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Религия и мистика
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Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 08:08

There are two incidents which I have heard Osho narrating in his discourse WHICH WILL BE ABLE TO SAY THE TRUTH.

1) After Osho finished his discourse on a christian scripture (perhaps on "Sermon on the Mount"), he instructed one of his disciple in Australia to publish those discourses in the form of a book under his (disciple) authorship .

The book was an instant hit and a number of books was sold immediately purchased by the Churches and many fanatic Christians.

After a few months or so, Osho instructed the same disciple to give an advertisement in the Newspaper that the name of the author was mistakenly printed so and so, but the fact is that the real author is Osho. The disciple did as directed by Osho.

The immediate reaction of this information in the newspaper was that the Australian Govt. immediately banned that book (perhaps "I say onto you") and all the prints of the books were ordered to be withdrawn from the shelves of the book shops and many prints were burnt publicly.

Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 08:30.

Тема How can I find a master? [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 08:11


I am seeking and wandering. Tell me, how can I find a master? And how am I to be certain that he is the right master for me? What are the criteria? How to judge? How am I to know whether he is the man to lead me? How can one be certain?

This question may be the question of many. Everyone is searching. You can seek, but you cannot find. But seeking is necessary, because if you don’t seek, nothing will happen. Go on seeking, but know that just by seeking you cannot find, because it is impossible for the disciple to know who the right guru is. It is impossible for the lower to judge the higher. How can one judge “This is the master for me?” If you can judge and decide, then you have gone above the master.

The disciple can never find the master. Only the master can find the disciple.

So the disciple has to go on seeking and seeking and seeking just to be available to the masters, so that when the right man comes, he can choose you.

Only the master can choose you; you cannot choose him. In the ancient secret wisdom of Egypt it was said that when the disciple is ready the master appears. It is so. If you are ready, the master will appear. And your readiness is your availability – it is to be available.

Go on seeking. You will meet many teachers; be humble, learn with reverence and gratitude. But remember that not every teacher is your master. You will have to wait for the right master to appear. Go on, with deep humility, humbleness, receptivity. Move from teacher to teacher. You don’t know who the master is, but when you are ready, through this search the master will choose you.

And the moment someone chooses you, be courageous enough to be chosen. Don’t try to escape when someone chooses you, because that’s what happens: you may be in search of a master, but when the master chooses you and says “Okay, I accept you,” you may try to escape, because the master is like death.

I say, the master is like death. There is an old Indian saying: The master is death. Acharyo mrityuh – the master is death. He is, because he will destroy you as you are, just to create a new you. He will kill you just to give you a rebirth. He will restructure you. He’s going to give you rebirth, so death is necessary. So when the master chooses you, it appears as if death is coming. You may try to escape. Remember: you cannot find the master, but when the master finds you, be ready to die, be ready to surrender.

But there is fear: “If that man is not right… How can I know if this man is the right master for me? How am I to know if he is the right one for me and I should now surrender?” That you cannot know. To know the right man you first have to be the right man; otherwise, how can you know? You have no experience of being right, so how can you feel whether this man is right for you? If you are already a right man then there is no need for a master. Even that is not possible. So what to do?

I say it is not a question of the right man; it is a question of surrender. Surrender, even to the wrong man, is helpful.


Тема THE INNER COMPASS... [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 08:24

Beloved Master, all my life I was following my compass and now, here, in Your Presence, the needle of my compass turns around like crazy!

What's happening? Has my compass broken - am I mad, or am I in the Center?

On this journey of life, there is a compass: the thirst to be fulfilled.

We have been created this compass, it is already ours.

We have created a thirst in life so that we can seek out a way to quench it.

And the compass points and points and points.

It points within, to our heart, to our being, where clarity and joy reside.

And that is where we need to journey - Within...

And meditation is the key, the way and the destination...

There are four phases in your journey..

Birth - Baptism - Resurrection - I AM PRESENT


The moment you forget the world - the other... The moment you're left totally alone, at that moment occurs the birth of your Self...

The supreme familiar feeling of coming home!

You'll remember feelings of your infancy long forgotten, but never deleted... Never again you'll feel loneliness... Your eyes will be cleansed, becoming innocent again like a child... The world will look like a theater scene and you shall be the spectator... All the dramas will look like comedy played by actors... All encounters with people will become transparent, recognising at once the false as false and the real as real...


