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Тема 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови  
Авторotnovo az (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано10.04.05 02:35

Auch einige der berühmtesten Exponate aus dem sumerisch / mesopotamisch / persischen und akkadischen Bereich finden sich im Louvre.

Gilgamesch ist hier mit einem Löwenjungen dargestellt. Assyrisches Steinrelief aus dem Palast Sargons II. in Korsabad im heutigen Irak (um 800 v. Chr.).

Grössenvergleich - die Reliefs Gilgameschs haben immense Dimensionen!

Zwei Reliefs aus dem Palast von Sargon II.: Gilgamesch und ein Mischwesen (derartige Mischwesen standen an den Eingängen aller assyrischer Paläste)

[image]Diese Gestalten wird "Fliegender Genius" genannt [/image]
Eines der berühmtesten Exponate des Louvre ist diese Gesetzesstele des Königs Hammurabi, des babylonischen Grosskönigs über Akkad und Sumer. Auf dieser Stele befindet sich eine mehr als 280 Paragraphen umfassende Gesetzessammlung. Es ist sozusagen das älteste "Gesetzbuch der Welt" (ca. 1700 v. Chr.).


[image]Porträt-Darstellung des Eingangs zum Nimrud Tempel (Korsabad Palasteingang) aus dem Assyrischen Reich [/image]

Zu den bekanntesten Schätzen des Louvre gehören die emaillierten Ziegelreliefs aus dem Palast des Dareios in Susa.

Solche Reliefs befanden sich am Palast König Assurbanipals in Ninive. Sie zeigen Assyrer im Kampf.ASIRIJCI:

Funfbeinige (!) Kolossalstatue eines Tiermensch, der als steinerner Wachter am Palast von Nimrud angebracht war.


6umersko izkustvo




Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
Автор6UMERl (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано10.04.05 03:50



The bull was important in the Minoan religion and culture, as it was in Sumer. Gilgamesh (who, according to Rohl, ruled in Uruk around 2487 BC) is shown as half-bull, half-man, as is the Cretan Minotaur in the much later Greek legend. Could the Sumerian representation (whether or not it represents Gilgamesh) be the original source of the Greek legend of 2000 years later?

S dve dumi minotavaryt e bil 6umersko bojestvo(Gilgame6),2000g. predi elinite da pi6at za nego.
Part of a Sumerian seal from about 2000 BC. Rohl ,1998 inteprets the bull-man as Gilgamesh. (Rohl,p170)

i dvata lyva se okazvat 6umersko vliqnie:
Two "Master of Animals" images (Left) an early button seal from Susa (Elamite, near Sumer) (Right) from a knife found in Egypt, but on which the Master wears a costume tupical of early Susa and Uruk, not Egypt. (Pictures from Rohl, Legend, p273, plate 56). The Royal Ontario Museum has later Assyrian examples in which the "Master" holds two antlered stags in the same way.

A "Mistress of Animals" holding snakes, from Sumer, ca 3000BC The goddess is supposed to be Innanna, who became Ishtar, Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus. If so, what is the significance of the snakes?


Palace of Nebuchadnezzar

White Temple and Ziggurat2, Sumer


Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
Автор OpenMind (???)
Публикувано10.04.05 03:55

Красота направо.
Този кентавър - сфинкс :) е много интересен.

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
Авторaz (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано10.04.05 04:27




Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
Автор6umerski (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано10.04.05 10:20

ot Kish



Sumerian temple period 4C


"Processional Way"

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: 6umerski]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано10.04.05 13:06

А така,опряхме до люлката на цивилизациите...

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
Автор6umeri (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано10.04.05 16:10


URUK vaze

Silver jar
From Ur, southern Iraq
About 2600-2400 BC

Found in the 'Queen's Gr

Dagger and sheath
Copy of original found in the Royal Cemetery at Ur, around 2500 BC

Silver 'lamp'
From Ur, southern Iraq
About 2600-2400 BC

'Scarlet Ware' jar
From Khafajeh, eastern Iraq
Early Dynastic II period, about 2700-2500 BC

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: 6umeri]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано10.04.05 20:02

Това не е ли Розетския камък?Много ми заприлича...Иначе най се кефя на "таблата"...Ще потърся и аз малко снимки...

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: last roman]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано10.04.05 20:40

Karta na Sumer:

Akadskata imperia:

Редактирано от last roman на 10.04.05 20:46.

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: last roman]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано10.04.05 20:56

A tezi statuetki imat stranni nado4ni dygi..Da wi napomnqt na ne6to?

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
АвторБyprac (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано11.04.05 08:29

Според Джагфар Тариха прабългарите са смес от шумери и угри.
Столицата на Шумерия първоначално е била известна под името...УНУК.

След това става ...УР и последната вариация е...УРУК.

