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Тема Европейската Комисия е за вегeтарианството
Автор Moд (вere)Модератор (минаващ)
Публикувано21.05.09 09:25  

Европейската Комисия препоръчва намаляването на консумацията на месо, дори на мляко. Е, как да не съм горд, че сме членове?

Взето от:

"EU COMMITTEE takes radical position on livestock and climate change

The European Parliament’s temporary Committee on Climate Change has adopted important amendments that reinforce the need to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by the livestock sector.
Globally, 18% of GHG emissions originate from livestock production. This is a greater proportion of GHG emissions than is produced by all forms of transport.
The Florenz report on climate change was discussed on Tuesday 2 December. The Committee introduced a number of helpful amendments that Compassion in World Farming lobbied for.

Adopting the report, the Committee:

* recognises that the cultivation of cereals and soya as feed for livestock is responsible for substantial greenhouse gas emissions
* encourages a switch from intensive livestock production to extensive sustainable systems
* acknowledges that total meat consumption also needs to be reduced, especially in industrialised countries
* calls for any feeding and breeding [climate change mitigation] measures in the livestock sector to be subject to an animal health and welfare impact assessment and for such measures not to be introduced if there are any adverse effects on the animals concerned
* establishes that methane and nitrous oxide be included in the reduction targets for agriculture
* stresses that a reduction in the production of meat and dairy products would decrease GHG emissions
* sets down requirements for mandatory labelling regarding the production method of meat products as an aid to informed consumer decisions.

UK Climate Committee tackles meat consumption

A day before the EU vote, the UK government’s advisory Climate Change Committee issued its own call for more action on climate change, including possible “changed consumer behaviour (e.g. eating less carbon intensive types of meat).”

Compassion in World Farming’s position

Compassion in World Farming believes that the European Union and other high-income, developed countries should reduce production and consumption of meat and milk and choose only higher welfare products.

Compassion in World Farming calls for any forthcoming international treaty on climate change to include fair meat and dairy reduction targets for high-income countries, while allowing the poorer developing countries to enhance smaller-scale, welfare-friendly livestock farming.

Such a strategy would facilitate farmers moving to higher welfare systems, whilst providing important benefits for the environment and human health."


Ето и един депутат вегетарианец от европейският парламент:

Кой е той: Jens Holm is a member of the European Parliament, representing the Swedish Left Party. He is a member of the GUE/NGL parliamentary group, and a member of the parliamentary committee on Environment and the parliamentary committee on International Trade. Author of Food, Environment, Justice – The Effects of Meat Consumption on the Environment and the Global Food Supply (Swedish, 2000; Finnish, 2001; English, 2003), Jens Holm was born and raised in Matfors outside Sundsvall, Sweden. He now lives in Stockholm.


Ето какво друго e на страницата на Европейската комисия на български:

"Яжте зеленчуци! При производството на месо се отделя CO2 и метан и се изразходват огромни количества вода. Всъщност, преживните животни като кравите, овцете и козите произвеждат големи количества метан поради начина, по който храносмилателната им система обработва храната."

Редактирано от Moд (вere) на 06.06.09 03:25.

Цялата тема
* Европейската Комисия е за вегeтарианството Moд (вere)Модератор   21.05.09 09:25
. * Re: Европейската Комисия е за вегатарианството Aмpитa   21.05.09 21:44
. * Re: Европейската Комисия е за вегатарианството Moд (вere)   22.05.09 04:32
. * Re: Хм, Roxy   21.05.09 23:00
. * Re: Хм, Moд (вere)   22.05.09 04:30
. * Re: Хм, huanji   22.05.09 07:45
. * Re: Хм, Moд (вere)   22.05.09 19:06
. * млякото и калция Moд (вere)   06.06.09 03:51
. * Германците ще ограничават яденето на месо Moд (вere)   15.06.09 17:37
. * Re: Германците ще ограничават яденето на месо stan_mo   15.08.09 03:53
. * Re: Германците ще ограничават яденето на месо Moд (вere)   15.08.09 19:56
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