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Публикувано12.06.07 14:26  

The Vegan Society Reports Veganism Is On The Increase !

In the US it is estimated that 40% of all vegetarians are now vegan (1) and The Vegan Society, established in 1944, predicts the same figure will soon be reached in the UK.

“All the signs are pointing to a huge move towards veganism during our Diamond Jubilee Year” says Vegan Society CEO Rick Savage. “Veganism is far simpler and free from a number of vegetarian moral dilemmas relating to degrees of compassion. The easier veganism becomes the more people buy vegan products.”

Vegan Society Membership levels have been maintained at the height that they were during BSE and the Foot and Mouth crisis. The vegan shopping guide ‘The Animal Free Shopper’, published last December, has enjoyed record sales. However the biggest increase of interest has been shown by companies eager to authenticate their animal free products.

“We have seen a 100% increase in Vegan Trademark licensing since the beginning of last year,” says James Southwood Head of Business Development “and we now have over two thousand products registered, from all corners of the world.”

Mintel report that UK sales of Free-From foods have risen by 165% in the past two years (2000-2002), with dairy-free products alone rising 125%.(2)

100% vegan company Redwood Wholefoods have dramatically increased their range, following the success of their award winning Fishless Fingers, adding vegan smoked salmon pate and fishless tuna.

Alpro, Europe's leading supplier of soya products estimates that the dairy free market is set to double over the next five years. They recently launched a £3 million marketing campaign.

Since World Vegan Day 2003 there has been a steady increase in media attention towards veganism - there was even a vegan story in Playboy magazine.

We have seen a vegan poster by Smirnoff, vegan products advertised on TV, a vegan girl coming second in the televised Britain’s Brainiest Kid competition and the EU looking into the issue of hidden animal ingredients in beer and wine. Meanwhile the UK Government, with it’s 5-a-day plan, has adopted The Vegan Society’s 60 year old message of “just eat more fruit and veg“.

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