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Тема Open source city as transnational democratic futur [re: Mod vege]
Автор Mod vegeМодератор (старо куче)
Публикувано24.01.16 06:03  

About the author
Bernardo Gutierrez (@bernardosampa on Twitter) is a Spanish-Brazilian journalist, writer and researcher who lives in São Paulo. He has been writing about politics, social movements, technopolitics and networks.

Open source local government is the first step towards scaling up new public policy spheres and interwoven citizen practices that can make neoliberalism unnecessary.
"In June 2015, a 25-year-old called Pedro Kumamoto became Mexico’s first member of parliament to win a seat without belonging to a political party."
"On the other side of the Atlantic, in Spain, we find a similar situation with new municipal governments whose ambition, similarly, is to go beyond their conventional powers."
"Citizens would be able to participate in the processes of constructing the city, managing its data or changing its laws."
"In the course of one day’s work, a prototype and ten devices for measuring air quality had been built."
"The model of the relational city proposes meetings, relationships and dialogue to counter the model of mass surveillance and centralised data control represented by the smart city."
"The twin facets of the open source city (free online tools and participatory territories) are shaping a new future for radical democracy."
"Intermunicipalism is... dealing a harsh blow to... market logic."

Open source local government is the first step towards scaling up new public policy spheres and interwoven citizen practices that can make neoliberalism unnecessary.

Pedro Kumamoto,May, 2015. Wikicommons/Alvaro Quintero. Some rights reserved.

In June 2015, a 25-year-old called Pedro Kumamoto became Mexico’s first member of parliament to win a seat without belonging to a political party. His collective, , which emerged out of Mexico’s versions of Occupy Wall Street, decided to get involved in the politics of representative democracy, taking advantage of a new law that allows independent candidates to stand for election. The first election slogan chosen by Wikipolítica had a strong urban focus: “Occupy the city, inhabit politics”. Wikipolítica’s leaders are clear that they have to keep growing and spreading, while maintaining their autonomy from governments.
Kumamoto and his team decided to canvass door-to-door in district 10 in the state of Jalisco, calling on people to participate and appealing to their sense of belonging to a local community. The progressive, anti-neoliberal managed to win over a historically conservative district that was deeply disenchanted with the traditional political parties. Kumamoto says that, “his work as an MP will rely heavily on the city – in his case Guadalajara and Zapopan – and the territory.” City halls nowadays have to dialogue not only with classical civil society organizations, but with new types of collectives.

The surge in support for Pedro Kumamoto’s Wikipolítica was matched at a state-wide level by the Citizens’ Movement, a new political party, that won control of 24 local councils. An MP’s official powers are not always sufficient to influence city government, but Pedro Kumamoto plans to set up local citizen laboratories to help overcome this by working towards his policy positions at the municipal level.

One of Wikipolitica’s priorities in Jalisco is to find spaces and ways to facilitate local-level political dialogue. Eli Parra, from Wikipolítica’s technology commission, underlines the importance of face-to-face conversations: “Talking to people face to face is a luxury we can’t do without”. The challenge, for Eli Parra, is how to transfer the conditions and atmosphere of the ideal face-to-face conversation to the digital terrain: “Technologically speaking, what is the ongoing group conversation via the latest instant messaging going to look like?”

On the other side of the Atlantic, in Spain, we find a similar situation with new municipal governments whose ambition, similarly, is to go beyond their conventional powers. The of what is known as Spanish ‘’ represents the most visible face of the growing role of cities and local governments around the world. In May 2015, in Spain’s greatest in decades, citizens’ groups won local government elections in cities as important as Madrid, Barcelona and Zaragoza. British journalist Paul Mason that Spanish
municipalism is building a new model of a city based on collective intelligence and collaboration between citizens that will challenge the hegemony of the large neoliberal corporations with their concept of the ‘smart city’.

Spanish municipalism has certainly succeeded in channelling much of the spirit and symbolism of 2011’s 15M-Indignados movement into the politics of representative democracy, which used to be its main enemy and taboo. Thus, ‘made in Spain municipalism’ has become the first of a series of networked rebellions started by the Arab Spring, where a movement first resisted the politics of representation and then sought to transform it. Second, inspired by the forms of organisation developed by 15M, Spanish municipalism has invented a political format known as “”, which is “neither a coalition nor an alphabet soup of political parties, and transcends the sum of the parts that comprise it”.

There is, however, another aspect of Spanish municipalism that has not been highlighted by the mass media: their ambition to set the agenda on issues that go beyond the traditional powers of municipal governments. When the new Ahora Madrid government declared the city of a GM-free zone, joining a European network of 200 regions and 4,500 local authorities, it was a far from insignificant act. The network of cities that welcome refugees, proposed by the mayor of Barcelona, , grew from a Facebook post that went viral to a reality that many other cities in Europe have adopted. The ability for cities to change certain laws and practices exceeds municipal powers, but cities can activate mechanisms, find legal loopholes and – above all – develop a narrative of resistance and joint action. The fact that cities have managed to lead on refugee issues at a time of ineffective European Union-level political responses is a clear example of cities’ potential in an unstable global macro-political ecosystem.

The municipal-level ambition of the Mexican MP Pedro Kumamoto and the global vocation of the confluences governing Spain’s main cities are two sides of the same coin: the growing role of cities in taking political governance in new directions. These two cases also open up the possibility of a global network of cities working for the commons and challenging the neoliberal order. The hyper-local is gradually becoming globally reconnected in a new world ecosystem in which the superstructures that represent nation-states have ever less influence over policy. What should the twenty-first century model city look like? What are the challenges in a world where nation-states are being decimated by the global economic order?

A network of cities against the nation-state

Madrid in solidarity with refugees at Ahora Madrid HQ.Demotix/ Jorge Sanz. All rights reserved.

In , City of hope (2003), Zygmunt Bauman talks about two important concepts related to the modern city: mixophobia (the fear used by institutions to discourage the use of the public space) and mixophilia (human and cultural mixing in cities). His main conclusion, however, is that nation-states are in decline and cities are our era’s principal political space.