Then, a moment comes, where out of compassion, you'll have to step on the stage where the drama is played... There, the encounter with the unconscious players will provoke your involvement with the "drama"...

You'll have to play a role there, being aware of your Self at the same time... This interaction between the unconscious of the other and your conscious effort to make him look at the role that he's playing, produces a friction, which one day will ignite an explosion inside you, an explosion that will burn all your remaing attachments with the stage called worldly affairs... You will become an absolute individual, unwavering while sailing in the rough seas where all relation-ships are sinking...


As your meditation has become your breath and your love and compassion have matured, your devotion pushes you to share more and more, so your inner compass weakens its primal indication and again, in a differet level, service to the other becomes a slight attachment... The final one... There, Buddha says: "If you meet me on the way, cut my head immediately"... Remember the keys here are two phrases... "Laziness is a Virtue" and "Easy is Right and Right is Easy"... Once more you have to take the road from the Alone to the Alone... At that point be brave to cut ALL attachments and enjoy your freedom, until you realise that You Are Freedom itself!

Now, your watchfullness has become so sharp, that nothing whatsoever passes from the screen of your awareness... At that moment of nothing left to look upon, you become aware of the watcher, the almost imperceptible at-tension of it... There, turn away... And the Apocalypse! You are resurrected, re-erected as Timeless Spaciousness, Eternal Being... This is Enlightenment! Returning to the Source... The compass has reached the Pole of attraction!


Now you know The Secret... But the knower is there! And the motivation of the boddhisattva - the one who's dedicated to bring light wherever is absent - rules your life. ...There are situations where you become serious, you're getting involved in them, still there is action...

But as you mature in it, a distance is created within and without... You then can mix with everything without ever losing your Presence... Now you can go to the marketplace and get drunk, singing, absolutely free from everything... it's called "Beyond Enlightenment"... You are finally the Pole of attraction!

Тема Love knows to roar like a lion too. [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 10:15

Love knows to roar like a lion too.

Love is not just sweet poetry.

If love were just sweet poetry,

it could not exist in this insane world.

It has to be strong enough - stronger than hate,

stronger than anger -

it has to be a lion's roar.

Тема Споделено от ученици на Ошо.. [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 10:32

tell me onething ..
what u people did for earning
while being in commune in all those days with beloved?
did u people thought even once at least about any earnings or about careers??
u people may already married at that time may having kids also na..
...Earning? Who was earning" ...I had already a flourishing career back in '80s when i met Osho, I was also married for 15 years and my career got to a stop suddenly and I got divorced too...
No woman, no friends, no money... Loneliness was painfull... For 9 months I was suffering, trying to commit suicide by meditation...
Suddenly, one night, as I was ready to go out for a walk, I saw people happy enjoying their company... I was a complete outsider there... A phrase arose in my mind "There is nothing for me out there"... Accepted... Surrendered... Next moment, a warm feeling of supreme familiarity descended... I AMness! I had to lose everything to "Earn" My Self!

Тема Meditation [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 10:38

Meditation is the "red pill", leading to "escape" from the Matrix...

Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 13:42.

Тема Re: Споделено от ученици на Ошо.. [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 11:04

Let-go, Alertness AND Love, bring about Happen-ness...

He was sitting in a cafe, a thousand feet above the see level, in Oia village, Santorini island...

It was late August afternoon and the atmosphere was transparent...

His view extended beyond the volcano, some seventy miles away, until Crete where he'd met again his Master four years ago...

He was smoking, drinking his iced coffee, mindless...

He'd just arrived from Athens, been invited by a friend to stay for sometime in a room offered to him...

He'd money just for a day or two in his pocket...

After his last adventure he'd no friends left, nowhere to go, nothing to do, but he had no worry nor anxiety, he was full unto himself...

The small cafe offered dinner also and few costumers had already ordered, while some others waited to order too...

Suddenly, he heard a desparate phrase in greek, coming from the kitchen, something like ..."f&#965;cking god"!

He went to the small kitchen to see what's happening...

The guy in the kitchen was red-faced, in despair...

Trying to overturn an omelette in the pan, he'd throw it on the floor!

The whole kitchen was in a mess, dirty plates and glasses and kitchen utensils were all over...

He said: "Do you need any help?"

The guy said: "Please, I'm in a loss..."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Can you prepare some greek salads?"


He started by preparing greek salads, he washed the dishes and glasses and utensils, he made omelettes, boilled spaghettis, made coffees, juices, served ice creams, took orders and everything...

