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Автор Canadian ()
Публикувано23.05.99 05:44  

Господине, не знам във какви морални норми са ви възпитавали вашите родители, но ще ви кажа какво аз казвам на моя син в такива случаи "Неизговарянето на пълната истина е също лъжа." За вас още бих добавил, че това е най-лошия вид лъжа, защото прилича на истина. За тези които се интересуват добавям това, което г-на е "пропуснал". Canadian We'll never hand pilots to Arbour: U.S. official Disbelief in Congress Jan Cienski in Washington and Joel-Denis Bellavance in Ottawa National Post Изявлението на съдия Луиз Арбур, че Трибуналът за военни престъпления в бивша Югославия има юрисдикция над действията на НАТО при въздушната кампания на Балканите и че същият би могъл да търси отговорност на алианси за атаки, довели до смъртта на цивилни, беше посрещнато със смайване от говорител на Камарата на представителите на САЩ. “По-скоро сградата на ООН ще бъде разглобена тухла по тухла и хвърлена в атлантическия океан, отколкото да видите пилоти на НАТО пред трибунал на ООН”, каза Лестър Мънсън от Комитета за международни връзки. ................. He called Judge Arbour's comments "ludicrous." But Judge Arbour, the tribunal's chief prosecutor, generally won praise in Canada for the comments she made Thursday in Fredericton. Retired Major-General Lewis MacKenzie, who has spoken out against the NATO air campaign, said Judge Arbour is properly fulfilling her mandate by stating that any abuse by either side of the conflict will be investigated. "I don't think that she can be governed by NATO strategy, good or bad as it might be," he said. Gen. MacKenzie doubted leaders of the Western alliance will end up being prosecuted. He said they had "honourable intentions" by intervening to prevent Serb persecution of the ethnic Albanian majority in Kosovo. "The possibility is there that NATO could be blamed for killing civilians, but it would have to be proven to be something other than human error," said the general, who was the first UN commander in Sarajevo in the summer of 1992 and recently spent three weeks in Belgrade, the Yugoslav capital. NATO says it does its best to avoid hitting civilians and never deliberately targets them. However, bombs and missiles aimed at military targets have killed people unluckily in the way. Bombs have hit the Serbian state television building, killing at least 10 people, the Chinese embassy, a refugee convoy, a bridge carrying a civilian train, and a hospital in Belgrade. There is no definitive number of civilian casualties from the bombing, but Yugoslav authorities say hundreds have been killed. A Pentagon spokesman had not heard Judge Arbour's statement and said he had no information that the subject was discussed when she visited Washington two weeks ago. "I don't think it's a major concern," said Lieutenant-Colonel Vic Warzynski. "We're talking war crimes and as it's defined I don't think there is anything that NATO has done that approaches that." James Foley, a U.S. state department spokesman, refused to comment on any hypothetical investigation by the tribunal. He did say that NATO has dropped 10,000 guided bombs on Yugoslavia and only 12 of them have gone astray. "We have taken extraordinary care to avoid civilian casualties," he said. ................. Америка отдавна много се пази от международни органи, които претендират за права да наблюдават действията на САЩ. През 1997 г. САЩ гласуваха против създаването на постоянен Международен Криминален Съд, защото се опасяваха, че техни войници един ден могат да се окажат пред съд, който те не контролират. Всеки опит на Трибунала за военни престъпления да обсъжда действията на НАТО само ще засили тези страхове, каза Тед Гален Карпентър, аналитик ... “Това би засилило допълнително митологията за международна конспирация за подкопаване на американския суверенитет”.................. "It would give an additional boost to the mythology of an international conspiracy to undermine American sovereignty," he said. "It would be cited as another gratuitous example of meddling by international bureaucrats." Errol Mendes, director of the Human Rights Research Centre at the University of Ottawa, said Judge Arbour has to assert her neutrality in the Balkan conflict. "I don't think this means she will move towards indicting NATO leaders," he said. "I think that would be very far-fetched. It is a shot across the bow. It was to say that no one is immune." Mr. Mendes said Judge Arbour has thus far relied on British and American intelligence to gather evidence of Serb atrocities in Kosovo. But there is a danger that such collaboration could lead to accusations that she is siding with the West. In order to be found guilty of a crime, prosecutors have to prove that there was criminal intent. That sort of a standard just doesn't apply to the military action in Yugoslavia, said Ivo Daalder, former director of European Affairs at the National Security Council. "I think it's a waste of time and resources," he said. "It's very hard to see how one would even go about comparing what are clearly accidental events that have resulted in civilian deaths versus the deliberate targeting of civilians for death, rape, and expulsion." For his part, Allan Gotlieb, a former Canadian ambassador to the United States, said mistakes in judgment cannot be considered war crimes. "It is absolutely right to try to prevent genocide," he said. "If you are dealing with mistakes of judgment, that's one thing, but I don't think those can be considered war crimes." Lloyd Axworthy, the Foreign Affairs Minister, and Art Eggleton, the Defence Minister, could not be reached for comment. The Prime Minister's Office refused to comment. The war crimes tribunal was established in 1993 under a UN Security Council Resolution as a response by the international community to the killings, rapes, concentration camps, and ethnic cleansing that marked the bloody collapse of the Yugoslav Federation. Based in The Hague in the Netherlands, the tribunal has the mandate of prosecuting war crimes committed anywhere on the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991. So far, 84 people have been indicted by the tribunal and 25 of the accused are currently in custody.

Цялата тема
* Справедливост без голяма тояга??? Чавдар   23.05.99 03:05
. * допълнение Чавдар   23.05.99 03:57
. * До Чавдар Canadian   23.05.99 05:44
. * Отг: До Чавдар Чавдар   23.05.99 12:58
. * Потвърждение RAGE бесното   23.05.99 13:31
. * Допълнение: Потвърждение RAGE   23.05.99 13:37
. * Отг: Допълнение: Потвърждение Мирослав Миронов   23.05.99 14:10
. * Дупл: Отг: Допълнение: Потвърждение namy   23.05.99 15:34
. * До Чавдар Canadian   23.05.99 17:56
. * до Канадеца Чавдар   23.05.99 19:24
. * До Чавдар Canadian   24.05.99 02:16
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