. It is not that you deserve it -- never think that. You know and I know that you don't deserve it, but that is not the point. What else can I do?

I have heard a very old Tibetan story:

There was a great sage who would not initiate anybody, who would not make anybody a disciple. And his fame spread far and wide, and thousands of people would come every year to his hilltop and they would touch his feet and they would cry and weep and they would say, "Accept us! Initiate us into the truth you have achieved! Open the door of your temple to us also -- we are thirsty."

But he would say, "You are not worthy, you don't deserve. First become worthy of me!" And his conditions were such that nobody was ever able to fulfill them: Be truthful for three years, not a single lie; for three years be celibate, not even a thought of a woman or a man -- and so on and so forth. Those conditions were impossible! And those conditions are such that the more you try to fulfill them, the more you will feel it is impossible. You can be a celibate if you don't bother too much about it; but if you think too much about celibacy then you will be surrounded by many, many women in your mind.

Many people had tried and nobody was successful, so nobody was initiated. Then the man was dying. Just three days before he died, many people had gathered and he told his closest people, "Now you go, and whosoever wants to be initiated I will initiate -- only three days are left!"

The people knew him well and they said, "What about your conditions?"

He said, "Forget all about those conditions! In fact, I was not ready to initiate anybody; hence, I was insisting too much on the conditions. Now I am ready! and I am full and I want to share. Now forget all about the conditions -- whosoever wants to come, fetch them! And be in a hurry because only three days are left."

He initiated any and everybody, whosoever came. People could not believe it! They asked, "What are you doing? We are sinners!"

He said, "Forget about it. I was not a saint up to now -- that was the only trouble. I had nothing to initiate you into. There was no door -- I was standing outside the door myself. But now the door has opened -- now I have to share. Now there is no question of any conditions."

When you are aware, you are not in need of love. When you are not in need of love, you become capable of love. This is the paradox. When you are in need you are not capable.

And in this sleepy state, full of needs and desires, you go on stumbling. Why bother? let me tell you one anecdote:

Two very proper English gentlemen were drunk in the pubs looking for women. They finally got lucky and were about to bed with their respective finds. As they were lurching their way through the crowded London streets, one turned to the other and said, "Look here, old man, do you mind switching bitches?"

"No, I don't mind old thing, but can you tell a fellow why?"

"Well," slobbered the first, "don't you know, between the grog and the fog and the smog, I seem to have picked up my old auntie!"

In the darkness of desire, in the madness of passion, between the grog and the fog and the smog, don't be too worried whether the other's love is real or not. Right now, as you are, the real cannot happen to you. The real happens only to real persons. Gurdjieff used to say: "Don't seek reality -- become real!" because the real happens to real persons only. To unreal persons only the unreal happens.

Osho, "A Sudden Clash of Thunder", Ch.4

When you don't need a person at all, when you are totally sufficient unto yourself, when you can be alone and tremendously happy and ecstatic, then love is possible. But then too you cannot be certain whether the OTHER'S love is real or not -- you can be certain about only one thing: whether your love is real. How can you be certain about the other? But then there is no need.

Тема Osho on Trust in Partner [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.07.11 02:06

Question - Beloved Master, I very much doubt my wife. What should I do?

Osho - Narayan, the wife is not your God. You need not doubt, you need not trust. It is a game -- don't make it so serious! But you have been told to trust your wife, to trust your husband. And because of this very teaching, distrust arises. In fact, you have been told to trust. For centuries it has been known that it is very difficult to trust your own wife, very difficult to trust your own husband; it is next to impossible.

If your wife is interested in you, how can you trust her? If she is still interested in men -- and you are only a man, and there are many many men who are far more beautiful -- how can you trust your wife? If she is interested in you she must be interested in others too. She can be trusted only when she loses all interest in you too; then, of course, you can trust her. She has lost all interest in men -- she is almost dead.

You can trust your husband only if he is no longer interested in your body. If he is interested in your face, your body, your proportion, your beauty, how can he avoid being interested in other women's bodies, other women's faces, other women's beauty? It is impossible. You are asking something inhuman or something superhuman. And your poor husband is neither -- neither inhuman nor superhuman. He is just a poor husband, a poor human being... or a poor wife.