Late at night, most of the costumers had gone, while some others were still sitting enjoying their drinks, listening to the music, when the owner approached our man, thanked and gave him what was considered a good days payment, and said: "If you don't have anything else to do, please come tomorrow also"...

The next six days, he was fully occupied there cooking, washing, serving continuously from 7 am, 'till 3 o'clock after midnight...

The seventh day, early in the morning, they were drinking their coffee, smoking, when the guy said to our man:

"Dude, I have a problem..."

"What's the problem?"

"I have a very important job in Athens this week, but I can't close the cafe for a week, because it is full season and all the costumers will go away, I'll lose them... So I've been seing you... You are good, you have the skill and the ability to keep the cafe open for a week, ..can you?"

"But of course my man, do what you have to do and I will keep it running"...

"Thanks man, ...but you know.. keep a low profile.. don't overdo, just what we did, not more, ok?"

"Ok dude, say it's done..."

He gave our man a small capital for grossery and stuff, and left happy...

Next day the small cafe had completely changed it's aura!

He bought new tablecloths, put small vases with flowers on all the tables, his prefered music, put candles everywhere ...and added seven new dishes to the menu!

Three days later he had hire two girls to help him, the small cafe was overcrowded from 9 am, 'till 3 am!

Two weeks later, at 11 pm, while the small cafe was full and many costumers were waiting sitted on the stairs leading to the main path of the village, a dark silhouette appeared walking down the stairs... He came into the kitchen almost frightened, not sure where he was and asked our man:

"What's going on here?"

"Nothing special, just these days more and more people are coming..."

The guy sat thoughtfull on a chair inside the kitchen, the man offered him a glass with his favoured scotch and waited there until the cafe was empty. Then he said:

"Are there any money for me?"

Our man gave him the days sum of money, which was ten times the amount of capital that he was given and the guy was utterly fulfilled...

Next morning, at coffe time, the guy said:

""Look... I see that you manage very well and I have some more business to take care, can I leave?"

He said: "But of course, you can be sure about the business here."

He left, ...and he never came back!

When after a month, the friend of our man returned, he said to him that he'd subleted the cafe to this guy two months ago, but he knew that he was an ex-heroin addict and he must have relapsed...

They then made a deal, so our man kept the cafe and his room for the rest of the season and the whole winter, until his friend and owner was going to take it himself...

Anand Sarmad

Тема SAMATHI and THE METHOD... [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 13:08

The buddhist term SAMATHI means RIGHT CONCENTRATION...

This means that the culmination of spirituality is purity of heart which can be attained only by purity of conduct on the basis of the practice of the last three buddhist disciplines -- morality, meditation, and wisdom...

1. Morality = right speech, right action, and right livelihood...

Morality has two aspects. First, by bringing attention to the ways in which we speak, act, and live, we create the conditions needed in order to practice. Second, the way we live is the expression of what we understand through practice. Therefore, in Buddhism, morality is not a matter of observing rigid moral principles, but of giving expression to the wisdom of original mind.

Where are you living?

What's your thinking, feeling, living enviroment? Do you think according to your past, projecting into the future? Do you feel according to your fear, your hopes and desires? Have you build your enviroment according to the above out of insecurity? Or you're present, in accordance to the now?

What are you doing?

How do you live your days, is it fear and desire that govern your moods and dictate your actions?

Or you're free from the past and the desire for the future, enjoying your being now-here?

What are your relationships?

Are they people to whom you're depended out of insecurity or real people whom you love?

Are you in right relation? Are you contented in your self and share your being with your beloved, or you're tethered in mutual bondage with your mate?

Where is your spring of life, your very being or the thousand broken mirrors around you, yearning for the reflection of your self-made image?

Do you know your essencial qualities and live according and through them or you feed upon ephemeral satisfactions and mutual exploitations?

Dare to be yourself, drop the empty behaviour, don't just "chat" unconsciously out of habit, regain your responce ability that you had as a child, fearless and innocent. ..."The King is naked!"

Be with like thinking, feeling, living people. Be good to each other. Not goody-goody, not just polite, but really compassionate to eachother. Do not give up your responsibility to anyone, for any reason, in any field of your life. Listen attentively to what the other says, but evaluate it in your heart.

Be available to the Unknown... Let go of the past AND the future - the two shores of the river of life, be aware, conscious, alert and do not be taken by emotions.

