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Тема Re: Дида.нови [re: TOMl]  
АвторTOMl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано06.10.07 13:56

Само още да вмъкна, тогава Леверкузен абсолютно резонно търсеха повече победата и заслужено си я получиха, вината е наша че ги подценихме, НО това не ги поставя една класа с нас, както и когато Айндховен надигра и заслужаваше да продължи срещу Милан, не ги поставя също една класа с росонерите. Разликата е, че Милан извадиха късмета, а нас ни избяга тогава.

Тема Re: Дида.нови [re: Omni]  
Автор Omni (on the ground)
Публикувано13.10.07 01:35

от ББС

Celtic fined as Dida receives ban

Dida was stretchered off after the incident in Glasgow
Celtic have been fined £25,000 and AC Milan goalkeeper Dida has been banned for two matches following trouble at the recent Champions League game.
However, the European champions intend to appeal against the penalty imposed on the 34-year-old Brazilian.

Dida collapsed dramatically after a fan appeared to strike him near the end of AC Milan's 2-1 defeat on 3 October.

Celtic were found guilty of a lack of organisation and improper conduct of supporters at the Celtic Park match.

The Scottish champions will pay half of the fine now, while the rest is deferred over a two-year probationary period.

Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell issued a statement saying: "As a club we feel this penalty is proportionate to the incident in question and a fair outcome.

"We took this matter extremely seriously and following an immediate internal investigation took swift and firm action against the offender.

"Celtic FC will continue to take all organisational, security and health and safety matters as its first priority."

Dida was stretchered off after being confronted by the invading fan and was criticised for overreacting.

Uefa's control and disciplinary body took a dim view of the keeper's theatrics, charging him with a lack of sportsmanship.

"It involved the fan, we don't condone that, hence, the fine for Celtic," said Uefa spokesman Rob Faulkner.

"But at the same time it was fairly clear that what happened after Dida had set off, fallen to the ground and the antics after that were a little bit out of keeping with the incident.

"I think that's why he has come out with a two-game ban."

The incident occurred after Scott McDonald had slammed in Celtic's winner late on after Dida had failed to hold a Gary Caldwell shot.

The fan, who has since been identified and banned by Celtic for life, ran onto the pitch and made contact with Dida, who proceeded to briefly give chase before collapsing to the ground.

He was eventually substituted, with Australian Zeljko Kalac replacing him.

The Italian club's lawyer, Leandro Cantamessa, described the sanctions against Dida as "disproportionate and illogical".

He added: "I have no issue with Celtic but I am only trying to establish a sense of proportion - one is the event, the other is only the effect of the event."

If Dida's ban stands, he will miss the Champions League double-header with Group D leaders Shaktar Donestk.

Тема Re: Дида.нови [re: Omni]  
Автор Marlborough (General)
Публикувано13.10.07 11:20

Много бих искал финал в Лигата Селтик-Рейнджърс, но за жалост е невъзможно.

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