The financial crisis that destabilised the global economy in 2008 led some leading economists such as Joseph Stiglitz to predict the end of neoliberalism and the resurgence of public investment, but exactly the opposite has occurred. All states have done is feed the spiralling public debt, hand over public funds to the private banking system and downsize themselves through austerity policies. The ability of nation-states to determine their own economic policy has continued to decline, while the influence of supra-state institutions at the service of neoliberalism such as the Troika has increased. The result of the Troika negotiations with the Greek government under Alexis Tsipras confirms the weakness of national governments’ room for manoeuvre against international capital.

In this context, authors such as Benjamin Barber that the world would be a fairer and more equitable place if it were governed by . Of course, the law does not give cities enough power to change the economic policy order designed by global neoliberalism, however I believe cities can develop a different policy agenda and a new type of politics with the help and collaboration of social movements and empowered citizens.

Main C13th trading routes of the Hanseatic League. Wikicommons/Flo Beck. Some rights reserved.

So, what is the real role and/or potential of twenty-first century cities? Part of the answer may be found in history. The ancient Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians built networks of cities whose organisation did not follow or refer to the nation-state format. The same was true of the network of Italian cities that emerged from the eleventh century onwards, or the , which had no civil servants or army. These networks of cities were not so much city-states as cities against the state, as their set-up enabled them to avoid being caught up in the state mosaic.

In the twenty-first century, nation-states and institutions tend to deploy all sorts of legal restrictions that exacerbate mixophobia. Cities can, however, encourage mixophilia from the ‘inside’ (through municipal action) and from the ‘outside’ (through citizens acting autonomously). City councils can, like Madrid, be aggressively anti-GM, bringing about a shift in the terms of the debate: the most important thing is not to determine whether GM food is harmful to health, but to challenge the capitalism of the agro-industrial multinationals that are devastating people’s lives and the environment. By championing causes that go beyond their own powers, cities are opening the way for new policies, laws, practices and tools.

Outside Madrid's ministry of foreign affairs, September 2015. Demotix/ Nacho Goitre. All rights reserved.

The Greek cities that are disobeying the Troika by refusing to implement the electricity tax hike are another good example: they forced a change (the reformulation of the tax) after Alexis Tsipras became president. The book , which sets out the theoretical foundations of the Spanish “confluences”, argues in favour of “the politics of the local space” against the state. It builds on an intuition about the global “outside” that has existed since the social uprisings of 2011: the urban space can be the lever of change. The concept of the ‘’, formulated by Henry Lefebvre in 1968, has been in vogue for some years: it concerns the right to the urban space that belongs to us. In his recent publications, the Marxist
has gone further than the World Charter on the that emerged from the World Social Forum (WSF). His book , published in the heat of Occupy Wall Street, gives the idea a masterly new twist: the right to the city becomes “the right to modify the city collectively” and “to change ourselves” in the process.

The global street

The year 2011, which saw the largest number of rebellions around the world in recent times, reconfigured the urban space as a new interface of political action and creativity. The format of the street camp, exported from the Arab Spring to Spain’s 15M and Occupy Wall Street, shook up the 'protest' format. Even Saskia Sassen, who coined the term “global city” as one where international financial markets are present, adapted her own theory following the occupation of Tahrir Square in Cairo. She started to talk about the “” as a “hard space” where “the powerless” manage to “do politics”.

The mutation of the global city into the global street is a desirable political agenda for the planet. The global street (a space both physical and semantic) and the rebel cities (as a combative remixing of the right to the city) have become narrative expressions of the global 'outside'. Indeed, some of the most important social uprisings in recent times, such as the Gezi Park in Turkey, the Movimento Passe Livre (MPL) in Brazil and the Gamonal protest in Burgos (Spain), have had the urban space as their initial cause. The city is also the setting for the continuation of many revolts: in Augusta Park in São Paulo, Can Batlló in Barcelona or the community-managed Embros Theatre in Athens, among many others.

Manuela Carmna addresses the public at El Campo de la Cebada in Madrid, April 2015.. Demotix/ Jose_Hinajosa. All right reserved.

The city is the battleground for many movements opposing neoliberalism. “To fight for a city we can live in is a form of dissidence”, they say in Temblor, the Spanish arm of the Radical Democracy: project. In a way, some of the occupations of city squares in recent years function as a metaphor for the ideal city for which the diverse “outside” is fighting.

These revolts have also allowed for constructing new models of participation and governance. During the Acampada Sol camp-out by Spain’s 15M in Madrid, which lasted for several weeks in May and June 2011, an online tool called Propongo was developed to allow anyone to make policy proposals. Although these policy proposals did not necessarily translate into policy changes, the online tool, whose source code was later used by the government of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, revealed society’s longing for participatory democracy.

The occupation of Gezi Park in Istanbul in May–June 2013 likewise fought for urban common goods under the banner of “citizen self-organisation and the desire for direct democracy”. Similarly the occupation of in São Paulo created a space of collective resistance to neoliberalism and gentrification, as well as non-hierarchical policy-making. Through assemblies, meetings and events, the participants in the Augusta Park movement and occupation took charge of the collective management of the park for months, without depending on the São Paulo city council or the market. The movement sought to place the commons at the epicentre of the struggle, arguing that “A public park is a common good that belongs to the city’s social network and must not remain under the control of private or speculative interests”.

What lessons can local governments learn from these revolts? What do the protagonists of these revolts and the governors of cities have in common? Is there any possibility of a shared agenda? Which of the new movements’ participatory methodologies and tools can be taken up by local governments?

Open source code as a model for the city

Writer Matthew Fuller and architect Usman Haque, both from the UK, have been studying the relationship between the so-called hacker ethics and cities for several years. Inspired by the copyleft movement, which emerged with the free software movement, Matthew and Usman to craft a licence for the building and design of open source cities: the (UVS). In it the authors argue that copyleft, which lifts restrictions on the copying and re-use of codes, is the best tool for ending a model of exhibitionist architecture and closed-formula proprietorial urban planning which restricts citizen collaboration.

