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Тема Foresight Graduate Programs - Global List [re: Mod vege]
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Публикувано06.07.24 04:59  


Primary (Part and Full-Time) MS and Full-Time PhD Programs English-Instruction

English-language MS and Full-Time PhD programs in any of the primary foresight specialties are listed below. Are you a working professional with an MS, looking to get a Foresight PhD? See our global list of places to do Online and Part-Time Doctorates in Foresight.
1. Swinburne U. of Technology, Aus. Graduate School of Entrep. MS,PhD in Strategic Foresight (Bus. Admin.).
(English). Hawthorne. Applied program in foresight, stresses implementation over theory. PhD students can specialize in Strategy and Foresight. Contact: Peter Hayward, Dir. Note: Program closing in 2016, no new students allowed. Very shortsighted SUT administrators!
2. Ontario College of Art and Design, MDes in Strategic Foresight and Innovation.
(English). Toronto. New program. Students apply anticipatory design concepts (cf. Fuller, McLuhan) to projects in the arts, media, and user experience, and to some extent to tech, business, and the social sciences. Contact: Lenore Richards, Director.
3. Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences. PhD in Corporate Foresight

(English, Danish). Aarhus. New three-year PhD. This program covers tuition and cost of living salary for PhD students, a rarity in the foresight space. Faculty include René Rohrbeck, who does research on improving corporate foresight and organizational future orientation, as well as strategic, innovation, and technology management. Contact: René Rohrbeck, Associate Professor for Strategy.
4. U Malta, U Potsdam, University of Turku. MSc in Strategic Innovation and Future Creation.

Low-Residency online program. (English). New interdisciplinary EU MSc stressing idea generation, innovation management, entrepreneurship, and foresight/futures studies. Online, plus one week at each of the three universities, over three semesters. Program details. Contact info.
5. Turku School of Economics and Finland Futures Academy. MS, PhD in Futures Studies (Econ. and Bus. Admin.).
(English, Finnish). Turku. Strong interdisciplinary general foresight skills. Business and social responsibility/sustainability orientation. Mix of academic and applied. PhD offered since 2007. Director, Juha Kaskinen. Professor of FS, Markku Wilenius. Contact.
6. European Business Schl & Inst for Futures Studies & Knowledge Mgmt. MSc,MBA,PhD in Corporate Foresight.
(English, German). Weisbaden. MSc, MBA, PhD under supervision of IFSKM. Students focus on corporate foresight and management, can do Real-Time Delphi, Scenarios, Risk Management, Competitive Intell., any other business and tech foresight theses. Director, Heiko von der Gracht. Contact.
7. Corvinus U. of Budapest. Futures Studies Dept. MS,PhD in Mgmt and Bus Admin (w/ specialization in Futures Studies)
[Hungarian, English] Many graduate FS courses. Dr. Erzsébet Nováky, Dir, Futures Studies Center, former dir, WFSF Contact: Zsuzsa Krista.
8. U. of Stellenbosch, Econ & Mgmt Sci. and Inst. for Futures Research. M.Phil,PhD in Futures Studies (Econ/Mgmt).
[Online program, with six In-Person events] (English, Afrikaans). Stellenbosch. Futures perspective on org. strategy, long-term planning, development philosophy, global change, forces and trends. African context. Contact: Andre Roux, Director. Potential FS Affiliate: African Futures Institute, Cape Town.
9. Tamkang University, Coll. of Ed. and Graduate Inst. of Futures Studies. MA in Futures Studies (Education).
(Chinese, English). Taipei. Broad interdisciplinary academic approach. Tamkang is the world leader in integrated futures curricula. All 27,000 undergrads must take 3 of 15 FS courses. Globalization, IT, and futures emphasis. PhD program now under development. Contact: Kuo-Hua Chen, Director.
10. California College of the Arts, MBA in Strategic Foresight (Bus. Admin).
(English). San Francisco, CA. Creative new (2016) program integrating business, design, innovation, and foresight training. CCA also offers an MBA in Design Strategy. Foresight faculty include Jake Dunagan and Lee Shupp. Contact: Nathan Shedroff, Chair.
11. Regent University, DSL in Strategic Leadership, Strat. Foresight Concentration (Bus. Admin.).
[Online program] (English). Virginia Beach, VA. Christian university, ecumenical learning context. For mid-career leaders, consultants, and strategic managers. Contact: Virginia Richardson, Doctor of Strategic Leadership.
12. U. of Hawaii at Manoa, Dept. of Pol. Sci. and Hawaii Rsrch Ctr for FS. MA,PhD in Alternative Futures (Pol Sci).
(English). Manoa, HI. Second oldest program (since 1976). Strong in visioning, scenarios, and alternative futures development. MA students often go on to the PhD. Contact: Jim Dator, Director. Note: Dator retired in 2015, no new foresight faculty, program future may be in question.
13. U. of Houston, College of Technology. MS in Foresight (Technology).
[Online or campus program]. (English). Houston, TX. Long-lived, well-regarded program (since 1975). Trains professional futurists for the marketplace. Strong in sociology, methods, largest practitioner alumni network. Contact: Andy Hines, Director.

