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Тема Poslanie do Vegetariancite 1958-1960
Авторlnfo (Нерегистриран) 
Публикувано21.04.06 23:21  

The extract below is from Maharishiís address to the 15th session of the
World Vegetarian Congress held at Madras on 30 November 1958 (taken from
a Canadian Publication from the early 1960s). Considering the recent
events in the world it seems particularly relevant to the present times.

How are we going to change the Killing world of today into a
non-killing world of tomorrow? How are we going to change the spirit of
killing, the spirit of aggression, the spirit of violence into the
spirit of kindness and love and overflowing love for the whole creation?
How are we going to change hardness and cruelty of heart to softness and
overflowing love for everybody?
Through platform speaking? No, it is not possible. Through singing the
values of Vegetarianism in to the ears of the non-vegetarians? No,
because their ears may receive the message but the hardness of their
hearts will repel it.
'Suggestive knowledge? Suggestions from outside do not much change the
Speaking does not go a long way to change a man. All the great
religions of the world have been speaking for it from time immemorial
Eternal Vedas have been speaking of it, Holy Bible has been speaking of
it, Holy Koran has been speaking of it, yet the killer kills. The killer
knows that he is killing and in return he will be killed. The sinner
knows that he is committing a sin and that he will be punished for it.
Not that he does not know. He knows it. But, with this information, the
cruel is not afraid ñ his cruelty is hardened still. The killer declares
his action is the role of a saviour, he kills in the name of life, he
kills in the name of saving life, he kills in the name of maintaining
life. He kills and murders ruthlessly in the name of protection and
'In the name of world peace and protection have been waged the deadliest
of wars. In the name of peace and protection are preparations being made
for the murder of man and creation. Shame to the greatness of the human
intelligence which fails to recognise the Judge Supreme!
Our task of the day is to find a cure for this major ill of humanity.
The heart of man is so changed. The inner man has to be transformed.
A direct experience of the Blissful nature of Soul and the inner man is
completely transformed. The mind, experiencing the Great Bliss, feels
satisfaction and this satisfaction of the mind results in right
understanding and virtuous action, kindness, love and compassion for

Цялата тема
* Poslanie do Vegetariancite 1958-1960 lnfo   21.04.06 23:21
. * Re: Poslanie do Vegetariancite 1958-1960 фoтoнчиk   22.04.06 11:08
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