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Тема Re: Ахха...ахаханови [re: OpenMind]  
Автор errata (Berserk)
Публикувано03.04.05 19:49

Ами виж малко по-нагоре дискусиата мезду Nimbus и джинrиби и сте разбереш как

"In umbra, igitur, pugnabimus"

Тема Re: Ахха...ахаханови [re: OpenMind]  
Автор errata (Berserk)
Публикувано03.04.05 19:53

Изледваниата са верни ама изводите са абсол.тно погрешни, но ме мързи пак да обиасниавам

"In umbra, igitur, pugnabimus"

Тема Re: Ахха...ахаха [re: errata]  
Автор OpenMind (???)
Публикувано03.04.05 20:21

Аз не се заяждам да ти уточня,искам да ми кажете Hg1,2 ili 5 по какъв метод ги определихте на кай народ принадлежат.
HG e генома,та ..?
И друго:
Ей виж примерно ни дават най-голяма отдалеченост със северноафриканците,обаче северна африка е завлядяна от ХАРАБИТЕ.Т.е. Там е заселен нов народ.
Нужно ли е да обяснявам защо го казвам това?

Тема Re: Ахха...ахаханови [re: OpenMind]  
Автор errata (Berserk)
Публикувано03.04.05 21:00

Аз не се заяждам да ти уточня,искам да ми кажете Hg1,2 ili 5 по какъв метод ги определихте на кай народ принадлежат.
HG e генома,та ..?

To i az tova chakam da mi obiasniat (gorespomenatite dvama uchastnika), ama nesto mi podskazva, che ste ima dosta da pochakame

"In umbra, igitur, pugnabimus"

Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА.нови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор джинrиби (новак)
Публикувано09.04.05 12:47

Бих искал да дам още информация за отделните хаплогрупи по отделно.
Първо за келтитската група -17%.
Тук е обяснено защо е келтска група.

Kit No. 5593, 9365, 11110: Haplogroup R1b (Hg1, P25*) It is believed that during the Last Glacial Maximum the people bearing the R1b haplotype over wintered in Northern Spain, and after the glacial retreat about 12,000 years before present, began a migration to the north in large numbers, and to the east in declining numbers (although probably arriving in Spain from the east 30,000 years ago among the paleolithic or "old stone age" peoples considered to be aboriginal to Europe). This haplogroup is characteristic of pre-Celtic and Celtic populations including large areas of Scotland, probably including Orkney and Shetland 4000 years ago. R1b is the most common haplogroup in Europe and its frequency changes in a cline from west (where it reaches a saturation point of almost 100% in areas of Western Ireland) to east (where it become uncommon in parts of Eastern Europe and virtually disappears beyond the Middle East). A R1b haplotype is very difficult to interpret in that they are found at relatively high frequency in the areas where the Anglo - Saxon and Danish "invaders" originally called home (e.g., 55% in Friesland), and even up to 30% in Norway. Thus a R1b haplotype makes it very challenging to interpret the origin of a family with this DNA signature. At persent it is necessary to seek rare clues available in the literature. For example, on marker DYS385a/b repeats of 11/14 are typical. However in Norway (and Iceland) profiles of 13/17 and 13/18 have never (or seldom) been seen in Celtic people, but are found uniquely in Norway and the countries they colonized.
Unfortunately for the (R1b) members of our DNA group project, at this point there is no "Norman DNA profile". The Normans were a very heterogeneous lot, and many likely had the ubiquitous R1b haplotype. For this reason, although the historical facts pointing toward a Norman possibility, and away from a Celtic possibility, the interpretation is highly speculative ,I'm afraid that additional test participants will be needed to come to a more positive conclusion. The historical possibilities help move the hypothesis in the Norman direction, but is the best guess of the Project Administrator at this time.

Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА.нови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор джинrиби (новак)
Публикувано09.04.05 12:51

Сега за тракийско - готската група - 42%.

Вътре пише как тези хора нахлуват в Европа през Балканите.

