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Тема UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System?
Автор bash-54463 (ентусиаст)
Публикувано23.09.15 23:12  

Много интересен материал от Met Office.
1.El Niño well underway
2.A longer term shift in the Pacific? (дискусия на PDO:"We conclude that current developments in the worldwide pattern of sea surface temperatures are consistent with an emerging positive shift in the PDO but that it is too early to be confident that this will outlast the current El Niño." )
3.A longer term shift in the Atlantic? (дискусия на AMO: "The Atlantic Ocean has been warm in recent years but is now showing the first signs of a switch to cooler conditions, consistent with observed changes in the deeper ocean circulation. Widespread impacts around the Atlantic basin are likely if this continues.")

Цялата тема
* UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? bash-54463   23.09.15 23:12
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? cyrus9358O   21.10.15 11:22
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? cyrus-93580   06.04.16 17:36
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? YpaBHeHue   16.01.16 19:10
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? cyrus-93580   06.04.16 17:35
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? YpaBHeHue   11.08.16 08:48
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? hladnika   11.08.16 09:46
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? YpaBHeHue   12.08.16 06:17
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? hladnika   12.08.16 10:29
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? YpaBHeHue   13.08.16 20:12
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? hladnika   14.08.16 11:00
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? YpaBHeHue   16.08.16 01:56
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? hladnika   16.08.16 14:07
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? YpaBHeHue   16.08.16 15:40
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? hladnika   17.08.16 09:34
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? mangosutu-168725   02.11.18 12:52
. * Re: UKMO: Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? hladnika   07.11.18 08:58
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