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Тема Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост
АвторБo (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано02.08.04 10:10  


Посланието на Махариши :

Само 4 души са достатъчни от всяка нация, които да работят за Мира и Непобедимостта на собственния си народ и Световния Мир като цяло, само 4 души ! Независимо дали те са богати или бедни, високо образовани или не образовани, достатъчно е тяхното желание да служат на своя народ и страна, и чрез тях аз ще изградя непобедимоста в тяхната нация !
Те могат да бъдат практикуващи ТМ и ТМ Сидхи или не практикуващи ! Ще бъде организирана специална програма за обучение за тях персонално, за достигане на по високите нива на съзнание и спонтанно правилни действия във връзка с Природните и Космическите Закони !

Деструктивните сили имат свои агенти навсякъде и чрез подкупи и заплахи те командват правителствата по света. Суверенитета и независимоста са само на хартия ! Те работят срещу културата , религията и традицията на Нациите !

Аз говоря за оживяване на естественните качества в Природата на Живота:
Непобедимост, Щастие, Хармония (Кохерентност), Единство !

Ние сме сила на нивото на Единството и Тишината !

Няма повече време за чакане !

Просто 4 души !


За желаещите да попълнят формата : www.globalcountry.org
(Fill out the Founder of World Peace Form
to be one of the Four in your city.)

(преводът е в съкратена форма)
Maharishi 16-7-04

Now after so many sessions of the Peace Parliament, I’m asking each Centre of Peace Parliament: 4 people, just with the desire of providing a permanent platform for peace in their country. Just 4 people.

These 4 I’m taking from the example of the history of Switzerland. 4 people sat sometimes on Rьtli in the mountains and decided to be free form the tyranny of a foreign government. 4 people. And just 4 people, and just 4 people. They made Switzerland a free, independent country, where freedom breathes.

With that example I’m calling today to all the Parliaments of Peace: 4 people, whether they are educated or uneducated, whether they are wealthy or poor.
Altogether they should have one goal and I give them the strength of the whole world to create invincibility for their nation. Just 4 people within these 2-3 days. Tell me who they can be.

They can be completely innocent people, ignorant people, uneducated people or they can be highly educated people; they can be completely hand-to-mouth, very poor people; or they can be very rich people. Any 4 people, let me know and through them I build up invincibility in their nation. This is the call of today’s Parliament of World peace. Just 4 people. Whether they are meditators or non-meditators. They are the 4 people who just decide that they want to make their motherland free from problems. How they will do it, they don’t have to think. Just be with me and the whole path will be very comfortably planned; very comfortably completed. And they will be the shining star of their nation. Just 4 people. Think about it and tell me tomorrow before you meet together. If there can be 4 people in that country, I’ll continue my work in that country. And if I don’t have 4 people in the country, I can forget about the country and see how much in the ditch of suffering they go. Just 4 people
of the desire to establish in their motherland a platform of peace, prosperity, happiness, harmony for all time; just the four cardinal principles.
I plant; I have a beautiful seed. And a beautiful seed means, total knowledge in the unmanifest area. And I want to plant the seed on a fertile ground. And the ground of these 4 people, completely good enough. And I am repeating, whether they are meditators, Sidhas or non-meditators, whatever, whatever. Just 4 people. Come out and on them I’ll build up the mansion of permanent peace on earth.

This is the voice of the Parliament. And today or in the next session or next session – within these 3-4 sessions - I’ll decide what countries are going to have this blessing of the Vedic Tradition, blessing of Total Knowledge and what country will be allowed to wait and see, as long as they would like to wait.
With this invitation, and with this persuasion, and with this guiding light, I invite 4 citizens of every nation or any place wherever the Peace Parliaments are holding.

The time is now more talks, because the destructive forces have their agents everywhere. And on the basis of bribing they are having the accord of the government ministers throughout – even against their culture, even against their religion, even against their tradition. These agents are buying the authorities in every country and that is why this voice, this effective voice, this scientific voice, this scientific formula has not yet been picked up by the governments. I don’t mind.
I need 4 men, like the determined 4 men of Switzerland who rose against the mighty authority of the foreign government in those days, many centuries ago.

No more talk of idealism. It is the practical establishment of the idealism that we are going to establish and see how in the coming 2-3 days response comes.
I"m talking of authority, of simplicity. I’m talking in utter naturalness, because this is the nature of life - invincibility, bliss, harmony, coherence, unity. A nation means togetherness of all differences.

If the present governments are not able to produce this for their subjects, on those whom they rule, then time for the rulers to rule out such incompetent governments and just be with me.
We are not a violent force. We are a force of togetherness of unity, of silence. Our desire is that the present government should just continue and continue. But in their incapacity to satisfy the needs of the people, no government can ever continue. It must change, it must change. Now is the time, now is the opportunity for every government to take a step with us in total knowledge and establish their administration on the ground of total natural law where harmony, happiness and evolution belongs to everyone. We are putting up the example of a universal administration, administration of the galactic universe.

