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Тема veliko tyrnovo -нови  
Авторn (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.05 19:29

Poneje Aleksandyr(a i drugi) se oplakva6e,4e ne sme puskali bylgarski gradove ili temi za BG,a samo 4ujdi,eto edin grad.Dvuomih se mejdu Varna i Veliko Tyrnovo.Az 6te postna kartinki,a vie komentirajte.Dvorci,kreposti,cyrkvi,dizajn,jiteli,care,duhovnici,prosvetiteli,vyzrojdenci,istoria,nahodki,politi4eski intrigi,krystonosci,vizantijci,rimlqni,turci...........ima material.
Az materiali za bg nqmam koj znae kakvi,nito 4ovek moje da nameri podrobni,ilustrirani istori4eski sajtove za BG v internt.Davam vi dumata.

Veliko Tyrnovo

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo -нови [re: n]  
АвторAlexander (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.05 21:42

Велико Търново има шанс да бъде българския "Рим" , а пък търновския замък
Царевец , един от найвеликолепните замъцки комплеьи в целата Европа АКО
е ЕСТЕТИЧЕСКИ достроен със сгради които пак ще служат като живи обекти,
било държавни резиденции , музехи , палатиалните хотели , и реконструирани средновековни обекти.Иначе съм много благодарен за каквато и е картинка на българските исторически обекти , и още повече ще съм благодарен , ако и намерените в тех археологическите артефакти са публикувани.Без намерените предмети и техни снимки , трудно е да си правим представата за материялното ниво на нашите предци. Пък Търново е град на баба ми.....Благодаря !!!!!

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo -нови [re: Alexander]  
Автор5 (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.05 21:48

Aaaa,zna4i si bil bolqrin napolovina!Sega razbiram za6to protestira6e za ne6to bylgarsko.
Az nqmam material,nadqvam se u4astnicite v kluba da usnat ne6to.

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo -нови [re: 5]  
АвторAlexander (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.05 22:15

Болярин една половина , харамията и твърда селска кратуна друга половина.
Ама ми е интересно да гледам какво има в българия , а то има много : Траки , римляни , средновековните обекти , манастири и стари крепости (заслужаващи обаче реставриране и достойване)
Но и селски къщи , и цели села би заслужили повече внимание.

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo -нови [re: Alexander]  
АвторT (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.05 23:44

prez no6tta

Ky6tite sa nakacali kato ptici v planinata,a dolu se vie rekata.

Gledaj krasota i se naslajdavaj

A tova e Asenova krepost,Asenovgrad,no v dale4ina

i o6te ot bg

ot Varna

pobitite kamyni

botani4eska gradina


Snimkite sa ot nqkakva 4ehkinq.Pi6e,4e tova e ot Veliko Tyrnovo

drqnovski manastir

Muzej Etyra - istori4eska vystanovka na starite ky6ti,rabotilnici,zanaqti


Veliko Turnovo Siteseeings

The capital of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom (1185 - 1393) gave the world the Manassiev Chronicle and the Tetraevangelia of Tsar Ivan Alexander, was the native place of Theodosius of Turnovo and Patriarch Ethymius, preserved colorful murals and architectural silhouettes from differenet ages for the generations, and left us to ponder the eternal wisdom, chiseled into the column of Khan Omourtag: "Man, no matter how well he lives, dies and another is born...".
Today, too, this unusual city, whose stone houses seem perched one above the other on the steep bank of the Yantra river, is dominated by Tsarevets hill with its solid fortress walls, royal palaces, patriarchal church and Baudouin's Tower, reminding of the Latin Emperor Baudouin of Flanders who was captured by Tsar Kaloyan.
On Trapezitsa Hill the foundations of 17 mediaeval churches were discovered at the turn of the century during excavations organized by the French archaeologist Georges Soeur, but at present only the restored St. Demetrius of Thessalonika and St. Peter and Paul churches are open to visit.
A stroll along old Gurko Street of in the Samodivene Market, a crafts and trade centre, will give you a feel of the atmosphere of the Bulgarian national Revival period.
A visit to the exhibitions of the Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum reveals the museum town's rich history.

Тема Bylgariaнови [re: n]  
Авторlvan4o (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано18.04.05 22:01

Hubavi vyzrojdenski ky6ti



3. kolo mezinárodní soutěže O nejlepší fotografie z Bulharska - dětské ceny

1. místo, Denica Jordanova (17 let) - Bulharská krása
pyrvo mqsto.Denica J. - bylgarska krasota



kukeri i razni drugi

ot Ba4kovskiq m.


Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo -нови [re: Alexander]  
Авторlvan4o (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано18.04.05 22:08

Be6e do6yl tuk edin bylgarski ansambyl za narodni pesni,tanci,obi4ai.Vsi4ki gi oglejdana s golqm interes,vyzhi6tavaha se na kolanite im,iskaha da gi pipnat.Az ne si spomnqm kak to4no be6e imeto na tezi srebyrni kolani v narodnite nosii.

Тема Re: Bylgariaнови [re: lvan4o]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано18.04.05 22:36

Малко снимки на античния Пловдив:
Тракийско селище на Небет тепе:

Основите на кръгла римска кула:

Театърът в Пловдив,строен по времето на император Траян/96-117/:

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: Bylgariaнови [re: last roman]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано18.04.05 22:49

Още от Театъра:

Римският Форум:

Част от "Eyrene mosaic", от средата на трети век сл. н. е:

Реставрирана част от Римски акведукт, функционирал до турското нашествие:

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: Bylgaria-Направо красотанови [re: last roman]  
АвторAlexander (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано19.04.05 00:17

Още да го сринат Альошата и от него да дозидат тази кръгла кула !!!!А колкото за достройки , хубав е аквадукта а всички амфитеатри би требвало пак да са живи места на културата . Градските (крепостни) стени и кули също дават на един град правилна атмосфера на вековете. Благодаря на всички за снимките , ако има повече , кеф ще ми е да ги гледам !