Primary Programs Other Language Instruction

Non-English MS and PhD programs in any of the primary futures studies subject areas (see above) are listed below.
14. External University of Colombia, MS in Strategic Thinking and Foresight (Bus. Admin.)
(Spanish). Bogota. Training professionals in future trends,corporate strategic foresight, scenarios, design, entrepreneurship. Contact: Dr. Francisco Mojica.
15. CNAM, Dept of Management, Innovation, and Prospective. PhD in Strategic Foresight (Bus. Admin, Engrg).
(French). Paris. Very strong program in quantitative and qualitative foresight, strategy, and research. Management and engineering interdisciplinary. Great applied internships, large network. Chair, Michel Godet. Contact: Dalila Amazit, Admissions.
16. Free University of Berlin. and Institute of Future. MA in Future Studies (Interdisciplinary)
(German) Berlin. Interdisciplinary, practice-oriented program. Students can do futures research in child and adult education, political participation, technology assessment, innovation transfer, climate, sustainability. Total cost: 5,200 Euros. Professor, Dr. Gerhard de Haan. Contact: Admissions
17. University of Kerala. Dept. of Futures Studies. MPhil and Ph.D.Phil in Futures Studies (Applied Sciences & Technology)
(Hindi) Thiruvananthapuram. Applied research, forecasting and planning. 12 seats for masters, less for PhD. 20 PhDs produced to date in a wide variety of topics, development, education, systems modeling, tech diffusion, IT planning, etc. Contact: V.P. Kulkarni, Professor
18. Imam Khomeini International University. PhD in Futurology (Faculty of Engrg and Technology)
(Persian/Farsi) Qazvin. Foresight methods, science horizons, short-term and long-term planning. S&T orientation. State-run university, under Iran's Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology. University Admissions (English). Contact: Mohammad Rahim Eivazi, Professor.
19. University of Tehran. PhD in Futures Studies (Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies)
(Persian/Farsi) Tehran. Foresight methods, research methods, economics, science and technology. Started 2010. State-run university, under Iran's Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology. University Admissions (Farsi). Contact: Director, Dr. Amir Ali Saifoddin, or Deputy, Dr. Mehdi Mohammadi
20. Leonardo Da Vinci Online University, G. d'Annunzio U. MS in Scenarios for Innovation Mgmt (Bus. Admin.)
[Online program] (Italian). Chieti. Scenario development, scenario planning, innovation studies, management science. Email: University Administration.
21. Monterrey Inst. of Tech, EGAP Center for Govt & Public Policy. MS in Strategic Foresight (Govt & Public Policy)
(Spanish). Monterrey. Global and social trends, competitiveness, foresight methods, strategic planning, scenarios. Also offers a BS in FS. Contact: Leonel Guerra Casanova, CPF.
22. Technical U. of Lisbon, ISEG (School of Econ & Mgmt), MS in Foresight, Strategy & Innovation (Bus. Admin.)
(Portuguese). Lisbon. Strategic foresight principles, concepts, and applications. Trends, modeling, intelligence, knowledge management. Scenario thnking, simulation, designing and managing an innovation process. Email: Prof. Antonio Alvarenga. Also: ISEG Administration.
23. Fo Guang University, Graduate Inst. of Futures Studies, MA in Futures Studies (Sociology)
(Chinese). Ilan. Coverage of cross-disciplinary trends and futures of national politics, economy, culture, society, and environment. Research and forecasting. Also offers a BS in FS. Contact: Duan Changguo, Professor.

Select Secondary Programs English Instruction (except where indicated)

Here is a list of MS and PhD programs in secondary futures studies subject areas which either 1) place a notable emphasis on any of the primary foresight subjects or 2) have on-campus futures research centers which may be used for potential affiliations during graduate study, are listed below. Most offer English-language instruction, except where indicated.

