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Тема Re: ~ OshO ~ My Master My Love ~ [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 16:33

~ OshO ~

The real life has to be natural, and the real life has to go one day beyond nature. But nature has to become its foundation — not against nature, not hiding it, but discovering the innermost core of nature. Then is the transcendence, and that is the most beautiful experience. It beautifies you, your body, your mind, your soul. It not only beautifies you, it beautifies even people who come in contact with you. This beauty belongs to the beyond; it is called grace. Something descends from the above and floods you.

It is up to you to make whatsoever you want out of your life. An enlightened consciousness makes even death beautiful. An unenlightened consciousness makes even life ugly. For an enlightened consciousness, only beauty exists — only beauty; only bliss exists — only bliss.

_______love n light __

Редактирано от vidiya на 06.07.11 16:34.

Тема Re: ~ OshO ~ My Master My Love ~ [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано06.07.11 16:38

~ OshO ~

The world is against individuality. It is against your being just your natural self. It wants you just to be a robot, and because you have agreed to be a robot you are in trouble. You are not a robot. That was not the intention of nature, to make a robot of you.

So because you are not what you were meant to be, what you were destined to be, you are constantly looking: "What is missing? Perhaps better furniture, better curtains, a better house, a better husband, a better wife, a better job..." Your whole life you are trying and rushing from one place to another. But the society has distracted you from the very beginning. My effort is to bring you back to yourself, and you will suddenly find all that discontent has disappeared. There is no need to be more -- you are enough. Everybody is enough.

_______love n light __

Тема Search for your original face ! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:23

~ OshO ~

... This is what Jesus means by conversion. A Hindu can becom a Mohammedan, a Mohammedan can become a Christian, a Christian can become a Hindou - that is not conversion. That is again changing masks. When a Christian becomes religious, a Hindou becomes religious, when a Mohammedan becomes religious, then it is conversion. It is not moving between one religion and another, because there are not two religions in the world. There cannot be two: religion is ONE!

Religiousness is a quality; it has nothing to do with sects and doctrines and dogmas, churches and temples and mosques. If you are in a mosque and you become religious, you will no longer be a Mohammedan ... you will simply become a pure being who has no adjective attached to him. If you are praying in a temple and the temple disappears, you are no longer a Hindou ... you have become religious. This is conversion.

What Zen masters says: "Search for your original face," is the meaning of "Repent ye." - drop all the masks. It is not a question between you and others, it is a question between you and your God. "Repent ye" means drop all the masks and stand before God in your original face - the way he has made you.

Let that be your only face - the way he wanted you to be.
Let that be your only being.
Return to the original source, come back to your deepest core of being.

Repentance is returning back; it is one of the greatest spiritual turnings ...

________love n light __

Тема Re: YOU are also, the ONLY begotten son of God ! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:27

~ OshO ~

That's what i mean when I say Buddha is aslo the only begotten son, you are also. Everybody in this world is unique. Once you attain to your inner realization you are the only begotten son of God - as if the whole existence exists for you and only for you. The trees flower for you and the birds sing for you and the rivers flow for you and clouds gather together for you. You become the sole center of existence when you attain ...

Try to understand this, you can be graceful only when you are true!

The gospel catches the exact point of Jesus' being: truth and grace. He was true, profoundly true to the very core - utmost, utterly true. That's how he got into trouble. To live with a society which is absolutely untrue, to live with it with utter truthfulness, is to get into trouble.

And the grace ... He was not a politician and he was not a priest. He simply loved life and lived it. He was not here to preach anything, he had no dogma to inculcate, he had no ideas to force on people. In fact, he lived a pure, graceful, flowing life, and he was infectious. This man was a child, an innocent child. People were attracted. People left their houses, their jobs - they simply started following him ...

Jesus ... a breeze from the unknown ... nobody knows from where it comes, nobody knows where it goes: a penetration of eternity into time ... the entry of the mysterious into the known!

________love n light __

Тема Re: YOU are also, the ONLY begotten son of God ! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:31

~ OshO ~

If you can go happily to a pub, that is better than going unhappily to a temple - because finally, one comes to discover that happiness IS THE TEMPLE!

Be happy and you are virtues; be unhappy and you are commiting what religious people have called sin!

________love n light

Тема Never neglect the little things [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:47

“Never neglect the little things. Never skimp on that extra effort, that additional few minutes, that soft word of praise or thanks, that delivery of the very best that you can do. It does not matter what others think, it is of prime importance, however, what you think about you. You can never do your best, which should always be your trademark, if you are cutting corners and shirking responsibilities. You are special. Act it. Never neglect the little things.”

Тема How can one go dancing towards the grave? [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:52

~ OshO ~

The bird will go on singing, and die, and will not be aware even for a single moment that death is coming.
But if you are not aware of death, how can you be aware of life?
Awareness of life is at a cost; the cost has to be paid.
That cost is the fear of death.
If you are aware of life, you are bound to be aware of death.
And how can you be at ease?
Alive, something is dying, continuously.
Alive, you are moving towards the grave.
How can you celebrate and dance?
How can one go dancing towards the grave?