They argue that citizen collaboration based on free technology, collaboration, shared information and collective practices can lead to radical transformations of our urban space: “UVS recognises that the world is constructed by its inhabitants, at every moment”; “People will, collaboratively, take a design in directions you could never have imagined”; “Only a mode of construction that is capable of losing the plot is adequate”.

The model city proposed by Fuller and Haque seeks to open up its operating system’s code, which might be legal, architectural or information-based (data, content). The change is radical: the city would thus be transformed into a democratic artefact in every sphere. Citizens would be able to participate in the processes of constructing the city, managing its data or changing its laws, among other things. The city would cease to be an artefact designed from the top down and would become one that everyone can alter by means of certain bottom-up processes. The architect also theorises about the open source city and considers it vital to shift from urban models “based on the creation of efficient products and services that force us to be constantly on the move (and constantly consuming), to models based on information management and knowledge production (self-organisation)”.

The open source city clashes head-on with the paradigm of the smart city based on proprietary technology and mass surveillance, which prevails today. The smart city model created by the big multinationals sees the city’s data as a commercial product. Furthermore, the way this data is managed is opaque and lacks transparency. The relationship between the multinationals and local governments also tends to be strictly commercial, which contradicts the spirit and practices of public services. The alternative, as articulated by Paul Mason, is of a non-neoliberal city based on “three principles not welcome in the world of high-profit tech companies: openness, democratic participation and a clear policy that data generated from public services should be publicly owned”. Mason points to the new municipal government of Madrid, which has launched the deliberative democracy website ,
as a model of radical urban democracy based on free technology: “Instead of seeing the city as a ‘system’, to be automated and controlled, the vision being mulled in the Spanish capital conceives of the city as an ‘ecosystem’ of diverse, competing and uncontrolled human networks”.

Urban regeneration residents' collective in Virgen, Begoña in Madrid. Paisaje Transversal.Some rights reserved.

A few practical examples are the best way to understand the potential of open source code in urban settings. The independent initiative DCDCity-Aire Madrid is one of the best examples of the direction cities could take by following open source ideas and practices. DCDCity-Aire Madrid was the first application of the theoretical and practical framework proposed by “”, a project designed by Madrid’s MediaLab Prado. Instead of relying on sensors installed by the tech companies and a centralised and closed form of data management, the project saw each citizen as a potential data producer. Thanks to the proliferation of smart phones and the profusion of free technologies, each and every citizen can become a data-gatherer. A simple Arduino circuit board (free hardware), connected to a mobile phone with the Android operating system, is sufficient to enable a citizen to gather data on the functioning of the city.

DCDCity-Aire Madrid aspired to build a community around the problem of air quality in Madrid through participatory data-collection using patent-free technology. The way in which the project came about reflects the importance of a synergy between the public sphere and citizen autonomy that activates processes independently of governments. The support of , a publicly financed laboratory, was vital for DCDCity-Aire Madrid to take off. The Medialab hosted both and the online community, strengthened by private initiatives such as the . In the course of one day’s work, a prototype and ten devices for measuring air quality had been built, with the hope that further systems could be replicated to cover other types of data concerning the city.
While lack of funding at the time brought the project to a temporary halt, the new government has the potential to re-initiate funding and help to build an alternative model of urban data-gathering that takes advantage of the collective intelligence of a widespread citizen network. Furthermore, a working model of open data management could introduce a new type of relationship between the public and the commons and lay the foundations for other cities to follow.

Interestingly, the free software approach, with code-sharing repositories and networked cooperation among a wide range of actors, facilitated the rise of municipalist candidates who ended up taking power. The citizen platform, Ahora Madrid, for example took advantage of the source code used by to design its election manifesto collaboratively. Open source is thus part of the DNA of Spain’s municipalist candidates. Now in power, they are starting to promote the same idea of cooperating cities that encourage free technology, commons-oriented practices and collective action protocols. As we will see, Decide Madrid, the deliberative democracy platform launched by Ahora Madrid, is now being replicated by other cities.

Beyond technology to building social relations

In order, however, to arrive at a model based on citizen intelligence we must open up the definition of technology. , one of the pioneers of digital culture, maintains that “our social behaviour is the software and our bodies are the hardware. A society’s operating system would therefore be a series of common practices and human relationships, not just a set of online platforms. Open source code goes beyond the technology itself. The open source city is in tune with the concept of the relational city”. The model of the relational city proposes meetings, relationships and dialogue to counter the model of mass surveillance and centralised data control represented by the smart city. “In the relational model, security depends above all on recreating social ties.
It doesn’t mean emptying the streets but quite the opposite: repopulating the streets with neighbourly relations, including neighbourliness between strangers.” The open source relational city aspires to be a source code that can constantly be modified by the collective intelligence.

The experience of , a self-managed space that has had the legal support of the city council for five years, is a good example. While DCDCity-Aire Madrid exemplifies the way forward for collaborative collection of data and information, El Campo de Cebada illustrates how open source ideas and practices can relate to the physical space. El Campo de Cebada occupies a 5,500 square metre plot of land where the city council was supposed to have built a sports complex in 2009. The economic crisis meant the space was left empty. As a result, since 2010, local residents of all ages have transformed it into a community meeting, events and learning space. Eventually, the city council signed an agreement with local residents and community groups to cede the space to them temporarily.
With the support and energy of young architect collectives and inspired by the community assemblies that emerged during 2011’s 15M, El Campo de Cebada became a site for all sorts of community initiatives including self-build furniture projects, permaculture and daily community-organised cultural activities. In 2013, El Campo de Cebada won the prestigious Golden Nica prize at the Ars Electronica festival, in the “digital communities” category. The fact that El Campo de Cebada, an initiative with an extremely strong territorial component, was recognised for its management of online communities is symptomatic of a new era in which digital networks and territory merge in a new hybrid space that is more democratic and participatory.

