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Тема Re: 2 zlatni maski,veroqtno trakijskiнови [re: l]  
Авторi (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано07.05.05 15:13

Hochdorf, Germany.
Kogato pro4etoh tova - "Opulent archaeological findings that consist of well - modeled golden and other metal objects confirm that the craftsmanship was thriving. Of particular significance are the findings from the Trebenista site in the region of Ohrid , that comprise golden masks, golden sandals, bracelets, and other ornamental objects of silver, ivory, etc., which were used for funeral rites." - i se setih,kyde i v koq grobnica sa namereni sy6to takiva zlani sandali.

Das Grab des Keltenfürsten
The Celtic Chieftain's Grave


Schuhe mit Goldblech

Gold bowl
diameter 13,4 cm; weight 72 g

Antennen-Dolch mit Bronzegriff und -scheide; mit goldenem Überzug
Länge 42 cm; Goldüberzug ca. 100 g

Halsring (torques)
Durchmesser 25,3 cm; 144 g; Gold

Goldenes Gürtelblech
Länge 33 cm, Breite 8,5 cm ; 130 g

Hut aus Birkenrinde
Durchmesser 34,5 cm
Höhe 11 cm

Bronzepferdchen vom Joch
Höhe 4 cm

Hochdorf: Bronze Couch

Wagon and two horses; warrior with shield and weapon

Dancers scene, different view

Details of the bronze wheeled female figures, ca. 35 cm H (front of couch); ca. 32 cm H (back of couch). The figures are cast in robust arrangements of cylindrical and bulging forms. The surface articulation consists mainly of holes that, in many cases, apparently were inlaid with contrasting materials. The technique is not unknown in late Hallstatt Europe; see the fibula from Bohemia in the form of a female figure.

View of reconstructed bronze cauldron.
Height: 80 cm (without lions).
Diameter: Ca. 104 cm. Capacity: 500 liters

Тема Re: i o6te ot Germaniqнови [re: i]  
Авторi (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано07.05.05 15:22

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