For additional secondary programs, see Graduate Programs for Understanding and Managing Accelerating Change. For Jose Ramos excellent 2002 FS survey, with additional program and contact detail, see International Survey of University Futures Courses (PDF, 43 pages). For a list of bioethics programs potentially conducive to scholarship on human-machine symbiosis (transhumanism), see the WTA's Programs for Graduate Studies in Bioethics. For a great but unselective database of graduate programs (US, International, and Distance), see GradSchools.com. Browse All Subjects.
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Dept. of Law & Social Sciences. MS in 21st Cent. Nat'l Strategic Intelligence.
(Spanish). Buenos Aires. Curriculum includes scenarios, visions, and values for national strategic futures. Angel Pablo Tello, Director.
Curtin University of Technology, Curtin Business School. MBA w/ Grad. Certificate in Futures Studies (Bus. Admin.)
Perth. A four month graduate certificate is available for students taking other Curtin degrees. Contact: Curtin Admissions.
Queensland U. of Tech. Sch. of Hum. & HS. Centre for Social Change Research. MS,PhD Social Science, Phil.
Carseldine. Social sustainability and social impact assessment are among the FS research areas available through the CSCR.
U. of the Sunshine Coast, Dept. of Arts and Social Sciences. MA,PhD in Arts and Social Sciences
Queensland. Previously had both an exec. certificate and a specialization in futures studies, neither apparent now. Contact: Sohail Inayatullah, professor. Several students have done foresight/futres PhD's under Dr. Inayatulla in recent years. Getting a formal foresight title would make it a primary program.
Free University of Brussels (VUB), Center Leo Apostel. PhD in Interdisciplinary Science (Philosophy)
(English, Dutch, French). Brussels. Great Systems/Philosophy/FS choice. Home of Principia Cybernetica Web. Francis Heylighen, Director. Dr. Heylighen has published extensively on the evolution of complexity, metasystem transitions, global networks, and accelerating change.
Simon Fraser University, Dept. of Humanities. MA in Liberal Studies.
Vancouver. Good Liberal Studies/FS choice. SFU's liberal studies curriculum explores culture, values, and the tension between passion and reason. Lynn Elen Burton, Professor of FS in SFU's Dept. of Humanities, teaches undergraduate FS courses, and is an affiliate teacher at the MA program.
U. of Toronto, Hist. and Philos. of Science and Tech. PhD in History and Philosophy of Science and Tech
Toronto. Great HPoST/FS choice. Leaders in the humanistic study of science and technology. Strong scholarship. UT also has the Society for Utopian Studies, scholarship on literary and experimental utopias.
U. of Toronto, Institute of Medical Science. FS Affil: Joint Centre for Bioethics. MHS in Bioethics
Toronto. Good Bioethics/FS choice. The JCB is an interdisciplinary center for bioethics research, education, and clinical practice. Peter A. Singer publishes on the future of the life sciences.
U. Externado de Colombia and Ctr. for Strategic Foresight. MBA w/ Strat. Thinking and Foresight specialization.
(Spanish). Bogota. Good MBA/FS choice. Contact Francisco Mojica, Director, Centro de Pensamiento Estrategico y Prospectiva. Also Jose Luis Cordeiro.
United Nations University for Peace (UPEACE). Eight MAs in Peace, Peacebuilding and Conflict Studies.
(English, Spanish). San Jose. Great Peace and Conflict Studies/FS choice. Founded 1980, 200 students. John Maresca, Rector. Contact Admissions.
ESPE, Graduate Degrees. Certificate in Strategic Foresight.
(Spanish). Quito. Major tech univ. in Ecuador, est. 1922. Several grad degrees that could be enhanced with FS certificate. Jose Luis Cordeiro teaches here.
EDHEC, Theseus-EDHEC Program. MBA. MS in Strategic Management.
(English, French). Nice. EDHEC is a leading French b-school. Their MBA and MS are strong in futures thinking, but with a sustainability/limits bias.
INSEAD, Europe Campus. MBA
(English, French). Paris. Good MBA/FS choice. Strong in global outlook and macro trends, international foresight, innovation.
International Space University. MS in Space Studies or Space Management.
(English, French). Strasbourg (and global). Great Space Studies/FS choice. Training future space leaders. Solid foresight component. F/T or P/T curriculum.
Tech. U. of Budapest. Dept. of Innov. Studies & HoT. FS Affil: Long Futures RG. PhD in Hist. of Tech, Engrg, Sci.
(Hungarian). Budapest. Good History of Technology (HoT)/FS choice. Dept of IS and HoT is an interesting, if theoretical, blend of history of technology and trends relevant to innovation studies. Zoltan Galantai and Eva Toth head the Long Futures Research Group (LFRG), a Long Now-like academic group.
Technical U. of Hamburg, Institute of Technology and Society. MS in various Engineering Sciences
(German, English). Hamburg. ITS offers an interdisciplinary program in 'socionics' (social futures modeling, using computer science).
University of Cape Coast, Ctr. for Dev. Studies, and ICIS. M.Phil in Development Studies
(English). Cape Coast. Affiliated with the "sustainable futures" oriented ICIS (Netherlands).
University of Kerala. Dept. of Futures Studies. MS Technology Management, Tourism Administration
(Hindi, English). Kerala. Good Tech Mgmt/FS choice. The university claims to also offer "an interdisciplinary M.Phil and PhD program in futures studies," but there is no apparent broad training in FS methods. Listed FS-related study areas are technology or tourism oriented, such as: Impacts of Information Tech, Energy Planning, Ancipatory Crisis Mgmt of AIDS, Systems Modelling, Ecotourism Development in Kerala. Good opportunity to create a Primary FS program.
