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Тема Maharishi offers formula for invincibility
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Публикувано06.12.04 04:27  

Maharishi offers formula for invincibility
by Peace Government Media Team

Global Country Press Release
2 December 2004

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi offered this week to Heads of State and other leaders of society his practical, proven formula to raise every individual and every nation to invincibility and thus transform today's problem-ridden world into a harmonious world of peace and affluence for all.

Maharishi called on education ministers to introduce one class period a day in Transcendental Meditation so that every student can dive within and experience the Unified Field—total Natural Law—in his own self-referral consciousness. This experience, Maharishi said, will develop the student's total brain physiology and promote the state of full enlightenment—Unity Consciousness—so that he can fulfil his desires with the support of Natural Law, without struggle or obstacles.

Maharishi also called on government leaders to establish a group of a few thousand Yogic Flyers in every country to enliven the Unified Field and create coherent national consciousness—the basis of invincibility for the nation. Maharishi's offer came during his 24 November global news conference.

Invincibility is a level of life beyond disturbances, problems, and difficulties

Maharishi described invincibility as a level of life that is beyond disturbances, problems, and difficulties. 'Invincibility is the same for the individual and the nation,' Maharishi said. 'It is based on the Unified Field—the light of God—which underlies and administers the infinite diversity of the universe with perfect order.'

Invincibility is easy to achieve

Maharishi said invincibility is easy for any individual or nation to achieve because the Unified Field is the possession of everyone. 'The Unified Field is one's own self-referral consciousness, so it is just a matter of knowing it by being it—through regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying,' Maharishi said.

Yogic Flying demonstrates command over the force of gravity

Maharishi described an invincible individual as one who can fulfil all his desires without struggle or obstacles. 'When one thinks from the Unified Field—the self-referral level of consciousness—then all thoughts are fulfilled because on that unbounded level of intelligence there is nothing that can obstruct his desires,' said Maharishi, who cited Yogic Flying as an example. 'You think a thought from the Unified Field for the body to lift up, and the thought gets materialized, and instantly the body is up in the air. This demonstrates, to whatever little extent the body is in the air, command over the force of gravity—the Unified Field. With practice, the Unified Field grows in human awareness, which means that invincibility grows in the daily life of the individual.'

Maharishi added that with just few groups of 8,000 individuals practising Yogic Flying and enlivening the Unified Field in world consciousness, invincibility will grow to become a living reality for everyone in the whole world family.

'The experience of Unity Consciousness is like an oasis in the desert'

In response to a press question, Maharishi described life without Unity Consciousness—the supreme state of human development—as a desert. 'But the experience of Unity Consciousness is like coming upon an oasis in the desert,' Maharishi said. 'That is why we are establishing schools, colleges, and universities to provide students with the knowledge and experience of the Unified Field. Then every student will rise sequentially from waking state of consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness, to God Consciousness, and finally to Unity Consciousness, where he will enjoy life in supreme fulfilment.'

The whole world will live in waves of bliss in the gracious light of God

Maharishi concluded by saying that the need for such a consciousness-based approach to education is urgent because the whole world's population is being poisoned by modern life—by a lifetime of allopathic medicines with hazardous side effects, and by poisons in the food, water, and air. 'These poisons create weaknesses in the people that prevent them from understanding this knowledge about the Unified Field—their own self-referral consciousness—and prevent them from taking action to rise to Unity Consciousness,' said Maharishi, who then reassured the press: 'But it doesn't matter, because change must come—and we are bringing about this change to raise every individual and every nation to invincibility. Soon there will be no more problems and suffering—and the whole world will live in waves of bliss in the gracious light of God, now and for all generations to come.'

Copyright 2004 Global Country of World Peace

Jai Guru Dev

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