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Тема Minority Reportнови  
Автор aspid (кит в аквариум)
Публикувано27.12.02 18:03

Специален доклад { minority report }

Влязох в киносалона изпълнен с надежди за квалитетно кино.
В края на филма, когато лампите светнаха, ми се искаше да правя като бебетата с пръст по устни: бл-бл-бл-бл… а от ушите ми се стичаше пюре от мозък. Защо, ли? Защото умоиздухващата инфантилност на филмовия сценарий е надлежащо усилена от абсолютна липса на вътрешна логика във филма и плоски като пързалка америкоски шеги. Горната смес е обилно поръсена с изтъркани клишета. Накъсо това ми е мнението за филма “Специален доклад”.
За да се обоснова ще опитам да сегментирам филма на части, без да разкривам хода на сюжета му ( доколкото го има ) пред тези, които още искат да го гледат:
- плюсове
- тъпи гегове с напън за хумор
- откровени клишета
- минуси

ПЛЮСОВЕ: 1. Дизайна на превозните средства ( колела + магнитна левитация), вертикална и хоризонтална транспортна мрежа в градовете, решаването на проблема с паркирането – колата е част от жилището;
2. Дизайна на компютърните екрани, пластините-дискети, преобразуване на 2D филм в 3D от домашния компютър;
3. Анимационна реклама върху кутия с детски закуски.

ТЪПИ ГЕГОВЕ С НАПЪН ЗА ХУМОР: 1. Отъркване в сградите при полет с ракетни раници на гърба – Арни с “Коледа невъзможна” да си ги съди за плагиат.
2. Еднакви чинии и бутилки с мляко в хладилника, от които оперирания Джони си избира тъкмо мухлясалите – може би заради пеницилина в тях?
3. Гонитба на търкалящи се очни ябълки по наклонен под ( очите не са пинг-понгови топчета и в реалността номера не минава, но като за пред америкоси - може ).
4. Мерене на панталон в магазина върху стоящата с гръб купувачка – с характерните гримаси от филмите на Джеки Чан.

ОТКРОВЕНИ КЛИШЕТА: 1. Затворът представлява зала, натъпкана с кататоници. Никой не разбира как затворника изтърпява наказание за престъплението си ако е с кондициите на зеленчук: вкаран в затвора, после излязъл с чиста съвест, помежду тези моменти няма спомени от затвор???
2. За придаване на псевдоинтелектуално лустро на филма всички до един персонажи слушат класическа музика, или поне свирят на орган като полицая с инвалидната количка… по време на дежурство?!

