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Автор69 (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано19.04.06 10:21  

Jnana (the path of knowledge) and Bhakti (the path of love and gratitude) and Karma (the path of action) are not separate. They never have been. The distinctions are purely notional, not actual. The mind, the heart and the body are bound together as a seamless whole.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard the so-called Knowledge people put down the Heart People for their "slavish devotion to the guru" while the Heart People complain that the Knowledge people are "cold and in their heads." Meanwhile the Action people (when they take a break from being busy) look at the others, shake their heads and wonder why "those people don't get off their butts and DO something!"

It is all just too ridiculous and all too human. People are born with different natures and one of the qualities of having a nature is to feel that it is natural, normal and right. Unfortunately, that often makes people with different natures, unnatural, abnormal and wrong.

The way out of this critical quagmire is through first understanding one's own relative nature, and ultimately Understanding one's True nature. As you begin to see the genetic and environmental forces that continue to combine to shape this body/mind organism that bears your name, you may glimpse the Essence which is the source and the substance of everything.

This Advaita teaching insistently points to that Essence and is available to everyone regardless of who they think they are.

With much love

Цялата тема
* тук е истината 69   19.04.06 10:21
. * Re: тук е истината Truth   29.07.06 01:44
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