Share your joy, dancing with those in the same state. And take nothing personally.

2. Meditation = Right effort, right mindfulness, and right attention..

Right effort, right mindfulness, and right attention constitute the discipline of meditation. In this context, meditation actually means stable attention. We begin with the effort of resting with the breath. We develop mindfulness first, then stable attention. Attention is the heart of Buddhist practice. Although we use formal meditation to cultivate attention, the real practice is to live in attention all the time.

3. Wisdom or understanding = a) Right cognition and b) Right view.

a) Right cognition means that we bring attention to the thinking process. We use cognitive processes to uncover and correct problems in our practice and in our lives.

b) Right view is seeing things as they actually are. By bringing attention to how we see things, we step out of the projected "realities" of conditioning.

I'll begin with the third first, with Oshos words, because for me right understanding is fundamental...

"You're not what you know. Anything that you see, hear, sense. Anything you think, anything you feel, anything that happens, anything.... You are not your body, meaning you are not your looks.

You are not your age. You are not your illness nor are you your health.

You are not your habits. You are not your thinking. You are not your character and the picture you have of your self, good, bad, indifferent.

You do know you are not your fingernail, and yet ALL that that you may presently think is you, amounts to no more than a fingernail.

Who you are is irrelevant to your perceived suffering and your perceived happiness.

Who you are is irrelevant to your success and your failure.

Who you are is irrelevant to your comfort or discomfort.

Who you are is irrelevant to your position in the world, irrelevant to your relationships with your family, irrelevant to your loneliness.

All that transpires is irrelevant next to who you are.

All the world’s plaudits are irrelevant.

All the wealth or all the poverty.

All the understanding or misunderstanding.

All the caring or not caring.

All the ease and all the difficulty.

All the knowledge and all the ignorance.

All the fame as well as being overlooked.

All the A’s and all the E’s. They are all the same. They have nothing to do with you.

What does anything have to do with you? Nothing has anything to do with you. Nothing at all.

The "you" that you may think you are has nothing to do with you.

The You that is you is untouchable, pristine and pure, it is unbounded and timeless spaciousness.

Even if you happen to die, don't take it personally... The you that you really are is never born and never gonna die. You are eternal homeness."

Second about meditation...

One thing has to be remembered about meditation; it is a long journey and there is no shortcut. Anyone who says there is a shortcut is be fooling you.

It is a long journey because the change is very deep and is achieved after many lives - many lives of routine habits, thinking, desiring. And the mind structure; that you have to drop through meditation. In fact it is almost impossible - but it happens.

A man becoming a meditator is the greatest responsibility in the world. It is not easy. It cannot be instant. So from the beginning never start expecting too much and then you will never be frustrated. You will always be happy because things will grow very slowly.

Meditation is not a seasonal flower which within six weeks is there. It is a very very big tree. It needs time to spread its roots.

"Meditation simply means becoming empty of all the contents of the mind: memory, imagination, thoughts, desires, expectations, projections, moods. One has to go on emptying oneself of all these contents. The greatest day in life is when you cannot find anything in you to throw out; all has already been thrown out, and there is only pure emptiness. In that emptiness you will find yourself; in that emptiness you find your pure consciousness.

"That emptiness is empty only as far as mind is concerned. Otherwise it is overflowing, full of being ---empty of mind but full of consciousness. So don't be afraid of the word empty; it is not negative. It negates only the unnecessary luggage, which you are carrying just from old habit, which does not help but only hinders, which is just a weight, a mountainous weight. Once this weight is removed you are free from all boundaries, you become as infinite as the sky. This is the experience of God or Buddhahood or whatever word one likes. Call it dhamma, call it Tao, call it truth, call it nirvana--they all mean the same thing."

Meditation has two parts: the beginning and the end.

The beginning is called dhyana and the end is called samadhi.

Dhyana is the seed, samadhi is the flowering.

Dhyana means becoming aware of all workings of your mind, all the layers of your mind — your memories, your desires, your thoughts, dreams — becoming aware of all that goes on inside you.

Dhyana is awareness, and samadhi is when the awareness has become so deep, so profound, so total that it is like a fire and it consumes the whole mind and all its functionings.

It consumes thoughts, desires, ambitions, hopes, dreams. It consumes the whole stuff the mind is full of.

And the finally THE METHOD...

Sit confortably in a quiet space, that you have prepared for that purpose.