Тема Re: Bylgaria-Направо красотанови [re: Alexander]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано19.04.05 11:41

Малко снимки от античния град Ескус /дн. село Гиген/.Възникнал като селище покрай лагерите на IV Скитски и V Македонски легион още в началото на 1в.
Разцвет бележи по времето на Антонините и Северите, прекъснат от готските нашествия в средата на 3в.Нов разцвет при Константин, когато е построен и каменен мост на река Дунав.Става жертва на хунските нашествия:

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: Bylgaria-Направо красотанови [re: last roman]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано19.04.05 11:53

Крепост Castra Martis.В края на III и началото на IV век усилено се възстановява Дунавският лимес, а на важни стратегически места във вътрешността били издигнати нови крепости. Една от тези новоизтрадени крепости в провинция Крайбрежна Дакия е Кастра Мартис /Марсовите крепости/ при Кула. Тя заемала ключови позиции през най- западния старопланински проход Връшка чука и охранявала важния римски път от Бонония за Сингидунум /Белград/.Кастра Мартис играла важна роля в отбраната на тези земи през IV- VI в.Тя претърпяла разрушение при готските нашествия в края на IV в., но най- много пострадала от хунските набези през първата половина на V в., като се започне с превзимането й от Улдис в 408 г., за което имаме исторически сведения. Според византийскя хронист Прокопий Кастра Мартис е една от основно възстановените крепости при Юстиниян Велики /527- 565/. Археологическите проучвания показаха, че крепостта се състои от две части- малко квадратно укрепление- квадрибургий и кастел, разположен южно на него.:

Вероятно е изглеждала по този начин:

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: Bylgaria-Направо красотанови [re: last roman]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано19.04.05 11:58

Никополис ад Иструм е основан в 102 г. от император Траян в чест на победата му над даките.
Останките от античния град се намират на 3 kм от село Никюп, западно от главния път E85 и 20 kм северно от старата българска столица Велико Търново.От началото на II в. до средата на IV в. Никополис ад Иструм е най-значителния градски център във вътрешността на областта Mизия между река Дунав и Стара планина.
Пострадал от първото и второто готско нашествие, градът е възстановяван oт византийците през V- VI в. заедно с други крепости на север от Стара планина

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: Bylgaria-Направо красотанови [re: last roman]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано19.04.05 12:07

Намиращите се в югоизточната част на съвременния град Варна Римски терми (бани) са най-голямата обществена антична сграда, открита досега в България. Сравнително добре запазените стени очертават внушителна постройка вдигната на повече от 7000 м2 площ. Архитектурният стил подсказва, че те са били построени към края на II - началото на III в. Намерените в канализацията монети потвърдиха тази датировка най-ранните от тях са сечени при император Септимий Север (193-211), а най-късната - от времето на император Тацит (275). Така бе установено, че термите са функционирали до към края на III в.

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo -нови [re: n]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано19.04.05 15:19

Balduinovata kula
Balduins tower.




Golden ring from Pliska
Golden ring from Pliska (10-11-th century).


Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo -нови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано19.04.05 15:34



PRESLAV style. In 1965 Petar Koushlev let himself be inspired by ancient stone ornaments from City of Preslav,and created a style of wood carving that he called Preslav carving. The characteristic of the style is its elegant and clean line. It is not so heavy as the other classical styles. It is a unique and unmistakable style in the world. Cense 1983 I am continuing to changing and simplifying the elements of flora and fauna . No one else but I work in this style outside Bulgaria. Only two others in Bulgaria. Ceramic may be added.

The old Bulgarian Classical Schools of wood carving are: Trjavna School-in the northwest and middle part of Bulgaria, Samokov School-in the southwestern part of Bulgaria and Debur School-in the southwestern part of Bulgaria-MaKedonia. The photograph is Trjavna School.

DEBUR style. Better stylization and more clear line. The picture shows 24" tall cup. It takes 6 months to do. Some of the tools are made with the progress of work in order to go and carve a spot.

One set of tools is 1200 pieces. I made about 200 for this style so far. Some of those I never used again.

Drawing is possible only in part on the top of the work and it is carved from the inside out.

I am not a were of no one else outside the Balkans, who works Debur carving.

There are not so many carvers that know this style in the first place. Some think and say they know.





Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo -нови [re: n]  
Автор Kain (детеубиец)
Публикувано19.04.05 17:32

готини снимки, мерси. това с зеленината направо ме води към лирични отклонения за пролет и т.н.


Тема Re: Bylgaria-Направо красотанови [re: last roman]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано19.04.05 22:25

И за да не си помислят някои, че съм твърде пристрастен към римските археологически обекти, ето и нещо тракийско:
"Храмът на Ситалк" край Старосел:

Каменен гроб на владетеля:


Каменна вана за вино:

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: Bylgaria-Направо красота [re: last roman]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано19.04.05 22:34

Казанлъшката гробница:

Тракийска куполна гробница/хероон/ от 2в. пр. н.е. край Поморие:

Древнотракийско оброчище от %в. пр. н. е. край село Татул/вероятно там са се правели жертвоприношения/:

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: Bylgaria-Направо красотанови [re: last roman]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 00:28

4ast ot kazanly6kata grobnica v po-blizyk plan


During the Middle Ages the strong Bulgarian fortress of Boyana (Batil) stood on the lower slopes of Mount Vitosha in what is now the Sofia suburb of Boyana. This name is mentioned for the firs time in 969. Boyana was one of the thirty-five fortresses and settlements, which formed the fortification systems of the city of Sredets (Sofia). The Boyana Church was build within the fortress and is a magnificent example of medieval architecture and monumental art.