Wall of Cebada market covered with 'Be the change' portraits, September 2012. Demotix/ Valentin Sama-Rojo. All rights reserved.

It is important to note, however, that El Campo de Cebada also reveals the problems and limits of citizen self-management. To keep the space functioning, the community had to resort to crowd funding and even today has not obtained public funding from the city council. Despite the success of El Campo de Cebada, the experience has demonstrated that it is not enough to have legal backing for commons-oriented practices unless they are provided with public funds.

The risk is immediately evident: the ‘Big Society’ idea touted by David Cameron in the UK or the Dutch government’s community participation projects are to a large extent about promoting voluntary work by citizens in order to justify the disappearance of the welfare state. To avoid reinforcing this, city autonomies and citizen self-management and collaboration have a crucial role to act as an incentive for mutual complementarity between public administration and citizens.

In Madrid, the arrival of Ahora Madrid in local government has opened the way for a new form of public management of the common good. The independent , an atlas of neighbourhood initiatives that maps hundreds of projects around the city, is being used by the new local government to understand the autonomous processes going on in Madrid. Furthermore, in the budget drawn up for 2016, the city council has introduced participatory management of these initiatives by neighbourhood residents. At the end of 2015, the Madrid city council also approved a regulatory framework for ceding the use of public spaces to community groups. The combination of ceding public resources and spaces and respect for the autonomy of social movements could pave the way for a new municipalist model of cities against the neoliberal state.

Theorists of the commons, Antonio Negri and Raúl Sánchez Cedillo, outline a between the city and democracy: “metropolitan ways of life are now political and productive in general terms. Making democracy and (re)production of the city interact, we have the possibility to articulate the political”. This relationship between the city and metropolitan ways of life on the one hand, and democracy on the other, places local governments in a special, privileged position. As well as using free technology, any city council that wishes to build an open source city will therefore have to recognise and protect existing citizen practices (as well as foster new ones) that reproduce the commons and strengthen that new, post-capitalist mode of “production” whether they are community centres, self-managed spaces, gardening networks or peer-to-peer file sharing networks.

The twin facets of the open source city (free online tools and participatory territories) are shaping a new future for radical democracy. The participatory repertoire of the Barcelona en Comú political confluence, which is currently governing the city of Barcelona, is seen as one of the models to be replicated. “Its radical democracy draws on a set of tools, techniques, mechanisms and structures to develop municipal policies from the bottom up. These include assemblies at various levels (neighbourhood, thematic, coordination, logistics, media, communication etc) and online platforms (for communicating, voting, working).” The role of Spain’s confluences, forged in networks and the street at a time when the other traditional social movements have failed to set the pace of change, is thus shaping up as one of the twenty-first century’s most advanced democratic laboratories.

Irreversible global replicability

On 4 December 2015, the local council in the Spanish city of Oviedo, governed by the confluence , presented its online platform for direct, participatory democracy. The Oviedo platform is a replica of Decide Madrid, using the same open-licence free software. , a Madrid councillor who participated in the live-streamed event to launch the Oviedo platform, said that Decide Madrid “is being studied by other cities such as Barcelona, Zaragoza, La Coruña and Santiago de Compostela”. In every city where the deliberative democracy platform is established, citizens will be able to present specific policy proposals. When a proposal gains a stipulated level of support, it will be approved, providing a change has been made to the law as the Madrid city council has already done.
The fact that different cities are sharing the code for their digital platforms breaks with the smart city’s logic of proprietary technology and the paradigm of branded cities competing with each other. What has now been baptised as Spanish “intermunicipalism” seeks to create a network of “rebel cities for the common good” which share repositories, tools, digital platforms and methodologies. Intermunicipalism is likewise dealing a harsh blow to the market logic based on selling the same technological product to different cities.

Starting by sharing its technology, tools and platforms, intermunicipalism aspires to build irreversible political practices, thus ensuring that there is no turning back from participatory democracy. This is a participatory democracy that fits better with the post-capitalism advocated by Paul Mason or the economy for the common good than with the classic anti-capitalism of traditional social movements. “The geopolitics of the commons”,
writes in the prologue to the book on the , possibly the most comprehensive for post-capitalist public policies, “opens up a new battlefront against cognitive capitalism and it does so through code connectivity”. The fact that a city like Madrid can share the code for its digital structures with any other city in the world, as well as with regions or even nation-states, illustrates this inspiring new era of networked transnationalism knitted around the common good and open source codes.

A transnational municipalism could reconfigure the struggles of social movements to build this geopolitics of the commons against neoliberalism. As the Spanish case demonstrates, the lever of change wielded by municipal governments who gained power thanks to new ways of working can give the reconfigured struggle for the commons a new institutional scalability. It is no coincidence that some Brazilian cities (such as Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro) and US cities (building on the Occupy Wall Street movement) are studying how to replicate the model of Spain’s confluences. As long ago as 1984, ’s thesis on libertarian municipalism was already envisaging the possibility of a new scalable network of territories: “Interconnecting villages, neighbourhoods, towns and cities in confederal networks”.
In the digital age, the confederation could be made up of inter-territorial, cooperative cities, against or without the state, going beyond the well-intentioned United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) network, which still sees the ‘right to the city’ as the future. What is at stake is the life of neighbourhoods and, at the same time, the survival of democratic participation worldwide. The intermunicipal planet/neighbourhood, forever intertwined, may become the new cornerstone of global post-capitalism. Open source local government is the first step towards scaling up new public policy spheres and interwoven citizen practices that can make neoliberalism unnecessary. Code-sharing could reinvent global geopolitics and create a new horizon of transnational radical democracy.

This essay is published as part of TNI's fifth annual '' report, focused this year on the intersect between power and democracy.