Минусите на филмчето са доста по-многобройни. Те могат да бъдат подредени в категории: логически грешки ( маркирани л – от “лоботомия” ); липса на обща култура в областта на науката и техниката ( маркирани т – от “тъпота” ); непознаване на стандартните полицейски процедури от близките 60 години ( знак к – не от “коп”, а от “кретенизъм” ).
1. (т) От провидците Джон получава име на извършителя на убийство и образи, по които веднага започва да работи – полицаите имат съвсем ограничено време за реакция. Зад него, на по-малък екран, друг полицай търси по името и намира 8 снимки на заподозрените. После вади информацията на пластина и притичва до големия екран, където конвулсивно се опитва да я напъха в пазовете на екрана, вместо да я препрати по мрежата. ЗАГУБА НА ВРЕМЕ, което явно и така им липсва, но хорър да е!
2. (т) Самоличността на хората се проверява ПО ИРИСА, който се променя с една контактна леща, за разлика от мрежата кръвоносни съдове на очното дъно.
3. (т) Извадените от хирурга човешки очи не загниват даже след няколко дни престой в пластмасово пликче и все още се разпознават от скенерите.
4. (т) Парализиращ ензим, който ( интересно как ? ) отпуска ВСИЧКИ мускули на лицето, но без клепачите, та Джони спокойно да може да се оглежда наоколо.
5. (т) Равномерния поток от коли по градската магистрала променя посоката си от хоризонтална във вертикална. Потока е равномерен и колите запазват същата скорост и по вертикала нагоре или надолу. Да допуснем, че колата на героя се движи с 70 км/ч. Смелия скок върху насрещния автомобил, който се катери по стената нагоре, би трябвало да сплеска Джони в твърд предмет, движещ се с 140 км/ч. R.I.P., Джони! Е, не става точно така – шоуто трябва да продължи.
6. (к) Отряд полицаи от “Прекриминал” прави опит да арестува своя бивш началник. Ареста се извършва в традиционния стил на кистоунските полицаи от ерата на нямото кино – арестанта е имобилизиран чрез… увълчени погледи и тежко дишане!? Е как да не духне човек от тия зелки?
7. (л) Съдейки по действията на “Прекриминал” възможностите на провидците са ограничени в някакъв радиус – в случая покриващ Вашингтон. За да стане служба “Прекриминал” национална трябва да съществува разработен метод за “производство” на провидци. При такова положение желанието на майката на Агата да прибере дъщеря си е абсолютно безопасно за програмата “Прекриминал”, която вече е доказала ползата си. Безсмислено е да убиваш някого заради такава глупост, т.е. сюжета е изграден върху едно голямо нищо.
8. (к) Присадените очи на Джони са принадлежали на мистър Якамото (ако правилно съм го запомнил), който е имал навика да пазарува дрехи от GAP. Въпроса е защо полицията не се заинтересува какво прави мистър “средна класа” Якамото насред гетото – наркотици ли купува, нещо друго ли крие? Отговор за америкоси: не мисли, ще те зацепи главобол.
9. (л) Полицейската проверка на гетото започва точно от сградата, където се крие Джони. Излизаш си от участъка и… БИНГО! от раз хванах гадината! И така всеки божи ден от кукувото лято.
10. (к) Скенерите за очи засичат Джони. И нито един от полицаите в околността не тръгва да го гони - всички чакат да долетят от майната си ченгетата от “Прекриминал”?
11. (к) В хотелския апартамент на набедения педофил има “оргия от доказателства” по думите на един от полицаите. Това показва, че полицията все още се опира на улики от метопрестъплението. Но когато агента от ФБР го застрелват с пистолета на Джон, а същия пистолет е намерен и иззет като улика от полицията след стрелбата в хотела. На никого не прави впечатление, че убиеца може да бъде само полицай, но не и Джони – беглеца. Не мисли, ще те зацепи главобол.
12. (к) В предвиждането Кроу е застрелян от растояние, а в действителност Джони го застрелва от упор. За криминален експерт разликата между двата изстрела е ОЧЕВАДНА. Следователно предвижданията не показват действителното бъдеще и да завреш човек в затвора даже без да го разпиташ за убийството е доста странно. Не мисли, ще те зацепи главобол.
13. (л) Извършеното от хората, заловени от “Прекриминал” се квалифицира като опит за убийство, а не като убийство. Да ги съдят за убийство и да ги пъхнат в залата за кататония не е оправдано нито от морална, нито от икономическа гледна точка.
14. (т) Престрелка насред завод за коли изглежда ефектно, но не вярвам някога да съществува завод, в който да няма никаква охрана и даже заваръчните лазери да не са обезопасени.

Родените да пълзят навсякъде ще се промъкнат!

Тема Re: Minority Reportнови [re: aspid]  
Автор Шapkaн (прелитащ)
Публикувано27.12.02 20:24

ти си валяк

Чувствай се като у дома си... а после те изхвърлят! Хора!

Тема Re: Minority Reportнови [re: aspid]  
Автор Kopo (тъп, но упорит)
Публикувано28.12.02 08:43

Батка, много му умуваш.


