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Тема Re: Убийствени картинки [re: Patti Smith]
Автор Omni (Celtic minded)
Публикувано09.02.06 16:32  

British broadcasters last night defied Rangers fans anger when they showed highlights of the recent Scottish Cup defeat which have caused a storm of protest in the Hunnish world.

The reports include an image of the Chairman Murray with a nose growing longer all the time, and another showing him saying that Ibrox was running out of money.

Rangers tradition forbids negative portrayal of the chairman by the media.

Protests spread across the Orange and Hunnish world yesterday over the transmission in Europe of the match.

A couple of dozen Ulster huns surrounded Ibrox main entrance demanding an apology for the performance. A effigy of manager Alex McLeish was burned and death threats were made against Chick Young's hairdresser. Huns also burned scarves in the Govan stand and protesters in Belfast chanted "No More Lies", "Big Eck Oot" and "We're not at all happy about not being very good".

In Govan, foreign players and Casino owners began pulling out for fear of being associated with failure. Two off-licenses closed and three more refused to sell disgruntled huns tonic wine.

The BBC last night said the match highlights would be broadcast responsibly and "in full context" and "to give audiences an understanding of the strong feelings evoked by the story. We can appreciate that some huns may find these images distressing. Indeed almost all of our Sports department are in mourning. However, we feel that these images must be shown if the glorious Sons of William are to finally get rid of McLeish and instead install a manager who will stop us from being gash. But not that Paul Le Guen - that's a fenian name if ever we heard one. Ooops did we say that out loud?".

ITV News said it would also show the highlights "in the context of it being a funny story". Channel 4 News ran a report which showed huns being gubbed regularly since early August.

It said its policy was to give viewers sufficient sight of the highlights to understand the just how rank rotten the huns are. The spokesman continued, "It would appear that some individuals may be upset at these images but we feel it is important that fans see their team in the grubber. Nobody likes to kick a hun when he's down but... actually there is no 'but'."

Last night, Richard Gordon's spokesman said it was up to individual newspapers and broadcasters to decide whether or not to show all three goals scored by Hibs.

However, Peter Martin, the Radio Clyde faith denier, condemned the editors of European newspapers which printed the match reports, accusing them of "throwing petrol on to the flames. It is in the interest of no-one to point out that this Rangers team isn't very good. Chairman Murray is a revered figure in many parts of Scotland and to portray him as a liar and a cad is deeply offensive."

The row began when Garry O'Connor, the Hibernian striker, scored in the second half.

The Rangers Trust has accused the striker of "flagrant disregard to feelings of huns throughout the world".

Many felt that following recent weeks relations were improving between the Western world and those who followed the hunnish path. Indeed many papers had favourably reported on an "unbeaten run" despite all evidence suggesting the huns were still mince.

The controversy intensified when Disque Quotidien, the French newspaper, printed a damning column penned by Jean Treaynoor demanding to know when David Murray was going to "invite me out for dinner again" - a decision which led the newspaper's owner to sack the editor, Jacques Lebloonus.

Publications in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain also reran the images on Sunday to demonstrate their delight at the huns being humped on their own patch.

Mason Boyne, Scottish spokesman for the Rangers Trust, said the "irresponsible" decision by UK media organisations to reproduce the images would "anger and disappoint" the Hun community.

Ivan Sproule is very sorry.

Hunskelping the Hibs way

Цялата тема
* Убийствени картинки Patti Smith   06.02.06 23:29
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. * Re: hendy   07.02.06 00:51
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. * Re: Убийствени картинки Patti Smith   10.02.06 21:03
. * Re: Убийствени картинки vogelfrei   10.02.06 21:14
. * Re: Убийствени картинки Patti Smith   10.02.06 21:27
. * Re: Убийствени картинки vogelfrei   10.02.06 21:32
. * Re: Убийствени картинки Patti Smith   10.02.06 21:40
. * Re: Убийствени картинки vogelfrei   10.02.06 21:45
. * Re: Убийствени картинки Patti Smith   10.02.06 21:57
. * Re: Убийствени картинки vogelfrei   10.02.06 22:01
. * Re: Убийствени картинки Flight of death   11.02.06 14:51
. * Re: Убийствени картинки Omni   09.02.06 16:32
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