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Тема Farscape subнови  
Автор dimid (potrebitel)
Публикувано19.07.04 01:00

търся си субтитри за Farscape , ако може някой да помага

Тема Re: Farscape subнови [re: dimid]  
Автор sinsky ()
Публикувано19.07.04 16:40

Мани ги тия субтитри бе. В неделя сутрин дават по две серии по Диема 2.

Тема Re: Farscape subнови [re: dimid]  
Автор вили (с малко "в")
Публикувано19.07.04 18:01

за субтитри не мога да помогна, но я по-добре сподели от къде да сваля сериите и колко от тях има

Тема Re: Farscape sub [re: вили]  
Автор dimid (potrebitel)
Публикувано20.07.04 00:35

Всичките серии ги има в www.arenabg.com или find-bg.com ,само дето нямат субтитри

Тема Re: Farscape subнови [re: dimid]  
Автор dimid (potrebitel)
Публикувано23.07.04 00:17

Хайде де никой ли нямя субове за Farscape

Тема Klaudija Blak razkazva za novija serialнови [re: dimid]  
Автор Kangren ()
Публикувано10.08.04 18:38

Aktrisata razkkazva za trudnostite pri snimaneto - po-specialno za
tova kak "novata" Aerin se razlichava ot "starata" Aerin.
I oshte neshto vazhno - ima verojatnost da se pojavi kino film!!!! :))))

P.S. Premierata na "The Peacekeeper Wars" e po SciFi Channel na 17.10.02.

Claudia Black, who plays alien warrior Aeryn Sun in the upcoming SCI FI Channel four-hour miniseries Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars, told SCI FI Wire that she came back to the role she'd played during the four seasons of the series with a new perspective. "Different things were expected of Aeryn this time," Black said in a recent interview. "She was endowed with a different bag of dilemmas. And it wasn't an Aeryn that I recognized. And from the beginning, ... different producers and directors would say, 'This is what we want Aeryn to be. This is who she is. This is what we see happening to her.' And so, once I finally sort of worked out taking all that on board and trying to work out what to do with her, she just opened up."

Peacekeeper Wars picks up the story from Farscape's series finale, in which Black's character agreed to marry astronaut John Crichton (Ben Browder) just before the two were seemingly killed by an alien ship. Black said that the show's producers, expecting a fifth season, had always intended to bring the couple back. "There was at least another year or two left of that arc of us and the world of Farscape," Black said. "For it to have stopped when it did, it brought additional attention to the show when it was canceled. So the miniseries has upped its value in doing another four hours of television based on that momentum. ... There were so many elements of the story that they needed to service for the fans to finish off this particular part of the story arc."

Now that the show's creators have a chance to tie up loose ends, Black said that they are looking ahead to a possible theatrical film. "They'd always talked about movies," she said. "Doing a miniseries was always just a compromise to finish it off. ... There was a theatrical release in mind." Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars will air on the SCI FI Channel for two nights, beginning Oct. 17 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

Редактирано от Kangren на 10.08.04 18:39.

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