Тема Re: Minority Reportнови [re: Kopo]  
Автор Шapkaн (прелитащ)
Публикувано28.12.02 15:18

напротив - за НАУЧНАТА фантастика коректността и логичността е нещо много важно. Иначе става фантасмагорика и се превръща в мощно средство за заглаждане на мозъчни гънки, които впрочем са излишни от гледна точка на идеология и потребление на стоки и услуги.
Наистина много интересно явление - постиженията на цивилизацията се използват за целите на всеобщото оглупяване. Това как се връзва с гордото латинско наименование на човешката раса, а?

Чувствай се като у дома си... а после те изхвърлят! Хора!

Тема И какъв е изводът?нови [re: aspid]  
Автор Лeйди (defender)
Публикувано28.12.02 20:12

Стойте си по сладкарничките и пиите чай вместо да ходите на кино!

Да живеят филмите, пълни с бой и секс!
Aз за тва ходя на кино - ако искам друго чета книги!

Тема Re: Разказ на Ф. Дик?нови [re: aspid]  
Автор Mygla ()
Публикувано29.12.02 00:57

Вярно ли е, че филмът е по разказ на Филип Дик?
Някой знае ли кой е той? (Не Дик, а разказът)

Тема Re: Разказ на Ф. Дик?нови [re: Lazy]  
Автор Lazy (отчужден)
Публикувано29.12.02 09:16

И финалната част на разказа:

...I want to find out exactly how I was supposed to kill Kaplan." Reflectively, he finished: "It might give me some ideas."
The data tapes of the precogs "Donna" and "Mike" were separately stored. Choosing the machinery responsible for the analysis of "Donna," he opened the protective shield and laid out the contents. As before, the code informed him which reels were relevant and in a moment he had the tape-transport mechanism in operation.
It was approximately what he had suspected. This was the material utilized by "Jerry"—the superseded time-path. In it Kaplan's Military Intelligence agents kidnapped Anderton as he drove home from work. Taken to Kaplan's villa, the organization GHQ of the International Veterans' League. Anderton was given an ultimatum: voluntarily disband the Precrime system or face open hostilities with Army.
In this discarded time-path, Anderton, as Police Commissioner, had turned to the Senate for support. No support was forthcoming. To avoid civil war, the Senate had ratified the dismemberment of the police system, and decreed a return to military law "to cope with the emergency." Taking a corps of fanatic police, Anderton had located Kaplan and shot him, along with other officials of the Veterans' League. Only Kaplan had died. The others had been patched up. And the coup had been successful.
This was "Donna." He rewound the tape and turned to the material previewed by "Mike." It would be identical; both precogs had combined to present a unified picture. "Mike" began as "Donna" had begun: Anderton had become aware of Kaplan's plot against the police. But something was wrong. Puzzled, he ran the tape back to the beginning. Incomprehensibly, it didn't jibe. Again he relayed the tape, listening intently.
The "Mike" report was quite different from the "Donna" report. An hour later, he had finished his examination, put away the tapes, and left the monkey block. As soon as he emerged, Witwer asked. "What's the matter? I can see something's wrong."
"No," Anderton answered slowly, still deep in thought. "Not exactly wrong." A sound came to his ears. He walked vaguely over to the window and
peered out.
The street was crammed with people. Moving down the center lane was a four-column line of uniformed troops. Rifles, helmets ... marching soldiers in their dingy wartime uniforms, carrying the cherished pennants of AFWA flapping in the cold afternoon wind.
"An Army rally," Witwer explained bleakly. "I was wrong. They're not going to make a deal with us. Why should they? Kaplan's going to make it public."
Anderton felt no surprise. "He's going to read the minority report?"
"Apparently. They're going to demand the Senate disband us, and take away our authority. They're going to claim we've been arresting innocent men—nocturnal police raids, that sort of thing. Rule by terror."
"You suppose the Senate will yield?"
Witwer hesitated. "I wouldn't want to guess."
"I'll guess," Anderton said. "They will. That business out there fits with what I learned downstairs. We've got ourselves boxed in and there's only one direction we can go. Whether we like it or not, we'll have to take it." His eyes had a steely glint.
Apprehensively, Witwer asked: "What is it?"
"Once I say it, you'll wonder why you didn't invent it. Very obviously, I'm going to have to fulfill the publicized report. I'm going to have to kill Kaplan. That's the only way we can keep them from discrediting us."
"But," Witwer said, astonished, "the majority report has been superseded."
"I can do it," Anderton informed him, "but it's going to cost. You're familiar with the statutes governing first-degree murder?"
"Life imprisonment."
"At least. Probably, you could pull a few wires and get it commuted to exile. I could be sent to one of the colony planets, the good old frontier."
"Would you—prefer that?"
"Hell, no," Anderton said heartily. "But it would be the lesser of the two evils. And it's got to be done."
"I don't see how you can kill Kaplan."
Anderton got out the heavy-duty military weapon Fleming had tossed to him. "I'll use this."
"They won't stop you?"
"Why should they? They've got that minority report that says I've changed my mind."
"Then the minority report is incorrect?"
"No," Anderton said, "it's absolutely correct. But I'm going to murder Kaplan anyhow."
He had never killed a man. He had never even seen a man killed. And he had been Police Commissioner for thirty years. For this generation, deliberate murder had died out. It simply didn't happen.
A police car carried him to within a block of the Army rally. There, in the shadows of the back seat, he painstakingly examined the pistol Fleming had provided him. It seemed to be intact. Actually, there was no doubt of the outcome. He was absolutely certain of what would happen within the next half hour. Putting the pistol back together, he opened the door of the parked car and stepped warily out.
Nobody paid the slightest attention to him. Surging masses of people pushed eagerly forward, trying to get within hearing distance of the rally. Army uniforms predominated and at the perimeter of the cleared area, a line of tanks and major weapons was displayed—formidable armament still in production.
Army had erected a metal speaker's stand and ascending steps. Behind the stand hung the vast AFWA banner, emblem of the combined powers that had fought in the war. By a curious corrosion of time, the AFWA Veterans' League included officers from the wartime enemy. But a general was a general and fine distinctions had faded over the years.
Occupying the first rows of seats sat the high brass of the AFWA command. Behind them came junior commissioned officers. Regimental banners swirled in a variety of colors and symbols. In fact, the occasion had taken on the aspect of a festive pageant. On the raised stand itself sat stern-faced dignitaries of the Veterans' League, all of them tense with expectancy. At the extreme edges, almost unnoticed, waited a few police units, ostensibly to keep order. Actually, they were informants making observations. If order were kept, the Army would maintain it.