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: last roman]  
Автор5 (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано12.04.05 21:22

Blagodarq za podkrepata.Ponqkoga mi lipsva vreme,a ne zelanie.

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: 5]  
Автор6 (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано12.04.05 21:45


A worshipper:

A Ziggurat:

Warfare and the rise of monarchy:
The "Standard of Ur" (2600 BC)

The costs of monarchy: the "Great Death Pit" of Ur

The source of his power: loyal soldiers

Reconstruction drawing of The Citadel of Sargon II

Plan of the Citadel of Sargon II

Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: 6]  
Автор6u (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано12.04.05 22:08

Ashurnasirpal II Drinking from Nimrud

Fugitives Crossing the River from Nimrud

Dying Lionness from Nineveh

Ishtar Gate from Babylon

Lion from the Ishtar Gate

Subjects Bringing Gifts to the King, Persepolis


Gold Rhyton

Gudea, Ensi (Governor) of Lagash
Iraq, Sumerian, 22nd-21st century BC
c. 2150 BC

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
Автор6 (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано12.04.05 22:53

Excavating a Sumerian city, Lagash (2500 BC), south Iraq

Statue d'Ur-Ningirsu

Antiquités orientales
Sculpture (Statue)
Date : vers 2120 avant J.C.

Red Temple in Eanna district, Uruk (1)


Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
Авторo6te (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано14.04.05 17:27

Hittite God
Classic Hittite Empire
1600-1400 BC

Kudurru of Melishihu
Taken from Babylonia to Susa
Kassite period (1202-1188 BC)

Ebih-Il, the Superintendent of Mari
Mari, (Middle Euphrates):Temple of Ishtar
Around 2400 BC
Statuette, alabaster

Cylinder-seal of Sharkalisharri
23rd century BC

Worshipper of Larsa
Larsa (Babylonia)
First half of the 18th century BC
Statuette, bronze and gold
H 19.6 cm
AO 15704

A dignitary named Awil-Nanna, from the ancient Sumerian city of Larsa, dedicated this little bronze "for the life of Hammurabi", king of Babylon, his sovereign. The dedication to the god Amurru, chief of the Amorite nomads who had adopted Sumerian civilization, means that the bronze must have been housed in the temple of this god. It is possible that the kneeling figure wearing the royal headpiece is Hammurabi himself. He is depicted in bas-relief on the base, praying to the god in front of whom this object would thus have been placed; his prayer could be perpetuated thanks to an offering placed in the little basin in front.

Statue representing perhaps the great Babylonian goddess
3rd century BC- 3rd century AD
Alabaster, rubies, gold

Foundation nail of Ur Ba'u
Tello, ancient Girsu
Neo-Sumerian period, IInd dynasty of Lagash (circa 2130 BC)
H 29 cm
AO 311

Foundation deposits were buried under the temples. These deposits were composed of a stone tablet and of a pointed copper figurine, intended to anchor, symbolically, the building. The figurine of the foundation of Ur Ba'u, Prince of Lagash, shows a god, half-kneeling, forcing a nail. It was placed in a large vase with a limestone tablet on which were listed the temples built during his reign.

Lion-shaped vase
Kültepe (Harahöyük)
Epoch of the Assyrian trading posts, late 20th-18th century BC
Modelled and painted terracotta

Lady from Tello
Tello, formerly Girsu
Neo-Sumerian period. Around 2150 BC
Statuette, chlorite

Tablet of Sargon's 8th campaign
Neo-Assyrian period (714 BC)
Baked clay
H 37 cm; L 24 cm

Sargon II and a high official
Khorsabad, palace of Sargon II
Neo-Assyrian period, reign of Sargon II (721-705 BC)
Gypseous alabaster
H 3.30 m
AO 19873-74

At the end of the 8th century BC, Sargon II, king of Assyria, built a vast palace of over ten hectares in his new capital, Dur-Sharrukîn (now Khorsabad). Part of the rooms and courtyards were covered with a rich sculpted decoration. On this slab which was placed on a façade of the northern part of the palace (façade L), Sargon II, recognisable by his truncated cone headdress, is shown welcoming a high official who could be identified as Sennacherib, the crown prince.

Temple Guardian Lion
Mari, Temple of Dagan
19th century BC
Bronze with inlay

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
Автор6um (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано15.04.05 09:53

Ruskiq e slavqnski,taka 4e nqma nujd ot prevod
Период Урука
Штандарт с инструктированными
изображениями из Ура (обе сторны)

К этому древнему времени относится также формирование религиозных верований древнейших племён Южной Месопотамии. О вере в загробную жизнь и очень древнем появлении заупокойного культа свидетельствуют скорченные погребения, найденные в ямах, и вторичные погребения костей в особых сосудах. В могилу рядом с умершим обычно клали сосуды с пищей, бусы, раковины, а также глиняные статуэтки женщин со следами татуировки. Культура Эль-Обеида существовала очень долго. Своими корнями она уходит в древние местные культуры Верхней Месопотамии. Однако уже появляются и первые элементы шумерийской культуры.