Dublin Inst. of Technology. Faculty of Built Environment. FS Affil: Futures Academy. MS in Urban Planning & Dev.
Dublin. Great Urban Planning/FS choice. Prof. John Ratcliffe is Director of FBE and Futures Academy, and current secretary of the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF).
Ben Gurion U. of the Negev. FS Affiliate: Ctr for Futurism in Education. Ex: MA in Sci and Tech Education
(English, Hebrew). Jerusalem. Good Education/FS choice. Bringing technology and futures thinking into the classroom.
Tel Aviv U., School of Engrg. FS Affiliate: Interdisc. Ctr. for Tech Analysis & Forecasting. MS,PhD in Engineering
(English, Hebrew). Tel Aviv-Yafo. Good Engineering/FS choice. Aharon Hauptman at ICTAF specializes in technology trends, forecasting, and foresight.
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Informatics, MS,PhD in Informatics
(Japanese, English). Kyoto. Great Informatics/FS choice. Multidisciplinary, quant. approach to understanding our "Global Information Civilization."
U. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Grad. Degrees. Certif. in Planning & Strategic Foresight (online).
(Spanish). Mexico City. Largest and most prestigious university in Mexico. Many graduate degrees available that could be enhanced w/ FS certificate.
Leiden University, Dept of Psychometrics and Rsrch Methodology. PhD Social and Behavioral Sciences
(Dutch, English). Leiden. Great Psychometrics and Sociometrics/FS choice. Mark De Rooij is doing innovative work mapping psychological and social change using statistical models. Great promise for use with simulation and forecasting tools. Affil. with Interuniv. Grad School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics. Other Netherlands FS Affiliates: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science. KNAW conducts "foresight studies from a scientific perspective (research foresight)" in twelve scientific disciplines. See also their links to global foresight studies. The Ministry conducts annual "foresight studies on subjects of social importance."
Leiden University, Sch. of Mgmt and Inst. of Adv. Comp. Science. MS in ICT in Business.
(Dutch, English). Leiden. Great Business IT/FS choice. Leveraging IT for competitive advantage. Prof. Daniel Erasmus (homepage) is a leader in scenario work. See also his ScenarioThinking.org and Digital Thinking Network, applying scenario thinking to business processes.
Maastrict U., Sch of Gov and Int. Ctr. for Integ. Assess. & Sust. Dev (ICIS). MPP,PhD in Pub. Pol. & Human Dev.
(Dutch, English). Maastricht. Good MPP/FS choice. ICIS teaches social change studies and good governance. Strong sustainability ideology.
Pakistan Futuristics Foundation and Institute. MS,PhD in Futures Education (Education).
(Urdu). Islamabad. Offers courses and certificate programs as well as degrees. Contact: Raja Muhammad Ikram Azam, Director.
ESAN, Grad. School of Business Admin. MBA. PhD in Management Sciences.
(Spanish). Lima. Partnership with Stanford U's GSB. First GSB in Latin America. Strong in foresight and strategic planning.
Universidade Nova de Lisboa. PhD in Technology Assessment (Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia).
(Potuguese). Lisbon. Policy analysis and the relation between S&T and policy, society and the individual. Prepares students for autonomous research in technology assessment, leadership in innovation processes, better management of economic growth and development. Contact: Antonio Moniz, Director
Moscow State University, Dept. of Sociology, MS in Sociology and Management (Sociology)
(Russian). Moscow. Curriculum includes a core course in modeling and forecasting in sociological research. Contact: Igor Bestuzhev-Lada, Professor.
INSEAD, Asia Campus. MBA.
(English). Singapore. Good MBA/FS choice. Strong in global outlook and macro trends, international foresight, innovation.
Nanyang Tech U. and Rajaratnam Schl of Intnat'l Studies. MS,PhD in Strategic Studies.
(English). Singapore. Great National Security/FS choice. Singapore is a global leader in comprehensive security policy, and RSIS is a leader in risk assessment and horizon scanning (RAHS) foresight activities for national security. Barry Desker, Dean RSIS.
KAIST. MS,PhD in Culture Technology, Nano Science and Technology.
(Korean, English). Daejon. Good STS/FS choice. Culture Technology is an interdisciplinary STS degree integrating knowledge from "engineering, art, and the natural sciences." KAIST students put on a great annual international conference on the future of S&T, Integration of Science and Technology into Society (ICISTS).
Goteborg U. Sch. of Bus., Econ. & Law, Dept. of Bus. Admin. Licenciate,PhD in Business Administration
(Swedish, English). Goteborg. Foresight-relevant competence groups include Learning and Change and Studies of Organization and Society. Potential FS Affiliate: Vision Center for Futures Creation in Goteborg.
Royal Inst. of Technology (KTH). FS Affil: VINNOVA. MS (Various, in English). PhD in Engineering (various)
(Swedish, English). Stockholm. Good Engineering/FS choice. Very strong in science and technology. VINNOVA (Swedish Govt. Agency for Innovation Systems) does futures and innovation publication. Bo Karlsson of KTH b-school ran the Wireless Foresight a 2003 scenario project. Jacob Palme of Dept of Computer and Systems Sciences writes about S&T futures.
Bath Spa U., Schl of Ed and Centre for Global and Futures Ed. (CGFE). PCGE (Postgrad Certificate in Education)
Bath. Good PCGE/FS choice. Teacher trainees can learn to bring global and futures dimensions into education. David Hicks, CGFE Director.
Cardiff University. School of Social Sciences. MS,PhD in Social Sciences.

