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Тема Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisationнови  
Автор kle4kar (новак)
Публикувано02.09.05 17:40

Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisation (bulg. Вътрешна тракийска революционна организация), ITRO, was a Bulgarian revolutionary organisation active in Western Thrace and southern Bulgaria between 1922 and 1934.

The reason for the establishment of ITRO was the deplorable situation of the Bulgarians in Western Thrace after the transfer of the region from Bulgaria to Greece in May, 1920. After the catastrophic defeat suffered by the Greek army in Anatolia in 1922, a stream of Greek refugees poured into Greece and settled, for the most part, in Aegean Macedonia and Western Thrace. In order to provide housing for the refugees, the Greek government interned tens of thousands of Bulgarians from Western Thrace on the Aegean Sea islands. These returned to their homes after an intervention of the League of Nations, only to find them occupied by Greek refugees from Asia Minor.

The desperate situation forced the Bulgarians to resort to armed struggle. ITRO was formed under the leadership of Tane Nikolov and its detachments started to launch attacks on the Greek garrisons in the region. The organisation acted in co-operation with the representatives of the Muslims (Turks) in Western Thrace raising the slogan for the establishment of “autonomous Thrace” under the supervision of the League of Nations.

At the end of 1922, the Greek government started to expel large numbers of Bulgarians into Bulgaria and the activity of ITRO grew into an open rebellion. The organisation eventually gained full control of some districts along the Bulgarian border. In the summer of 1923, however, the Turks withdrew from the co-operation after the Treaty of Lausanne had guaranteed their rights. By that time, the majority of the Bulgarians had already been resettled to Bulgaria. Although detachments of the ITRO continued to infiltrate Western Thrace sporadically, the main focus of the activity of the organisation now shifted to the protection of the refugees into Bulgaria.

The organisation became a state within the state in the districts of Haskovo and Kurdzhali where the majority of the refugees were concentrated, aiding their settlement and collecting taxes from tobacco merchants. As the activity of the organisation started to cause international problems for the Bulgarian government, ITRO was formally disbanded, to be right away re-assembled under the name of Committee for Free Thrace (bulg. Комитет за свободна Тракия). The committee existed until 1934 when it was finally disbanded by the government of Kimon Georgiev.

Тема Re: Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisationнови [re: kle4kar]  
Автор kle4kar (новак)
Публикувано02.09.05 17:45

Internal Dobrujan Revolutionary Organisation

The Internal Dobrujan Revolutionary Organisation (Bulgarian: Вътрешна добруджанска революционна организация; Romanian: Organizaţia Internă Revoluţionară Dobrogeană), IDRO, was a Bulgarian nationalist and revolutionary organisation active in Romanian Dobruja from 1923 to 1940. It was labeled 'a terrorist organization' by the Romanian government, though in Bulgaria it was regarded as a liberation movement.

The organisation was founded in 1923 under the leadership of Docho Mihaylov and on the basis of the Great Convention of Dobruja (bulg. Велик добруджански събор), a Bulgarian political organisation established in 1919 to fight against the transfer of Southern Dobruja to Romania. The IDRO detachments fought against the wide-spread brigandage in the region, as well as the Romanian administration in the region. Like the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation in Macedonia and the Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisation in Thrace, IDRO demanded political autonomy of Dobruja under the mandate of the League of Nations.

In 1925, a left wing named Dobrujan Revolutionary Organisation (Bulgarian Добруджанска революционна организация) seceded from the organisation under the influence of the Bulgarian Communist Party. This wing militated for a independent Republic of Dobruja, which would either be part of a "Federative Republic of the Balkans" or to become a Republic of the Soviet Union.

The division of IDRO significantly hampered the work of the organisation, although it continued its activity under different forms until 1940 when Southern Dobruja was restored to Bulgaria under the terms of the Treaty of Craiova.

Тема Re: Internal Shopian Revolutionary Organisationнови [re: kle4kar]  
Автор kle4kar (новак)
Публикувано02.09.05 17:47

krajno vreme e smjatam da byde osnovana vytreshnata shopska revol. organizacija kojato da se zaeme da projansi samosyznanieto na nashenci iz pirotsko i nishko ;)

Тема Re: Internal Shopian Revolutionary Organisation [re: kle4kar]  
Автор kelka (синце)
Публикувано02.09.05 20:08

И да разцепи тотално българския народ. Понеже тия революционни организации не носят нищо друго освен сепаратистични последици.

Тема Re: Internal Shopian Revolutionary Organisationнови [re: kelka]  
Автор kle4kar (новак)
Публикувано05.09.05 17:08

tova za ISRO beshe majtap, ako ne se seshtash.
a inache tova koeto so napisal(a) e glupost, i to divna.

Редактирано от kle4kar на 05.09.05 17:09.

Тема Re: Internal Thracian Revolutionary Organisationнови [re: kle4kar]  
Автор джинrиби (член)
Публикувано06.09.05 14:59

Вътрешна западнопокраинска революционнна организация "Въртоп".

Тя е нелегалната организация за разлика от легалната - Върховен комитет на бежанците от Западните покрайнини, които съставляват националноосвободително движение на Западните покрайнини. Традицията, създадена от националноосвободителното движение през Възраждането, продължена от националноосвободителното движение в Македония и Одринско, намира изключителен прием у българите от покрайнината. Немалък принос имат писателите Стилиян Чилингиров и Емануил Попдимитров и голяма част от учителите на Западните покрайнини. Немалък е прекият досег и лична помощ, получени от изтъкнатия ръководител на ВМРО - Тодор Александров. Разрастването се улеснява и от връзките с освободителните отряди на националноосвободителните движения в Добруджа и Тракия.

Тема Re: Internal Shopian Revolutionary Organisationнови [re: kle4kar]  
Автор kelka (синце)
Публикувано06.09.05 16:33

Не разбарх, че е било майтап. Но дали мнението ми е "дивна глупост", или повечето гледате под носа си?

Тема Re: Internal Shopian Revolutionary Organisationнови [re: kelka]  
Автор kle4kar (новак)
Публикувано06.09.05 16:42

divna glupost e. tova sa organizacii syzdadeni ot onepravdani i terorizirani bylgarski malcinstva.

Тема Re: Internal Shopian Revolutionary Organisationнови [re: kle4kar]  
Автор kelka (синце)
Публикувано06.09.05 17:32

От кого са създадени? Къде българите са малцинства? Не и там където са организациите. Тука май топката е в твоето поле. Я ми кажи ти, не разделиха ли България тези организации, макар и косвено?

Тема Re: Internal Shopian Revolutionary Organisationнови [re: kelka]  
Автор kle4kar (минаващ)
Публикувано07.09.05 12:45

ot bylgarite v tezi oblasti, s podkrepata na Bylgarija i emigracijata v stranata. malcinstvata sa bili tam po vreme na organiziraneto i dejstvieto na VTRO, VDRO, VMRO (poslednoto - oshte sa si tam), po kysno sa progoneni ot Trakija i razmeneni s/u kolonisti ot Juzhna Dobrudzha, terorizirani, obezpraveni i podlozheni na nacionalno-inzhenerno asimilirane ot stalinski tip v Makedonija.
ne, ne ja razdeliha.
p.s. tova e forum, ne ritame futbol

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