Следующий период шумерийской архаики носит название периода Урука по месту наиболее важных раскопок. Для этой эпохи характерен новый вид керамики. Глиняные сосуды, снабжённые высокими ручками и длинным носиком, возможно, воспроизводят древний металлический прототип. Сосуды сделаны на гончарном круге; однако по своей орнаментации они гораздо скромнее, чем раскрашенная керамика времени Эль-Обеида.

Храм на искусственной платформе. Урук.
Конец VI тысячелетия до н.э.

Это по большей части простая красная или чёрная керамика со скудным нацарапанным узором. Но в целом период Урука характеризуется значительным прогрессом, который, в частности, находит своё выражение в появлении древнейшей монументальной архитектуры.

В этом отношении показательны остатки древнейшей ступенчатой храмовой башни (зиккурата), каменный фундамент храма и монументальная постройка из больших кирпичей с колоннами, украшенными пёстрой мозаикой. Хозяйственная жизнь и культура получают в эту эпоху своё дальнейшее развитие. Появляется необходимость в составлении документов. В связи с этим возникает ещё примитивная картинная (пиктографическая) письменность, следы которой сохранились на цилиндрических печатях того времени. Надписи насчитывают в общей сложности до 1500 картинных знаков, из которых постепенно выросла древнешумерийская письменность.

Храм на искусственной платформе. Урук.
Конец VI тысячелетия до н.э.


Gudea of Lagash

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
Авторmesop. (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано15.04.05 21:56

Podobni ima i v Nesebyr,gornata 4ast na b-skata cyrkva


Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
Авторm (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано15.04.05 22:18

Pove4eto sa asirijski:


Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: otnovo az]  
Авторo6te (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.04.05 12:12

Sargon 2 (vtori)

Tiglath-Pilesar Relief

ot Gilgame6 epos


Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: o6te]  
Авторo6te (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.04.05 13:02

Assyrian relief in
the Louvre, Paris.

Fragment of an Akkadian
victory stela. (Louvre, Paris;

Cyrus' cylinder
(British Museum, London

Assyrian soldiers (©***)
(Pergamon Museum, Berlin

Relief from Nimrod.
(British Museum, London

Statue of Darius, from Susa

Seal of Darius

XE at Gandj Nameh

(National Archaeological

A3Pa in the Palace of
Darius at Persepolis

One of the two pillars in front of the southern façade. It must have carried the roof of the southern entrance hall. Both pillars have the same inscription, which was later added by Xerxes and is known as XPc.

A door-knob made of lapis lazuli that was once in the winter palace. It is now in the Archaeological museum of Tehran.

Another part of the decoration: a sphinx. It is now in the National Archaeological Museum of Tehran.

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: o6te]  
Авторo6te (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.04.05 13:38

One of the building inscriptions. It says: "Darius, the great king, king of kings, king of countries, Hystaspes' son, an Achaemenid, built this palace".

ot Iran


In the Apadana, a little box was discovered that contained two silver and two golden plates with an identical inscription. They say that Ahuramazda gave Darius was a kingdom "from the Sacae who are beyond Sogdia to Nubia, and from Sind to Lydia".

Golden rhyton from Ecbatana
(National Museum, Tehran;

Shield emblem in the form of
a panther, made of gold, 7-6th
century BCE

Sakâ tigrakhaudâ. Relief from
the eastern stairs of the
Apadana at Persepolis


A Persian king, fighting a lion

The Gate

Relief from the
eastern stairs of the Apadana
at Persepolis

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: o6te]  
АвторApadana (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.04.05 16:44


Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: Apadana]  
Авторa (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.04.05 17:11

Gate of All Nations, West Portal

Apadana, View from Northwest

Grand Stairway, View from Northwest with Apadana in the Background
[image]Grand Stairway, View from Northwest with Apadana in the Background[/image]
[image]Grand Stairway, View from Northwest with Apadana in the Background[/image]
Gate of All Nations

View from Marv Dasht

Gate of All Nations, View from East through the Street of Army

Gate of All Nations, View from East through the Street of Army

Lamasu from the East Portal of the Gate of All Nations

Plaza of Army, Throne Hall right side, Hall of Army center, Gate of Army left side

Plaza of Army, View from the Throne Hall

Plaza of Army, Throne Hall left side, Gate of Army right side

Plaza of Army, Throne Hall at the left with Apadana in the Background

Plaza of Army

Gate of Army, South Facade

Plaza of Army, the Throne Hall at the right and the Hall of Army at the left

Gate of Army, South Portal

Throne Hall, Portico

Throne Hall, View from the Gate of Army

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: a]  
Авторl Oamp;TE (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.04.05 17:25