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. * Weblink Mod vege   12.09.15 22:20
. * This Is What Your Farts Reveal about Your Health Mod vege   23.12.15 00:42
. * РАК - ЕТО ОСНОВНИТЕ ВИНОВНИЦИ В ДОМА ВИ! Mod vege   16.09.15 20:54
. * Re: РАК - ЕТО ОСНОВНИТЕ ВИНОВНИЦИ В ДОМА ВИ! Aulus Vitellius Celsus   18.09.15 18:04
. * Re: РАК - ЕТО ОСНОВНИТЕ ВИНОВНИЦИ В ДОМА ВИ! finntroll73   21.09.15 10:29
. * Re: РАК - ЕТО ОСНОВНИТЕ ВИНОВНИЦИ В ДОМА ВИ! finntroll73   21.09.15 10:36
. * Re: РАК - ЕТО ОСНОВНИТЕ ВИНОВНИЦИ В ДОМА ВИ! Mod vege   22.09.15 01:56
. * Ракът дебне и у дома – 7 рискови фактора Mod vege   29.09.15 20:49
. * 6 Surprising Cancer Causers To Eliminate From Your Mod vege   12.11.15 02:13
. * МОЖЕ ЛИ ЛЕНЕНОТО СЕМЕ ДА СЕ КОНСУМИРА В ПЕЧИВА ... Mod vege   11.10.15 20:55
. * Вег(етари)анството празнува: World Food Day Mod vege   16.10.15 16:00
. * Алпинистът веган Скатов покорява осемхилядници Mod vege   18.10.15 14:43
. * Re: Алпинистът веган Скатов покорява осемхилядници ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   18.10.15 20:21
. * Re: Алпинистът веган Скатов покорява осемхилядници finntroll73   05.11.15 14:42
. * WHO: Bacon, red meat, processed meats cause cancer Mod vege   24.10.15 03:48
. * How Much Water Do You Eat? Mod vege   24.10.15 04:18
. * A Scientist Who Worked on the WHO’s Report on meat Mod vege   02.11.15 01:24
. * КАКВО МЕСО ДА ЯДЕМ ? - Д-р Гайдурков Mod vege   08.11.15 10:48
. * Re: КАКВО МЕСО ДА ЯДЕМ ? - Д-р Гайдурков ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   08.11.15 18:51
. * Футурулогия:capitalism ’mutating’ infotech utopia? Mod vege   09.11.15 05:32
. * Neoliberalism and its forgotten alternative Mod vege   10.01.16 20:21
. * Open source city as transnational democratic futur Mod vege   24.01.16 06:03
. * The end of capitalism has begun Mod vege   01.02.16 17:11
. * The Focus of Esoteric Futures Mod vege   03.04.16 21:16
. * Жак Фреско – идеологът за свят без войни, глад,... Mod vege   05.04.16 00:31
. * Can Computers Be Conscious? Mod vege   05.04.16 12:00
. * Quantum Computing Just Grew Way the Hell Up Mod vege   05.08.16 07:20
. * Re: Quantum Computing Just Grew Way the Hell Up |   06.08.16 05:14
. * 10 Promising Technologies - the Future of Medicine Mod vege   14.04.16 11:55
. * 16 футурологии Mod vege   15.04.16 08:05
. * Вермахтът на науката Mod vege   15.04.16 08:08
. * Какво става със света ? - Йордан Янков Mod vege   15.04.16 08:12
. * Re: Какво става със света ? - Йордан Янков NVJ   15.04.16 12:10
. * Re: Какво става със света ? - Йордан Янков Mod vege   19.04.16 22:49
. * What is Futures Studies ? Mod vege   21.08.16 16:29
. * Glossary of Futurology & Future Studies Index Mod vege   21.08.16 17:16
. * New economic system will emerge from end of capita Mod vege   19.04.16 22:43
. * Човешката холограма или ерата на чудесата Mod vege   30.06.16 21:56
. * Re: Човешката холограма или ерата на чудесата ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   30.06.16 22:27
. * Re: Човешката холограма или ерата на чудесата |   30.06.16 23:06
. * Кой измисли интернет? Mod vege   01.07.16 08:17
. * We need to measure natural capital wealth instead Mod vege   31.07.16 23:43
. * 20 Simple But Brilliant Ideas That Will Save Money Mod vege   13.11.15 03:13
. * Pазработване на алтернативни методи заместващи ... Mod vege   18.11.15 19:29
. * A glass of red wine is the equivalent to exercise Mod vege   26.11.15 19:00
. * Филмът „Кравоспирация“ online + факти Mod vege   30.11.15 02:07
. * Re: Филмът „Кравоспирация“ online + факти ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   30.11.15 05:10
. * Food sharing / Всеобщият хладилник Mod vege   18.12.15 05:50
. * Интервю с Julie Rosenfield за изминалия веган фест Mod vege   18.12.15 07:26
. * Тайната на японското дълголетие Mod vege   19.12.15 03:54
. * A. Schwarzenegger: lets put climate change aside.. Mod vege   23.12.15 08:36
. * We want Arni for King of the World Цар Из род   23.12.15 18:53
. * Много на пропаганда бичи това. Цар Из род   24.12.15 17:52
. * Pеалност Mod vege   24.12.15 22:48
. * Re: Pеалност Цар Из род   25.12.15 16:10
. * Re: Pеалност Mod vege   26.12.15 00:43
. * Re: Pеалност Цар Из род   26.12.15 02:13
. * Re: Pеалност Mod vege   26.12.15 03:18
. * Re: Pеалност Цар Из род   26.12.15 03:53
. * Re: Pеалност Mod vege   26.12.15 04:15
. * СПИСАНИЕ 8: Гурме за вегани Mod vege   24.12.15 02:23
. * Re: СПИСАНИЕ 8: Гурме за вегани ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   24.12.15 19:37
. * Re: СПИСАНИЕ 8: Гурме за вегани Mod vege   24.12.15 20:55
. * Re: СПИСАНИЕ 8: Гурме за вегани ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   25.12.15 18:42
. * Re: СПИСАНИЕ 8: Гурме за вегани Mod vege   25.12.15 19:58
. * В България вече има Зоополиция Mod vege   24.12.15 06:02
. * Изложбата Животински Холокост на Джо Фредерикс Mod vege   02.01.16 09:54
. * Re: Изложбата Животински Холокост на Джо Фредерикс ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   02.01.16 20:10