The Boyana Church is about 900 years old. During its existence, the Church has undergone many transformation and extensions, and thus its present complex volume differs considerably from the original. New buildings have been added to the First (East) Church, architectural transformations have been made, the decoration has been changed. At present the Boyana Church consists buildings - from the 11th, 13th and 19th centuries. Only the first two churches, built during the Middle Ages, possess significant aesthetic and architectural value.
I carq s caricata:




Тема Re: Bylgaria-Направо красотанови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 00:52

The existing church was extended and decorated in 1259. A tiny church containing an astonishing set of 13th century frescoes, painted in a realistic manner, rejecting the stiff and formal Byzantine style of their era, and anticipating the style of the Italian Renaissance.
The most vivid portraits are those of the donors of money to the church., sebastocrator Kaloyan and his wife, Dessislava. Located in the village of Boyana, in the foothills of Vitosha Mountain, 8 km from the Sofia city center.

First founded in the 10th century, its present-day appearance dating from the mid-19th century. The most famous monument of Bulgarian architecture and culture from the Nationsl Revival period (the early Renaissance).

The greatest Bulgarian monastery with exquisite architecture, fantastic wall paintings, brilliant iconostasis, a rich collection of icons and old manuscripts. Located 120 km southwest of Sofia in the heart of the Rila Mountain.

Early 7th century AD. An expressive bas-relief, carved high out of the sheer rock, and depicting a horseman spearing a lion. It symbolizes greatness of the ruler and the power of his state. Europe's only rock relief dating from the early Middle Ages. Located 20 km from the town of Shoumen, NE Bulgaria.

Several mediaeval churches, chapels and monastic cells have been dug into the rocks flanking a scenic river valley. Located at a height of 6 to 8 meters, the cells were inhabited by monks until the 17th century. Chronicles of the preserved church murals show that the community of hermits also created a blossoming literary center during the 13th-14th century. The Archangel Church built in the 14th century is the best preserved. Located near the village of Ivanovo, Rousse region, NE Bulgaria.

A shallow lake near the Danube river, one of the most interesting and typical wetlands in Europe, abounding in an amazing diversity of plant varieties and animal species. Almost half of all Bulgarian birds nest here (179 rare species). Located close by the town of Silistra, NE Bulgaria

It lies in the highest part of the Pirin Mountain. Forests cover 60% of its total area. Trees between 20 and 1000 years old have been declared natural sites. The Pirin National Park has exceptionally rich and varied flora and fauna. His is the kingdom of alpine flowers. Glacier lakes, caves, water falls and steep peaks form part of the magnificent scenery.

Satyr on a bronze situla. 4th century BC.
Malkata Mogila near Shipka, Kazanlak region.
Museum of history, Kazanlak.

Gold seal-ring. 5th century BC.
Malkata Mogila near Shipka, Kazanlak region.
Museum of history, Kazanlak.

Thracian temple facade and entrance to the main chamber. 4th century BC.
Mogila Helvetsia near Shipka, the Kazanlak region.


Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo -нови [re: n]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 01:09

Veliki Preslav

madarskiq konnik

A Stone barelef of grifon from Great Preslav, North-Eastern Bulgaria

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo -нови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 08:55

Secret door in the south fortress wall

The east gate.

Rome's villa near the Madara

The golden church at the town Preslav

The rotonda (old spatial church) sveti Georgi (st. George).
This is the oldest extant building in Sofia town.
It is builded from romans during the 4 century.

Roman house in Sofia town

Old roman house in Serdika (the ancient name of Sofia town). At the center of the photo is shown old roman bath.
Near the house was situated old roman street builded with stone plates.

The ruins of the rocky church "St. Grigor" near the village Karlukovo. At the valley of Iskar river.

The Grandbulgarian shrine( kapishte ) at province Madara.
In a rocks near the shrine is a "Madara's rider". It is figure of a rider in a rock. Over the shrine can see a ruins of old church( the red stones ) dated to 14 century.

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 09:28

The Fortress near the Shumen town.

The archaeological investigations proved that the live at Shumen's plateau wasn't stoped during all the last 3200 years.
General settlement at ancient trakian king Sitalk. At 1th age the romans build the fortress with stone's wall.
After the Goti's (4 age) and new varvar's (5-6 age) destructions before the old fortress wall was builded a new with 7 towers. During the Avars and Slavs invasion (6 age) the fortress was destroyed. The Bulgarian khan Omurtag(814 - 831) restore the fortress again.
11th century the fortress was conquested by Byzantium. During the Second Bulgarian Kingdom the fortress was restored but the construction is a bad and remiss. This is because at this time Bulgaria was divided to few parts and has a bad economic state.

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 09:40

o6te ot 6umensko

Ostankite ot edna ot starite bylgarski stolici - Ohrid
The fortress of Bulgarian king Samuil (978 - 1014) at the hill near the Ohrid's lake.
Samuil - one of the most powerful bulgarian kings. Over 20 years he is the leader of the bulgarian defence against Byzantium.
For a shorth time during the regimen of that king the fortress has been metropolis of Bulgarian kingdom.
It was center of the whole western Bulgaria.