The late-afternoon wind carried the muffled booming of many people packed tightly together. As Anderton made his way through the dense mob he was engulfed by the solid presence of humanity. An eager sense of anticipation held everybody rigid. The crowd seemed to sense that something spectacular was on the way. With difficulty, Anderton forced his way past the rows of seats and over to the tight knot of Army officials at the edge of the platform. Kaplan was among them. But he was now General Kaplan. The vest, the gold pocket watch, the cane, the conservative business suit—all were gone. For this event, Kaplan had got his old uniform from its mothballs. Straight and impressive, he stood surrounded by what had been his general staff. He wore his service bars, his medals, his boots, his decorative short-sword, and his visored cap. It was amazing how transformed a bald man became under the stark potency of an officer's peaked and visored cap.
Noticing Anderton, General Kaplan broke away from the group and strode to where the younger man was standing. The expression on his thin, mobile countenance showed how incredulously glad he was to see the Commissioner of Police.
"This is a surprise," he informed Anderton, holding out his small gray-gloved hand. "It was my impression you had been taken in by the acting Commissioner."
"I'm still out," Anderton answered shortly, shaking hands. "After all, Witwer has that same reel of tape." He indicated the package Kaplan clutched in his steely fingers and met the man's gaze confidently.
In spite of his nervousness, General Kaplan was in good humor. "This is a great occasion for the Army," he revealed. "You'll be glad to hear I'm going to give the public a full account of the spurious charge brought against you."
"Fine," Anderton answered noncommittally.
"It will be made clear that you were unjustly accused." General Kaplan was trying to discover what Anderton knew. "Did Fleming have an opportunity to acquaint you with the situation?"
"To some degree," Anderton replied. "You're going to read only the minority report? That's all you've got there?"
"I'm going to compare it to the majority report." General Kaplan signalled an aide and a leather briefcase was produced. "Everything is here—all the evidence we need," he said. "You don't mind being an example, do you? Your case symbolizes the unjust arrests of countless individuals." Stiffly, General Kaplan examined his wristwatch. "I must begin. Will you join me on the platform?"
Coldly, but with a kind of repressed vehemence, General Kaplan said: "So they can see the living proof. You and I together—the killer and his victim. Standing side by side, exposing the whole sinister fraud which the police have been operating."
"Gladly," Anderton agreed. "What are we waiting for?"
Disconcerted, General Kaplan moved toward the platform. Again, he glanced uneasily at Anderton, as if visibly wondering why he had appeared and what he really knew. His uncertainty grew as Anderton willingly mounted the steps of the platform and found himself a seat directly beside the speaker's podium.
"You fully comprehend what I'm going to be saying?" General Kaplan demanded. "The exposure will have considerable repercussions. It may cause the Senate to reconsider the basic validity of the Precrime system."
"I understand," Anderton answered, arms folded. "Let's go."
A hush had descended on the crowd. But there was a restless, eager stirring when General Kaplan obtained the briefcase and began arranging his material in front of him.
"The man sitting at my side," he began, in a clean, clipped voice, "is familiar to you all. You may be surprised to see him, for until recently he was described by the police as a dangerous killer."
The eyes of the crowd focused on Anderton. Avidly, they peered at the only potential killer they had ever been privileged to see at close range.
"Within the last few hours, however," General Kaplan continued, "the police order for his arrest has been cancelled; because former Commissioner Anderton voluntarily gave himself up? No, that is not strictly accurate. He is sitting here. He has not given himself up, but the police are no longer interested in him. John Allison Anderton is innocent of any crime in the past, present, and future. The allegations against him were patent frauds, diabolical distortions of a contaminated penal system based on a false premise—a vast, impersonal engine of destruction grinding men and women to their doom."
Fascinated, the crowd glanced from Kaplan to Anderton. Everyone was familiar with the basic situation.
"Many men have been seized and imprisoned under the so-called prophylactic Precrime structure," General Kaplan continued, his voice gaining feeling and strength. "Accused not of crimes they have committed, but of crimes they will commit. It is asserted that these men, if allowed to remain free, will at some future time commit felonies."
"But there can be no valid knowledge about the future. As soon as precog-nitive information is obtained, it cancels itself out. The assertion that this man will commit a future crime is paradoxical. The very act of possessing this data renders it spurious. In every case, without exception, the report of the three police precogs has invalidated their own data. If no arrests had been made, there would still have been no crimes committed."
Anderton listened idly, only half-hearing the words. The crowd, however, listened with great interest. General Kaplan was now gathering up a summary made from the minority report. He explained what it was and how it had come into existence.
From his coat pocket, Anderton slipped out his gun and held it in his lap. Already, Kaplan was laying aside the minority report, the precognitive material obtained from "Jerry." His lean, bony fingers groped for the summary of first, "Donna," and after that, "Mike."
"This was the original majority report," he explained. "The assertion, made by the first two precogs, that Anderton would commit a murder. Now here is the automatically invalidated material. I shall read it to you." He whipped out his rimless glasses, fitted them to his nose, and started slowly to read.
A queer expression appeared on his face. He halted, stammered, and abruptly broke off. The papers fluttered from his hands. Like a cornered animal, he spun, crouched, and dashed from the speaker's stand.