Cardiff. Good Sociology/FS choice. Prof. Barbara Adam is a futurist and social theorist. See 2003-6 ESRC-funded project, In Pursuit of the Future.
Cranfield University. School of Management. MS, MBA,PhD and DBA in Management.

Bedford. Great Complexity/Management/FS choice. Prof. Peter M. Allen is a complexity, change, and innovation scholar who worked with Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine. FS Affiliate: Complex Systems Research Center. Could do great work on complex systems approaches to foresight here.
Lancaster University. Dept. of Sociology. FS Affil: Centre for Science Studies. MA,PhD in Science Studies

Lancaster. Great STS/FS choice. John Law studies large-scale technologies. Lucy Suchman is Co-Director of Centre for Science Studies. Brian Wynne directs the Centre for Social and Environmental Change (CSEC) is concerned wth social dimensions of environmental issues and emerging technologies.
Leeds Metropolitan U., School of Business and Law. PhD in Research (Education, Business, etc.)

Leeds. Good Research/FS choice. Jeff Gold of Business & Law and Steven Rennie of Film, TV, & Performing Arts are futures-oriented faculty mentoring internat'l students with FS PhDs. Leeds Met has a very affordable distance (mostly online) PhD program. Unfortunately no current faculty are publishing in futures. Until 2002, Graham May of the SBE chaired an MS in Foresight and Futures Studies, which ended on his retiring. It's revival is a great opportunity.
London Business School, MBA,PhD (Business Admin)
London. Great MBA/FS choice. International MBA program with forecasting and foresight emphasis.
U. of Cambridge, Dept of History and Philosophy of Science. M.Phil,PhD in History and Philosophy of Science
Cambridge. Largest HPoS department in the UK. Strong international reputation.
U of Hertfordshire, Business School. FS Affil: Complexity & Mgmt. Centre. MA, DBA in Org. Change (Online)
[Online] Hatfield. A practice-based program using complexity science for leaders, managers, and consultants. The CMC explores bringing a complexity science perspective to organizational practice. Directed by complexity management scholar Ralph Stacey. See his Agreement & Certainty Matrix.
U. of Manchester, Business School. FS Affil.: Ctr. for Rsrch on Innov. and Competition. MBA,PhD in Business
Manchester. Great Business and Technology/FS choice. Large and well regarded program. Ian Miles of UM's CRIC is a leading innovation and technology futurist. Mike Keenan and Denis Loveridge of PREST are technology foresight leaders. Keenan runs the fantastic European Foresight Monitoring Network, tracking global foresight projects. Maria Nedeva studies social change in relation to S&T innovation. Graham May has a casual appt. A great place for an in-person or distance FS PhD in business and technology, or education.
U. of Manchester, School of Law. FS Affil: Centre for Social Ethics and Policy. MA in Health Care Ethics and Law
Manchester. CSEP director John Harris (Wonderwoman and Superman, 1992; On Cloning, 2004) writes on bioethics of human enhancement.
U. of Oxford, Philos. Dept, James Martin 21st Cent. Schl, and Future of Humanity Inst. M.Phil,PhD in Philosophy
Oxford. Great Philosophy/FS choice. Global issues, long-term perspective. Martin Rsrch Institutes. Nick Bostrom, FHI Director, is also chair of the WTA, and a leading transhumanist. Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics is an FS affiliate. Director Julian Salvulescu has written on human enhancement choice.
U. of Oxford, Business School. MBA, etc.
Oxford. Professor Steve Woolgar is a futurist and technology and social studies scholar who directs the Virtual Society Program at the Business School.
U. of Strathclyde. Bus. School. FS Affil: Ctr. for Scenario Planning and Future Studies. MBA,etc.
Glasgow. Great MBA/FS choice. Great place to learn scenario planning for business applications. CSPFS founding faculty include Kees van der Heijden (Emeritus), a pioneer of scenario planning at Royal Dutch/Shell.
U. of Sussex. FS Affil: SPRU (S&T Policy Research Unit). MPhil,DPhil S&T Policy Studies, Tech & Innov. Mgmt
Sussex. Good S&T Policy/FS choice. SPRU does broad interdisciplinary research in innovation, S&T, governance, and sustainability. Another FS Affiliate: Economic and Social Research Counci (ESRC).
Arizona State University, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, MS in Global Technology and Development.
Phoenix, AZ . Great Development Studies choice. Focus on technology and innovation's influence on social, economic, and political development. Program Chair: Mary Jane Parmentier.