With awareness humanity enters into the world.
But with awareness enters anxiety and anguish.
And this will be so unless you again become one.
Duality is the anxiety.
Hence Sufis, Vedantists, Zen people, all the mystics of all the ages, insist only on one thing, and that is: transcend duality, become ADVAITA, become nondual.

Become one again.

You WERE one, because you have been a tree, and you have been a river, and you have been a rock in the Himalayas, and you have been a million types of birds and animals, and you have lived all kinds of lives -- vegetable lives, mineral lives, animal lives.
You have passed through existence many many times, in many many forms.
You have been one, but unconsciously one.
Now, the duality has arisen.
You have to be one again, this time CONSCIOUSLY one.

________love n light_

Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 00:54.

Тема Death: The ultimate orgasm ! [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 00:58

~ OshO ~

The moment of death can become the moment of enlightenment also, both are so similar. When someone becomes enlightened it is a death deeper than ordinary death; when someone becomes enlightened he comes to know that he is not the body. The attachment, the identification, disappears. For the first time he can see an unbridgeable gap. He is here, the body is there; there is an abyss between. He has never been the body and the body has never been him.

This death is deeper than ordinary death; when you die ordinarily you are still identified with the body. This death is still deeper. Not only are you unidentified with the body, your identification with the mind, with the ego, also disappears. You are left simply as an emptiness, as an inner space, boundless, you are neither the body nor the mind. In ordinary death only the body dies; the mind goes on following you like a shadow.

The mind is the problem, not the body. Through the mind you have become one with the body, and unless the mind disappears you will go on getting into newer bodies, into newer vehicles, and the wheel of life will go on and on. When you become enlightened suddenly you are not the body, you are not the mind. Only then do you come to know who you are. The body is a seed, the mind is also a seed; hidden beyond them is you.

________love n light_

Тема "The Lure of the Sirene's Call" [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 01:08

The "target" of this Game is to find Who You Really Are.

So, Who are you?

Of course you are not the object...

Who you are is irrelevant to everything that you know.

Who you are is irrelevant to everything you see,

everything you think, everything that happens, everything.

You already know you are not your body.

That you are not your body means you are not your looks.

You are not your age. You are not your illness nor are you your


You are not your habits. You are not your thinking.

You do know you are not your fingernail, and yet all that that you may

presently think is you amounts to no more than a fingernail.

Who you are is irrelevant to your perceived suffering and your

perceived happiness.

Who you are is irrelevant to your success and your failure.

Who you are is irrelevant to your comfort or discomfort.

Who you are is irrelevant to your position in the world, irrelevant to

your relationships with your family, irrelevant to your loneliness.

All that transpires is irrelevant next to who you are.

All the world’s plaudits are irrelevant.

All the wealth or all the poverty.

All the understanding or misunderstanding.

All the caring or not caring.

All the ease and all the difficulty.

All the knowledge and all the ignorance.

All the fame as well as being overlooked.

All the A’s and all the E’s. They are all the same. They have nothing to

do with you.

What does anything have to do with you? Nothing has anything to do

with you. Nothing at all.

The you that you may think you are has nothing to do with you.

The you that is you is untouchable, pristine and pure, it is unbounded

and timeless spaciousness.

The you that you really are is never born and never gonna die. You

are eternal homeness.


Тема The Masters Way of Working [re: vidiya]  
Автор vidiya (член)
Публикувано11.07.11 07:55

Once Osho was asked why do you wear a watch worth Rs. 55 lakh and why do you have 93 Rolls Royes as such things do not match or are not in conformity with what is said about an enlightened soul or sage?

Osho in reply asked the questioner, "Why and how have you come to this place, Pune?"

The visitor replied "I read your books and listened your discources. I felt I have found my Guru/Master and I got attracted, therefore I am here."

Then Osho asked "Then why are you showing interest in watch and cars? This interests of yours simply show that your mind still has more attraction towards the object of desire compared to what I am saying. Why cannot you see that your mind is making you fool."

The visitor was ashamed of his questions.

[Osho has beautifully explained all these things.]

He said "I don't need the watch as time is immaterial for me. I don't need so many cars or for that matter even a single car, as the distance between his residence and the place where discources were held was hardly 2 minutes walk."

He has explained that by keeping such objects of desire with him he was able to screen unwanted persons coming and residing in the Ashram. He wanted his own people i.e those who were interested in what he was trying to share with them. He was interested in attracting intelligent people who could understand him, people who were not interested in superficial behaviours like how he talks, what he speaks, what he eats, etc.

Intelligent people, according to him, are those people who can "understand /imagine/conceive" the "background/context" from various angles of what he was sharing. Those who can find out the positive even from something which appears to be negative on superficial level, for the benefit of his/her upliftment towards self-realisation.

For all these qualities Osho has used term "Reading in between the word/lines".

We cannot understand the Masters way of working as they are totally unpredictable, as they are true representative of life as such.

Prediction can be made only in the case of dead thing.

We should be interested in what we are looking for from that person, not in the person itself and things he has in his possesion.

This is the root cause why we generally fail is our approach.

Now you decide where you stand.

Редактирано от vidiya на 11.07.11 08:02.

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