View from Apadana through the East Portal

Apadana, North Portico

Apadana, North Portico

Apadana, Capital of the East Portico
[iApadana, Capital of the East Porticomage]http://www.persepolis3d.com/data_apadana/image_apadana/apadana_05.jpg[/image]

Apadana, East Portico

Apadana, View of Northeast with King’s Gate in the Background

Apadana, North Portico

Apadana, Stairs of the East Portico

Apadana, View of South West with Grand Stairway in the Background

View of Apadana from North

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: l Oamp;TE]  
Авторi o6te-Hadi6 (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.04.05 17:34

Hadish, View of Northwest/REKONSTRUKCIA/:

Banquet Hall of All Lands, View From South with Apadana in the Background

Hadish, Plan

Hadish, Section looking to the West

Banquet Hall of All Lands, View From the Hadish

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: i o6te-Hadi6]  
Авторper (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.04.05 20:24

Iran Wallpaper !Persian Wallpaper:

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: per]  
АвторO6TE (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.04.05 20:38

NEVEROQTNI PROIZVEDENIQ NA PERSIJSKOTO IZKUSTVO;ZLATO,SREBRO I DRUGI,no ne moga da gi kopiram,zatova puskam linka.Dolu pi6e "piktures ...." ,kliknete tam za da gi razgledate.

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: O6TE]  
АвторAPADANA (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.04.05 22:08

Naqsh-é Rostam

Tomb of Artexerxes III

Tripylon Palace

Griffin capital

Treasury Palace

Tripylon Palace

Tripylon Palace

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: APADANA]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано16.04.05 22:19

Е точно барелефа с пленяването на император Валент ли се сети да публикуваш???Срам голям за римското оръжие...

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnieнови [re: last roman]  
Авторami (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано16.04.05 22:33

Tozi pyt slojih nadpisi koe ot kyde e.
A i iskah byrzo da izbutam glupavite sporove nadolu,no te ne se sprqha i pak ka4iha temata.

Тема Re: 6umeri,6umerski gradove,6umersko kulturno vliqnie [re: ami]  
Автор last roman (LEG.XIII.GEM)
Публикувано17.04.05 13:28

Тази тема също не е за подценяване...

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori!

Тема mesopotamiqнови [re: otnovo az]  
Авторadana (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.05 13:33

Tachara, South Façade, View from the Paradaesa

Tachara, South Façade, View from the Paradaesa

Tachara, South Façade, View from the Paradaesa

Tachara, South Façade, looking to the East

Tachara, Banquet Hall

Tachara, Banquet Hall

Tachara, Plan

i ne6to interesno - harem-a
Women’s Palace

Parsa was not only comprised of representational buildings and monumental plazas. Small scale structures such as dwellings were also present as they were in all cities of Antiquity. This area, which unfolded south of the terrace in a west-east direction toward the terrace wall to the Treasury and further northward to the Throne Hall, was the residence of the Queen, the King’s sister, his mother and their ladies-in-waiting. Friedrich Krefter described this building as the „Women’s Palace“ as most all of its inhabitants were women of the Court – the main exception, of course, being the King himself. He more than likely resided in the main wing which was oriented in a south-north direction – from the Treasure to the Throne Hall. This wing was, from the beginning of excavation of Persepolis in 1931, rebuilt by Krefter and Herzfeld and utilized as both a „Persepolis Museum“ and expedition headquarters.

We shall go into greater detail about the „Women’s Palace“ and the meanings and importance of it’s rebuild for the overall reconstruction of Persepolis by Friedrich Krefter when our next 3D reconstruction of the main wing is introduced to our website. What you see today is the southern section of the dwelling which consists of three apartments. Note that only the westernmost of the three opens onto its own garden – a hint as to who the royal occupant was ...

Palace of the Queen

Тема Re: mesopotamiqнови [re: adana]  
Авторapadana (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.05 13:51

persijci,prodyljenie na harema(tezi persijski care sa si jivqli dosta dobre)
[image]Looking from the North Portico to the Main Court

South Portico

South Portico


Section of the Court and Main Hall

Plan, and Section Looking to the East
1. Main Court
2. Portico
3. Main Hall
4. Apartment
5. Office
6. Court
7. Throne Hall
8. Kings Gate
9. Army Banquet Hall
10. Harem West Wing
11. Palace of Queen
12. Treasury

ostankite dnes

Тема Re: mesopotamiqнови [re: apadana]  
Авторostankite (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано17.04.05 14:02

vypreki,4e arheolozite dosta sa omyknali ot Persepolis,vse pak e ostanalo po ne6to.

Тема Re: mesopotamiqнови [re: ostankite]  
АвторLogotet (Нерегистриран)
Публикувано19.04.05 03:07

Mnogo si se postaral, 6apka ti swalqm za hubawite temi...

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