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Тема Tongkat Ali & Fadogia Agrest for testosterone? [re: Mod vege]
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано27.04.23 05:45  

Updated on February 14, 2023

First: Who am I, and why did we write this article?

I’m Dusan Stojanovic, and I’m a nutrition and supplement content specialist with over four years of experience and 1000s of articles under my belt about topics in the nutrition, supplement, and health and wellness space. I specialize in writing about supplements and how they can be used to optimize your health.

We published this article because we noticed the growing interest in tongkat ali and bodybuilding and combining it in a stack with fadogia agrestis, and wanted to create the most comprehensive source of information online about the subject, because it also happened to be in our wheelhouse. The Unwinder strives to publish high-quality, trustworthy information about ‘new wellness’ that its readers can use as a reference for making decisions about how they can best optimize their health.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Natural herbal supplements are creating a lot of buzz as more and more people are trying to move away from synthetic products and be more in sync with nature. Two herbs, tongkat ali and Fadogia agrestis have recently become popular in bodybuilding and athlete circles as they can supposedly improve sports performance and boost muscle growth. Additionally, these two natural supplements help with erectile dysfunction and male sexual health.

So, which one is better? And should you take them together to amplify the benefits?

Here, I’ll explain everything you need to know about tongkt ali and Fadogia agrestis and help you determine whether or not it’s worth combining them for your intended health outcome.
Why Do People Combine Tongkat Ali And Fadogia Agrestis?

Tongkat ali and Fadogia agrestis are natural testosterone boosters. They are an excellent alternative for people who don’t qualify for testosterone replacement therapy, but want to increase their testosterone levels another way.

Most people use tongkat ali or Fadogia agrestis separately, which seems to do a good job. In contrast, some fitness enthusiasts claim that these two herbs have a synergistic effect, and by taking them together, you can experience more benefits.

However, we currently don’t have any clinical evidence to support this claim.

The combination of Fadogia agrestis and tongkat ali became super popular after Andrew Huberman, a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford University, went on The Joe Rogan Experience and talked about testosterone boosting benefits. The claims stem from his personal use and the experiences of other people, which have been overwhelmingly positive.

We look forward to future clinical research that will support this anecdotal evidence.
Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis Health Benefits

Both tongkat ali and Fadogia agrestis improve testosterone levels, sports performance, and erectile function. However, tongkat ali has more studies to back its efficacy.

Here’s what science says about each of these herbs and their effects on well-being.
Tongkat Ali Benefits

Tongkat ali has been used to enhance libido and increase testosterone levels in men. Low testosterone levels could lead to male infertility, lower muscle mass, impaired bone health, and poor performance.

Supplementation with tongkat ali could improve erectile function and sperm parameters, resulting in more pregnancies.

The increase of testosterone levels could result in slight muscle gain and better endurance, which are significant benefits for competitive athletes. Tongkat ali can also combat fatigue and improve energy levels, helping athletes train harder.

Tongkat ali affects other hormones in addition to testosterone. For instance, it reduces cortisol levels which mitigates stress, anger, and tension. concluded that this supplement could reduce stress, improve emotional well-being, positively affect mood and certain immune health parameters.

If you are interested in other benefits of tongkat ali, read where we go in-depth about everything regarding this supplement.
Fadogia Agrestis Benefits

Fadogia agrestis is not as well researched as tongkat ali, and all the studies examining its effects have used animals as subjects.

For instance, one study showed that Fadogia agrestis could improve sexual vigor in male rats, enhancing their libido, sexual performance, and sexual arousal. That corresponds with the traditional use of Fadogia agrestis as an aphrodisiac and erectile function aid in some African and middle eastern regions.

The observed effects could result from higher blood testosterone levels, which was observed in another study. That increase in testosterone can lead to muscle and strength gains as this hormone is vital for gaining muscle and improving strength.

That’s why some athletes and gym-goers have started using Fadogia agrestis to boost their performance. Although the anecdotal evidence has been positive so far, we have yet to see clinical research that confirms these performance-enhancing benefits.

If you are interested in other Fadogia agrestis benefits and want to know more about the best Fadogia agrestis supplements, feel free to read where we review everything you need to know about it.
Tongkat Ali And Fadogia Agrestis Side Effects

According to studies, consuming tongkat ali is safe in doses of 200-400 mg per day. Research suggests that taking 600 mg per day for two months has no side effects.

Reported side effects of tongkat ali are rare and include restlessness, irritability, and sleep problems.

However, an inspection of tongkat ali supplements revealed that 1 in 4 products had a high concentration of mercury. That may be the culprit of possible side effects, as mercury poisoning symptoms include irritability, tremors, anxiety, and cognitive impairment.

Studies in mice showed that supplementing with Fadogia agrestis could lead to an increase of certain cytotoxicity markers. It could disrupt the normal structure of plasma membranes, impairing liver and kidney functioning.

Although both supplements are considered safe, we need more studies on Fadogia agrestis and tongkat ali to determine all side effects, overall safety, and the consequences of long-term use.
Tongkat Ali And Fadogia Agrestis Supplements

If you are thinking about using a tongkat ali and Fadogia agrestis supplement, then there are several factors you should consider beforehand.

The first thing you need to think about is dosage. For tongkat ali, we suggest going up to 400 mg per day, as current evidence points that this is a safe and effective dose.

The best dosage for Fadogia agrestis hasn’t been established yet as there isn’t enough evidence. However, most manufacturers recommend taking less than 1,000 mg per day, so you’ll want to find a supplement in that range.

When checking out different brands, you’ll want to see several things including positive consumer reviews, third-party testing, GMP certification, and domestic manufacturing. These ensure that a supplement is manufactured according to strict standards and regulations, and that independent labs have confirmed its quality and purity.

ticks all the boxes with GMP certification, domestic manufacturing, and third-party testing. In addition, their formulation is pretty potent, with 600 mg of Fadogia agrestis and 400 mg of tongkat ali which should ensure efficacy.

While we can’t guarantee that there’s a synergistic effect from combining tongkat ali and Fadogia agrestis, we can say both supplements have evidence of their efficacy in improving testosterone levels and sexual health, although research has only been conducted so far in animals for Fadogia agrestis. Currently, there are no known side effects from combining these supplements so it may be worth trying it out for yourself, but we encourage you to only use a product that includes dosages that have been proven to be safe.

About the author
Dusan Stojanovic
Dusan is a content writer focusing on biology and science-related topics. His love for biology, nature, and science has helped him gain a better understanding of the world around us. He loves keeping up to date with new research and creating evidence-based content to help improve people’s lives. In his free time, he enjoys hiking trips, camping, exercising, and cooking healthy meals in his tiny kitchen.

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