The north-east small gate on the outer fortress wall. Outer view.

Excavateing of old medieval buildings.

Inner view of the west gate. This is the main gate of the fortress

Outer view of the north wall.

The fortress. East side.

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 09:51

Veliko Tarnovo (Tarnovo - The Great)

Tarnovo is the third Bulgarian metropolis.
The castle of Tarnovo is situated on the hill of Tzarevetz.
It was not a good idea even to try to attack the town.
The castle was among the best defended fortresses at that time.

The main gate at the fortress wall.

The fortress wall. View from the Balduin's tower.

Balduins tower.
There is a mith that in this tower was kept (and probably died) like a prisoner Balduin (the first emperror of the latin empire) after his capturing (April 14th, 1204) from the bulgarian king Kaloian (1197 - 1207).

The fortress Kaleto near the town Scopie

Fortress at Madara's plateau.

Fortress near village Matochina

This is a ruin of boyars home.
Around it there is a ruins of fortress wall and old trench.

The medieval tower at the Rila monastery.

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 10:02

The ancient fortress at cap Kaliakra.

The Asen's fortress near the "Asenovgrad" town.

The first announcement about the fortress is at 1081 year. Ones of the old names of the fortress are "Stenimaka" and "Petrich".
1230-1231 the fortress is reconstructed from the bulgarian king Ivan Asen || (1218 - 1241).
The fortress is build at very precipitous and easy for defence terrain. At the south there is an inner fortress wall.
At the fortress still have extant coating from 12 century. After a heroic defence the fortress is sacked and destroyed from Osmans army at 1386 year.
The south inner wall of the fortress.

The north wall of the fortress.

The fortress of Lovech town

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 10:20

The north wall.

The north-west gate.

The north-east gate.

The ancient trakian inner fortress.

The inner gate. View into the fortress.

The fortress of Hisar was builded from roman empire in 4 century. The old name of the fortress is Diokletzianopol. The place of the fortress was known with his mineral springs with medical characteristics.
It is a center of some romans villas. Near the fortress was found roman family tomb and few tracian tombs.
This is the best extant roman fortress in the Bulgarian land. It's length is about 2315 meters and is about 10 meters high. On every side there was a gate.
Ruins of citizens buildings.

Outer view of the east-souths corner tower. We can see the gate of the tower.

The east wall. Inner view.

The north-east corner tower. Outer view.

The south gate. Outer view.

Ruins of army buildings.

The west gate. Outer view.

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 10:29

The fortress of Vidin is also known as "the fortress Baba Vida".

Outer view of the south outer gate.

The south wall. Outer view.

The east wall. Outer view.

The gate to the dungeons of the fortress.

The Sratzimirs tower (the tower of prince Ivan Sratzimir).

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 10:46

The south tower. Outer view.

The west wall. Outer view.

The west-north wall and tower.

Outer view of the west gate. This is the main gate of the fortress.

Old church. Inner view

Old church. Outer view.

Anevsko kale
The place of the fortress has been settled by trackians. But the extanted debris till today are dated to the Second Bulgarian Kingdom (1085-1396).
It is situated on the top of a high and steep hill. The fortress consist of two high towers and many buildings. There are ruins of old church with extant wall-paintings and floor pavement. Also there is many debris of pottery.
The area of the fortress is about 5000 sqare meters. The walls are extant to 12 meters height.
The south tower. Inner view.

The west-north wall and tower. View from the south tower.

The south tower. Outer view.

The south tower. View from the north tower

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 11:01

The fortress Tzerovo is one of the biggest mount fortressess in Bulgaria. His quarter area is about 23 000 m^2. Builded about thirth century with purpose to stop the attacs of the Gottys tribes. Today the fortress is almost destroyed. Only few parts of the buildings and the fortress wall is still extant. Around the fortress area there are many pieces of ancient and medieval pottery.
Ruins of the south tower. Outer view.

Shterna (the english equivalent of this word sounds something like "waterkeeper"). Outer view.

Ruins of inner building.

The fortress near town Krichim is a small fortress situated on the top of high hill. There isn't almost nothing extant from the fortress wall, only few very small parts. The best extant building is the waterkeeper (shterna).
The fortress is builded during 2 periods. The first is early-bysantium (5-6 century) and the second period is during the first bulgarian kingdom.
North tower. Outer view.

North tower. Inner view.

The fortress Chertigrad is a small tracian fortress situated on the top of high rocks. Builded 4-3 century B.C. the fortress is abandoned at 6 century.

The fortress Tzepina was one of the most dificult for reaching fortresses.
Very big impression makes the two waterkeepers (shterna) deep about 10 meters and dangerous for the tourists.

Shterna (waterkeeper).

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 11:18

The tracian fortress near village Ustina is a small fortress situated on the top of high hill. There isn't almost nothing extant from the fortress. Somewhere in the rocks where is the fortress there is ancient cave where lived ancient proto-people from the stone age.
The rocks where is situated the fortress.

Few evidences of the fortress wall

Ancient tracian potery.

The fortress Cherven is a big fortress situated in north Bulgaria surrounded by the river "Rusenski Lom".
The fortress was important feudal domain.
There is very good extant one tower and also the whole floor (with the decorations) of one church.
The east gate (the main gate), view from inside.

View from far distance from south south-east.

The east gate (the main gate), view from inside

Ruins of church.

South south-west outside view.

Inner view of the fortress. View from the east (main) gate

The best extant tower - the south-west tower.

