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Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА.нови [re: Nimbus-TF]  
Автор Morr (damned)
Публикувано16.04.05 20:23

У нашто село нема от "средиземноморския" тип, шъ знаиш. Имаше едни такива с леко мургави с гъсти вежди , ама те си заминаха с катуня пък после партийните другари ни казах ,че били испанци..
Всъщност преобладават мустакатите байовци кат третия тип. Пък какви юначни българи сме!! Кви зулуми праиме кат ударим 1-2-3-4-5 6-ракии

Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА.нови [re: Nimbus-TF]  
Автор Morr (damned)
Публикувано16.04.05 20:39

Негрит в Скандинавия имат задравословен проблем-поради по-слабото слънчево греене се появява РАХИТ .
Те имат два избора : или да станат бели или да напуснат..
между другото сетих се да ви птам /в друга тема за товакак нашите турци са знаитеклно по-бели от анадолските турци

Тема Re: За г-н Морнови [re: lachistein]  
Автор джинrиби (новак)
Публикувано16.04.05 21:07


Failing to detect significant African or Middle Eastern ancestry in Southern Europe, hardcore Nordicists have been forced to use the higher frequency of Neolithic Levantine ancestry in the South as evidence of "non-white" admixture. However, they forget that this ancestry dates back to pre-historic times (c. 10,000 B.P.), that anthropology has differentiated its carriers from contemporary Near Eastern races, and that all Europeans are part Neolithic, perhaps to a greater extent than previously thought.


"There are two variants of the Classic Mediterranean type—straight-nosed and hook-nosed. The former is the more primitive and the more widely distributed. It extended in prehistoric times along both shores of the Mediterranean, into central, western, and northern Europe and down into the Horn of Africa. Its area of characterization and source of dissemination cannot have been far from the traditional Garden of Eden—Mesopotamia, which archaeologists include in 'the Fertile Crescent.'

"The expansion of the aquiline or hook-nosed Mediterranean type seems to have been somewhat more limited and probably later than that of the straight-nosed variant. In historical times, it was carried into North Africa and Spain principally by the Arabs, but other Semitic-speaking and non-Semitic peoples of prehistoric times may well have possessed this variation. Some of this type may have reached India, but nasal convexity there seems largely the result of infusions of the Iranian Plateau type."

(Earnest Hooton, Up from the Ape)

Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА.нови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор джинrиби (новак)
Публикувано16.04.05 21:28

Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА.нови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор Nimbus (Terra Faux)
Публикувано16.04.05 21:37

Как се разчита тази табличка?

EDIT: Аха, зацепих, много интересно...
Да се пукат душманите.

"Има само една истина. Тя е независима от време, култура и религия."
Т. Детлефсен

Редактирано от Nimbus на 16.04.05 21:39.

Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА.нови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор джинrиби (новак)
Публикувано16.04.05 21:39


Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА.нови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор джинrиби (минаващ)
Публикувано29.06.05 20:58

Eто къде са били 42% от днешните българи преди 18 000 години, когато ледът е покривал Европа.
The first image (Map 1) shows Palaeolithic Europe 18,000 years ago in the grip of the last ice age. Glacial ice 2km thick covers much of Northern Europe and the Alps. Sea levels are approx. 125m lower than today and the coastline differs slightly from the present day. For example, Britain and Ireland would have been connected to continental Europe (not shown on map).
The air would have been on average 10-12 degrees cooler and much more arid. In between the ice and the tree line, drought-tolerant grasses and dunes would have dominated the landscape.

The Neanderthals would have died out around 14,000 years ago leaving the nomadic hunter-gatherer Cro-Magnon (modern man) to pursue the animals of the time. Due to the cold and the need for food, the populations of the day waited the ice age out in the three locations shown on the map. These were the Iberian Peninsula, the Balkans and the Ukraine.

These people were skilled in flint-knapping techniques and various tools such as end-scrapers for animal skins and burins for working wood and engraving were common. Cave painting using charcoal had been around for a couple of thousand years although at this time they were now more subtle than mere outline drawings. These artistic expressions are significant as it shows that people are able to obtain some leisure time. Whether this is ‘art for art’s sake’ or objects of ritual is not known

Преди 12 000 години 17% от българите се насочват насам от Запад, а 12% от Изток след разтапянето на ледовете.
If we fast forward to 12,000 years ago (Map 2), the ice has retreated and the land has become much more supportive to life. Many animal species have returned to inhabit the land, although the snake, harvest mouse and mole never made it as far as Ireland before the land bridges re-flooded (ever wondered why there are no snakes in Ireland?).

The three groups of humans had taken refuge for so long that their DNA had naturally picked up mutations, and consequently can be defined into different haplogroups. As they spread from these refuges, Haplogroups R1b, I and R1a propagated across Europe.

- Haplogroup R1b is common on the western Atlantic coast as far as Scotland.
- Haplogroup I is common across central Europe and up into Scandinavia.
- Haplogroup R1a is common in eastern Europe and has also spread across into central Asia and as far as India and Pakistan.

These three major haplogroups account for approx 80% of Europe's present-day population.

Преди 8 000 години останалият дял от българите се насочва от Близкия изток
изток към нашите земи поради друга екокатастрофа, която превръща родината им в полупустинна зона.
Around 8,000 years ago (Map 3), the Neolithic peoples of the Middle East that had developed the new technology of agriculture began moving into Europe. There were several haplogroups involved, mainly E3b, F, J2 and G2.

These Neolithic haplogroups came in several waves over time and are found predominantly along the Mediterranean coast. Around 20% of the present-day population are from these Neolithic haplogroups. What is interesting to note is that the agricultural technology spread much further than the people who first 'invented' it.

Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА.нови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор Lews Therin (???)
Публикувано30.06.05 21:50

Инче предъвкват старите схаващния(те и до днес важат, но не са верни според мен), за много късното заселване на Америка.


Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА.нови [re: Lews Therin]  
Автор Nimbus (Rex Mysorum)
Публикувано30.06.05 23:14

Накрая и ти да кажеш нещо смислено.

Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА.нови [re: Nimbus]  
Автор Lews Therin (???)
Публикувано01.07.05 01:33

Добре, че не ни се налага да отговаряме на твоите критерии.


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