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Тема МС и амалгамите
Автор me (Paзличнa)
Публикувано14.11.03 20:00  

Не видях да е обсъждан този въпрос, поне където четох. Напоследък ми попадат няколко такива материалчета, ето някои:

Това е също интересно, със съвети за диети и хранителни добавки:

Ето някои извадки за тези, на които не им се чете много:
There are two main strategies for halting the immune reactions which result in an attack on CNS tissue. These are

healing a leaky gut to slow down and ideally prevent intact food proteins from entering circulation and

stop eating foods which contain proteins which can potentially mimic self-proteins in the CNS.

The best review of the causes and cures for a leaky gut are in an essay on the world wide web by Dr. L. Galland . A leaky gut refers to increased permeability of the intestinal tract and such a condition allows food protein fragments to pass between intestinal cells into the circulatory system. Laboratories offer intestinal permeability tests (see appendix) although it may be easier to assume you have a leaky gut and to take steps to heal it.

Increased intestinal permeability has various causes such as ingestion of allergenic foods, candida overgrowth, alcohol consumption, infection, parasites, trauma and usage of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin. Notably lectins (a type of protein) found in grains and legumes also increase gut permeability. It is critical to eliminate the source of the problem (e.g. candida overgrowth).

For example, it is known that a bacterial infection can cause chronic inflammation and demyelination but, because the cause is known, it is called Lyme Disease rather than MS. Furthermore, in rare cases, measles vaccination has also resulted in chronic demyelination and once again, because the cause is known, it is not referred to as MS but rather as chronic rubella encephalitis. Thus MS is basically a catch all term for chronic demyelination of unknown cause.

Heavy Metals
Heavy metals can be very toxic to the CNS and thus, in some cases, may play a significant role in MS onset and progression. One of the most obvious sources of heavy metal toxicity is mercury in dental fillings. Currently there is considerable debate on this point and it is difficult to separate the data from the hype. Current scientific data do not support the concept of mercury amalgams being a major cause of MS. Such data include (1) PwMS do not have abnormal amounts of mercury in the CNS. (2) Many persons with MS have no fillings. (3) Professions which are exposed to abnormal amounts of mercury do not have abnormal rates of MS. Furthermore, replacement of mercury amalgams is very expensive and may itself cause problems. However there is enough theoretical and anecdotal data available to indicate that mercury fillings may possibly contribute to MS progression. If diet revision does not result in an effective halt of MS progression then it may well be worth the trouble and expense to have the fillings replaced.

An interesting and insightful study of the effect of toxins on the CNS concerns the response of 26 women with failed, silicone breast implants (Shoab and Patten, 1996). "All patients had evidence of disseminated CNS lesions" and 80% had oligoclonal bands (IgG antibodies) in their spinal fluid. All the women had "systemic, inflammatory, autoimmune disease with CNS involvement" which was "triggered by the foreign material (silicone) in their body". This example clearly indicates that foreign, "antigenic" material can cause BBB failure and demyelinating immune reactions.

It is worth having a blood test and perhaps even a hair analysis for levels of heavy metals (see appendix). Chelation therapy can be valuable for detoxifying when anomalously high levels of heavy metals are detected.

"Престъпността в Русия е огромна, непредсказуема и неподлежаща на правила."

Цялата тема
* МС и амалгамите me   14.11.03 20:00
. * Re: МС и амалгамите Perlichka   16.11.03 20:55
. * Има ли някакъв me   18.11.03 01:58
. * Re: Има ли някакъв Perlichka   18.11.03 11:00
. * По всяка вероятност me   19.11.03 03:19
. * Re: По всяка вероятност Perlichka   19.11.03 10:52
. * Re: амалгамите ... lvo lll   07.06.04 00:19
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