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Тема Уикипедия - 10 год. пред официалната историографиянови  
Автор джинrиби (ентусиаст)
Публикувано11.04.07 16:53


The Bulgarians (Bulgarian: българи or balgari) are a South Slavic people generally associated with the Republic of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian language. There are Bulgarian minorities or immigrant communities in a number of other countries, too.


In physical appearance, Bulgarian population is characterized by the features of the southern European anthropological type with some additional influence of other ethnic groups. Genetically, modern Bulgarians are more closely related to the other Balkan populations - ethnic Macedonians, Greeks and Romanians, than to the rest of the Europeans and the Mediterranean people [1][2].

Bulgarians are said to have descended from tree main ethnic groups which mixed on the Balkans during the 6th - 10th century. The first one being the local tribes - the Thracians, the second one - the Slavs, who gave their language to the modern ethnic Bulgarians and the third - the Bulgars, from whom the ethnonym and the statehood were inherited.

The Thracians
Main article: Thracians.

The significant ethnic contribution of the indigenous Thracian and Daco-Getic population, who had lived on the territory of modern Bulgaria before the Slavic invasion has been greatly understated during the Bulgarian communist regime. Now it has been comfirmed genetically and it is also apparent in the Mediterranean physical anthropological type of the modern Bulgarians [3] [4]. The ancient languages of the local people had already gone extinct before the arrival of the Slavs, and their cultural influence was highly reduced due to the repeated barabaric invasions on the Balkans during the early Middle Ages by Huns, Goths, Celts and Sarmatians, accompanied by persistent hellenization, romanisation and later slavicisation.

The Slavs
Main article: Slavs.

The Slavs emerged from their original homeland (most commonly thought to have been in Eastern Europe) in the early 6th century, and spread to most of the eastern Central Europe, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, thus forming three main branches - the West Slavs, the East Slavs and the South Slavs. The easternmost South Slavs became part of the ancestors of the modern Bulgarians, which however, are genetically clearly separated from the tight DNA cluster of the most Slavic peoples. This phenomenon is explained by “the genetic contribution of the people who lived in the region before the Slavic expansion” [5].

The Bulgars
Main article: Bulgars.

The Bulgars were a seminomadic people of obscure ethnicity, who during the 2nd century migrated from Central Asia into the North Caucasian steppe. Between 377 and 453 they took part in the Hunic raids on Central and Western Europe. After Attila's death in 453, and the subsequent disintegration of the Hunnish empire, the Bulgar tribes dispersed mostly to the eastern and southeastern parts of Europe. In the late 7th century, some Bulgar tribes, led by Asparukh and others, led by Kouber, permanently settled in the Balkans, joining the southern Slavic tribes[6]. Together, the two peoples formed the First Bulgarian Empire in 680-681.

The Others

Other steppe peoples who also contributed to the Bulgarian ethnogenesis include small numbers of Kumans, Pechenegs and Avars who after the disintegration of their tribal unions during the Middle Ages spread all over the Balkans eventually fully assimilating with the local populations. Presently the significant minorities of Bulgaria include Turks, Armenians, Vlachs, Roma and Greeks. Even though they have preserved their cultural heritages to a certain exent, they are being gradually assimilated through intermarriages, especially in the Greek, Vlach and Armenian communities.

The "Ex"

Bulgarians are culturally, linguistically and genetically very closely related to modern Macedonians, with their both languages being mutually intelligible. A significant number of the ancestors of the present-day ethnic Macedonians did, in fact, identify themselves as Bulgarians until the early 20th century. A high profile example included Lazar Kolichevski who succeeded Tito as President of Yugoslavia. Originally born Kolishev, he later adopted an ethnic Macedonian identity and chanded his surname as many others did in that period. Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who identify as ethnic Bulgarians have nevertheless survived, and composed about 0.5% of the population at the last census. During the last few years in which Bulgaria saw rising economic prosperity and admition to the EU, many citizens of Republic of Macedonia seemed to have "rememebered" their Bulgarian past and applied for Bulgarian citizenship.

Редактирано от джинrиби на 11.04.07 16:58.

Тема Re: Уикипедия - 10 год. пред официалната историографиянови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор Boлk (магичен)
Публикувано11.04.07 17:04

Ми така де основна етногенетична компонента южни славяни -няма нужда да ми го казва уикипедията -то си е видно от хеликоптер

Не ни е владяло друго славянско племе та няма кой да ни е натрапил славянския език.Просто е като 2+2 ама на някой му се ще антично-героична традиция (много готин клип беше линкнал комита)
П.С.hellenization, romanisation and later slavicisation. Това много не ми се вярва.Славяните трудно славянизират - власи си има и в България и в Сърбия.
Имаме некви мижави успехи в славянизацията на гърци в няколко черноморски градчета ма това е капка в морето.