Hole in the ground. Probably small waterkeeper (shterna) or may be store for wheat.

The best extant tower - the south-west tower.

The south-west gate. Vies from outside.

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 11:27

This is the best extant of all Bulgarian fortressess and castles.
The fortress was dated to 11 century.
Some scientists suppose this is the glorious fortress Versinikia where the byzantine army has been defeated.
Near the fortress there is an ancient trakian tomb.
The tomb is dated to 4 century B.C.

Inside view of the south-west tower (the best extant tower in the fortress).

Outside view of the southern wall.

Inside view of the southern wall. We can see where was the door of one of the sothern towers. Also we can see next to the door the ruins of old church with one side lays on the wall.

Mezek - the trakian tomb
The ancient tracian tomb near village Mezek. The tomp has been found in 1909. The main room where is situated the coffin was closed by masive bronze door.
In The tomp has been found ancient potery, jewellery, one big bronze wild pig, etc.
The coridor going to the main room.

The main room where lays the coffin. You can see the corner of the coffin (the right) and part of second coffin (left) probably for the wife of the master.

The door of the main room. View from inside. You can see the bronze ring (right-up) where the bronze door was holded.

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 11:38

Stara Zagora
Ruins of ancient roman theatre in town Stara Zagora.

Ruins of the roman theatre in town Plovdiv.

Ancient cave in the rocks near village Madara. In the cave lived ancient proto-people from the stone age.

Ruins of the monastery in town Pliska. Builded by the orders of the bulgarian king Boris | (852 - 893) together with the whole complex of early christian buildings.

The church "st. 40 martyrs" at Tzarevetz.

The convent "Drianovski" near the town Gabrovo.

Тема Re: veliko tyrnovo;Balgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 11:57

Rila Monastery
The most popular monastery of mount Rila and Bulgaria.
Based by the anchoret monk Ivan Rilski at the middle of 10 century.
During the Otomans yoke the monastery is a centre of bulgarians literature and culture.
The monastery is under the aegis of UNESCO.

The monastery "Socolski" near the town Gabrovo.


The monastery "Bachkovski" at Bachkovo village.

The church "Sveta Bogorodica Petrichka" at the Asens fortress, 12 century.

The belfry at church "St. " at the village "Shiroka Laka", 1871 year.

The chapel at the monastery Cherepish.

The fortress of Bulgarian king Samuil (978 - 1014) at the hill near the Ohrid's lake.
Samuil - one of the most powerful bulgarian kings. Over 20 years he is the leader of the bulgarian defence against Byzantium.
For a shorth time during the regimen of that king the fortress has been metropolis of Bulgarian kingdom.
It was center of the whole western Bulgaria.
The ancient church saint Naum near town Ohrid. Dated to 10 century.

The ancient church saint Kliment in town Ohrid. Dated to 10 century.

The church "Sveta Troitza" near the village "Pashul".

An old oven in the village Starosel. The oven has been used to bake lambs at the feast "st. George".

Typical old houses in town Koprivshtitza.

Тема Некои обекти заслужаватнови [re: n]  
АвторAлekcaндъp (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано20.04.05 23:57

Преди всичко благодаря за постнато тук! И веднага се вижда , че много обекта заслужават ПЪЛНА РЕКОНСТРУКЦИЯ или естетична достройка. Кастра , Мартис , Калиакра , Мезек , укреплението на Несебър веднага ми идват на мисъл !. Малка молба до всички : Ако намерите снимки на средновековните предмети от България , бих бил много благодарен ако ги пуснете тук. Специялно ме интересува оръжието , пък и земеделски или занаятчийски инструменти , сечива , керамика а също -какви да е било хералдически мотиви.

Тема Re: Некои обекти заслужаватнови [re: Aлekcaндъp]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано22.04.05 00:03

Za bylgarskata heraldika se obyrni kym klub Makedoniq.
I o6te dosta po4ti razru6eni nacqlo kreposti ima.

Тема Bulgariaнови [re: l]  
Авторi (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано01.05.05 11:11

The Boyana Church

This small church from the XIII c. has a big importance not only to us but to the European art history as well as it holds the earliest renaissance paintings in Europe (1259).

The church's location in the Sofia suburb of Boyana makes it easy to visit. There is a museum nearby and the whole area is arranged as a small park.

Many years of restoration work prevented people from admiring its unique paintings but recently the church was reopened to the public.

Of all wall paintings inside the church, the most well known are the portraits of the "ctitors" or the benefactors of the church, the local baron (called Sebastocrator) Kaloyan and his beautiful wife Dessislava.
UNESCO: "This church is one of the most complete and perfectly preserved monuments of east European medieval art."

Archangel Cabriel (First Church, northern wall)

Warrior - saint (First Church, southern wall)

The Russenski Lom River Cave Monasteries (Ivanovo Churches)

These series of caves, transformed in monasteries in the XII c. are located on a rocky formation along the river bed of Russenski Lom. The monks who lived there had their walls and the ceilings decorated with murals in the XIV c. by some of the most skilful artists of the Tarnovo Art School during the 2nd Bulgarian Empire.