See around and realise that everything you see, hear, smell or sense in any way, is not what you are searching for, because it is an object to your senses, and recognising that as a fact, close your eyes.

Feel your body from the inside... Direct your awareness to your feet, to your toes, and spend some moments feeling them one by one... Move your awareness slowly from your toes to the legs, little by little...and feel them...Move your awareness slowly upwards, feeling minutely every part of your body, ...your genitals, your belly, ...feel the pressure on your ass as you sit on it, feel your hearts beat and stay there a little longer, for it brings calmness to your system...

And then go to your head, part by part, ...your ears, your eyes from the inside, your mouth, your tongue...

And then feel your breath as it goes in and out...in...out...in...out... for it brings deeper calmness... and just "do" that, watching your breath in a certain point, wherever you prefer, in the nose, in the back of the throat, in your chest, in your belly, ...wherever feels preferable to you. If you notice that some thought is distructing you from what you are doing, realise that the thought is just an object like anything else that you are becoming aware of, and return to what you were doing, not paying much attention to the thought.

It needs your intelligence to understand clearly the concept.

"Anything that passes from the screen of my awareness, is an object, it's not what I'm searching for, it's not ME... I'm NOT interested in that" ... so, you just go on discarding whatever object appears, until a moment comes were nothing moves anymore inside you... Suddenly from the sea of the inner silence, an impulse may arise in your belly... In the beggining you may not be able to realise it as another type of object and it may unfold as a thought, -- that's why the Zen people say that we are thinking with our belly! It's true, from there the thought arises, the ignition of the thought is an impulse, ...a desire! Then as your awarenes grows, by and by you'll be able to see it as it arises, and you will not become identified, seeing it as what it is... Then a deeeep silence prevails and You are totally aware...


The moment you realise that YOU are still there, watching, ... that "you" is realised also as an object... turn away.. and ...The Revelation, ...the Apocalypse!

It is called Enlightenment... but it really is what you've always been, but you didn't knew. It's the ultimate freedom from the dreams and nightmares that we were creating, it is the ultimate reality, where harmony is the fruit of understanding beyond reason... And that is the eternal and not changeable! The center of the wheel!

Beloved, banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Love & Light

Тема A LETTER TO A MIDWIFE... [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 13:23

Beloved, I see that you are a fine person functioning as a midwife and I immensely respect your approach to birth giving. You are privileged enough to witness a woman giving birth unaided... You've noticed the glistening tsunamis of waters tinged with blood that run down her plains unheeded: Then you've heard the deep primal cries she makes as she does her work, sounds that come not from her throat but from her belly as she grunts and moans and roars with her exertion...

Do you think that humanity, which is a about to give birth to the new man, still being unaware, have to stay silent and make no noise with her pains or needs pain killers?

In these conditions labour swiftly becomes unbearable and pain relief becomes a woman's only hope. "Get me some pethidine, give me an epidural, cut it out of me, anything, make it stop, please help me"... This is not the natural cry of a woman in labour bringing a child to birth, although if you have only ever witnessed childbirth in a medicalised setting you might be forgiven for thinking so. This is the screaming plea of a tethered animal in pain.

Her only hope for salvation in her cell lies in the anaesthetist who numbs the pain and the obstetrician who, finally makes it stop".

No dear, no anaesthesia is needed, in fact we have to wake up to the situation and take full responce-ability for ourselves, we have the strengh needed and you know it.

The soul of humanity is about to give birth and her mind is asleep. Pain killers have being given to her, she is tethered tightly with the needs of her essentials in inhuman conditions - "tethered to 'machines' so they cannot move"... "Let us make them stay silent and make no noise with their pains"...

Beloved, you are certainly NOT in favor of such means... So let me cry out so maybe the less asleep may feel what's happening and take their responce-ability back...

This is the Message From the Hopi Elders.

You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.

Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.

Here are the things that must be considered:

Where are you living?

What are you doing?

What are your relationships?

Are you in right relation?

Where is your water?

Know our garden.

It is time to speak your Truth.

Create your community.

Be good to each other.

And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast.

It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.

They will try to hold on to the shore.

They will feel like they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination.

The elders say we must let go of the shore,

push off toward the middle of the river,

keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

See who is there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves!

For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lonely wolf is over.

Gather yourselves!

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

The Elders,

Тема JE T'AIME [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 13:58

"What is the path?", Zen Master Nansen was asked.
"Everyday life is the path", he answered.


Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 15:30.

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