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Тема Indian,health Traditions popular in USA
АвторBo (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано24.01.05 20:16  

Традиционните Индийски подходи за Здравето са все по-популярни в САЩ.
Интервю с Д-р Нанси Лансдорф, Директор на една от водещите Аюрведични клиники - "Радж" в САЩ, Айова.

Indian beauty, health traditions reborn
by Denise Mann

22 January 2005

On 22 January 2005 WebMD reported: Many health and beauty treatments now popular in the US are in fact ancient treatments from India. In an overview of traditional Indian modalities, Maharishi Vedic Medicine was featured as a natural approach to enhancing health through a holistic approach that includes diet, herbal remedies, yoga, and the Transcendental Meditation Programme. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of health.

WebMD interviewed Dr Nancy Lonsdorf, medical director of The Raj, Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa. Dr Lonsdorf said that she had seen Maharishi Vedic Health Care 'go from being on the fringe to being totally mainstream for prevention of serious illness'. She also said, 'There is a real, great appreciation that something natural is needed to enhance health and I have seen the use of ayurvedic medicine grow tremendously.'

Lonsdorf told the interviewer, 'I see that this medical approach is going to continue to gain popularity and eventually be used as the primary approach to any chronic condition and prevention.'

The article also noted that the appreciation of Indian knowledge has increased to the point that there is now an actual city—Maharishi Vedic City in Iowa—built according to Vedic principles. The city uses nontoxic construction materials and all buildings face east. Vedic City is home to Maharishi University, as well as to The Raj, Maharishi Vedic Health Center. Lonsdorf also pointed out that the Transcendental Meditation Programme, a facet of Maharishi Vedic Medicine, is now offered in schools, hospitals, law firms, government, corporate offices, and prisons around the world.

Цялата тема
* Indian,health Traditions popular in USA Bo   24.01.05 20:16
. * Добре бе tchupakabra   25.01.05 12:15
. * Re: Добре бе Инфo   27.01.05 12:28
. * 90 things Bo   27.01.05 13:19
. * Възнамерявам Bo   27.01.05 13:17
. * Re: Възнамерявам Sidhi   27.01.05 13:18
. * Re: Възнамерявам 1 Cидxи   28.01.05 17:24
. * Re: Възнамерявам Mery   29.01.05 08:27
. * Re: Indian,health Traditions popular in USA Bo   28.01.05 22:15
. * Re: Indian,health Traditions popular in USA Bo   03.09.05 09:59
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