California College of the Arts, MA in Design. A focus is available on Applied Futurism in Design.
San Francisco and Oakland, CA. Good Design/FS choice. Transdisciplinary communication, industrial and interactive design, both vision and practice.
California Inst. of Integral Studies, Sch. of Consc. and Transformation, PhD in Transformative Studies.
[Online]. San Francisco, CA. Interdisciplinary training in theories of personal and organizational growth and transformation.
Carnegie Mellon University, Entertainment Technology Center. MS in Entertainment Technology
Pittsburgh, PA. Promising new program for Web 2.0 skills, including game design and virtual worlds. Global satellite campuses. No FS curriculum yet.
Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business. MBA, PhD in Quantitative Economics
Pittsburgh, PA. Great Economics/FS choice. Strong on quant. economics and computational models. Good place for graduate study in cliometrics, the use of historical data and economic models to reconstruct historical events, and model future ones.
Case Western Reserve U. Dept. of Bioethics. MA,PhD in Bioethics.
Cleveland, OH. Good Bioethics/FS choice. Major U.S. center for study of ethical issues in medical science, including human enhancement. Large faculty, tolerance of enhancement scholarship. Maxwell Mehlman has authored Wondergenes, 2003, a forward-looking book on human genetic enhancement.
Cornell University, Dept of STS. PhD in Science and Technology Studies.
Ithaca, NY. Great STS/FS choice. Well-rounded, foresighted, and flexible STS program. Emerging technologies.
Drexel University, Coll. of Arts and Sciences. MS in Science, Technology, and Society (Arts and Sciences)
Philadelphia, PA. Good STS/FS choice. Arthur Shostak is emeritus professor of Sociology and a futures studies pioneer, focusing on labor and work issues, the future of cities and general STS. He also taught a course in Futuristics to Drexel grad and undergrad students.
Duke University. Inst. of Statistics and Decision Sciences (ISDS). MS,PhD in Statistics and Decision Sciences
Durham, NC. Good Statistics/FS choice. While not yet in the Top 20 US statistics departments (be sure to look at those as well), Duke's ISDS is very interdisciplinary, applied, and strong in Baysian inference, forecasting, modeling, and decision theory. Great place to start researching probabilistic prediction.
Florida State U. Dept of Psych. FS Affil: Center for Expert Performance Research. MS,PhD in Psychology.
Tallahassee, FL. Great Psychology/FS choice. K. Anders Ericsson is one of the world's leading scholars of expertise acquisition. Expert judgment is a major area of investigation in inductive forecasting and policy development. See Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, 2006
George Washington University, School of Business, and Institute for Knowledge & Innovation. MBA.
Wash, DC. Great MBA/FS choice. Bill Halal, Prof. of Mgmt, is Co-Director of IFKI and Director of TechCast, a leading expert-based science and technology forecasting project.
Harvard U. Law School. FS Affil: Berkman Center for Internet & Society. JD (Law)
Cambridge, MA. . Great Law/FS choice. BCIS "explores cyberspace (virtual and nonvirtual), shares in its study, and helps pioneer its development."
JFK University, School of Psychology. MA in Integral Psychology.
Pleasant Hill, CA. Incorporates Ken Wilber's AQAL model and a developmental perspective on personal and organizational futures.
MIT, School of Humanities, Arts & Soc. Sci., PhD in Sci, Tech, and Society.
Cambridge, MA. Good STS/FS or MPP/FS choice. Top-ranked but conservative. Excellent academic network.
Monterey Inst. of Internat'l Studies and Ctr. for Nonproliferation Studies. MA in International Policy Studies
Monterey, CA. Great Nonproliferation Studies/FS choice. The CNS at MIIS is largest NGO (and school) studying WMD nonproliferation issues..
Northern Arizona U, Dept. of Anthropology. FS Affil: Inst. for Fut. Workforce Dev. MS in Anthropology
Flagstaff, AZ. Good Anthropology/FS choice. Prof. Reed Riner teaches courses in Cultural Simulations and Study of the Future.
Pardee RAND Graduate School, and Rand Pardee Center for Long Range Global Policy. PhD in Policy Analysis
Santa Monica, CA. Great Policy Analysis/FS choice. Scholarship and intern at one of the oldest futures think tanks. Econ, policy, long-range thinking. Contact: James Dewar, Director, RPC. For Policy/FS pubs, see Assumption-Based Planning, J. Dewar, 2002 and Shaping the Next 100 Years, R. Lempert, 2003
Pepperdine U., Graziado School of Business and Mgmt. M.S. in Organization Development (MSOD)

