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Тема Bulgaria v Milano  
Автор Ziezi (ex quo Vulgares)
Публикувано09.01.05 19:32

Storia dello Stemma del Comune di Dairago

Lo stemma del Comune di Dairago, nelle sue diverse parti, intende richiamare lЎЇattenzione su tre diversi elementi. Il leone rampante dЎЇoro, in campo rosso - che costituisce la prima parte del trinciato - vuole ricordare il fatto che, a detta degli storici, Dairago era anticamente la localitЁ¤ piЁґ importante della BulgЁ¤ria, uno dei sei contadi in cui, allЎЇinizio del IX secolo, si suddividevano i territori che circondavano la cittЁ¤ di Milano. Territorio che veniva cosЁ¬ chiamato sulla base della convinzione che fosse stato popolato da Bulgari quivi condotti dal re Alboino: Bulgari che come loro insegna innalzavano in quel tempo la figura del leone. La chiesa della Madonna in Campagna, raffigurata nello stemma, costituisce la seconda parte del trinciato e vuol richiamare, invece, il ricordo dellЎЇesistenza, sul territorio, di questa antichissima chiesa. Infine, la banda scaccata dЎЇargento e di nero, richiama lo stemma della famiglia Lampugnani, che per diversi secoli possedette vaste terre su questo territorio (vedi pagina 5 del Volume II del Dizionario storico-blasonico di G.B. di Crollalanza).

Babel Fish Translation:

The coat of arms of the Common one of Dairago, in its various parts, means to draw the attention on three various elements. The rampante lion of gold, in red field - that it constitutes first part of the trinciato one - wants to remember the fact that, to said of the historians, Dairago it was anciently the more important locality of the BulgЁ¤ria, one of the six peasantries in which, to the beginning of IX the century, the territories were subdivided that encircled the city of Milan. Territory that came therefore called on the base of the conviction that had been popolato from lead quivi Bulgarians from the king Alboino: Bulgarians who as they standard raised in that time the figure of the lion. The church of the Madonna in Campaign, represented in the coat of arms, constitutes the second part of the trinciato one and wants to recall, instead, the memory of the existence, on the territory, of this ancient church. Finally, the scaccata band of silver and black, recalls the coat of arms of the Lampugnani family, than for various centuries it possessed immense lands on this territory (you see page 5 of Volume II of the historical-blasonico Dictionary of G.B. of Crollalanza).

Редактирано от Ziezi на 09.01.05 19:33.

Тема Re: Bulgaria v Milanoнови [re: Ziezi]  
Автор komita ()
Публикувано09.01.05 19:45

Дай превод.

Тема Re: Bulgaria v Milanoнови [re: komita]  
Автор Ziezi (ex quo Vulgares)
Публикувано09.01.05 20:45

The coat of arms of the Common one of Dairago, in its various parts, means to draw the attention on three various elements. The rampante lion of gold, in red field - that it constitutes first part of the trinciato one - wants to remember the fact that, to said of the historians, Dairago it was anciently the more important locality of the BulgЁ¤ria, one of the six peasantries in which, to the beginning of IX the century, the territories were subdivided that encircled the city of Milan. Territory that came therefore called on the base of the conviction that had been popolato from lead quivi Bulgarians from the king Alboino: Bulgarians who as they standard raised in that time the figure of the lion. The church of the Madonna in Campaign, represented in the coat of arms, constitutes the second part of the trinciato one and wants to recall, instead, the memory of the existence, on the territory, of this ancient church. Finally, the scaccata band of silver and black, recalls the coat of arms of the Lampugnani family, than for various centuries it possessed immense lands on this territory (you see page 5 of Volume II of the historical-blasonico Dictionary of G.B. of Crollalanza).

Ами доколкото разбирам италианско-английски, става дума за селището Дайраго, което има герб, сътавен от три части. Една от частите е лъв, и се твърди, че този лъв е българския герб, защото едно от шестте селища, които са в основата на днешния град Милано/Дайраго е в близост до Милано/ в средновековието се наричало България. Говори се май, че българите са по тези места от времето на Албоин.

Редактирано от Ziezi на 09.01.05 20:47.

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