. * Мълчаливият отказ на българина да търси медицинска Mod vege   02.01.16 10:30
. * Veganism is Capitalism in practice Mod vege   06.01.16 23:14
. * ЛЕЧЕБНАТА СИЛА НА СЛЪНЦЕТО Mod vege   07.01.16 01:07
. * Изхвърлете вредните козметични продукти от банята Mod vege   07.01.16 01:22
. * 30 от най-въздействащите екологични кампании Mod vege   07.01.16 07:34
. * Omega-3 conversion-3 times better with coconut oil Mod vege   09.01.16 03:01
. * за това ли ги слагат в сиренето ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   10.01.16 05:22
. * Реалистична статия: Eating Right Can Save theWorld Mod vege   13.01.16 07:45
. * Жестокост над животните-огледало на действителност Mod vege   13.01.16 21:46
. * д-р ОЛЕГ ТОРСУНОВ в България - семинар "Развитие.. Mod vege   20.01.16 01:27
. * EPA Finally Admitted: Popular Pesticide Kills Bees Mod vege   23.01.16 02:13
. * за чий са им пчели на веганите ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   23.01.16 19:23
. * Re: за чий са им пчели на веганите Mod vege   24.01.16 03:35
. * Re: за чий са им пчели на веганите ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   24.01.16 22:39
. * Мда Mod vege   24.01.16 22:46
. * a веганите са се появили още преди това ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   25.01.16 07:02
. * Re: КУЧЕШКИЯТ ПРИЮТ В СЕСЛАВЦИ СЕ Е ПРЕВЪРНАЛ В КОНЦЛА Aulus Vitellius Celsus   29.01.16 17:39
. * глупости ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   02.02.16 19:41
. * Тревожните ефекти на химиотерапията разкрити Mod vege   03.02.16 13:00
. * СВИНСКА МАС ИЛИ КРАВЕ МАСЛО? - Д-р Гайдурков Mod vege   17.02.16 01:12
. * Veganer haben seltener Krebs und leben laenger... Mod vege   25.02.16 04:28
. * Човекът феномен, който живя 256 години Mod vege   27.02.16 18:37
. * Храните, които не трябва да държим в хладилник Mod vege   29.02.16 14:20
. * КРАТКА ИСТОРИЯ НА СТЕВИЯ Mod vege   01.03.16 01:11
. * Fasting for three days can regenerate entire immun Mod vege   02.03.16 04:09
. * Създайте вкусна био-градинка с 12-те стъпки Mod vege   02.03.16 05:56
. * Д-р Папазова: Ядeм изключитeлнo кoмпpoмeтиpaнa хp Mod vege   02.03.16 19:26
. * Re: Д-р Папазова: Ядeм изключитeлнo кoмпpoмeтиpaнa хp Aulus Vitellius Celsus   18.03.16 18:35
. * Re: Д-р Папазова: Ядeм изключитeлнo кoмпpoмeтиpaнa хp Mod vege   24.03.16 19:04
. * Re: Д-р Папазова: Ядeм изключитeлнo кoмпpoмeтиpaнa хp Aulus Vitellius Celsus   28.03.16 14:19
. * Благо Джиев: Остана ми да работя за едната чест Mod vege   14.03.16 09:49
. * Ако човек овладee дишането си, той става господар Mod vege   14.03.16 10:11
. * ГМО – митове и противоречия Mod vege   14.03.16 22:37
. * Разобличен мит - сваляне на очила чрез трениране.. Mod vege   15.03.16 14:09
. * Рецепта за веган чийзкейк без печене Mod vege   16.03.16 13:44
. * Рецепта за барчета с ядки (бърза) Mod vege   08.04.16 04:58
. * How Nature Can Make You Kinder, Happier, Creative Mod vege   18.03.16 00:41
. * Ако хората станат вегетарианци Mod vege   23.03.16 00:56
. * ха ха ха ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   24.03.16 04:28
. * Re: ха ха ха Mod vege   24.03.16 18:59
. * Вчера (22.03.16) бе Световният ден на водата. Mod vege   23.03.16 01:26
. * Борете рака чрез гладуване Mod vege   23.03.16 10:55
. * АРМАНИ казва "НЕ" на кожата с косъм! Mod vege   24.03.16 19:06
. * Как да премахнем вредните химикали от плодовете.. Mod vege   26.03.16 01:55
. * ПОСТИТЕ – ВРЕМЕТО, В КОЕТО МОЖЕМ ДА ОЗДРАВЕЕМ Mod vege   26.03.16 02:38
. * Може ли начинът на хранене да промени генет. съдба Mod vege   29.03.16 02:12
. * Media Got a Study About Vegetarianism Really Wrong Mod vege   03.04.16 02:50
. * Как вредим на околната среда, без да подозираме Mod vege   04.04.16 20:13
. * .. първата вода на боба? - Д-р Гайдурков Mod vege   04.04.16 20:29
. * Безплатен хляб от лимец даряват благодетели ... Mod vege   05.04.16 00:45
. * това още римските императори са го правили ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   05.04.16 07:01
. * К. Терзийски:Вегетарианството не е мода,a еволюция Mod vege   05.04.16 21:34
. * Oh, Bulgaria?!… Stoichkov! Mod vege   06.04.16 02:17
. * Митът за въглехидратите и захарите Mod vege   08.04.16 04:15
. * Mitochondria as Chi Mod vege   09.04.16 01:12
. * Re: Mitochondria as Chi NVJ   12.04.16 11:02
. * Re: Mitochondria as Chi Mod vege   13.04.16 01:09
. * Science Finally Proves Meridians Exist Mod vege   21.04.16 23:36
. * Industrial farming is one of the worst crimes ever Mod vege   13.04.16 00:53
. * Продължителното седене става по-опасно от пушенето Mod vege   13.04.16 01:03
. * Vegganism: Why some vegans eat eggs Mod vege   13.04.16 16:36
. * Вредна ли е наистина оксаловата киселина? Mod vege   14.04.16 11:12
. * Amazon tribe creates 500-page medicine encyclopedi Mod vege   19.04.16 05:10
. * Летен Веган Фестивал - 23-26 юни във Варна Mod vege   20.04.16 20:33
. * 22 април: Денят на Земята Mod vege   22.04.16 13:27
. * Scientists suggest that cancer is man-made Mod vege   22.04.16 13:46
. * още една опасна болест ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   22.04.16 18:47
