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Тема Riskijat boooker e spechelen ot Vl. Aksyonov...нови [re: valio_98]  
Автор Valio_98 (chitatel)
Публикувано09.12.04 02:16

... poznat na fenovete na alternativnata istorija s romana si "Ostrov Krim".
Aksyonov zhivee v&v Francija i se smjata za edin ot vodeshtite pisateli v
ruskija moderniz&m:

Тема 2004 SFWA Nebula Awards® Preliminary Ballotнови [re: valio_98]  
Автор Valio_98 (chitatel)
Публикувано05.01.05 07:39

2004 SFWA Nebula Awards® Preliminary Ballot

Brook West, Nebula Award Report editor, announced the Preliminary Ballot for the Nebula Awards® for 2004.

The ballot will be mailed to all active SFWA members. Each member may nominate no more than five works in each category on the Preliminary Ballot.

The final ballot will be mailed February 15. The detailed rules are available at http://www.sfwa.org/awards/rules.htm.

The Nebula Awards® are voted on, and presented by, active members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. Founded as the Science Fiction Writers of America in 1965 by Damon Knight, the organization began with a charter membership of 78 writers; it now has over 1,400 members, among them most of the leading writers of science fiction and fantasy.

The Awards will be announced at the Nebula Awards® Banquet to be held at the Allegro Hotel in the heart of Chicago's Loop Theater District on Saturday, April 30, 2005.

2004 Preliminary Nebula Ballot

Novels --

Paladin of Souls -- Lois McMaster Bujold (Eos, Oct03)
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom -- Cory Doctorow (Tor, Feb03)
Omega -- Jack McDevitt (Ace, Nov03) <=========================== vizh reviu v&v Fenternet-a ot Jan 2005!!!
Perfect Circle -- Sean Stewart (Small Beer Press, Jun04)
Conquistador -- S.M. Stirling (Roc, Feb04) <===== alt. istorija
The Knight -- Gene Wolfe (Tor, Jan04)

Novellas --

Walk in Silence -- Catherine Asaro (Analog, Apr03)
Off on a Starship -- William Barton (Asimov's, Sep03)
Time Ablaze -- Michael A.Burstein (Analog, Jun04)
The Tangled Strings of the Marionettes -- Adam-Troy Castro (F&SF, Jul03)
Sergeant Chip -- Bradley Denton (F&SF, Sep04)
Arabian Wine -- Gregory Feeley (Asimov's, Apri/May 04)
The Cookie Monster -- Vernor Vinge (Analog, Oct03)
The Green Leopard Plague -- Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's, Oct/Nov 2003)
Just Like the Ones We Used to Know -- Connie Willis (Asimov's, Dec03)

Novelettes --

Paying It Forward -- Michael A. Burstein (Analog, Sep03)
Zora and the Zombie -- Andy Duncan (SCI FICTION, 2/4/04)
Basement Magic -- Ellen Klages (F&SF, May03)
The Voluntary State -- Christopher Rowe (SCI FICTION, May04)
Dry Bones -- William Sanders (Asimov's, May03)
The Gladiator's War: A Dialogue -- Lois Tilton (Asimov's, Jun04)

Short Stories --

The Strange Redemption of Sister Mary Anne -- Mike Moscoe (Analog, Nov04)
Travels With my Cats -- Mike Resnick (Asimov's, Feb04)
Embracing-The-New -- Benjamin Rosenbaum (Asimov's, Jan04)
Shed Skin -- Robert J. Sawyer (Analog, Jan/Feb 2004)
In the Late December -- Greg van Eekhout (Strange Horizons, 12/22/03)
Aloha -- Ken Wharton (Analog, Jun03)

Scripts --

The Incredibles -- Brad Bird (Pixar, Nov04)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -- Charlie Kaufman & Michel Gondry (Anonymus Content/Focus Features, First aired 3/18/04)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King -- Fran Walsh & Philippa Boyens & Peter Jackson (New Line Cinema, First aired 17 Dec 03. Based on the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien)

Note: One change was made to the preliminary ballot after its release. "Zora and the Zombie" by Andy Duncan was moved from the Short Story catagory to Novelette.

Posted January 4, 2005

Книги, написанные любителями, требуют читателей-профессионалов. (С. Б. Переслегин)

Тема Re: 2004 SFWA Nebula Awards® Preliminary Ballotнови [re: Valio_98]  
Автор armydreamer (sci-fi)
Публикувано05.01.05 12:14

Романът на Кори Доктороу може да се свали от официалния му сайт. Както и всичко останало от библиографията му.

...the roses were stones...

Тема Philip K. Dick Award 2004 - Finalistsнови [re: valio_98]  
Автор Valio_98 (chitatel)
Публикувано11.01.05 18:22

Nominees for this year's Philip K. Dick Award, given annually for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States, have been announced. First prize and any special citations will be announced on Friday, March 25, 2005 at Norwescon 28 at the Doubletree SeaTac Hotel in SeaTac, Washington. The list here is alphabetical by title.

