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Тема Извинението в историятанови  
Автор фaмyлyc (щастливец)
Публикувано16.08.07 18:18

последен пример за него: папуаско племе се извинява, че са убили и изяли четирима мисионери

Тема Re: Извинението в историятанови [re: фaмyлyc]  
Автор мapдyk (Аз)
Публикувано16.08.07 22:48

хазарите сте си людоеди

ай ся се извинявай

Mvlti svnt vocati, pavci vero electi

Тема Re: Извинението в историятанови [re: мapдyk]  
Автор Vencci* (R*Я)
Публикувано16.08.07 23:03

Тема Re: Извинението в историята [re: Vencci*]  
Автор мapдyk (Аз)
Публикувано17.08.07 10:46

According to Herodotus, the Issedones practiced ritual cannibalism of their elderly males, followed by a ritual feast at which the deceased patriarch's family ate his flesh, gilded his skull, and placed it in a position of honor much like a cult image


Mvlti svnt vocati, pavci vero electi

Тема Re: Извинението в историятанови [re: мapдyk]  
Автор фaмyлyc (щастливец)
Публикувано17.08.07 13:33

Папуаският канибализъм не е точно (само) ритуален...

Тема Re: Извинението в историятанови [re: фaмyлyc]  
Автор мapдyk (Аз)
Публикувано17.08.07 17:40

здраво мезат, ааа?

а с какво ли преглъщат?

Mvlti svnt vocati, pavci vero electi

Тема Re: Извинението в историятанови [re: мapдyk]  
Автор фaмyлyc (щастливец)
Публикувано17.08.07 18:46

От ферментирало саго си правели пиячка.

Тема Re: Извинението в историятанови [re: мapдyk]  
Автор Vencci* (R*Я)
Публикувано17.08.07 20:46

Така си е :

The steppes of central Eurasia have been the source of countless nations and tribes, from the last retreat of the glaciers some 50,000 years ago, to nearly modern times (1845 CE, see the Buqei Horde). This page attempts to examine a few of the better known tribes to emerge from the region. It is hopelessly fragmentary and incomplete of course, but what is set down will be of interest anyway, I hope. This file can be considered a companion to my western nomad file - the Teutons - each can be studied with a view toward analyzing the different sorts of pre-literate nomads (barbarians, in popular parlance) to have wandered Eurasia. Additionally, some of the major regions of Siberia are noted. Siberia, the largest block of land on the planet that is not a continent of itself, does not lend itself well to an archive such as this, since most of the many peoples who inhabit it were and remain pretechnical semi-nomads, with little in the way of formal Kings and Rulers. Nevertheless, some commentary on this vast realm should be of use. As a final note, it may be of interest to recall that the three best-known words in English of Siberian extraction are "horde" (urdu), "mammoth" (mamunt - the animal, and by extension the adjective), and "shaman".

Presently this holds notes on: Aka Saka, Alani, Altyn Oba, the Amazons, Aorsi, the Avars, the Bartang, the Bashkir, Basileani, Bokhai, Budini, the Bulgars, theBuqei, the Burtas, the Buryats, the Chionites, Choban, Chor, the Cimmerians, the Cumans, Dahae, Eastern Turkiut, Ertin, Far Eastern Province, Free Sarmarti, Gargari, Gelae, Gok Turkiut, Gyula, Haraiva, the Hephtalites, the Hsien-Pi, the Hsiung-Nu, the Huns, Iaxamate, Iazyges, the Issedones, the Juan-Juan, the Kalmucks (Oirat), Kamchatka, Kapan, Karabai, the Kazakh Horde, Khakass, the Khazars, Kimak, Kipchak, Kukhei, Kutrigur, Legae, Magadan, the early Magyars, the Massagetai, Mathura, the Melanchaeni, Northern Hsiung-nu, the Oghuz, Onogundar, Parni, the Pechenegs, the Roshani, Roxolanoi, the Sabir, Saii, Saka Haumavarna, Saka Paradraya, Saka Tigrakhauda, Sakae, the Sarmatians, Sauromatae, the Scythians, Siraces, Southern Hsiung-nu, Suren, Tolmach, the Torghuts, early Turks, Tannu Tuva, the Thyssagetae, Utrigur, Vladivostok, Yabghu, and Yakutiya.