For an instant his distorted face flashed past Anderton. On his feet now, Anderton raised the gun, stepped quickly forward, and fired. Tangled up in the rows of feet projecting from the chairs that filled the platform, Kaplan gave a single shrill shriek of agony and fright. Like a ruined bird, he tumbled, fluttering and flailing, from the platform to the ground below. Anderton stepped to the railing, but it was already over.
Kaplan, as the majority report had asserted, was dead. His thin chest was a smoking cavity of darkness, crumbling ash that broke loose as the body lay twitching. Sickened, Anderton turned away, and moved quickly between the rising figures of stunned Army officers. The gun, which he still held, guaranteed that he would not be interfered with. He leaped from the platform and edged into the chaotic mass of people at its base. Stricken, horrified, they struggled to see what had happened. The incident, occurring before their very eyes, was incomprehensible. It would take time for acceptance to replace blind terror.
At the periphery of the crowd, Anderton was seized by the waiting police. "You're lucky to get out," one of them whispered to him as the car crept cautiously ahead.
"I guess I am," Anderton replied remotely. He settled back and tried to compose himself. He was trembling and dizzy. Abruptly, he leaned forward and was violently sick.
"The poor devil," one the cops murmured sympathetically.
Through the swirls of misery and nausea, Anderton was unable to tell whether the cop was referring to Kaplan or to himself.
Four burly policemen assisted Lisa and John Anderton in the packing and loading of their possessions. In fifty years, the ex-Commissioner of Police had accumulated a vast collection of material goods. Somber and pensive, he stood watching the procession of crates on their way to the waiting trucks.
By truck they would go directly to the field—and from there to Centaurus X by inter-system transport. A long trip for an old man. But he wouldn't have to make it back.
"There goes the second from the last crate," Lisa declared, absorbed and preoccupied by the task. In sweater and slacks, she roamed through the barren rooms, checking on last-minute details. "I suppose we won't be able to use these new atronic appliances. They're still using electricity on Centten."
"I hope you don't care too much," Anderton said.
"We'll get used to it," Lisa replied, and gave him a fleeting smile. "Won't we?"
"I hope so. You're positive you'll have no regrets. If I thought- "
"No regrets," Lisa assured him. "Now suppose you help me with this crate."
As they boarded the lead truck, Witwer drove up in a patrol car. He leaped out and hurried up to them, his face looking strangely haggard. "Before you take off," he said to Anderton, "you'll have to give me a break-down on the situation with the precogs. I'm getting inquiries from the Senate. They want to find out if the middle report, the retraction, was an error—or what." Confusedly, he finished: "I still can't explain it. The minority report was wrong, wasn't it?"
"Which minority report?" Anderton inquired, amused.
Witwer blinked. "Then that is it. I might have known." Seated in the cabin of the truck, Anderton got out his pipe and shook tobacco into it. With Lisa's lighter he ignited the tobacco and began operations. Lisa had gone back to the house, wanting to be sure nothing vital had been overlooked.
"There were three minority reports," he told Witwer, enjoying the young man's confusion. Someday, Witwer would learn not to wade into situations he didn't fully understand. Satisfaction was Anderton's final emotion. Old and worn-out as he was, he had been the only one to grasp the real nature of the problem.
"The three reports were consecutive," he explained. "The first was 'Donna.' In that time-path, Kaplan told me of the plot, and I promptly murdered him. 'Jerry,' phased slightly ahead of 'Donna,' used her report as data. He factored in my knowledge of the report. In that, the second time-path, all I wanted to do was to keep my job. It wasn't Kaplan I wanted to kill. It was my own position and life I was interested in."
"And 'Mike' was the third report? That came after the minority report?" Witwer corrected himself. "I mean, it came last?"
" 'Mike' was the last of the three, yes. Faced with the knowledge of the first report, I had decided not to kill Kaplan. That produced report two. But faced with that report, I changed my mind back. Report two, situation two, was the situation Kaplan wanted to create. It was to the advantage of the police to recreate position one. And by that time I was thinking of the police. I had figured out what Kaplan was doing. The third report invalidated the second one in the same way the second one invalidated the first. That brought us back where we started from."
Lisa came over, breathless and gasping. "Let's go—we're all finished here." Lithe and agile, she ascended the metal rungs of the truck and squeezed in beside her husband and the driver. The latter obediently started up his truck and the others followed.
"Each report was different," Anderton concluded. "Each was unique. But two of them agreed on one point. If left free, I mould kill Kaplan. That created the illusion of a majority report. Actually, that's all it was—an illusion. 'Donna' and 'Mike' previewed the same event—but in two totally different time-paths, occurring under totally different situations. 'Donna' and 'Jerry,' the so-called minority report and half of the majority report, were incorrect. Of the three, 'Mike' was correct—since no report came after his, to invalidate him. That sums it up."
Anxiously, Witwer trotted along beside the truck, his smooth, blond face creased with worry. "Will it happen again? Should we overhaul the set-up?"
"It can happen in only one circumstance," Anderton said. "My case was unique, since I had access to the data. It could happen again—but only to the next Police Commissioner. So watch your step." Briefly, he grinned, deriving no inconsiderable comfort from Witwer's strained expression. Beside him, Lisa's red lips twitched and her hand reached out and closed over his. "Better keep your eyes open," he informed young Witwer. "It might happen to you at any time."

