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Тема 2 zlatni maski,veroqtno trakijski  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано05.05.05 22:01

Maski ot Ohridsko,dne6en FIROM,nqmat datirovka:

Notable golden funeral masks from Trebenista site, the region of Ohrid.

Тема Re: 2 zlatni maski,veroqtno trakijskiнови [re: l]  
Авторi (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано05.05.05 22:09

Eto i ne6to,koeto prili4a mnogo na Karanovo,Bulgaia,no e ot FIROM i e ot po-kysen period.
Clay pot from Tarinci, the region of Stip

Тема Re: 2 zlatni maski,veroqtno trakijskiнови [re: l]  
Авторi (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано05.05.05 22:14

Otkrih.Za maskite pi6e,4e sa ot okolo 8-6v.pr.Hr.,ako izob6to moje da se vqrva na firomcite.S tqh sa namereni i - "Opulent archaeological findings that consist of well - modeled golden and other metal objects confirm that the craftsmanship was thriving. Of particular significance are the findings from the Trebenista site in the region of Ohrid , that comprise golden masks, golden sandals, bracelets, and other ornamental objects of silver, ivory, etc., which were used for funeral rites."

Тема Re:I ikoniнови [re: l]  
Авторi (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано05.05.05 22:37

ot tam na Naum i Kliment,bez da se spomene Bulgaria
St. Naum, XIV century
The interaction of the style manners, the typical features in the portraying of the local saints such as Clement and Naum, the rare but present Slavonic inscriptions - all of these denote the existence of the Ohrid painting workshops.
A unique late XIV century work, highly distinctive by its artistic value from all others of the same period, is the liturgical icon with the portraits of Ss. Clement and Naum. These Slavonic educators are portrayed in the iconografic manner typical for the Ohrid XIV century painting.


Тема Re:I ikoniнови [re: i]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано05.05.05 22:44

St. Clement (a relief)

This relief icon is actually the only trace of any sculpturing efforts in the Macedonian territory during the XIII century. The statuette is now exhibited at the Ohrid Gallery of Icons.

Тема Re: 2 zlatni maski,veroqtno trakijskiнови [re: i]  
Автор easy (wanderer)
Публикувано05.05.05 23:06

От какъв обект е този съд? Линк? Литература? Благодаря предварително.

Тема Re: 2 zlatni maski,veroqtno trakijskiнови [re: easy]  
Авторi (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано06.05.05 08:37

Nqma literatura,no pi6e,4e e ot Clay pot from Tarinci, the region of Stip .
Naj-mnogo ima po Dunavskia rajon - celiia dunavsko-balkanski rajon,ta daje i v Ungaria.
Nari4at q Dunavska kultura.

Karta na 4ast ot otkriti predmeti ot Dunavskata kultura -

Тема Re: malko ot Rumyniqнови [re: i]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано07.05.05 12:01

Ot dunavskata kultura-praistoria

Ot Dakia i trakite-

i ne6to rimsko ot Dakia

i ot 9-18vek

i otnovo ot trakijskite daki-

tuk nqma tatirovka-

A tova e sy6to interesno-

Primer za "istoria":
A eto kak interesno se preska4a edin golqm period ot vreme i ot dako-rimsko se okazva direkno,kato sedva6t period 18-19 vek
As in the permanent exhibition, the items are dispalyed chronologically so that the visitor could follow the evolution of the art of jewelry over the centuries.
The first jewels of precious metal (gold) date from the first period man learned to work the metal, that is the Bronze Age. Bracelets, pendants, earrings, fingerrings, tiaras are made of natural gold and have simple forms and decorations that are elegant nevertheless.
The classical period of Transylvanian history, the Dacian and Roman ages are represented by a number of silver Dacian coins (imitations of Greek drachmas) and especially by Roman jewelry: an unusual variety of earrings and fingerrings, elaborately decorated mainly with gems and camoes is the core of this section. Their high artistry enchants the eye, alongside with golden necklaces, brooches, hair pins and bracelets. A hoard of 1268 Roman silver coins (denari) stands together with golden coins of the Thracian king Koson, Roman and Byzantine gold coins and some "exotic" coins as is the oldest one from our collections, struck in Milet (Asia Minor) in the 6.th century B. C.
There is only one testimony from the Dark Age: a hoard of golden clothing ornaments belonging to the Goths and dating from the 5.th century.
The Transylvanian Renaissance left some of the most beautiful jewelry in our collections. The imitation of the artists from the Roman period is to be seen in the re-use of Roman gems in late medieval settings, in the technique and the decoration. The peak of jewelry artistry, the filigree is now very much worked out. Most of the jewellers from Transylvania being Germans, it was them who established the fashion that is inspired by Saxon folklore: tripartite earrings in form of small baskets of perls, ornamental buttons, belts and buckles. The presence of a pair of earrings with corals is a testimony as to the extent of Transylvanian trade.
The next period (18.th-19.th centuries) looks rather as a decay as gold is scarce, the artistry is lesser, the accent moves from refinement to oppulence and massiveness, all this in favor of the appearance of kitsch.
The treasury rooms also exhibit coins, medals and decorations. Most of them are Austrian, figuring imperial celebrities such as Maria Theresa, Franz Joseph, Elizabeth and other famous Habsburgs. The most recent golden issues of the Romanian National Bank, commemorationg 150 years from the 1848 revolution, and other silver issues (Olympic games from Atlanta, for instance) bring the chronological thread of Transylvanian jewelry into the present day.

Tuk pi6e "roman",no i trakijskia konnik ne otsystva-

Okolo 13-17 vek

i otnovo ot traki-daki-

Тема Re: malko ot Rumyniqнови [re: l]  
Авторi (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано07.05.05 12:33

ot restavrirani predmeti-
Middle Bronze Age

XVI Century-


Before restoration

After restoration


Before restoration

After restoration

Ot koj li period e?
Cup/? Century

ot transivanski muzej

Тема Re: i malko ot Syrbiq/LINKнови [re: l]  
Авторi (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано07.05.05 13:27

Dunavska kultura,praistoria

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