The AMAZONS (SAUROMATAE) The Amazons have been an enduring Hellenic legend for better than 2800 years. They were said to be a tribe of woman warriors inhabiting the steppe region around the Sea of Azov (other variants of the tale speak of the upper Danube, or the Caucasus, as their homeland). Sourced out of a culture noted for the extreme lengths to which it repressed its women - treating them as little more than domesticated animals - the tale of the Amazonoi is fairly clearly an elaborate version of the "upside-down" story; a tall tale relating a circumstance in which every normal mode of society is turned on it's head. According to the myth they met a Scythian tribe, the Gargarii, once a year to mate and kept only female children, selling or giving the boys to neighboring tribes, or in some cases mutilating them and retaining them as slaves. The Amazons were supposedly ruled by two queens, one for internal matters and one for war. A number of complex tales grew up around the idea, eventually having them invade Asia Minor, found the city of Ephesus, retreat back into the north, and at other times interact with every Hellenic warrior-hero from Herakles through Theseus to Alexander. Why, then, do I bother including them in this archive? Because there may be a germ of truth to the story. I don't believe in the existence of an all-female tribe of warriors, but recent archeological evidence in the region has supported the idea of at least some steppe-dwelling females achieving status as warriors. Then too, the Central Asian Massagetae, ruled at an early date by the warrior-queen Tomyris lends some credence to the idea. Herodotus tells us that the Scythians knew of the Amazons, refering to them as Oiorpata ("man-slayers"), and while he is as often called the "Father of Lies" as he is the "Father of History", he apparently lived among the Scythians for a time, and may very well collected first-hand data about what that people believed concerning their part of the world. So, here is a listing of Amazonian queens, with a bit of commentary as well. Take it with whatever degree of skepticism you feel is necessary.

Тема Re: Извинението в историятанови [re: Vencci*]  
Автор Vencci* (R*Я)
Публикувано17.08.07 20:49

И това, за което и Ганчо Ценов многократно е споменавал :

/ От същият сайт / :

Presently this holds notes on: Aka Saka, Alani, Altyn Oba, the Amazons, Aorsi, the Avars, the Bartang, the Bashkir, Basileani, Bokhai, Budini, the Bulgars, theBuqei, the Burtas, the Buryats, the Chionites, Choban, Chor, the Cimmerians, the Cumans, Dahae, Eastern Turkiut, Ertin, Far Eastern Province, Free Sarmarti, Gargari, Gelae, Gok Turkiut, Gyula, Haraiva, the Hephtalites, the Hsien-Pi, the Hsiung-Nu, the Huns, Iaxamate, Iazyges, the Issedones, the Juan-Juan, the Kalmucks (Oirat), Kamchatka, Kapan, Karabai, the Kazakh Horde, Khakass, the Khazars, Kimak, Kipchak, Kukhei, Kutrigur, Legae, Magadan, the early Magyars, the Massagetai, Mathura, the Melanchaeni, Northern Hsiung-nu, the Oghuz, Onogundar, Parni, the Pechenegs, the Roshani, Roxolanoi, the Sabir, Saii, Saka Haumavarna, Saka Paradraya, Saka Tigrakhauda, Sakae, the Sarmatians, Sauromatae, the Scythians, Siraces, Southern Hsiung-nu, Suren, Tolmach, the Torghuts, early Turks, Tannu Tuva, the Thyssagetae, Utrigur, Vladivostok, Yabghu, and Yakutiya.

А и това в текстта : the Bulgars

Редактирано от Vencci* на 17.08.07 20:51.

Тема Re: Извинението в историятанови [re: фaмyлyc]  
Автор Last RomanМодератор (PRAEFECTUS URBI)
Публикувано17.08.07 20:52

Извинението е като седалищните части - всеки го носи със себе си.
А наивните туземци възприемат словесните еквилибристики на мисионерите буквално, затова стават такива зулуми.

Facta, non verba!

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