Don't demand such impossible things. It is natural; your wife is bound to fantasize about other men. It is impossible for her to dream about you, remember. I have never heard of a wife dreaming about her own husband. Who dreams about one's own husband or one's own wife? For what? Is the day not enough? Do you have to devote your night and your dreams also to the same woman, to the same man?

In dreams you are free; that is the only freedom left. In dreams you have a private world of your own. Your wife cannot peep in your dreams and say, "What are you doing? Stop!" In dreams you can have a few parties with the neighbors' wives. And nothing is wrong in it, nobody is harmed. Just, you have a good sleep and in the morning you have a smile on your face. Don't ask the impossible.

Mulla Nasruddin was saying to me, "For the whole ten years of our married life I always trusted my wife. And then we moved from Calcutta to Poona -- and I discovered we still had the same milkman!"

There is no need, Narayan, to trust or not to trust. Why bring in the question of trust? It is just a game! Play it joyfully. You make it too serious. And when you start demanding, "Be faithful to me!" you are creating a situation in which it will become impossible for the poor woman to be faithful to you. Give her total freedom; then she may be faithful to you.

Life functions in a very strange way. If you give her total freedom you are WORTH trusting. A great faith may arise in her. If a wife gives total freedom to the husband, that shows she loves him so much that she would like him to be happy in every possible way. Even if sometimes he is happy with some other woman she will feel happy because he is happy. And then a totally different quality of trust may arise. I am not saying that it is bound to arise -- it is not an inevitability. I am saying perhaps, because about human beings nothing can be predicted.

The relationship between wife and husband is a very strange relationship because these are two different worlds. The woman functions in a different way, from a different center. She is more intuitive and the man is more intellectual. That's why they are attracted to each other. Not only physiologically they are polarities, but psychologically also they are polar opposites. They are intimate enemies. There is bound to be a little conflict, and that is not bad; it keeps the relationship alive. Whenever you see that the husband and wife have stopped fighting completely, that means the marriage is really finished; nothing is left now. Even fight is not left... all is finished.

The butcher and the milkman were discussing the pros and cons of married life. "Do you really believe it is better than being single?" demanded Weiss, the butcher.

"In a way," said the milkman, who was fond of philosophizing. "After all, if it were not for marriage, we would have to do all our fighting with strangers."

Yes, that is true. It is good to fight with your own wife; at least the fight is with the friend. Otherwise you will have to do your fighting with strangers.

There is no need to demand these things -- trust, faith. Live together joyously. Make as much out of your being together as possible. Rather than doing that, people create such problems, useless problems, and destroy all their joys. The wife has no obligation to be faithful to you, neither do you have any obligation to be faithful to her. You love her, she loves you; that's enough. Don't bring faith into it. If love cannot keep you together, nothing else can keep you together. And if love cannot keep you together, then anything that can keep you together is dangerous.

Source: from Osho Book “Dhammapada Volume 10”

There is no need to demand these things -- trust, faith. Live together joyously. Make as much out of your being together as possible. Rather than doing that, people create such problems, useless problems, and destroy all their joys. The wife has no obligation to be faithful to you, neither do you have any obligation to be faithful to her. You love her, she loves you; that's enough.

Тема Osho – Love cannot live alone without understandin [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.07.11 13:19

[A sannyasin asks about relationships, her marriage, and whether becoming enlightened is more important.]

Osho – Love is crazy, so you cannot make it sane. Love is insane — and that is the whole beauty of it! It is not rational, it is not even reasonable. And this happens to everybody: sometimes you feel like being in it and sometimes you don’t feel like being in it. Sometimes you want to go away from the love object and sometimes you want to dissolve into the love object. Both are right — you are not to choose between these two. They are both together, two aspects of the same phenomenon.

You have to understand; it is not a question of choice, just a question of understanding. It is like day and night together. You cannot always be in love — that is difficult. Impossible! Sometimes one needs rest from love too.

So both these things will come up and down. Sometimes you are deeply in love and you don’t bother about freedom. Sometimes you need your space and you think about freedom, and you don’t bother about love. But both are true; one has to come to an understanding.