# Air, Geoff Ryman (St. Martin's Griffin)
# Apocalypse Array, Lyda Morehouse (Roc)
# Banner of Souls, Liz Williams (Bantam Spectra)
# City of Pearl, Karen Traviss (Eos)
# The Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad, Minister Faust (Del Rey)
# Life, Gwyneth Jones (Aqueduct Press)
# Stable Strategies and Others, Eileen Gunn (Tachyon Publications)

The Philip K. Dick Award is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society, and the award ceremony is sponsored by the NorthWest Science Fiction Society. Last year’s winner was Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan (Del Rey) with a special citation to Dante's Equation by Jane Jensen (Del Rey). Judges for this year's award are Arthur Byron Cover, Karin Lowachee, Syne Mitchell, James Van Pelt, and Sherryl Vint (chair).

Книги, написанные любителями, требуют читателей-профессионалов. (С. Б. Переслегин)

Тема 2005 Aurealis Award Winners - Avstral. NF nagradiнови [re: valio_98]  
Автор Valio_98 (chitatel)
Публикувано23.01.05 03:12


Книги, написанные любителями, требуют читателей-профессионалов. (С. Б. Переслегин)

Тема British Science Fiction Award 2004нови [re: valio_98]  
Автор armydreamer (the beekeeper)
Публикувано25.01.05 13:12

Best Novel
Century Rain – Alastair Reynolds (Gollancz SF)
Forty Signs of Rain – Kim Stanley Robinson (HarperCollins)
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell – Susanna Clarke (Bloomsbury) (най-вероятният победител)
Newton's Wake – Ken MacLeod (Orbit)
River of Gods – Ian McDonald (Simon and Schuster)
Stamping Butterflies – Jon Courtenay Grimwood (Gollancz SF)

Best Short Fiction
'Delhi' – Vandana Singh (in So Long Been Dreaming: Postcolonial Visions of the Future, ed. Nalo Hopkinson and Uppinder Mehan)
'Mayflower II' – Stephen Baxter (PS Publishing)
'Point of No Return' – Jon Courtenay Grimwood (New Scientist, Christmas/New Year)
'The Faery Handbag' – Kelly Link (The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling)
'The Wolf-Man of Alcatraz' – Howard Waldrop (Scifiction, 22 September)

Best Artwork
Iguana – photo by Sebastiao Salgado (article here)
The Millau Bridge – photo by Eric Cabanis/AFP/Getty
Cover of Newton's Wake by Ken MacLeod (Tor US) – Stephan Martiniиre
Cover of The Algebraist by Iain M Banks (original photo credited to NASA!) :))
Cover of The Year of Our War by Steph Swainston – Edward Miller

I'm in my war you're in yours

Тема finalisti za Arthur C. Clarke Award 2004нови [re: valio_98]  
Автор Valio_98 (chitatel)
Публикувано30.01.05 13:17

Finalists for this year's Arthur C. Clarke Award, for best SF novel with its first British publication in 2004, are:

- Ian McDonald's River of Gods,
- China Mi&#233;ville's Iron Council,
- David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas,
- Richard Morgan's Market Forces,
- Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife, and
- Neal Stephenson's The System of the World.

The winner will be announced Wednesday 11 May at the English Heritage Lecture Theatre in London.

Книги, написанные любителями, требуют читателей-профессионалов. (С. Б. Переслегин)

Тема Басткон-2005нови [re: valio_98]  
Автор Valio_98 (chitatel)
Публикувано03.02.05 02:13

Za Al. Zorich veche dva p&ti pisah v tema "knigi"...

Итоги Басткона 2005.

Рассказывает Эдуард Геворкян:

В пансионате "Подмосковье" прошел БАСТКОН 2005. В этом году на нем присутствовало ровно 100 чел., что ровно в два раза больше, чем на первом Бастконе.

Программа, как и было обещано, оказалась весьма насыщенной, семинары, дискуссии и прочие радости интеллектуального общения при всей их остроте не переходили в рукоприкладство. Весьма интенсивно работала школа переводческого мастерства, причем количество переводчиков, принимающих в ней участие, возрастает год от года, а средний возраст участников и участниц уменьшается...

Принимали так же и в Союз Писателей. Кстати, поздравляю Ника Перумова с этим

Вручение призов и дипломов тоже имело место.


Литпремия за дебют "Звездная колыбель" - Н. Иртенина

Литпремия за мистическую фантастику "Бесобой" - О.Елисеева

"За поддержание тредиций научной фантастики" - А.и Л. Белаш (Премия от издательства Vita Nova" Санкт-Петербург)"

"Зеркало" - переводчица Ю.Моисеенко

Премия "Баст" - За лучший исторический роман" И.Черный (Харьков) вручил Д.Володихину

"Чаша Бастиона" - по итогам голосования была присуждена О. Елисеевой Дипломы "Чаши" получили занявшие соответственно второе и третье место А.Зорич и Р.Злотников

Премию "Иван Калита" и прилагающуюся к нему некую сумму по итогам голосования вручили А. Зоричу.

Дипломы "Бастиона" были вручены социологу В. Чесноковой и писателю М. Харитонову

А главную награду Басткона - "Меч Бастиона" вручили Далии Трускиновской!

К призам и дипломам прилагались книги и иные памятные знаки и подарки.

Книги, написанные любителями, требуют читателей-профессионалов. (С. Б. Переслегин)

Страници по тази тема: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | (покажи всички)
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