Редактирано от Boлk на 11.04.07 17:08.

Тема Re: Уикипедия - 10 год. пред официалната историографиянови [re: Boлk]  
Автор Rex_Mysorum (Йоан Мизийски)
Публикувано11.04.07 17:07

основна етногенетична компонента южни славяни -няма нужда да ми го казва уикипедията

Уикипедията не казва такова нещо. Напротив - отбелязва се, че южните славяни са различни от останалите заради предславянския елемент.

Тема Re: Уикипедия - 10 год. пред официалната историографиянови [re: Rex_Mysorum]  
Автор Boлk (магичен)
Публикувано11.04.07 17:09

Да редактирал съм си поста

Тема Re: Уикипедия - 10 год. пред официалната историографиянови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор _magotin_ (ентусиаст)
Публикувано11.04.07 17:12

Славянският елемент безспорно доминира над "местния", ако и последният умишлено да е подценяван.
И не се предоверявайте на Уикипедия, защото на няколко места пишеше откровени дивотии за Мадарския конник и за Дуло, а за българите пишеше, че били тюркути по едно време.

Редактирано от _magotin_ на 11.04.07 17:16.

Тема Re: Уикипедия - 10 год. пред официалната историографиянови [re: _magotin_]  
Автор Boлk (магичен)
Публикувано11.04.07 17:15

Славянският не е само доминиращ той е разгромяващ -няма ни една важна ни прабългарска ни тракийска дума в нашия хубав славянски език

Тема Re: Уикипедия - 10 год. пред официалната историографиянови [re: _magotin_]  
Автор джинrиби (ентусиаст)
Публикувано11.04.07 17:17

Славянският елемент безспорно доминира над "местния", ако и последния умишлено да е подценяван.

Genetic origins

The modern Slavic peoples come from a wide variety of genetic backgrounds, attesting the complexity of the ethnogenetic processes in Eastern Europe that started in the Great Migrations period in the 5th century and are continuing today. The frequency of Haplogroup R1a[2] ranges from 56.4% of the population in Poland and 54% in Ukraine, to 15.2% in Macedonia, 14.7% in Bulgaria
and 12.1% in Herzegovina([3], [4]). Haplogroup R1a may be connected to the spread of Proto-Indo-Europeans (see Kurgan hypothesis for more information). While R1a and R1b haplogroups dominate in Western and Eastern Slavic populations, Haplogroup I1b is the most common haplogroup among the people of former Yugoslavia(63.8% Herzegovians, 52.2% Bosnians, 32.2% mainland Croatians)
A new study (Rebala et al. 2007) studied several Slavic populations with the aim of localizing the Proto-Slavic homeland.A significant finding of this study is that: Two genetically distant groups of Slavic populations were revealed: One encompassing all Western-Slavic, Eastern-Slavic, and two Southern - Slavic populations,and one encompassing all remaining Southern Slavs.” According to the authors most Slavic populations have similar Y chromosome pools, and this similarity can be traced to an origin in middle Dnieper basin of the Ukraine..”
However, southern Slavic populations such as Serbians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, and Bosnians are separated from the tight cluster of Slavic populations. According to the authors this phenomenon is explained by “the contribution of the Y chromosomes of peoples who settled in the region before the Slavic expansion to the genetic heritage of Southern Slavs

Редактирано от джинrиби на 11.04.07 17:19.

Тема Re: Уикипедия - 10 год. пред официалната историографиянови [re: Boлk]  
Автор _magotin_ (ентусиаст)
Публикувано11.04.07 17:21

Без да се впускаме в подробности можем да не забравяме, че големи сарматски групи се славянизират много преди създаването на България на Дунав и започват да говорят славянски език. Сарматите не се различават расово чак толкова от славяните, тъкмо напротив.
Славянска доминанта няма как да обясни изтърваната във въпросната статия на Википедията генетична близост между българи и унгарци.

Тема Re: Уикипедия - 10 год. пред официалната историографиянови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор Rex_Mysorum (Йоан Мизийски)
Публикувано11.04.07 17:21

Той сега ще ти преброи землянките и ще ти каже, че са повече от къщите.

Тема Re: Уикипедия - 10 год. пред официалната историографиянови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор _magotin_ (ентусиаст)
Публикувано11.04.07 17:22

А близостта на българското ДНК с унгарското...

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