So if you are living with [him], create understanding, talk to each other, and understand that sometimes he needs his space. And this is a problem: it may not happen at the same time to both of you.

Sometimes you want to be with him and he wants to be alone — nothing can be done about it. Then you have to understand and leave him alone. Sometimes you want to be alone but he wants to come to you — then tell him that you are helpless!

So just create more and more understanding. That’s what lovers miss: love they have enough, but understanding none, not at all. That’s why on the rocks of misunderstanding their love dies. Love cannot live alone without understanding. Alone, love is very foolish; with understanding, love can live a long life, a great life — of many joys shared, of many beautiful moments shared, of great poetic experiences. But that happens only through understanding.

Love can give you a small honeymoon, but that’s all. Only understanding can give you deep intimacy. And each honeymoon is followed by depression, anger, frustration. Unless you grow in understanding, no honeymoon is going to be of any help; it is just like a drug.

So try to create more understanding with [him] too. And even some day if you separate, the understanding will be with you, will be with him, and that will be a gift of your love to each other. Lovers can separate, but the understanding that has been gained through the other, in the company of the other, will always be with you. That will remain as a gift — there can be no other gift. If you love a person, the only valuable gift that you can give to him is some quantity of understanding.

– Osho Book “From Madmen Only (Price of Admission: Your Mind"

So just create more and more understanding. That’s what lovers miss: love they have enough, but understanding none, not at all. That’s why on the rocks of misunderstanding their love dies. Love cannot live alone without understanding. Alone, love is very foolish; with understanding, love can live a long life, a great life — of many joys shared, of many beautiful moments shared, of great poetic experiences. But that happens only through understanding.

The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love.

Редактирано от vidiya на 13.07.11 18:52.

Тема Game name: "The Lure of the Sirene's Call and the [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано13.07.11 18:08

Playing a computer game, you're trying to defuse all the "enemies" and all the obstacles, fighting against them in order - say - to get the treasure ...

In This game, you travel in the Magic Sea of your own Mind!

You have a device - a radar, called "The Eye of Awareness", a steering wheel called "Will", a compass indicating the "Pole of Ultimate Attraction", and you are the 'captain....

The rules of that game are a bit different from all the others... You procceed with the opposite strategy. Instead of fighting the "enemies" and trying to destroy the obstacles - the "objects", you just recognize them as such, ...and ignore them! You don't pay any attention to them...

In light of the "Eye of Awareness", every "Thing", every object in your way is dissolved, and disappears as you withdraw your attention, turning away with the steering wheel of your will ...

The "Objects", the obstacles ain't but fleeting appearences: namely, external sounds and disturbances, internal bodily sensations, thoughts and feelings, each at different intensities, visions of all kinds - even if you see God Himself, isn't but a fantasy created by the always eager for action mind...

If you carried away, sticking to them, instantly the Sea gets rough with waves of uncontrolled Thoughts and you're in trouble ...

The key here is to Watch them, observe and recognize them as what they are and leave them ... You just don't pay attention to them and continue your journey.

Your "enemies" are called "The Sirenes"... Sirenes are trying to seduce you, to disorient and draw you away to the "Island of the Lotus Eaters", luring you with material drawn from your always eager for illusions, mind!

They have the ability to "read" your secret wishes, fears and desires, and display them amplified on your screen of perception...

The attraction - the Lure of the Sirens' Call - is directly proportional to the attention that you give to them ...

You must bear in mind, that the more you fight and try to resist the temptation they're creating, the stronger they become... They feed on your attachment, they eat your energy!

The main hidden "Enemy" is called "The Parasite"!

It is the parasite that clothes itself with all the roles that you consider as yourself! This is what we call the "Ego"! The "Parasite" will challenge you with all its might, in countless ways, and you have to keep your cool at all costs.

This game is otherwise called "The Game of Inner Peace" - kind of Gandhian, as the ultimate game of zero resistance ...

"Games Over" comes, when the screen of your awareness has become absolutely empty and your attentiveness is total, then, you realise your own intensity of observation as an object too! ...Instantly, at that moment, ...surrender, turning your sight beyond...