Тема Re: Bulgaria - Veliko Tarnovoнови [re: i]  
Авторi/snimki (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано01.05.05 11:25

.................i za Alksandyr

Тема Re: Bulgaria - Veliko Tarnovoнови [re: i/snimki]  
Авторi (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано01.05.05 19:27

Археологически музей - Велико Търново

Църква "Рождество Христово"

Църква "Св.Димитър Солунски"

Църквата се намира под североизточния склон на Трапезица, на десния бряг на р. Янтра. По своя архитектурен вид тя е еднокорабна, едноапсидна, кръстокуполна, с предапсидно пространство и притвор.
Апсидата е петостенна. Подкуполния барабан стъпвал върху четири масивни, вградени стълбове. От юг е имала открита галерия, каквато по-късно е била изградена и от северната й страна. Църквата е била включена в голям манастирски комплекс, от който са запазени основите на манастирските сгради. Тези сгради са зтаваряли голям манастирски двор, в югоизточния край на който остава църквата "Св. Димитър". Фасадните стени на църквата били оформени с псевдоконструктивни ниши, украсени с рисувани разноцветни орнаменти.
Църквата е свързана с важно събитие от историята на България - обявяване въстанието на братята Асен и Петър срещу византийското владичество, възобновяване на българската държава и провъзгласяване на Търново за нейна столица. В първите няколко десетилетия на възстановената българска държава тя била царска църква на Асеневци, които са и нейни ктитори. Преданието около въстанието на двамата братя почива на разказа на византийския хронист Никита Хониат.
Легендата разказва че, двамата търновски боляри Асен и Петър разгласили, че покровителят на Солун, войнът-мъченик св. Димитър е напуснал своя град и прочутия си храм и е дошъл в Търново, за да помогне на българския народ да се освободи.
През втората половина на ХІІІ в. за около век църквата и манастирът около нея били разрушени (най-вероятно от земетресение). Около 60-те години на ХІV в., южно от църквата била построена еднокорабна църква.
Тази втора църква съществувала до ХVІІ в. Целият двор и разрушените манастирски сгради били превърнати в голям некропол. Погребенията датират главно от времето на османското владичество и са предимно християнски.
В периода на Възраждането тази църква е свързана с табашкия еснаф. От стенописната украса на църквата са запазени само отделни фрагменти в олтарната част. Различават се части от композицията Поклонение на жертвата, Божествената литургия, както и отделни образи на светци.
Запазени са два живописни слоя. Първият е след средата на ХІV в., а вторият е от средата на ХVІ-ХVІІ в. Археологическите проучвания на църквата и манастирския комплекс са извършени от колектив с ръководител доц. Я.Николова и М.Робов. Обемно-архитектурната реставрация на църквата започва през 1977 г. по проект на арх. Т.Теофилов.Художествената реставрация осъществява екип, под ръководството на Б.Дживджанова.

Музей "Нова и най-нова история на България" - Велико Търново

I vypreki,4e dosta tyrnovci sa stroili ky6tite si s materiali ot dvoreca vyv Veliko Tyrnovo:
Архитектурно-музеен резерват "Царевец"

Тема Re: Bulgaria - Veliko Tarnovoнови [re: i/snimki]  
АвторAlexander (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано01.05.05 22:07

Красота ! Пък Никола груев снимките винаги са супербни . Човекът си обича България , което се пренася на оптиката на камерата му .

Тема Re: Bulgariaнови [re: Alexander]  
Авторi/snimki (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано13.05.05 22:06

Da prodyljim s bg nahodki

Великая Булгария

Великая Булгария - государственное образование, созданное булгарами, издавна занимавшими Приазовские степи и Таманский полуостров. Их вождь Кубрат в 635 г., после освобождения из-под власти тюрок и победоносного восстания против ига авар, возглавил самостоятельное объединение - Великую Булгарию. Он принадлежал к роду Дуло, боровшемуся еще в Тюркютском каганате с правящим родом Ашина. Кубрат вырос при царском дворе в Константинополе, где в юности был крещен. С византийским императором его связывала тесная дружба. Заключив с ним союз, Кубрат получил от ромеев богатые дары и титул патрикия.

Poltava Region, Ukraine

7th century


H 10.3 cm

Pereshchepina Treasure

Hand-Washing Vessel: Pitcher and Ladle
Poltava Region, Ukraine

Silver gilt

Pitcher: h 28 cm, diam of stand 9.6 cm

Ladle: h 7.25 cm, diam 25.2 cm, l with handle 38.5 cm

Pereshchepina Treasure

Sword in a Sheath with a Gold Facing
Poltava Region, Ukraine

7th century

Gold, iron, glass

L in sheath 94.2 cm

Pereshchepina Treasure

Перстень с монограммой.
Золото, литьё, щлифовка.
Диаметр кольца 2,6 см., диаметр щитка 1,6 см.

Монограмма на перстне, составленная из букв греческого алфавита,прочтена как "Кубрата патрикия".

Источник: Web-сайт Государственного Эрмитажа

Парные браслеты и гривна.
Золото, изумруды, ковка.
Диам. браслета 7,4-7,9 см.,
Диам. гривны 21,2-17,5 см.

Накладки на луку седла в виде львов.
Золото. Высота 10,3 см.
Фигурки львов украшены орнаментом из так называемых "растрепанных пальметт". Украшенные схожими орнаментами предметы были обнаружены в могилах, расположенных на огромном пространстве - от Енисея на востоке до Дуная на западе. Но именно перещепинская находка, где пальметты в наибольшей степени сохранили свой растительный характер, позволила установить, что источником мотива явились керамика и настенные росписи Средней Азии.

Goldener Krug aus Mala Pereschtschepina, Ukraine. Kat.Nr. 5.17.

Gürtelbeschläge aus Mala Pereschtschepina, Ukraine. Kat.Nr. 5.26 - 5.28.