Kit No. 4922, A, 8639, 4933, 4140, 4141, 13712, 8242, 5044, 9271; Haplogroup I (Hg2, P19*, M170) is found at very low levels in the Celtic countries (Ireland, Wales) and at relatively high levels in Friesland (Holland), Germany, and Denmark (the presumed homeland of the Anglo - Saxons and Danish Vikings), and in Norway. It likely originated among the group who "over wintered" in the western Balkans during the Last Glacial Maximum, and as the glaciers retreated, people with this haplotype moved northward. Shetland and Orkney have only about one quarter the number of individuals with I haplotypes relative to the above noted countries. In those who do possess an I haplotype, it will pose challenges in saying with certainty whether this DNA signature reflects and Anglo - Saxon or Danish Viking or Norse heritage,although the values of Marker (Dys)390 suggest a 22 for Anglo Saxon Territory and a 23 for Norse Viking territory, however this has not been confirmed. To complicate matters, there is a Dinaric (e.g., Croatia) modal I haplotype and a characteristic Northern European I modal haplotype (based on repeats on 5 DYS markers). The Project Administrator will compare each I signature found to these tables. It is noteworthy that in Orkney (and therefore presumably in Shetland), I is "diagnostic of Viking invaders."

Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА. [re: джинrиби]  
Автор джинrиби (новак)
Публикувано09.04.05 12:58

Сега за индоевропейската група - славяни 12%.
Kit No. 9552; Haplogroup R1a (Hg3, 45, SRY10831b) is the only haplogroup that can unequivocably be linked to a Norse ancestry, and more specifically to the west coast of Norway. It is virtually unknown in the Celtic regions such as Ireland, and barely makes an appearance in Friesland, but occurs at a relatively high frequency in Norway. Curiously those who have a haplotype within this haplogroup often have fairly close matches in Mongolia, India, Siberia, and Eastern Europe. It is believed that the haplogroup emerged among the Kurgan peoples of the Eurasian Stepes (the Ukraine), where their ancestors had dalied during the Last Glacial Maximum. From there they spread north and east

Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА. [re: джинrиби]  
Автор джинrиби (новак)
Публикувано09.04.05 13:15

Сега ирано - семитите/прабългари/ - 12%

Hg 9 is usually taken as diagnostic of Neolithic Middle-eastern agriculturalists, a group who entered Europe at least as early as 10,000 BP and whose descendants contribute about 20% of the current European gene pool.
Arguing about whether they are "white" or not is a waste of time, but the definitely were not "Aryan" if by that you mean Indo-European.
The white race in Europe is descended from multiple founder groups which have subsequently mixed. ALL of these groups would look "nonwhite" to us if you go far enough back, since the white race is a relatively recent product of evolution (last 20,000 years or so) not an ancient thing.
The arguments in this thread are not really based on scientific reality.

With all due respect, HG9 is noted as a very clear Middle Eastern marker, and only shows up where populations from that group have moved.

The "Health and DNA" testing company has an online report on HG9, also called Haplogroup J, which you can find here:

Some choice quotes:
"Haplogroup J is found at highest frequencies in Middle Eastern and north-east African populations where it most likely evolved. This marker has been carried by Middle Eastern traders into Europe, central Asia, India, Pakistan and back into Africa."

"Haplogroup J is defined primarily by the M172 and M267 genetic markers (also know as Eu9-10, HG9). Scientists propose that Haplogroup J originated in the Near East about 10,000 yrs ago in descendents of men that arrived from the Africa about 45,000 -50,000 years ago. The closest predecessor for Haplogroup J is the M89, the Middle Eastern marker, whose age has been
estimated at around 40,000 yrs."

Тема Re: EДНА ТЕЗА-ИСТИНСКАТА. [re: джинrиби]  
Автор джинrиби (новак)
Публикувано09.04.05 13:30

Сега за берберо-анатоллийците/пеласги/ - 17%

North African HG21 (Y-chromosome), as well as J, T1, U3 and certain H and W subclusters (mtDNA). Note the uneven distribution of these below, with paternal ancestry differing greatly between SE and SW Europeans despite close racial ties, and maternal ancestry being higher in N and C Europeans than in S Europeans.

Тема Re: За г-н Морнови [re: джинrиби]  
Автор komitaМодератор (четник)
Публикувано16.04.05 00:19

Повдигам темата, за да може г-н Мор, да прочете това което го интересува.

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