Then The Miracle and The Mystery revealed!


The "buffs" that are "used" in this game, are the buffers or otherwise shock absorbers... I said from the beginning that this game, is a zero-resistance game ...

The sharpness of observation of the player is his key "weapon" ...

Moving progressively into the game, your power of observation and your effectiveness is growing and being refined, until it becomes like a powerful laser-beam that annihilates everything!

The "buffs" are those that neutralize the environment... Your Coolness, your Non-Identification...

In each appearance of an ob-ject, which can, in the beginning, be just a physical feeling - for examble an itch, you just recognize it as what it is - a mere object of your perception, and... you just ignore them, withdrawing your interest for them, because that's not your "goal"... You don't pay them any attention, because then you'll be-at-tencion ... The same with thoughts, feelings, etc.

Recognition > Withdrawal of interest...

At first it's a bit difficult, but after a little practice becomes easier.

In such a way - by coolness and non-identification - "buffers" are created in the games environment or otherwise called "shock absorbers", You don't get disoriented by their sudden appearances, you gather speed in non-reaction, and so, these "buffs" slowly slowly are "capitalized" in the environment of the game ...

In this way also:

1. The power and skill of the player gradually increases as a result of his adaptation to the philosophy of the game and so the stats of success are increasing too...

2. The appearances of the objects are minimized... They will appear less and less often and they will be increasingly more distinct...

Especially when you're in emotional turmoil - say that you're in a landscape with lava or fire in the virtual world - then these "buffs" are desperately needed... Composure, as you understand, is a decisive factor in the crossing of this "landscape"...

3. The speed of interests withdrawal from the object increases, as the perception of the objects nature becomes more clear...

4. A basic quality is added to the player, composure - coolness!

Those "buffs" do not create a "hate" - a negative aura - in the games environment, but despite all this, the game becomes increasingly subtle... The "environment", if you like, responds in a parallel fashion, tapering the objects that are projected increasingly as the game develops, so after a point they become more and more subtle and simultaneously more attractive!

Until that point the player should have capitalized enough "buffs" to be able to face these challenges...

Many times "de-buffs" - destabilizations will occur, that's for sure, but whenever you realise your disorientation, you have to be cool, and re-spot, as if nothing has happened... You do not give a second thought to the "failure", you treat it in the same way, ... indifference! And you continue... Otherwise, if you fall into the trap of judgement - that you have failed and stuff, you reduce respectively the stats of success, minimizing the speed of perception, you lose your cool and create ''hate" - a negative aura, in the games environment...

The "Sirens" are a kind of "nerfs", where they're destabilizing the environment of the game ... They have the ability to "read" your hidden desires and fears, and project them amplified to the screen of your perception...

Subtle feelings, powerfull visions can be created there... But their power too is directly proportional to the attention that you give to them... if you get seduced by them, you weaken, if you withdraw your attention, you're empowered...

In the final "round", the "Gamer" - The Observer is like a laser with infinite power, nothing is left to be perceived, absolutely nothing appears on the screen of his awareness, almost omniscient...

Then and There, at that moment... The intensity of the "Gamer" - the Observer becomes itself PERCEIVED!

...There, in a flash, withdraw yourself too...

And The Revelation!


Anand Sarmad

Who you are is irrelevant to your perceived suffering and your perceived happiness.

Who you are is irrelevant to your success and your failure.

Who you are is irrelevant to your comfort or discomfort.

Who you are is irrelevant to your position in the world, irrelevant to your relationships with your family, irrelevant to your loneliness.

All that transpires is irrelevant next to who you are.

All the world’s plaudits are irrelevant.

All the wealth or all the poverty.

All the understanding or misunderstanding.

All the caring or not caring.

All the ease and all the difficulty.

All the knowledge and all the ignorance.

All the fame as well as being overlooked.

All the A’s and all the E’s. They are all the same. They have nothing to do with you.

What does anything have to do with you? Nothing has anything to do with you. Nothing at all.

The you that you may think you are has nothing to do with you.

The you that is you is untouchable, pristine and pure, it is unbounded and timeless spaciousness.

The you that you really are is never born and never gonna die. You are eternal homeness.


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