. * Най-богатият човек в Индия спира продажбата намесo Mod vege   23.04.16 13:33
. * отвратително ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   23.04.16 19:42
. * Не разбрах.. Mod vege   23.04.16 21:00
. * Veganism Could Feed the World With Zero Deforestat Mod vege   23.04.16 23:02
. * 11 научни причини да прекарвате време сред природa Mod vege   24.04.16 01:43
. * Debunking the Paleo Myth - Dr. Barnard Mod vege   27.04.16 04:44
. * Как да замразяваме правилно! Mod vege   27.04.16 18:33
. * Коя храна с кое лекарство не върви? Mod vege   29.04.16 15:21
. * Невероятната история на Емануил Ангелов-излекуван Mod vege   02.05.16 00:59
. * Защо амишите нямат ракови заболявания ? Mod vege   07.05.16 04:25
. * Rifkin on Climate Change and Diet BIOSPHERE ... Mod vege   05.05.16 10:20
. * What Every Vegan Needs to Know to Optimize theDiet Mod vege   06.05.16 08:02
. * Interview: Lubomir Stoyanov on Veganism Mod vege   07.05.16 00:17
. * This Future Of Meat Infographic-do you want childr Mod vege   10.05.16 06:08
. * КОЖАТА Е МЪРТВА / FUR IS DEAD Procession Mod vege   12.05.16 13:03
. * 77 supplements Kurzweil takes daily to live 4 ever Mod vege   14.05.16 15:34
. * майкъл джексън като спеше в барокамера... ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   14.05.16 19:55
. * Re: Kurzweil Mod vege   15.05.16 04:23
. * Vegans Are More Empathetic, Neurologically Speakin Mod vege   16.05.16 08:03
. * ТЕСТ Краве сирене (2016) Mod vege   19.05.16 17:34
. * Scientists Reveal New Findings for Reversing Early Mod vege   20.05.16 07:31
. * New Alzheimer’s treatment fully restores memory Mod vege   20.05.16 08:36
. * Новият Дарвинизъм: На какво прилича еволюцията... Mod vege   20.05.16 07:42
. * Болните в България – с най-малък шанс! Mod vege   20.05.16 21:06
. * Meet the Minds Behind Lab-Grown Burgers Mod vege   29.05.16 21:51
. * 29.03 бе Световният ден на глада Mod vege   03.06.16 20:39
. * Chinas dietary guidelines to reduce meat consumpti Mod vege   05.06.16 01:27
. * Животинските клетки са способни да усвояват светли Mod vege   05.06.16 17:30
. * Climate Change: The Bigger Picture Mod vege   05.06.16 21:14
. * Да белим ли краставицата? Mod vege   07.06.16 17:18
. * Моя милост: V-знак за вегe храни Mod vege   09.06.16 13:41
. * Pyмъния зaдължи чyждecтpaнни вepиги дa пpoдaвaт... Mod vege   12.06.16 17:02
. * Народен лечител: болеститe не съществуват ! Mod vege   16.06.16 18:21
. * уж си образован човек ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   16.06.16 18:50
. * Re: Народен лечител: болеститe не съществуват ! finntroll73   17.06.16 12:50
. * Re: Народен лечител: болеститe не съществуват ! Mod vege   17.06.16 21:33
. * Re: Народен лечител: болеститe не съществуват ! finntroll73   20.06.16 19:22
. * Google Predicts a Plant-Based Revolution! Mod vege   17.06.16 20:18
. * Пагубното влияние на животновъдството върху околна Mod vege   18.06.16 13:58
. * Re: Пагубното влияние на животновъдството върху околна Aulus Vitellius Celsus   21.06.16 15:14
. * ЕК и ООН са на мнение различно от твоето Mod vege   22.06.16 05:39
. * Re: ЕК и ООН са на мнение различно от твоето finntroll73   22.06.16 15:16
. * Re: ЕК и ООН са на мнение различно от твоето Mod vege   22.06.16 20:58
. * Re: ЕК и ООН са на мнение различно от твоето Aulus Vitellius Celsus   22.06.16 16:34
. * Re: ЕК и ООН са на мнение различно от твоето Mod vege   22.06.16 20:52
. * Re: ЕК и ООН са на мнение различно от твоето Aulus Vitellius Celsus   23.06.16 18:47
. * Re: ЕК и ООН са на мнение различно от твоето Mod vege   24.06.16 06:40
. * Re: ЕК и ООН са на мнение различно от твоето Aulus Vitellius Celsus   24.06.16 17:01
. * Re: ЕК и ООН са на мнение различно от твоето Mod vege   25.06.16 00:37
. * Re: ЕК и ООН са на мнение различно от твоето Aulus Vitellius Celsus   27.06.16 15:06
. * Re: ЕК и ООН са на мнение различно от твоето ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   25.06.16 18:31
. * Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. Mod vege   22.06.16 13:36
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. finntroll73   22.06.16 15:18
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. Mod vege   22.06.16 20:52
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. |   23.06.16 22:43
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. Mod vege   24.06.16 06:35
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. |   24.06.16 17:05
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. Mod vege   25.06.16 00:34
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. |   25.06.16 07:00
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. Mod vege   27.06.16 07:06
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. |   27.06.16 23:58
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. NVJ   07.07.16 10:06
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. |   07.07.16 16:51
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   25.06.16 18:34
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. NVJ   30.06.16 09:43