Malibu, CA. Great MSOD/FS choice. OD includes not only human resources, but also models of organizational development, and strategies to improve the beliefs, attitudes, values, and structures of an organization. Implicitly foresight oriented. Pepperdine's program is considered the leader.
Portland State U. Dept. of Systems Science. PhD in Systems Science.

Portland, OR. Great Systems Science/FS choice. Flexible and truly interdepartmental program (Enrg, Bus. Admin., Liberal Arts), est. 1970. Faculty emeritus Hal Linstone, editor of Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Martin Zwick publishes in multivariate modeling and systems theory.
Princeton U. Dept. of Philosophy. FS Affil: Center for Human Values. PhD in Philosophy.

Princeton, NY. Great Philosophy/FS choice. Large, diverse, tolerant dept. CHV explores ethics, bioethics, public affairs. Peter Singer (Animal Liberation, 2001; One World, 2004) is a defender of human enhancement animal liberation, and other controversial views.
Regent University, School of Global Leadership & Entrep. Doctorate in Strategic Leadership
[Online]. Virginia Beach. Good Leadership/FS choice. New program for mid-career leaders, consultants, and strategic managers. Christian university, but mostly ecumenical learning context. Good foresight options. Contact: Bruce Snyder, Associate Dean. Jay Gary, Professor.
Santa Clara U., Sch. of Engrg. FS Affil: Ctr for Sci., Tech., & Society. MS,PhD in Engineering Mgmt
Santa Clara, CA. Jesuit university. CSTS explores the impact of science and technology on society. Director, Geoff Bowker.
School for International Training. MA in Conflict Transformation.
Brattleboro, VT. Good Conflict Resolution/FS choice. Strong applied program for skills in interethnic dialog, mediation, negotiation, reconciliation and transformation of intractable divisions. Developmental futures option, good study abroad/practicum options.
Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, MBA,PhD in Business Administration.
Palo Alto, CA. Great MBA/FS choice. Students can take future-oriented courses at the new Center for Critical Foresight, the Plattner Inst. of Design (d school), Center for Internet and Society, and the Center for Social Innovation.
Stanford University, Law School. FS Affil: Center for Internet and Society. JD (Law) and Interdisciplinary Degrees.
Palo Alto, CA. Great Law/FS choice. CIS faculty include Larry Lessig (Free Culture, 2004; Creative Commons). Students can also take future-oriented courses at the new Center for Critical Foresight, the Plattner Inst. of Design (d school), and the Center for Social Innovation.
Tufts University, Fletcher Grad. Sch. of International Relations. MA,PHD in International Affairs/Relations
Medford, MA. Good IA/FS choice. Oldest US school of IA. Highly interdisciplinary. PhD students complete three fields of study (conflict resolution option).
Union Institute and University. PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies.
[low-residency]. Cincinnati, OH. UI&U is one of the oldest distance PhD programs. You can easily bring in FS faculty from other universities as thesis committee members, and have great flexibility with your dissertation topic. Unfortunately no Union faculty presently publish in FS, to our knowledge.
U. at Buffalo (SUNY), School of Architecture and Planning. MS in Urban Planning.
Buffalo, NY. Good Urban Planning/FS choice. Professors Sam Cole and Ernest Sternberg have published on FS topics. The MSUP doesn't yet have a formal FS emphasis, but courses are available. Dr. Cole authored "Dare to Dream: Bringing Futures Studies into Planning," J. Amer. Planning Assoc., 2001, v3N4
U. of Advancing Technology. MS in Technology.
Tempe, AZ. Great Technology/FS choice. For students who want IT skills in software engrg, info. security, tech mgmt, or game and A-life production. The Technology Studies emphasis explores the current and future impact of the internet, emerging tech, and the relationship between technology and society.
UC Berkeley. Engrg. Inst. of Transport. Studies. FS Affil: Ctr. for Future Urban Transport. MS,PhD Engineering, etc.
Berkeley, CA. Great Engineering/FS choice. Broad range of graduate programs in transportation engrg, urban planning, operations research, and economics available. CFUT is well connected globally with the future of sustainable urban transportation.
UC Berkeley. Haas School of Business. MBA,PhD in Business Administration.
Berkeley, CA. Good Business/FS choice. Good focus on trends, innovation, and leadership issues. Philip Tetlock (psychology, leadership) is a publishing futurist and scholar of expert judgement. See Expert Political Judgment and Counterfactual Thought Experiments in World Politics.
UC Berkeley. School of Information. MS,PhD in Information Studies
Berkeley, CA. Great Info Studies/FS choice. PhD has a number of interdisciplinary emphases: social studies of information, information policy, information economics, human-computer interaction.
UCLA, Dept. of Public Policy. FS Affil: Center for Society and Genetics. MPP (Public Policy)
Los Angeles, CA. Good MPP/FS choice. Large program. Mark Kleiman and Andy Sabl are on the CSG advisory board. Gregory Stock (Metaman, 1993; Redesigning Humans, 2002) of UCLA's Program on Medicine, Technology, & Society is another great FS Affil. MPP/MBA, /JD, and /MSW available.
UCLA, Grad. Sch. of Ed. and Info. Studies, PhD in Information Studies.
Los Angeles, CA. Good Info Studies/FS choice. Studies the appplication, communication, processing, representation, and social consequences of technology.
U. of Cincinnati. College of Business. MS,PhD in Ops Research, Mgmt Science, Applied Stats (ORMSAS)
Cincinnati, OH. Good ORMSAS/FS choice. Distinguished Dept. of QAOM. Dept. Head Jeff Camm, does discrete optimization modeling. Prof. Martin Levy is an expert in statistical prediction analysis. Probabilistic prediction in complex sociotechnical systems with abundant data.
U. of Denver, Grad. Sch. of International Studies. MA,PhD in International Studies.
Denver, CO. Great Int. Studies/FS choice. Prof. Barry Hughes has developed International Futures, a well-respected and innovative simulation platform for global socio-political forecasting, trend exploration, and long-term issue analysis. See book companion, Exploring and Shaping Internat'l Futures, 2006.
U. of Kansas, Dept. of English. FS Affiliate: Ctr. for the Study of Science Fiction (CSSF). MA,PhD in English
Lawrence, KS. Great English/FS choice. James Gunn, Director of KU's CSSF, is Professor Emeritus of English, and past president of SFRA. CSSF and SFRA are both leaders in improving the teaching and critiquing of science fiction and speculative futures literature.
U. of Memphis, Coll. of Bus. & Econ., FS Affiliate: FedEx Inst. of Technology. MBA, PhD (Bus. Admin)
Memphis, TN. MBA or PhD can focus on mgmt information systems, supply chain mgmt, intelligent systems. Great research opportunities at FIT.
U. of Minnesota. Dept. of Ed. Policy and Admin. MA,PhD in Educational Policy and Admin.
Minneapolis, MN. Great Education/FS choice. Top-ranked program. Arthur Harkins is a publishing futurist in education, technology, and workforce innovation.
U. of Pennsylvania. Dept. of Medical Ethics. FS Affil: Center for Bioethics. MS in Bioethics.
Philadelphia, PA. Good Bioethics/FS choice. Arthur Caplan, Director. The premiere U.S. center for study of ethical issues in medical science, including human enhancement. Mild anti-enhancement bias.
U. of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business, and Mack Ctr. for Tech Innovation. MBA,PhD (Bus. Admin).
Philadelphia, PA. Great MBA/FS choice. Helping companies succeed in industries that are being created or transformed by emerging technologies. J. Scott Armstrong of Warton's Marketing Dept produced Principles of Forecasting, and Long-Range Forecasting, the classic methods texts in the forecasting field.
U. of Pittsburgh, History and Philosophy of Science. MA,PhD in History and Philosophy of Science.
Pittsburgh, PA. Great HPoS/FS choice. Premiere U.S. center for exploring both the history and the philosophical foundations of science.
U. of Washington, Dept of UDP,, MS in Urban Des & Planning, MS in Infrastructure Planning & Mgmt
Seattle, WA . Good Urban Design and Infrastructure Planning/FS choices. One of several good schools (SUNY-Buffalo, Rutgers, U of I-Urbana, Portland State, Cornell, Harvard, UMass-Amherst, etc.) with UDP programs. Each has a slightly different emphasis (sustainable dev, econ dev, infrastructure, etc.).
U. of Southern Ca. Annenberg School for Comm. FS Affil: Ctr for the Digital Future. MS,PhD in Communication

