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Автор 1ombre (всепознат)
Публикувано02.05.16 16:09  

Една мъдрост, която аз не съм я измислил:
"Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ и Боговете мълчат!"

Аз от години информирам всички за Прем Рават и възможноста за всеки да намери Своето Истинско Себе си - вътре в себе си.
Не е религия, секта, учение, философия, догма и т.н. и т.н. и Е БЕЗПЛАТНО!
Важи за всякакви хора - дори атеисти и не вярващи в Бога.

Милиони по света се отзоваха и получиха Ключът към СебеПознанието и са безкрайно благодарни и щастливи.
Ето какво признание и награди е получил Прем Рават по целия свят:

Ambassador for Peace - Посланник за мира.

2006: Title first conferred by Pierre Weil, rector of the International University of Peace, UNIPAZ Florianopolis, Brazil
2007: Designated Ambassador of Peace for the Basilicata Region of Italy by the governor, and the City of Sondrio, Italy
2011: Appointed by Gianni Pittella MEP, 1st Vice President of the European Parliament, as “Ambassador for Peace” on behalf of the Brussels Declaration Pledge to Peace, signed at the European Parliament in 2011
2012: Acknowledgement as Brussels Declaration Ambassador of Peace, Italian Senate
2013: Acknowledgement as Ambassador of Peace, National Agrarian University, La Molina, Peru

International Achievement Awards - Международни награди за постижения.

2006: Distinguished International Humanitarian Achievement Award by Mary Singletary, President of the National Council of Women, New York, New York
2012: Lifetime Achievement Award granted by Asia Pacific Brands Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2013: Bharat Gaurav Award and Certificate awarded by India International Friendship Society, New Delhi, India
2015: Order for International Merit of Blood from International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations

Resolutions, proclamations - Разрешения, обявяване.

Governors of Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and New York. General Assembly of the State of Connecticut; Court of Common Council, Hartford, Connecticut; Pennsylvania House of Representatives; Rhode Island General Assembly; Wisconsin Legislature. Mayors of Boston, Massachusetts; Los Angeles, California; Buffalo, New York; Boulder, Colorado; Miami, Florida; Fort Lee, New Jersey; San Francisco, California
Honors from cities

Keys to cities - Ключове на градове като Почетен гражданин

New York City, New York; New Orleans, Louisiana; Oakland, California; Kyoto, Japan; Detroit, Michigan; Miami, Florida; Miami Beach, Florida; Tainan, Taiwan; Corleone, Agrigento, Padova, Palermo, Mazara del Vallo, and Segesta, Sicily, Italy. Freedom of the City of London
Honorary citizenship of the city of São Paulo, Brazil 2013
The Staffs of Power and Distinguished Guest Diplomas from the cities of Otavalo, Ecuador, and Cusco, Peru 2013
Honorary Diploma and Medal from the University of San Antonio, Cusco, Peru 2013
Letters of appreciation and honors

City of Atlanta, Georgia; United States Library of Congress; National Geographic Society; Vermont Historical Society; and from Franco Marini, President of the Italian Senate

Special honors given by government officials - Специални признания от правителствени служби

Augusta, Maine; Denver, Colorado; Los Angeles, California; Portland, Oregon; Quito, Ecuador; San Francisco, California; Trieste, Italy; Province of Potenza, Italy; Regional Council of Basilicata and Region of Basilicata, Italy; Province of Padua, Italy. Honorary citizenship granted by mayors of Agrigento, Corleone, and Mazarro del Vallo, Italy. Honorary Mayoralty of the City granted by the mayor of San Antonio, Texas
Words of Peace TV Program

Awarded twice by the Brazilian Association of Community Television Channels for Words of Peace, a weekly series featuring my message of peace.
Chosen by Promovision Viewers as Favorite TV Program in Mexico
Won first place honors in the 2007 Community Access Magic (CAM) Awards, sponsored by CTV, USA

П.П. Нека всеки преди да започне да ме напада и нарича еретик и с всякакви епитети си направи труда да прочете тези ФАКТИ и си отвори очите за ИСТИНАТА.

Ако нямате нещо разумно да кажете по една тема не влизайте само за нападки с/у автора и!

Цялата тема
* Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ 1ombre   02.05.16 16:09
. * Re: Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ pugilist   02.05.16 17:33
. * Re: Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ 1ombre   03.05.16 11:02
. * Re: Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ Prosecutor devil   03.05.16 11:10
. * Re: Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ 1ombre   03.05.16 13:32
. * Re: Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ Prosecutor devil   03.05.16 13:39
. * Re: Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ pugilist   03.05.16 18:18
. * Re: Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ pugilist   03.05.16 16:41
. * Re: Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ 1ombre   04.05.16 11:52
. * Re: Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ pugilist   05.05.16 02:47
. * Re: Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ 1ombre   05.05.16 12:40
. * Re: Когато ФАКТИТЕ ГОВОРЯТ боговете мълчат! FILER099   05.05.16 12:45
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