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. |   30.06.16 18:26
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. NVJ   05.07.16 11:44
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. |   05.07.16 16:54
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. NVJ   07.07.16 10:31
. * Re: Самодостатъчно село само си произвежда енергия и.. |   07.07.16 16:46
. * 24 Diagrams To Help You Eat Healthier Mod vege   23.06.16 06:58
. * UN Conference Adopts Global Education Action Agend Mod vege   27.06.16 06:57
. * Bottled water found to contain over 24,000 chemica Mod vege   02.07.16 17:17
. * Отзвук от Летния Веган Фестивал във Варна Mod vege   10.07.16 03:43
. * Countries with deadliest air pollution (BG: No. 2) Mod vege   10.07.16 04:22
. * Яжте през ден за дълъг живот Mod vege   14.07.16 17:45
. * Re: Яжте през ден за дълъг живот |   14.07.16 21:28
. * Re: Яжте през ден за дълъг живот Mod vege   15.07.16 05:10
. * Re: Яжте през ден за дълъг живот |   15.07.16 16:11
. * Re: Яжте през ден за дълъг живот Mod vege   17.07.16 22:36
. * Re: Яжте през ден за дълъг живот |   18.07.16 15:40
. * Ловът на хора ще бъде легализиран, прогнозират фут Mod vege   18.07.16 14:53
. * Re: Ловът на хора ще бъде легализиран, прогнозират фут ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   18.07.16 18:47
. * Изграждане на напълно самоподдържаща се къща Mod vege   19.07.16 02:16
. * Re: Изграждане на напълно самоподдържаща се къща |   19.07.16 22:23
. * Re: Изграждане на напълно самоподдържаща се къща Mod vege   26.07.16 01:01
. * Отново за хляба (хляб от лимец) от д-р Гайдурков Mod vege   20.07.16 22:53
. * Насекомите като храна: Българка отглежда щурци... Mod vege   21.07.16 00:27
. * Ксеноестрогените – заплаха за бъдещите поколения? Mod vege   21.07.16 00:30
. * Клонираното месо - "Super meat" Mod vege   21.07.16 02:00
. * STOP CALLING VEGAN FOOD “CRUELTY-FREE” Mod vege   21.07.16 05:29
. * Re: STOP CALLING VEGAN FOOD “CRUELTY-FREE” ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   21.07.16 18:40
. * Re: STOP CALLING VEGAN FOOD “CRUELTY-FREE” Mod vege   26.07.16 01:04
. * Re: STOP CALLING VEGAN FOOD “CRUELTY-FREE” ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   26.07.16 18:45
. * Re: STOP CALLING VEGAN FOOD “CRUELTY-FREE” Mod vege   27.07.16 01:56
. * Re: STOP CALLING VEGAN FOOD “CRUELTY-FREE” |   27.07.16 16:43
. * Re: STOP CALLING VEGAN FOOD “CRUELTY-FREE” Mod vege   27.07.16 17:48
. * Минералната вода в България–къде коя какво лекувa? Mod vege   27.07.16 01:51
. * ООН призовава за данък върху производството намесo Mod vege   27.07.16 16:22
. * Oнлайн докладите от тазгодишния VegMed Mod vege   27.07.16 17:46
. * Being vegan isn’t as environmentally friendly as.. Mod vege   05.08.16 07:29
. * B12 and Non-Human Animals Mod vege   05.08.16 07:35
. * Саудитска Арабия разреши на мъжете да ядат жените Mod vege   07.08.16 22:14
. * Plants Communicate Using An Internet of Fungi Mod vege   08.08.16 08:05
. * после разправяй колко било етично да ядеш растения ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   08.08.16 18:31
. * Човек по природа е плодояд, а не растителнояд. Mod vege   09.08.16 06:01
. * Re: Човек по природа е плодояд, а не растителнояд. ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   09.08.16 18:49
. * Re: Човек по природа е плодояд, а не растителнояд. Tom_cat   09.08.16 21:45
. * поне не смятам че съм котарак ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   10.08.16 03:30
. * Re: поне не смятам че съм котарак Tom_cat   10.08.16 18:02
. * Ако ядеш плодове, не ядеш растенията Mod vege   10.08.16 15:22
. * Тц, не е Black Wolf   11.08.16 14:47
. * Re: Тц, не е Mod vege   13.08.16 08:52
. * Колко планети са нужни, за да продължим без промян Mod vege   10.08.16 15:51
. * Re: Колко планети са нужни, за да продължим без промян ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   10.08.16 18:12
. * Re: Колко планети са нужни, за да продължим без промян Mod vege   11.08.16 13:23
. * Re: Колко планети са нужни, за да продължим без промян ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   11.08.16 18:05
. * Re: Колко планети са нужни, за да продължим без промян Mod vege   13.08.16 08:46
. * Re: Колко планети са нужни, за да продължим без промян ~@!$^%*amp;()_+   13.08.16 19:47
. * Re: Колко планети са нужни, за да продължим без промян Mod vege   14.08.16 12:59
. * Plant-Based Diets: A Physician’s Guide Mod vege   13.08.16 08:16
. * How Big Food Twists the Science Mod vege   19.08.16 14:55
. * Secret of eternal youth? Lentils (and celibacy) Mod vege   20.08.16 00:29
. * Човекът, който спря пустинята Mod vege   21.08.16 12:23
. * Раковите клетки умират само за 42 дни: Този сок... Mod vege   21.08.16 12:34
. * Re: Раковите клетки умират само за 42 дни: Този сок... |   21.08.16 19:39
. * Д. Славчев от "Сиела" се е излекувал така от рак Mod vege   22.08.16 01:36
. * Re: Д. Славчев от "Сиела" се е излекувал така от рак |   22.08.16 03:30
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