Тема Re: Bulgaria,bg nahodkiнови [re: i/snimki]  
Авторi/snimki (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано13.05.05 22:40

The Golden Treasure of Sînnicolaul Mare (Nagyszentmiklós), Romania, VIII c.

First Bulgarian Kingdom (681-1018 AD)

Necklace, Preslav

Applique, Preslav

Belt applique, Preslav

Medallion of Khan Omurtag, Tzarevetz

Amulet, Vratza

Seal of Prince Boris I - Mihail (852-889), Debelt

Seal of Tzar Simeon I (893-927), Debelt

Dish, Preslav

A tova e ot Albaniq:

aus Vrap, Albanien

Тема Re: Bulgaria,bg nahodkiнови [re: i/snimki]  
Авторi/snimki (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано14.05.05 11:16

ot Veliki Preslav:

Earring - gold, cloisonné enamel, pearls - 10th c.
In the Middle Ages, such earrings were one of the most recommendable and sometimes obligatory jewelry to eminent ladies’ official attire. The earrings are very solid because of their luxurious decoration. They were attached to a hat or hung in a pearl string (or chain) for decorating the head.

Medallions - gold, amethysts, emeralds, pearls - 10th c.

Earrings - gold, emeralds, amethysts, pearls - 10th c.

Diadem plates - gold, cloisonné enamel - 10th c.

Earring - gold, pearls - 10th c.

Necklace - gold, pearls (provisional restoration) - 10th c.

Gem-stamp with the scene of Annunciation - gold, rock crystal

A crown plate – gold, cellular enamel – 10th c.

An application of a water bird image – gold, cellular enamel - 10th c.

Medallions with lion and peacock images – gold, pearl – 10th c.

Тема Re: Bulgaria,bg nahodkiнови [re: i/snimki]  
Авторl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано14.05.05 11:31

The seal of George Charnets and Sinkel Bulgarian - a wax seal from the last quarter of 9th c.
It was found in the vicinity of Selishte /The Settlement/.
Sinkel means a higher-ranking ecclesiastic - archbishop’s first assistant. It is highly probable that the owner of the seal and archbishop George, who became the head of the church at the end of 9th c., was one and the same personality. The two copies of the molivdovul /the other one is in the collection of the National Archeological Museum in Sofia/ are the first and earliest memorials written in Cyrillic.

Moulds for casting seals from the Strategy in Preslav.
Тhe metal cores for preparing the seals were preliminary cast in ceramic or stone moulds with circles carved in them. When casting the seal, a cordhole was made through its core, so that the cord could circle round the rolled document or scroll. The final stage of making the seal was to mould it with a special pair of pliers called “bulotirion”. Special matrixes were fastened on the sides of the pliers with signs and images engraved in negative

The seal of Tsar Simeon /913-927/ - lead
The seal was found near a village called Cherencha in the region of Shumen. Other examples from the same set of seals belonging to Simeon have not been found so far. The circular sign saying “Simeon the Basileus” makes us think that the molivdovul dates back to the time after the coronation of Simeon in Constantinopolus in 913.

The seal of Teofan - patrician and protovestiaurius /927-934/ - lead
Location - the Strategy in Preslav

Protovestiarius means a dignitary in the palace of the Byzantine Emperor. He took care of the ruler’s personal wardrobe and assisted him everywhere even in his military campaigns. Тhe protovestiarius was also responsible for the personal tasks and work of separate individuals from the Emperor’s family. According to historical resources, Teofan had the leading role in settling the marriage between the Bulgarian tsar - Petar and the Byzantine princess - Maria-Irina /she was Emperor Roman I Lackapin’s grand daughter/. This fact explains why seals of his own set were found in Preslav.

The seal of Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII /945/ - lead.
Location - in the vicinity of “Pod Zabuite” - near the Emperor’s palace

Judging from the fact that Constantine VII was presented alone, we might assume that the molivdovul dates back to 945, the year when the Lackapin dynasty was removed from the throne. All the mail from the Emperor, received in Preslav, probably informed about these changes in Byzantine government.

Bronze matrix of tsar Petar - duplicate /? - 969/
Location - it was discovered during excavations of the Big Palace in Pliska
The matrix was meant for printing on soft materials /wax, clay/. The inscription was written in Cyrillic on both sides of the image. This is the earliest sfragistic monument in which we see the Bulgarian equivalent of the Byzantine title - basileus = tsar or caesar.

The seal of Alexius Komnin - sebast and great domestic /1079 - 1081/ - lead
Location - the Strategy in Preslav

The title “domestic” means a higher-ranking officer in the Emperor’s army. The seal belonged to the future Byzantine Emperor Alexius I Komnin /1089-1118/. In 1079 he was honored with the title “sebast”, which was reserved for the emperor’s family only as well as for their close associates.

Basil the Head - “spataroipat” /60s - 70s of 11th c. / - lead
Location - the Strategy in Preslav
Some of the seals make it easier to track down the carrier of their owners. The same is the case with the only familiar, 5 in number, molivdovuls of Basil the Head. Judging from them we might assume that at first he was a “spataroipat” /a lower title compared to “patrician”/ and a few years later he reached the rank of “vestarh”, which was second in rank for eunuchs. The duties of the vestarh were mainly about the personal wardrobe of the emperor - he took care of the official garment, crown and jewelry.

The seal of vestarh Theodore Dobromir /third quarter of 11th c. / - lead
Location - the Strategy in Preslav

Theodore Dobromir’s carrier could also be tracked according to molivdovuls of his.

The curious thing about this Byzantine dignitary, however, is his slavonic origin, which is obvious from his surname. This proves to be one of the numerous illustrations for the political nature of Byzantine administration.