Los Angeles, CA. Good Media & Communications/FS choice. Jeff Cole directs the CDF at Annenberg. PhD program has a multidisciplinary Information and Society emphasis. USC School of Business had a Center for Futures Research under Burt Nanus from 1971 to 1987. It's revival remains an opportunity.
Virginia Tech, Liberal Arts & Hum. Sciences. MS,PhD in Science and Technology Studies
Blacksburg, VA or Wash, DC. Great STS/FS choice. Flexible, open-minded, generalist STS program with very large student body.
Yale University. Law School. FS Affil: Information Society Project. MSL,JD (Law).
New Haven, CT. Great Law/FS choice. ISP studies social and legal issues of the information technology revolution. Faculty include: Yochai Benkler (The Wealth of Networks, 2006). Bonnie Kaplan writes about ethical and social issues of emerging technologies.

Program Potentials

Programs with historical foresight/futures faculty champions, credential programs with extensive foresight curricula but not yet MS degrees, or foresight-related degree programs at institutions which do not yet have strong US or international accreditation. These institutions are excellent opportunities for further funding and curriculum development.
Interdisciplinary University of Paris (UIP).
(French). Paris. Science and religion, philosophy, humanities. Has offered interesting interdisciplinary courses for ten years, but no degree programs yet.
Bar-Ilan University. School of Education. MS,PhD in Education
(Hebrew, English). Ramat-Gan. David Passig is futurist and BIU educational dept. faculty member specializing in tech, social, and educational futures. His specialization is multimedia and virtual reality. Apparently no formal FS activity at the university yet.
Pontifical Gregorian University, Faculty of Social Sciences. PhD in Social Sciences.
(Italian). Rome. Roman Catholic interdisciplinary university, est. 1551. Futures scholar Riccardo Cinquegrani teaches a course in futures studies "with a human and social perspective," originated by FS pioneer Eleonora Barbieri Masini, Professor Emeritus and former president, WFSF.
Japan Adv. Inst. of S&T (JAIST). MS,PhD in Knowledge Science
(Japanese, English). Nomi. Strong materials science and information science programs, and an innovative knowledge science/systems/management program. Ctr for Rsrch and Investigation of Advanced S&T has curricular input with the school on futurizing science education.
Babes Bolyai University, Dept. of Sociology and Social Work. MS in Sociology.
(Romanian, Hungarian). Cluj-Napoca. Once offered courses in foresight as part of the MS. None apparent now. Contact: Traian Rotariu, Professor.
Minerva School (Amer. Ctr. Applied Lib. Arts & Humanities in Asia), MS,PhD in Critical Thinking & Media Analysis.
Allows a foresight emphasis within critical thinking and media analysis discourse. Not yet US accredited (in 2009). Contact page.
International Management Centres (IMC) Association. MBA,MS of Mgmt, Phil. or Science. (Online)
[Online only]. Action learning based approach to management. Minor foresight/FS emphasis. Contact: IMCA Admissions.
Open University. MBA, MS in Technology Management
[Online only]. The UK's only entirely distance-based university. Freedom to customize your curriculum, including an Open BS degree. Innovation, design, and engineering courses with a future and sustainability focus. No FS courses or programs yet.
Binghamton University (SUNY), Dept. of History. MA,PhD in History.
Binghamton, NY. W. Warren Wagar (1932-2004), Prof. of History, developed and taught the highly popular History of the Future and Alternative Futures courses here until 2002. He hoped that the history of the future (images, prediction analysis, etc.) would become a new subfield of History. An ambitious historian and FS scholar might renew and extend his pioneering work.
San Diego State University, Dept. of History. MA in History.

San Diego, CA. Prof. David Christian is a pioneer of the concept of Big History, history told on a cosmological scale, and author of the leading Big History text (Maps of Time, 2005). Such perspective holds great promise for combination with acceleration studies and futures studies, as it allows the analysis and discussion of "macrohistorical" trends.
U. Mass. Amherst. School of Education. MS,PhD in Education.

Amherst, MA. In the 1980's-1990's, UMA had a Future Studies Program under Peter H. Wagschal. Neal Albert Norris did a PhD dissertation there, Educating Toward Tomorrow under Prof. Harvey Scribner. Some futures- or foresight-oriented faculty may remain.
Singularity University. Graduate Studies Program.

Mountain View, CA. Highly future-focused 9-week curriculum. One track in futures studies and forecasting, one in policy, law, and ethics, and eight in accelerating science and technology domains. No MS program yet, but as did their sister university, ISU, look for them to start one in coming years.
U. Mass. Amherst. School of Education. MS,PhD in Education.

Amherst, MA. In the 1980's-1990's, UMA had a Future Studies Program under Peter H. Wagschal. Neal Albert Norris did a PhD dissertation there, Educating Toward Tomorrow under Prof. Harvey Scribner. Some futures- or foresight-oriented faculty may remain.
U. Central de Venezuela, Dept. of Economic and Social Sci. MS in Economics/Social Science.
(Spanish). Caracas. Leading latin american futurist Jose Luis Cordeiro teaches an interdisciplinary course on regional futures at UCV. No foresight option yet.

Undergraduate Centers and Courses (U.S.)

Notable U.S. universities with foresight/futures faculty champions and undergraduate foresight centers and courses. There are a few undergraduate degrees in foresight/futures internationally, none yet in the US. ASF recommends that foresight work at the undergraduate level should 1) be integrated across the undergraduate curriculum and 2) offer standalone foresight courses, but not offer degrees.
Anne Arundel Community College, Institute for the Future.
Arnold, MD. AACC is the leading U.S. example of what a community college-level futures program can be. They offer in-person and online FS courses, do FS research, maintain a faculty speakers bureau, and have an e-Newsletter. Excellent. Contact: Director, Steve Steele.
Bowling Green State University - Firelands, Initiatives for the Future (IF)

Huron, OH. Futuring initiative at one of the seven BGSU campuses, to integrate the study of the future into the role and mission of BGSU Firelands. Kay Strong is IF director and Professor of Economics, Statistics & Future Studies at BGSU Firelands. E-Futuring Learning Community.
Cal. State University, Dominguez Hills, Global Options.

Carson, CA. FS faculty champion Linda Groff (homepage) and colleagues teach undergrad courses with integrated futures modules, including Global Planning and the Future (Poli. Sci), Tech Policy and the Future (Poli Sci), Anthro and the Future (Anthro), Sociology of the Future (Soc.). Great model to be emulated. Dr. Groff's late husband, Paul Smoker was a pioneer in peace studies and activism.
Fullerton College, Center for the Future.
Fullerton, CA. Speaker series, networking faculty and students interested in future trends, bringing foresight to community outreach and fund development. Contact: Director, Bruce Cordell.
University of Advancing Technology, Foresight Development (TCH110).
Tempe, AZ. A required (core) undergraduate course in foresight development (futures studies plus personal futures skills), the first core FD course in the US. Universal(sci-tech), global, societal, organizational, and personal futures knowledge and skill development. This course was developed in association with ASF. Would you like help implementing a similar one at your institution? Contact: John Smart, course developer.
University of Arizona, Anticipating the Future.
Tucson, AZ. An online course. Dr. Caldwell is retired but maintains an informative FS website. Contact: Roger Caldwell, Emeritus Faculty.


Foresight and Futures-Related People, Orgs, and Resources
See ASF's for a community-edited list of foresight research centers, consultancies, NGOs, associations, and other foresight resources and groups that you might associate with or do an internship at before, during and after your graduate foresight/futures academic program.

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