Тема Re: Minority Reportнови [re: Шapkaн]  
Автор Пивo (naive)
Публикувано29.12.02 10:01

Браво, оптимист. От думите ти излиза, че едва ли не е имало момент в който хората сме били просветлени, а сега затъпяваме...Що не знам за такъв момент ?

Ad astra per aspera

Тема при тенденциозен прочитнови [re: Пивo]  
Автор Шapkaн (прелитащ)
Публикувано29.12.02 10:50

от кои да е думи може да излезе каквото му на читателя душа иска.
Разбира се, че не е имало "такъв" момент. Но през определени интервали и за малко тъпотията и посредствеността не е определяла хавата В ТАКАВА СТЕПЕН, в каквато се стреми да го прави сега.
Но от друга страна... Еклесиаст пише: Не казвай, че по-предишните времена са били по-добри от сегашните, защото не от ум казваш това

Та все пак мисълта ми е, че скудоумието не всякога е управлявало държави и народи, а думата "невежа" и "неграмотник" поне през трийсетте години на миналия век в България се е смятала за доста тежка обида.
Интересно е, че в Русия допреди 15-20 години изтърпяваха да ги наричаш "дурак", но за "некультурный" (точно в смисъл на необразован) рискуваш да получиш един тупаник по муцуната. В Щатите обаче, вероятно поради семантиката на думата, подобна "обида" предизвиква недоумение - поне така твърдяха в едно предаване на Радио Свободна Европа.

Хайде стига съм си чесал пръстите по клавиатурата.

готино да посрещнеш Новата година, Ваша Пенливост!

Чувствай се като у дома си... а после те изхвърлят! Хора!

Тема Re: при тенденциозен прочитнови [re: Шapkaн]  
Автор Kopo (тъп, но упорит)
Публикувано29.12.02 11:01

Просто напоследък се (след 30-те години на XX век) се развиват истински "масмедии". И както се наричат - те наистина са масови, ориентирани към големи маси хора (по-скоро към тълпите). А нали знаеш - коефицента на интелигентност на една тълпа е равен на коефицента на интелигентност на най-тъпия участник в нея, разделен на броя участващи в тълпата. А когато става дума за телевизия, радио и кино, тълпите са огромни.
Краен резултат - вече 80 години "масмедиите" заливат света с "информация", предназначена за тълпи (дори не включвам абсолютно съзнателните, планомерни и продължителни "промивки", провеждани от правителствата, контролиращи "масмедиите"). Е, крайния резултат е прогресивно затъпяване на населението. И тази тенденция няма да се промени. Всъщност вървим към нова форма на Средновековие - нова епоха, в която грамотността ще е рядкост (нямам предвид елементарното владеене на четмо, писмо и аритметика), а мнозинството ще е тъпо и щастливо (седнало пред телевизора или натискащо иконките на Windows XN).


Редактирано от Kopo на 29.12.02 11:06.

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