Тема Re: Bulgaria,bg nahodkiнови [re: l]  
Авторl/snimki (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано14.05.05 11:45

The turbulent process of establishment and growth of the new capital Preslav stimulated the development of many techniques in decorative art. It also brought about the appearance of a new technique in Europe - the technique of artistically painted ceramics. It was used for decorating shrines and luxury buildings. This Preslavian art was borrowed from the Near East and it spread immeasurably fast. This was due to two preconditions - the extreme necessity of effective architectural decoration and the availability of large quantities of raw material - white clay, which allows bright shades of color. The collection of white-clay painted ceramics of “Veliki Preslav ” Archeological Museum offers the opportunity not only to trace the model diversity of the articles, but to trace the process of its technological development too. The curious fact is that similar manufacture appeared in Konstantinopolus, too, but in the end of 10th c. and the beginning of 11thc. Experts invariably relate this fact to the time of conquering Preslav in 971 and consequently borrowing this kind of technology.

The impressive construction work in Preslav - the new capital, during the reign of Simeon was aimed at establishing a reliable security system. To agreater extent, efforts were made to turn the town into a center that would rival Konstantinopolus in grandeur and original architectural decisions. In the very beginning of 10th c., John Ekzarh was the writer who described the picture a traveler could see entering the Palace. It said: “…palaces and castles, touching the sky; churches - abundantly decorated with stone, wood and beautiful hues; the inside - all made of marble, copper, gold and silver”. During the ages, the metalwork was all plundered and the wood rotted away. However, many of the beautifully sculptured stone pieces survived, so as to justify the ancient writer’s words.

Тема Re: Bulgaria,bg nahodkiнови [re: l/snimki]  
Авторi/snimki (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано14.05.05 12:00

Veliki Preslav - the second capital of Bulgaria - was entitled with the mission to take Bulgaria all the long way to Christianity. The historical moment, however, helped create a favourable atmosphere for another phenomenon to come into being - a phenomenon that could be observed only in the biggest cultural centres in the world. This phenomenon was the adoption, development and fervent defence of the Slavonic alphabet, which was created by Cyril the
Philosopher and his brother - Methodious. After their students' defeat in Moravia and after destroying the hard work of decades, some of the most promising and prominent students found shelter and protection in Bulgaria. The new prince - Simeon, was highly educated and already knew the Slavonic "Az, Buki..." /"A, B, C ..."/. He vigorously devoted himself to incite and inspire a certain circle of literary men, translators and teachers. For a very short period of time in Preslav, there was established an
imposing library consisting of translated books - clerical and secular in essence, as well as original works by John Ekzarh, Chernorizetz Hrabar, Constantine Preslavski /photo - book/. Contemporaries tend to compare Simeon with Ptolomeus - the founder of Alexander's Library. And today we refer to this outflow of knowledge and literary progress as the Preslavian Literary School. Its powerful influence can be proved today through the wide spread of Cyrillic alphabet in the
Slavonic world. Simeon's library was robbed and destroyed. Yet, however, tens of written proofs reached us. Due to the archeological excavations, many inscriptions cut in stone, plaster, ceramics and engraved on slabs became known to the scientific world. All these items represent one of the most precious Epigraphic collections that is /actively and strictly/ preserved in the Preslavian museum.

There are immovable monuments exhibited in the exposition room of the Archeological Museum "Veliki Preslav" showing connection to three main periods in the town history:
~ Pre-capital city period / from the beginning of 9th c. to 893/;
~ Capital city period / 893-972/;
~ Post-capital period of Preslav / from 11th to 14th c./
photo exposition

Until the day when real archeological research was started, historians believed that Preslav was built around 893 and that it took tsar Simeon 28 years to finish it. Many facts and discoveries changed the initial ideas of how the town was once founded. Among some of the proofs are: examples of proto-Bulgarian ceramics; several pagan shrines and buildings lying right below the buildings from the Capital city period. Experts' analyses point out that the first building there probably dates back to the time of khan Krum and khan Omurtag - supposedly, the first quarter of 9th c. Actually, three inventory signs on marble and granite columns take us back to the first historical days of Preslav. The conclusion we could arrive at is that this was the place where ichirguboila /king's adviser and the second best warrior / resided along with other high-ranking officers. It is also clear that they possessed different quantity of weapons and ammunitions. Judjing from all that, we could claim almost for sure that Preslav was built as a military aul. This probably happened after the war which khan Krum led against Byzantium in 811. According to the historical sources, Bulgaria won the war but there were too many casualties among the civilians and the capital was all burnt down and ravaged.

Тема Dosega postnahte mnogo interesniнови [re: n]  
АвторAlexander (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано14.05.05 18:08

Досега постнахте много интересни снимки на находките , които много ясно показват както материялно , така и духовното ниво на българите в първото и второто царство.Благодаря ви за това. Искам обаче да знам , дали има също некаде снимки на намерените ежвдневни предмети , като мотики , коси , сърпове, секири , теслите , пироните , чуковете , длетата , ключове , обковките на ковчетата , казаните , лъжици , ....
Тези предменти също биха направили картинката от живота на наще предци попълната.
Интересни са както печатите , така и хералдически мотиви на некои украшения и елементите на архитектура. Има грифони , орли , лъвове и заяци от "зверните" мотиви...Много интесресно !

Тема Re: Bulgaria - Veliko Tarnovoнови [re: i]  
Авторmalkia (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано01.03.07 19:08

helo v.tarnovo

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