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Тема Суровоядство
Автор JB (непознат )
Публикувано27.05.04 18:04  

Накой преди време търсеше инфо за суровоядството..ето нещо по въпроса

First Experiences With the Raw Vegan Diet
What is your background with the raw food diet?

I’m 46 now and I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 17. At that age, I not only became a vegetarian but also a raw foodist. I included raw dairy into my diet because I had met an elderly Essene teacher who recommended that. Historically, that used to be the Essene diet. The Essenes, for the most part, were not vegans. They were vegetarians, and many of them were raw foodists, but they ate fermented dairy products — yogurt and kefir. So that was my diet was for 7 years. During that time, I did great — no problems at all.

Then, when I had moved to another location, I became very attracted to the vegan philosophy, because it is a beautiful philosophy. I then became a raw foodist.

After 5 years on a raw food diet, I lost the ability to walk. All of my extremities — my hands, my fingers and my feet — were in such pain that I couldn’t move. I had central nervous system problems and I was B12 anemic. All of that happened after 5 years on a raw food diet.

So I switched back to eating the raw fermented dairy products. At that point, being as nerve-damaged as I was, I also included eggs. I healed myself by reintroducing those products.

At that point, I was wondering whether this was an experience unique to myself, or whether other persons had had problems on the raw food diet in the long-term. In the short term, you don’t have those sorts of problems. They’re nutritional deficiencies that take several years to manifest themselves.

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* Суровоядство JB   27.05.04 18:04
. * Благодаря... Люб   27.05.04 23:36
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