And it’s no more a question of take it or leave it. If someone cannot eat a medicine, the doctor finds a way to put the medicine in him, whether through the mouth or thru anything else. It’s the skill of a doctor to give the patient the medicine.
We e are skilled in awakening invincibility to any government, howsoever dilapidated and helpless they may be thinking.

But it’s not a matter of their adapting universality, it’s a matter of us showering invincibility to them. They cannot desire; invincibility is a dream of their ages. But we have to give them the medicine. We have to give them the knowledge, which they don’t have, because we think them to be a member of our world family. They are a dear member of our world family; so we have to give them the medicine this way or that way. And this way has been for 50 years, and that way has been now; I am inviting 4 men of the country, just 4 men of the country and they’ll move mountains of suffering. They’ll move mountains of suffering against all the spies of the destructive forces of the governments who are preparing arms, missiles; threatening them, ready to pounce on them in the name of “we give you sovereignty”. Who are you to give sovereignty; your own breath is doubtful for the next moment. Who are you to give sovereignty. “I give sovereignty to that.” Vain egotism; it won’t go to last
The time of enlightenment is dawning. The Parliaments of World Peace have been producing 4 people and through them we are going to ignite the light of enlightenment for the whole nation and nation after nation and nation after nation. And very soon all the nations will be on the peak of supreme level of consciousness, Unified Field of consciousness, Unity Consciousness.

So this is my sweet offer today.
There is no more time to wait! Strike and you will achieve the cause.

So 4 people within 1 days, within 2 days, within 3 days. Any 4.

Don’t talk to your friends, because your friend might be a spy of the destructive forces. He’ll say, “no, no, what is this you are talking; this is not possible”. When it is dark, all the talks of the bright day’s sun have not much meaning. Like that may be taken our invitation to establish a permanent platform for every country to be free from problems. I’m completely aware of the fact, that every nation has to bear the consequences of its actions – of the past, of the present. The result of one’s actions cannot be avoided. And lots of destruction has be done by different governments in the past, killing that government, challenging that government and this and that. In each country the government is killing so may people, putting so many people into jails and all that. That whole inhuman quality of administration, time should be over.
And these 4 people, I just want one resolution in them and the rest will be taken care by the total field of knowledge, which is invincible, which is all possibility, which is omnipresent, omniscient, almighty. All those beautiful expressions for the ultimate reality, the light of God or total Natural Law, the Unified Field, everything.

And none of these four have to understand what the light of God is, they don’t have to understand what Natural Law is; they just have one desire, that they want to have a country free from problems, that’s all that they should know. And with that they come to me and I’ll make them the sailor of the sinking ship and they’ll save the ship and take the ship across the ocean. This should be enough for a practical voice of the Parliament of today. And within these 3, 4 days do it. And then I’ll get busy with these people and we’ll produce the effect as soon as is possible. And we’ll do it, because any good done multiplies itself. That is our strength in nature. Any little good done by anyone multiplies itself and comes back to him as manifold good.
So just these 4 people, good enough; come together and we’ll make a military who will win in all the 4 directions. They’ll win without conflict. They’ll have no enemy in any of the four directions – win, win, win.

Victory is held by the total natural law. And lots of victory wants to be in all directions, floating with speed now, with speed.
So do it; there is not much time to think about the principles and all that. Everyone understands what happiness is, everybody understands what misery is; everybody understands what pain is and everyone wants to run away from pain.

These 4 people come up and will light the lamp in all the 4 directions of the nation.

All glory to Guru Dev and this assertion is being made in public, in the world platform, because the knowledge that we have is eternal, invincible, omniscient, omnipotent.
Jai Guru Dev and we are going to put to practise all the thoughts, all the voices, all the talks of the Parliament.

Махариши Махеш Йоги

Jai Guru Dev

Цялата тема
* Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост Бo   02.08.04 10:10
. * Re: Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост Бo   02.08.04 10:21
. * Re: Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост Raja   02.08.04 11:24
. * Re: Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост Alice   02.08.04 11:30
. * Re: Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост Бo   03.08.04 14:29
. * Re: Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост Whirl   04.08.04 10:45
. * Re: Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост Cornflake girl   02.08.04 11:30
. * Re: Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост tchupakabra   03.08.04 09:25
. * Re: Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост Пpakтиkyвaщa   04.08.04 09:28
. * Една сладка прозявка titiksha   04.08.04 11:01
. * Re: Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост tchupakabra   04.08.04 12:49
. * Re: Послание на Махариши за Непобедимост Бo   05.08.04 14:51
. * Re: Въпрос на Махариши към Президента на Индия Sidhi   11.08.04 07:44
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